West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 26 April 1902, page 10

The morning of life is the time of abundance, profusion, strength, vigour, growth. When the sun begins to sink, when the midday of life is past, then the hair begins to fade, and the silvery gray tells of approaching age. Sunrise or sunset? Which shall your mirror esay? If the former, then it is rich and dark hair, long and heavy hair; if the latter, it is short and falling hair, thin and gray -hair. The choice is yours-for AYER'S HAIR VIGOR always restores colour to gray hair, stops falling of the hair, and makes the hair grow leng and heavy. This is something you have been looking for, isn't it? And-it is something you can have confidence in, for it is no experiment; people have been using it for half a century. We do not claim it will do everything, but we do claim it is the best hair preparation ever made. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER Co., Lowell, Mass., U.S.A.-(9). The SHORTAGE of TRUCKS. The colossal'and ever-increasing demand for KANDY KOOLA" TEA is enough to disorganise the traffic. Sold everywhere. A WORD TO TRAVELLERS. The excitement incident to travelling and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason.no one should leave home without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all dealers. BUILDERS' HARDWARE.-Great reductions in price of all classes of Locks. Rim Locks, Aead Locks, Box Locks, Padlocks, Till Locks, Cupboard Locks, Drawback Locks, English Locks, Yale Locks, American Leeks. Union Mores, Limited, Ironmongers, 'remantile. W.A. Sate Deposit, WV.A. Chambers St. George's-,terrace.-Safes to Let. Valnables,Money, Papers, and Goods of all descriptions taken for safe custody. Short or long periods. Terms reasonable.

Legal. ELLEVUE C)NSOLIDATED,Limited (in Liquidation). Notice is.hereby given that the CREDITORS of the above-named Company in Australia are hereby required, on or before the 1st day of June, 1902, to SEND their Names and Addresses, and the PARTICITLARS of their DEBTS or Claims, and the Names and Addresses of their Solicitors (if any), to Julius W. H. Byrne, of 81 Gracechburch-street, London, E.C., England, the Liquidator of the said Company, and, if so required by notice in writing from the said Liquidator, are, by their Solicitors, to come in and prove their said debts or claims, at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or, in default thereof, they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved. Dated this 17th of March, 1902. BURN and BERRIDGE, 11ii Old Broadstreet, London, E.C., Soliciters for the Liquidator. RE STANLEY SPENCER REID. Deceased. Pursuant to an Act of the Imperial Parliament, made and passed in the 22'ud and 23rd years of the reign of lier Late MaJesty Queen Victoria, chapter 85, intutled "An Act to Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees" (adopted by Local Ordinance, 31 Victoria, Number 8): Notice is hereby given that all persons havingany ciainls or demands upon or against the Estate of Stanley Spencer Rei, lormerly of Boulder, in the Siate of Western Australia, Presbyterian Minister, but late of South Airica, lieutenant in the 5th West Australian Mounted Intantey, deceased, who died in action near Middlebuh, in South Africa, on the 20th day of J one, 1901, and probate of whose will was, on the 7th day of .April, 1902, granted by the Supreme Court of Western Australia to the West Australian Trustee, 3recutor, and Agency Company, Limnt'ted, of Barlack-street, Perth (the executor named in and appointed by the said will), are hereby requested to SEND PARTICULARS in writing of their CLAIMS and Demands to the said Company on or before the 31st day of May, 1902. And notice is hereby also given that, at the expiration of the last-mentioned date,-the said Company will distribute the assets of the said Stanley Spencer Reid, deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which the said Compapy shall then have had notice, and the said Company will not be liable for the assets of the said Stanley Spencer Reid, deceased, or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim it, has not had notice at the time of such distribution. Dated the 15th day of April, 1902. GEORGE LEAKE and CO., Colonial Mutual Chambers, St. George's-terrace, Perth. Solicitors for the said Company. E ROBERT FULTON, Deceased. NOTICE to CREDITORS. Pursuant to an Act of the Imperial Par. liament, made and passed in the 2.nd and 28rd years of the reign of Her !die Majesty, Chapter 35, intituled "An Act to iurther Amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustpes.