Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 7 October 1889, page 6



The football season of 1880 was terminated on Satur-day afternoon, when for the first time in the annals of the association the two leading clubs have had, after tieing for first position, to play a deciding game.

Unlike the 1888 season it was started most auspi-ciously, without any unfortunate dispute to unsettle the amicable relations between the clubs. Then were six senior teams competing, viz.—the Norwoods, Ports, Adelaides, Gawlers, South Adelaides, and Medindies. This number is one less than last year, the North Adelaides having retired from the associa-tion for the purpose of combining with the Adelaides. The games wen started in real earnest early in May, and then judglne bom tbe pecsonnel at the vmijqs tesais the qoestloo aa to who would secure the piuoienbip was aa exceedingly open one, aa although the Norwoods woe esttbttabed firm livtttiaa tse Ports bad a lemukably fine teaai, and there were many who even at that eaxly sUge predicted Out the magentu would make things vet; warm for the red-and- jlae*. Xne SoaUw' team on paper appeared quite oapable of holding thelf own with eiiber ol these, but experience soon proved th tt the Uoe-ano-whites were not to the running. The Aaelaidss. loUowim; with chancUrknc conndecce, tingled oot their tevorites to again lead tbe van. out, like the Souths, their chaoses for a time did not look very ro*y, bat on Jnly £0 they had an unexpected Tictoty, cossMecably encouraclnK their hopes. It m thought thst the Usvieis and Medindies would be a source of danger to the older club*, as they alto bul tognuiited their forces. From the beclnniag. hoir ever. the Alorwooda forged ahead, and it aeemed aa though they would go through the season with a spot lets tecoid. Time alter time th«-y vanquished toe otherf-sepinnts tor top position, the Forts twice succumbing to their power* Ibeir sucaatea became very monotonous, and public Interest in tbe came generally wined, and indeed it aeemed some ?bat likely that tbe success ol the season would be much injured. However, interest was revived by the Ade laides defeating tbe Norwoods at the Kensington Oral in Ow presence ol a amall atseodanoeot spectators. As on the following Saturday the Parts were to meet themat Alberton the enthusUsm became greater, and then was a gteat improiement in the attendance there. She magentas managed to secure a win attar a Btabbsrhly-oontestedjgune, bat owing to tbe inter ference of half a gate of wind the display of footoall was greatly marred; but still the Ports had won. and it at once became the object of every affiliated twenty to lower the Norwood flag. The Ports trained wi*n renewed vigor, and as a result imprared their form exocedinely; and by acopting the tactics of thaHor woods, fiunetitatiog to some extent the lon^-aickiag game for their much-cfaeiished Uttle marking, they were made warm favorites for the race. Before their next meeting on August 2t neither the saltwater* do the eastern suburban team sustained a defeat. It was anticipated that the result ot tins game would virtually settle the all important question, butthu did not prove the case, tbe matter remaining as un decided as before owing to the match terminating u> a drawn battle. Xhe Sooths sod Adelaide* had in the meanwhile lost all hope of ??■■?? -^"g tap position, but etill it was considered oot improbable that one of these teams might put down one ot the leaders. Incueof this taking place an arrangement was mads under tbe askodarlon's direction whereby an extra matshwas provided. This arrangement had to be availed of, as at the conclusion ol tbe original programme the Norwoods and Forts were found to be equal. It will be seen bom the report of the game that the Norwoods were the successful twenty, thus securing the much-oovetsd honor for tbe third time in succession. The defeat of the Forts could not affect, of course, the other duos. The Adelaides occupy third position with a very dis appointing record compared with that of the Mud h^ihin- and then In fourth position are the Gawlen, who have obtained a better average than the Souib trt.Uirti, whose performances were still more dis appointing than tbe Adelaides. Xhe atedindiee, as in the preceding year, have to be satisfied with the un enviable " last." The Dingo* have not won a game, and their merits do not warrant a better reward for their play. However, their "intentions were good," bjt their capabilities were not so. As tonal this season we have been vuited by one of the leading Victorian teams. Just as football gat Into foil swing tbe North Helbaurnes arrived in our midfct. They played four matches, winning two and losing two. Che Souths played an encouraging game with them, but they old not score a win. Toe Nor woods, however, with a fair amount of tuck -were enabled to vanquish the visitors; bat the Adelaides, like the Souths, had to succumb. The Forts played the final game «ith them, when tbe local men creditably upheld the reputation of the colony, com pletely overwhelming their adversaries. Xhe associa tion's programme had been carefully arranged in order that a series of matches might be played with the Maoris on their return from their victorious tout in Fngi««H 1 and also with a team representing the southern districts of Tasmania which proposed to visit the colony. Both arrange ments fell through, however. It was found impossible for tbe Nesr Zealanders. owing to their engagement* in Victoria, to play on the allotted dates, while the lamatilan*. owing to a difficulty tn arriv ing-at satisfactory terms, also abandoned their ides of coming here. This year it was the Ports' turn to vUit Victoria under the association's auspices, and their trip from a football point of view was* success. Xhe Adelaides took a snort tour through thrnortham districts of Victoria, but wen only moderately success ful, while the Souths visited the Peninsula, carrying all before them. During the slx~moEtbg the asssdaUon has con sidered and dealt with matters of some moment. At their first meeting they conormed a number of new rules agreed upon at a confereooe held between the representatives of the Australasian game from the various coJoniee which was held in Melbourne, fortu nately the time o* the oommlttw has not been t -ken up in dealing with many casse in which the umpire has repotted plajers for Infringements of the rules. Bereral cases have, however, come Before them, and were satisfactorily dealt with. Unfortunately it appears that the association ia its efforts to obtain more concessions from the Victorian governing body for South Australian teams visiting tbe aister GHony has oot been very succaetf ul, but probably the matter will again crop op nest year. The umpiring *Mm 3 ear has been most unsatis factory, vi all the field-umpires appointed at the beginning of the 5 ear, but one can lay any claims for having fulfilled tbe position with any degree oi satis faction. The inferiority of South Australian um piring was amply demonstrated in tbe last match when a Victorian umpire officiated. It wai then >etn to what a degree of perfection the duties «^j, be discharged. Thej aughte&t transgression sns detected and summarily dealt with, finii-Dsts and fairness being the principal characteris tics. A match which threatened to be a very raujrb one from this fact was not marked by unnecessary rough new. It is to be hoped that nert season an improve ment in this Important feature win be shown, and that umpires capable cf discharging their duties with credit to themselves and satisfaction to both players and public will be found. Zbe grounds on the whole have been kept In fairly good condition, although, of necessity onng to the wet season, they were at times sloppy. It may be remarked, however, that footballers have enjoyed a mtw^pim^ fnununiijy from rainy nalunlajH Xhe Ade laide Oral has seen some changes, a new stand having been erected. But the Inadequate provision for the press tn the shape of a rude iron structure has been oone away with, and to far no special provisloo has bean made, the members of die fourth estate having to usurp tbe gubernatorial accom modaUon. This ia uosUhfactory In the extreme, and considering the position of the association it is cer tainly time that some steps were taken with a view of having a special box erected both for the aeco mrnoda-Uon of the reporters and telegraphic operators. Toe Alberton Oval should certainly be rendered men habitable. There no provision whatever is made, but it Is to be hoped that the attempt which Is now being made to start an oval at WcodvUle will result in this being remedied. The following table shows the relative (cores of the six dubs:—

