Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 7 October 1889, page 6



The matches arranged by the association having been finished, and the result having been that the Ports and Norwoods had tied for the premiership, it became necessary for the club to play a deciding

match. This took place on the Adelaide Oval on Saturday afternoon, and the public interest being so great it was not surprising that there was an attendance of nearly 10,000 people on the ground. Though i the excitement at different parted* of the game was ibttD?e the greatest good aider prevailed, and the field was not disgraced by any ol those scenes that occasionally crop op, and which tend ao moah to laser the opinion of the public of the game. The police were present in large numbers, bat beyond clearing the tvitchback railway of a congidwable number of people «cbo bad south! to obtain a view of the game from that vantage ground, their duties wen very light. The came toe most decidedly the oect exposition of the game that we har« witnerstd this icason. Thti m without doubt doe to tne magnificent umpiring of Mr. Trait, of Melbourne, who bad been specially ergaged to tat* part In the proceed* ing*. His decbions were perfect, and wan receirad bs the public with satMactlon. His prompt measure] to topprete rough play and scrimmage* had the de■Uid effect, and the game—which was taat—wm connquently well worth wttneariDg. At about S tfclock the Forta?ettka ball in motion, and itwaanotlonj? tMfon they teemed a goaL The KotwoaJi a (ew ruinates later opened their aonmntla the ease way. The play waa very even, each aide altamatdy addinggoals to their score till at qoarter-time the board showed-Pott Adelaide. 3 goal? 1 behind; Norwood, 3 goals 1 behind. So lac neither ride had gained any advantage, but during the next dlnsionof play the Norwoods forged a coal ahead, wh?e the Ports had oary secured a couple of behind*. Daring the halfhour after the interval the magentas had a little the beet of matters, scoring 1 aoal and « bebinds to tin red-and-Wots1 I goal 2 benlndj Xhe game was still a very open thing, although the Vorwoodshad the advantage of agdU, and when the Forts led oil with a otrapte of bshindsand than made the goals level the game was looked upon at almost a cettanti for them. Then, nowever, the Norwood* outlasted their opponents, and daring the last quarter of an hoar had the b*st of the game, securing a caupla tt tosis. Sac fo?owtog a> a more detailed aoctrant el Ike cmsas :-MeKeute kicked oC. DJy and Waldso? Mstming to the oentw. but Ewca witai a Iota; kiefc /amrded, (ul Roachee* «arri«t it to sn? f?riUcn wlcg, where Oaris wat given a mark an

