Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Monday 25 October 1858, page 3


" How often have I blessed the coming day, When toil remitting lent Ub turn to play,

Anti all tho village train, from labour free,

led up thoir sports beneath the Bproading tree; And many a gambol polished o'er tbo ground,

And sleights of art and foats of strength went round." When tho procession arrived, the Domain presented an animated appearance. The wives and daughters of the Brethren, as well as hundreds of the citizens, were there assembled to witness ^the sports, and enjoy, and in some instances 'join in, the fun. The weather was delightful, a delicate haze trembled in the air, tempering the rays of the sun and bathing the surrounding landscape with golden light, so that each object was" perfectly distinct, although each seemed suffused with a sort of shadowy lustre. From tho elevated situation where the sports were held a full view could be obtained of the surrounding scenery. At our feet lay the noble Derwent shining in the sun, its broad bosom indented with numerous bays, and its banks dotted with cultivated spots and snug homesteads. Imme-diately in front was Hobart Town stretched out like a map before the observer, whilst in the far background rose Mount Wellington, towering to tlio clouds and standing forth in bold relief against the blue sky like the giant guardian of the fair city. All seemed happy,-smiling faces, joyous greetings, flags fluttering gaily in the breeze, and tho merry laugh of children, as the yoting ones, following the example of the elders, engaged in various sports, reminded us strongly of those rustic revels which in times gone by wc have often witnessed in one of tho most beautiful counties of the sunny south of ' Merrie England.'


"Now, life to mo baa always seemed a game,

Not a mero gamo of chanco, but ono whare skill Will often throw the chances in our way,

Just like (my favourite sport) tho gamo of cricket; Whcro, tho' tho match bo well contested, still A steady player, careful of his fame,

May havo a good long innings, with fairplay,

Whoever bowls, or hlops, or Leaps the wicket."

Odd Fellows aro essentially loyal,-they aro devotedly attached to the institutions of tho Mother-country, they reverence her laws, and, wherever they go, carry with them a love of her sports and pastimes. No wonder, then, that, prominent amongst the recreations of the day, .should be found the noble, manly, and truly British game of cricket. The match was under the direction of three veterans of tho old school-Messrs. Brown, Orford and Law-rance,-and, throughout, the game was well contested, the play exciting the admiration of

the lookers-on.


Throwing tbo discus or quoit is n gamo of tbo highest antiquity. It was a favourite sport amongst tho Homans» and m (ho comparatively recent discoveries of frescoes in tho tombs of Etrurio, players ure represented engaged in a gamo of quoits. The Etrurians most probably derivi d tbo game from tho Greeks, with whom it was on cstablibhed favourite. Considerable skill is necessary to form a good quoit player, and tho play to-day proves that in Tasmania lhere aro thoso who delight in this ancient game.


To tho winner of the foot raco a silvor modal was awarded. Foot racing formed a portion of the celebrated Olympic Games, and tho winner received osa prize a crown of olives. The raco to-day was well contested, and tho

medal was awarded lo Mr. Grovos.


Tho prize, a 6Üver medal, was well contested.


A well-contested game of foot-ball occasioned consider-able amusement to the numerous spectators.


The prize, a silver medal, was keenly contested for in this old but very athletic spoit.

As the day advanced the number of visitors kept on increasing, until towards the close, the Domain appeared black with people, mid tho koepcrs of tho refreshment booths 'must ha\o reaped a rich harvest.

Tho sports being concluded, < he irou-c] gradually dispersed, many of thom doubtless to prepare for


The Festival is to windup with an Amateur Drama-tic Pei Cn manee at tho Theatio Royal. The pieces selected fin lepiesontatiou me The Dream at Sea and The Queer Subject. His Excellency the Gover-nor, Vice-Patron of tho Order, has signified his inten-tion of being present. Tho proceeds aro to bo devoted in aid of tho Widows' and Orphans' Fund. The object is tiuty a noble one,-but to succour tho widow and the fatherless is what might bo expected from those whoso emblem is a »bart in an open hand, and whoso motto is ' friendship, love, ano tkuth.'

Sr.vrnn Fbost.-The farmers at Circulor Head wem unpleasantly surpi¡sed on the morning of the 20 that finding thoir potatoes, which looked green and fiosh tbe evening before, completely blackened by the

frost. The spring has been a very severe one along

tho north coast.

Longford.-At a public mooting hold al Longford, convened for tho purpose of considoiing tho piopiioty of the adoption of a petition to the Governor roquet-ing His Excellency to declare the distiict a rural municipality, an amendment was carried, negativing

the original proposition.

- Piioi'EssoR Anderson announces a grand feto in ,tho Launceston llotanical Gai den«.

Musical Entertainment.-A musical entertain-ment will be given to-morrow evening, at tbo Tem-' purance Alliance Rooms; the band of tho Society lieing assisted by the efforts of the Hobart Town

Orchestral Union.

Death by Drowning.-Yesterday afternoon a

private in the 12th Regiment went over with others to Kangaroo Point to bathe. The deceased, whose name was George Heather, plunged into the water and almost immediately sunk. Every exertion was used to pick np the unfortunate man, but without success. The body wsa recovered this morning, and was taken to H.M. General Hospital. It would seem from the appearance which the body presented that the deceased sank from a sudden attack of cramp.

Horse-Taming. - On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last, Mr. Chenuclls exhibited his powor of subduing the hoi se at Hamilton. The most refrac-tory subject Mr. C. bad under his hands was a five, year old 16 hands horse, belonging to W. J. T. Clarke, Esq., a most vicious kicker, whose legs a blacksmith had vainly attempted to handle for an hour. For two hours ho would allow nobody to touch his qnaiters, but in half-an-hour moro ho per-mitted Mr. Chcnnolls to slip off his haunches on to his hocks, and the blacksmith to handle him as ho pleased, indeed a child might havo done so. Thom were present on these occasions Mr. Clarke, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Jackson, and several other scttleis of tho distiict, who all expressed their great admiration , of tho syhtom so successfully elucidated.

' Rb ArTBPUE!.sioN of a PiusovBit. Last night I Detective Constables Vickers and Jloiley succeeded

in nppr. bonding Johanna Slattery, Into a pnVoner in tbo Female Houso of Coneciion, under committal for trial on tho charge of having burglariously entcad the dwelling-house of Mr. Smith, Civil Engineer, Davey-stieur. The prisoner escaped on Wednesday last by getting over one of the walls. Tim woman was returned to the same placo of imprisonment.

Mb. John Thump- Mr. John Tramp, a well known and much respected resident of Tasmania, of forty year's standing, paid the last debt or nature, after a protiacted and painful illness, at b13 residence. Victoria street, in this city, yesterday morning. The suffurin«s of the deceased towards the close of his career weie, as we havo intimated, of a very paintul character, but it is a souice of satisfaction tonis friends to know that bo boro them with a fooling of Christian resignation, and died at peace with the numerous members of his family and all men. Tbo deceased waa in his 60th year, .- ,.,,