THE NORWOODS. The Horwood Football dab, like nearly all tbe athletic Institutions connected with tbe eastern tubnrbe, baa every nn to be proud of Its aocom rK«hTr?nt? j% has always been prominently to the tore, and do other senior dub out point to* better record than that in tbe nuuuuMsnn of tbe nd-and bines. But last year the Horwoods eclipsed all their previous achievements by bringing tbe "premieisbip of Australia" to ttds colony. They were then in tbe w>titfc>i q( tbetr fane, and undoubtedly nave held their own with any team in tbe continent. At fiie beginning of this year tbe Horwoods wen in splendid fettle, and were curving all betoie them, indeed their repeated snoceiaea were doing a great deal to injure tbe game in Sooth Australia. The pnUlo began to get tired o( seeing thd? administer ormAnng defeats on their opponent*, but their easy Victoria bad, as it turned cot, a rather disastrous effect on themselves. Con siderable disintegration among the players arose, sod the Horwoods consequently coffered aooDapse. On she Kensington Oval they were defeated bytne Ade laides, ud also by tbe Ports at Alberton. these defeats bad a benfilrial effect on the men, tor disrup tion vanished, and their sole objeot was to again annex tbe premiership, which —f*?f* about to be wrested from them. Ihey have been suooessful, and certainly deserve all the praise that has been bestowed upon them. There can be little doubt, however, that the decadence In their play was a good thing lor Booth Australian football, for as soon as It became known that then was an oppcr tanlty of ousting them from their position en thusiasm n the game was again aroused, and the crowds of spectators could again be seen wending their way to the various trystmg grounds. Host in terest was centred In the matches between the Kor wooD? and Ports, and some exceedingly fine straggles resulted; Xhe toimer. however, Ultimately again demonstrated then- superiority which time after time they have shown. It is worthy of note that during the past five years the Porto have never been above the red-and-Moes, no matter what position they oceo • pied on tbe scoring lUt. It remains to be seen in tbe event at another sales ol premienhip matches being plsjed with tbe South Melbourne*, who an again the menders of tbe sitter colony, whether tbe Norwoods before the Victorian public will manage to retain their hold on tbe honor which they ootained possession of but year. Xhe ied-and-biues are not it is pretty generally admitted up to their ISBB standard. Their play during tba past season baa not been so brilliant, tbe excellent longklcking awl reiitble making- having to some extent deteriorated. Dealing with the players individually. It will be nntrally conceded that Daly on the whole has been the most brilliant man this ieason. la some of tbe ftuncs be eclipsed every player on the ground, expe riencing not the sUthtest difficulty in defeating an opponent. Ills play, however, baa of late shown oon eidtrable decadence, but to extenuation It is urged th?t b« has not been in the best of health. As rover for tbe red and-blnes he was übiquitous and did no *ad «f wots. Tbe task of handling tbe team has again bean In tbe bauds of Toper Waatroa, who has hid tbe sathfactlo? ol again pUottng them to the coveted goal safely. Tbe veteran is as useful as ever, and tkoogb the oldest footballer in tb« colony, would apart from his Jsrfgnwnt In directing the twenty be jurtly entitled to a place in it lie has beau as energetic and useful as of yore. It was a atvtrs blow to the team when Riech blstb, afaohad « otksd his way ioto the flnt fligfatM tns rsd-aod>blues, deputed lot KogUnd, as be left a gap In tbe back ranks oblcb sc far has not been satlsbc torliy flil«d. Tbim <). Bertram, who bad developed Into a most reliable plater, and MeKer, the most canning of wing men, were Incapacitated for most or tbs season owing to Injuries they received, while Coembe and a number of others had to sacrinoa their plans lot several Batardssetn snesession f sod various oaUMS. IMxon, Garter, McOrath, and Roberts have bone the brant of tbe following. It wiUbegenenlly regmttd If Roberts, who has signified his intention of. severing his connection with the football field, adheres to this resolution. Hii ganUtmanry play and eeneral manner have >oa slat Hw admiration ot all true lovtrt of tbe g taw. and (he dub with which be has beta associated for tctteyrarr r.ii) experitnee cootWersvle lots 6j t-t re