ti& (Wwiidrt to Kunfiton. wbo fciotod lint Mil within tar* abntat el tea Udk ofl. Muted again the red-aa*-bloae attacked, but by liMle marks Tomlinand Brers relieved. Hawaon returned II to tbe pavilion. Daly then tried • flying shot, but it only went oot near the behind paste. On being thrown in C Woods wa? given a mark bytbe umpire, and the Konroods were on equal terms, Woods kiekiog other a nice goal. EwencetaiaedtoG-Fry tiorathe retool of the kick-off. Xbe Utter placed it In front, and after some acrlmmaclng (be leather ttaveiled to toe scorincboard. Waldron sent It back to the centre, bat V 7. Batbby was to watting and stopped i H farther progress, sending it to the gate wing, when Trait waa calledupon. WaUrootbea attacked, batamtrkto HamUtoo relieved the pnenin. Webb marked to C. Fry, and be pot Davis in pnanmulon. another goal coming to the magenta*. Started again Boberte waa given a mark on the gate wing, and he kicked along tliat wing, the ball going oot. He once more marked and tried totoalfraUeaalr. HoGrath then centred to O. Wooda, ana again the Norwoods were on equal terms with their opponents, Shaw attacked from tbe kick-off, but lowe waa equal to the oeeaaton, and Wdfksd the leather to the pavilion wing HoGaffin centred to Watdron, and he I lorwarded to Slatter?, who had a abort that, but ' failed to do mere than score a behind. XbeHorwooda team attacked, and the b?U travailing parallel with the goal poataDlxoa toed Uat right angles through, and th? Norwoods were a goal to the good. the Ports Uieaaaaaaoaauwagjtnaai*e, and O. Fry makhw an extraordinarily brilliant mark bled, bnt the Norwood* prevented It from (otor through. For tike Norwoods "t"t oot of bounds a mark waa given to Hamilton, bntthe angle prevented him from aoor-Ing. Another free for a. breach of the rulee gave I Phillips aa opportousy to mark to 0. Fry, and ha I kicked thelt third s*oaL Kinked off a .temporary atege waa made by the Ports, but Boachoek and B?w-aon transferred the ball to tbe other end. Here J. i McKenzie marked brilliantly and aent it to the centre, when Bawaon again marked and attsckwi Xbe Rota by Uttlemarka worked It out. and J.HcKenaie I forwarding fhffllpa bad a shot, which his the pOJt. At quarter-time the board abowed— Port Adelaide, B goats 1 behind. Horwood, S goab 1 behind. On ends being changed the Norwooda male an incordon Into their opponents' territory! and 0. Wooda obtaining «> mark kicked IMrth goal tor Horwood amid applause. After the kick-off there waa a abort straggle in the centre, aid then Dixon marking, the ball waa again aent forward. Daly marked, and some loces pl?y ensued on both aides. HcSee waa awarded a free in the centre, and from Ma kick Roberta marked. Play enraed on the eastern wine, and a free to a Port man enabled the magentae to twt the leather ac far as the boundary. P. Roachor* averted an onslaught, but WeDb getting: a bee the Ports rnabed the ball forward again. Coombe came to the raaeae, and Daly and DUod both shone. The ball hovered for some time on the gate wing, but a fylprt^ffl kick by BlUa changed the venue of Sesame. HOIa got a mark forward, and with a long kick notched behind Ho. 2 for the Uodholiana, Vtaldron marked from the kick oft, and McOrath rnmyVjt from bit kick. Borne uneventful play in the centre followed. Ouster trot It fairly weUtonrard, bnt Hamilton was equal to tbe occasion, and the leather waa taken to the other end of the ground. Wilson made a timely mark, and pawing to Daly, that player took it aa far as the centre One again. Xbroogh come good work on the part of McQrath 0. Wood was enabled to get possession, bat though a comparatively easy ahot he did not even obtain a minor. The magentas worked it along the pavilion wing, and W. Boahby with a splendid kick sent U spinning into PhtlUpe'e aims, but contrary to expec. tation only a behind waa the outcome. After the kickoff tbe Porte retained to tbe attack, but the Norwoods' back men were equal to tbe emergency, and Daly obtabled a mark within lrf^JHwgr distance, bat be was on. euoceseful, and the ball again traversed the eastern vrinfe. Bills and A. Ba&hby did come serviceable work, and Stevens was entrusted with, a shot. Ho addition rebutted to tbe scorn, but Oorrell obtained a behind a minute after. Xte bell rang for half-time, when the scores were— Norwood, a goals 1 behind. Port, 8 goals 8 tx binds. Bounced in the centre, Hamilton marked and passed on to tiy, who marked to J. McKcnuc, and he < centred, but J Woods brought it out, only for It to go out of bounds near the behind poet. Boundary play on the pavilion wing resulted in W. Bushby | marking to Hr""!^", and he pim*^ it in front again, only for it to go out of bounds. Xhen J. MoKenrie markpd. and tbe Ports' fourth behind came. Daly relieved to the pavilion, where he marked, bat Oardiner relieved with a ran and-long kick. Hills waerlvenafreeand he marked to Lelien, and he kicked the rotte' fonilh goal. The play was op and down the ground, being a little rougher thao at the start. On the gate wing Daly marked and forwarded, Dixon secured it and placing it in front where Shaw marked toGusteraodthered-and-nKiet' fifth goal came from a very easy chance. The Norwoods returned from the kick-off, but a mark to Webb placed the red-and-bloes once mere on tbe aggressive. Hamilton bad a shot and another behind^came. The Norwoods then to|tbe centre, and Daly was given a mark, but osly sent it out of bounda near the pavilion. The Porta worked It in front, and C Fry marked to Philips, who, however, was not equal to more than a behind. The Horwoods got it forward, and a mark to Bhaw was nolUfled by a free to W. Boshby. Several frees to the rsd-and-Wuee made them dangerous. J. Wooda marked to Daly and On Norwoods at length got another behind. Wilson waa awarded a mark by the umpire, and he placed it in frost, where Boberta marked at an angle, bnt was not good enough for more than a hghinrt. Daly —lyfcfil from p?? iHwh- rjff, but threw hie chance away by trying to " bring tbe gods" wtth a foonab run. Hamilton, Hills, and feeKensle irade a Joint attack, and Phillips was given another chance to score, bnt was again nnanonoaafnl. A lew momenta later tbe bc? rang, the scores being— Horwood, S goal* 8 behlnds. Port,« goals 7 behtnds. The ball wat again act in motion, and HOIS was the first to get possession. He sent the leather forward, but Daly marked, and he pasted to Shaw, who had a abet, which, however, did not quite go tferough t c sticks, bnt *• verj mar it." Tbe magimtiuf then predominated, Hamilton being consptcnoD?. Through bis efforts Hills received a mark, and with a good kick noted eighth behind for the Porta. J.McKtarie from a long shot notched behind No. 8, but after this the ied-and-bloca were pranisent, the ball being arm into their adversaries* quarters. The ealtwaters returned, and HiDa, with a splendid kick, placed tte X orwooda* citadel in jeopardy. Phillips obtained tie ball, and with a neat kick, amid loud appbuur, tqualised the coal ceootds. the eastern teim then made an onsianght, and MfW^ii^ from e ? y dktanoe. again placed the Nonrosda in tLe lead, tbeexcittinentwaanow intense, and amid tte greatest cnthndasm the leather was again set ro?tn?. Daly bad an nnsaecesafnl try, not even setting a behind, and tbe play remained at tbe Cathedral end for some time. Tom?nwas awarded a free kiak, from wblabPrxon marked. The ban waa tent through tbe sticks, but from come cause'it waa recalled, and play was continued without any addition being made to the toon. Wanton* efforts were nulflfled by K. Mc^en*te.MdP.Bosohook?ipptdwthebodasorae by the coasters. The Porta, however, were not 10 be denied, and some last play enabled them to cany the ball right forward. Amid conob jefling the red-ana. blues took tbe leather to the other end by some brilliant work, bnt Daly adopted an enotwms course and spout a possible opportunity of scoring. Alter some "ding doog" play O. Bertram with a running kick notched goal No. 7, to the intense delight of the wearers of the "boenie red-and-btae." Toe Ports infused beau spirit into their play, but their efforts I were nonplused by the Nutwoods. At tbe call of time tbe soores were— Norwood, 7 eoalaSbebioda. Port, 6 goab B behlnds. Tbe Norwoods were beat represented by MoGaffio, Bawaon, Sixon. Daly, J. Woods, Shaw. Bo??ta, and \ O. Bertram; wbDe tbe ""!■* ooospiennas of the Ports were Hsirrtlton, Ewers, (fartirHT, Toman. J. McKenzie, Phillips, Hills, and Fry (2).