- (adopted by Local Ordinance 31, Victoria No. 8): 1'.ri-e is hereby given that all Persons having any Claims or Demands upon or against the Estate of Robert, Faiton, formerly of Tuchanarra and late of Geraldton, both in the State of Western Australia, Deceased, who died at Gesaldton on the 2eth day of February, 1902, and Probate of wnose Will was duly granted by the blipreme Court of Western Australia, on the 27th day of March, 1962, to the West Australian Trustee, Executor and Agency Company, Limited, of Perth, the Ixecutor according to the .tenour thereof, are hereby required todSEND PARTICULAltS in writing of their CLAIMS or Demands eo the said Executor, at the office of Mr. Arthur F. Abbott, Solicitor, Number 74, Barrack-street, Perth, on or before the 10th day of May, 1902. Dated the 9th day of April, 1902. ARTHUR F. ABBOTT, 71 Barrack st., Perth, Agent for Harold Wilson, of Geraldton, Proctor for Executor. E HENRY MARTIN. Deceased, Pursuant to an Act of.the Imperial Parliament, made and passed in the 22nd and 23rd years of the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, Chapter 35, intituled an Act to Further Amniend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees (adopted by Losal Ordinance 31, Victoria, Number 8): Notice is hereby given that all Persons having any Claims or Demands upon or against the Estate of Henry Martin, late of Upper Swan, in the State of Western Australia, Farmer, deceased, who died at Upper Swan.aforesaid, on the third day of September, 1901, and Probate of whose Will, wish the eodiil thereto, was, on the seventh day of Aril, 1902, granted by the Supreme Court of Western Australia, to Charles Mqrley, of Upper Swan aforesaid, farmer (one of the executors named in and appointed by the said WVill, Sydney Chester, the other executor named therein, having duly renounced Probate thereof), are hereby requested to SEND PARtTICULARS in writing of their CLAIMS and Demands to the undersigned, on or before the 81st day of May, 1902. And notice is hereby also given that at the expirition of the last-mentioned date the said Charles Morley will distribute the assets of the said Henry Martin, deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlyr to the Claims and Demands of which he shall then have had notice, and the said Charles Morley will not be liable for the assets of the said Henry Martin.

deceased, or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim he has not had notice at the time of such distribution. Dated the 18th day of April, 1902. GEORGE LEAKE and Co., Colonial Mutual Chambers, St. George's-terrace, Perth, Solicitors for the said Charles Morley. 186 TRANSFER of LAND ACT, 1893, - Secs. 121 and 122. 1902. Take notice that the Right Honourable Sir JOHN FORREST; G.C.M.G., DAVID FORREST, and ISIDORE SAMUEL. EMANUEL, the Proprietors of Mortgage No. 1238/97, to secufe the.sum of £550 and interest, have made APPLICATION to the Commissioner of Titles for a FORECLOSURE ORDER against James Smith, of Claremont, Contractor, the registered proprietor of the hereinafter described Land, and that by direction of the said Commissioner I hereby offer for sale the following parcel of Land, viz.:Portion of Subdivision 40 of Swan Location 701 (particularly described in Certificate of Title Volume ILX`XIV., Polio 4). And further take notice that after the 7th day of June, 1902, I shall issue to the said mortgagees an order for foreolosure, unlesy in the internal a sufficieat sum has been obtained by the sale of the land to satisfy the principal and interest moneys secured and all expenses incurred in and about such sale and proceedings. The amount due in respect of principal and interest and all expenses incurred was, on the 25th day of March, 1902, £619 as. Dated at the Titles' Office, Perth, this 9th day of April, 1902. ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles. JAMES and DAtBYSHIRE, St. George's-terrace, Perth, Solicitors for the Applicants. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893. The GOLD ECTRACTION and BROMINE RECOVERY COMPANY, Limited. Notice is hereby given that the REGISTERED OFFICE of the above Company is etinated at Mercantile Chambers, Eganstreet, Kalgooriie.Dated Dated this 21st day of April, 1902. KEENAN and RANDALL, Kalgoorlie, Solicitors for the said Company. THE COMPANIES' ACT, 1893. THE LONG REEF GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. N1otiee is hereby given that the REGISTEIIED OFFIC1L of the above Company is new SITUATED at 399 St. Georgo'sterrace, Perth.Dated Dated this a nd day of April, 1902. tEENAN and for NDALL, t i gaoorlie, Solicitors for the said Company.

