West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 15 July 1901, page 5

KALGOORLIE. Kalgcrlie, Jnljuy 1 " Saturday night's express for .Perth conveyed 30 memb.rs of the goldfields.police force, who have been selected tar duty inlPerth and Fremantle in connection with the Royal celebrations. A largely attended in memorium ser-vice for the late Lieut. Stanley Reid was held in St. George's PresbyterianChurch, Boulder. The Rev. J. A. Rodger conducted the service, and delivered an impressive service.A A woman named Anne Quinn., residing in Egan-street, is alleged to have been brutally assaulted on Friday'night by a man named Frank Russell The woman-s injuries necessitated her removal to the Hospital. Russell was airestedon a warrant on Saturday afternocn. Frederick. Hall, an employee of the Brownhillrmine, who hasebeen ailing for months past, died in the Hospital on Saturday aftetnoon. Death was due to an internal complaint.