Government Notices. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERN. MENkT RALLWAYS. HELENA VALE TURF CLUB RACES. SATURDAY, APRIL 26. Special Passeeger Trains will leave Perth for the Racecourse at 12.50, 1.10 and 1.30 p.m., returning immediately after the last race. A special Horse Train will also leave Perth for the Racecourse at 11.30 a.m., calling at Perth Racecourse Platform at 12.30 p.m., and zeturiing at 6.0 p.m. The first race is timed to start at 2.30 p.m. Fares as usual. PARCELS TRiAFFIC-CONDITIONS and REGULATIONS. Special attention is drawn to Regulation No. 1, regarding the despatch of Parcels, which comes into operation on the .1st May,. 1902, and reads as follows:-"All parcels intended for despatch from Perth must be tendered at least.30 minutes, and at other stations at least 15 minutes, before the advertised time of departure of the train by which they are required to be forwarded." BOOKSTALLS CONTRACT. Tenders are invited for the right to place bookstalls, and to sell and to distribute books, periodicals, and newspapers at all stations, or at any one station, or at any group of stations, on the Western Australian Governnment Railways for a period of three years from June 1, 1902 Tenders should be addressed to the Commissioner of Railways, and be marked "Tender dfor Railway Bookstalls., and will be received. up till noon on Thursday, May 8 next. Conditions of contract, tender forms, and all particulars may be obtained at the Office of thle General Manager, Central Railway Station, Perth. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be as cepted. STATIONMASTERS' HOUSES CONTRA T - KAIIRAEA'TA, BURS.WOOD, MAYLANDS, BAYSWATER, and B'ELLEVUE STATIONS. TENDERS for the above CONTRACT will be received at the office or the Commissioner of RailRways up to noon on Thursday, May 8, 1962. They are to be addressed to the Ron. Commissioner of Railways, and marked on the outside "Tender for Stationmasters' Houses Contract, at Karrakatta, Burswood, Maylands, Bayswater, and Bellevue." Contract documents, drawings, and specifications may be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer of Existing Lines, Wellington-street, Perth. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be socepted. By order, JOHN T. SHORT, Acting General Manager, 7E ST'ERN / AUSTRALIA. 2JJPARTL1ENT of PUBLIC WORKS. TENDERS are invited for the CONThAC'I T hereunder mnentoned. hey are to be addresseq to "The tionourauie the Minister or .Works," anc must he .odged in tue 'lenuer-nox at the -ubite works Department, Perth, unless otherwise especially sipplated, and are to L'e marked outside with the name of the Contract as stated hereunder. 'i'The loweat o: any Tenoer will not necessarily be accepted. PERTH NEW PARLIAMENT HOUSES. Date of advertisement in "iovernment Gazette," March 22, 1102. Date for receiving tenuers, April :, .1902. Conditions or contract, specifications; and draw. ings can be seen at the Contractors' Itooia, the Barracks, Perth. GUiLLUs OhUJ-l-hLENA RIVER bILWIUA and APPftmACIHL" CU'UntitACT'. Date of advertisement in "Government Gazette," April a, 1102. Date aor receiving tenders, noon on Tuesday, April tJ, lu1 . Conditions of contract, specifications, and drawings can be seen at the Contractors' Boom, the Barracks, Perth. vv.a. AsuaAU-1.--UUiuVALribLL"A"J U ;ULUU.ibT"'b UE'ICela.Date Date of advertisement in "Government Gazette": April 3, 1902. Date for receiving tenders: Noon on Tuesday, May 6j 1902. Conditions of contract, specincations, and drawings can be seen at the Contractors' Room. The Barracks, Perth. iauWTlhA'M-MUR'TLOCK HIVER--NULGOGEERLNG BtLIDGEi and APLPROACHES. Date of Advertisement in "Government Gazette," April 17, 150U. Date foireceiv-' ing tenders, noon on Tuesaay, April 29, 190.2. Conditions of contract, specifications, and drawings can be seen at thne Contractors' Room, the barracks, Perth, and at the Courthouse, Northam. WOODMAN'S .POINT - APPROACH ROAD to QUARANTINE STATION. Date of Advertisement in "Government Gazette," April 17, 1902. Diate for receiving tenders, neon on Tuesday, April 29, 19u2. Conditions of contract, specifications, and drawings can be seen at tJe Contrastors' Room, the Barracks, Perth, and at the Courthouse, Fremantle. WEST LEEDERVILLE SCHOOL TEA. CHNIRS' QUARTERS. Date of advertisement in "Government Gazette": April ', 1902. Date for receiving tenders: Noon on Tuesday, May 6, 1902. Conditions of contract, specifications, and drawing can be seen at the Contractors' Room. 'Ine Barracks, Perth. JARRARDALE JUNCTION LUNATIC ASYL lUM.-STAJ3LING. Date of advertisement in "Government Gazette": April 7, 1i02. Date for receiving tenders: N0oon on Tuesday, May 6, 1902. Conditions of contract, specificstions, and drawings can be cease at the Contractors' Room, The Barracks, Perth. By order of the Honoorable the Atinis. 4-c, for, 1Vorks,

G. G. BLACK, Acting-Tinder Secretary for Publio Wor's. Publie Works Office, Perth, Western Australia. GOVERNMENT STORES CON. 'TRACTS. TENDERS, endorsed "Tenders for - " addressed to the Government Storekeeper, North Fremantle, will be re. ceived for the under-mentioned CON. TRACTS, until the dates specified:Friday, May 2, until 2.30 p.m. Fastenings for 451b. Steel Rails; 24,000 Fish Bolts and Nuts, with Grover's Wash. ers; 200,600 iron Dog Spikes. Monday, Aliril 21, until 2.30 p.m. Schedule CXXVI.-400 miles Wire Net. ting, delivered Bremantle. Schedule CXXVII.-83 miles Wire Netting, delivered Esperance or Albany. ScheduleCXXX.-53,000 Iron Standards, delivered Fremantle. Schedule CXXXa.-17,000 Iron Standards, delivered Esperanco or Alhany. Schedule CXLI.-70 tons Black Steel Fencing Wire, No. 11, 18 tons gald. Steel Fencing Wire, No. 11, 2 tons gald. Steel Tying Wire, No. 16; delivered Fremantie. 14 tons Black Steel Fencing Wire, No. 11; 271 tons gald. Steel Fencing Wire, No. 8; 18cwt. geld. Steel Tying Wire No. 16; delivered Albany. No tender necessarily accepted. Forms of tender and all particulars obtainable on application to T. FLYNN, Government Storekeeper. Government Stores Department, North Fremantle, March 12, 1902. Wanted Known. A -MADAM l INGAA, the cele* brated Palmist and Phrenolo iat, may be Consulted at 338 Hay-street, oaposite Mechanics' Institute. Patronised by Vice-Royalty. Hours: 10-1, 2-5, 7-9. H. GLASSON has OPENED "Market J shaving Saloon, ' opposive Markets. To obviate Early Closing Act, Creditors please wait. RS. C. R. TOMPKINS, Medical ClairSvoyante, T'est Medium. - Publil Circles Sunday and Friday, at 8 lp.ln. Private Sittings daily. htour kept it ap, pointed by post. Ariware, Charles-street West. 1M RS. PARKER. Medical Clairvoyante, I also Life Surroundings given in trance. Consultation daiy. 234 Baker'sterrace, Lake-st. Newcastle-street trams cross. Hour kept if appointed by post;. personal testimonials. M ONEY, Papers, Valuables and Goods of all descriptions may be left for Safe Custody at tile W.A. Safe Leposit, Wescern Austru;ian Chambers, St. George's-terrace. Charges very iesson. able. RoTE Kown. - M1r..IOHN IvWRIGHT has RESUMED Business at the Red Cross Dispensary, Wellington. street, opposite Railway Station. Proprietary Medicines for Skin and other Diseases. No humbug Dr. Scott's Indian Piills for F'cmales. Late Aluirray-street. ANTED Known.-ThatF. C. FAR. V BALL, of Midland .Junction Timber Yard, is a Builder of over 20 years' prac. tical experience. Those about to build will best serve their interests by calling on him.