ujeniens mm the exciting arena. Tbe moss oouua tent playen tsdt jcs> bavcj been ftrayson anS VcOaffin. AtttMbarkinkigottiMasam?awsaala the centre was a citadel ot strength, bul then has been seme falling off In bis play ol Ute. J. Wood* has retired t« a place half-back, where, despite tbe vigilant way he Is watched by opponent*, he has suo ceeded in doing a lam amount of work, and has settled into a desirable way ot always ensuring obtaio-Inr his kick Instead of — mttring It a* at one time he wa? in the habit of doing to a disastrously ending tun. Coombe ri&bt back has beea hardly so effective as in 18E8, bnt ha* nevcrthelee? shielded the Norwood coal iron maay an anlaroalatio onslaught. He has during the year held th* paal tioo ot vice-captain, and baa affortel valuable service in the management ol iha 20 Shaw put in tome aervioeabla work all through, but he played a very fine game on seven] occasions. Jaokson has alto proved very useful, while Slattery, notwithstand ing his dinuhattva stature, has been snixmnfiil The balk of the goal kicking has been done by 0. Woods, whose record, bewever, has jort been beatsn by Fry. of the Forts Woods has been very awnratu In his kicking. WOson, who has only played during the last few Saturdays, has proved himself a footballer of good calibre, while McCarthy, Boachook. P. and A. Hill, and Haldana have also appeared in the team with varying success. Charlie Wood* scored in all 31 goals, while JSaVteiy was the next best performer, lhe following table shows the result of matches and the totals ol the scores:—

THE PORTS. Though second on the list, the Ports have proved themselves as good as the premiers on one occasion, while on a second they beat the red-and-blues. The magentas were very variable at the commencement of the season, and those who had expected them to gain the premiership were somewhat disappointed at their form, but after their trip to Melbourne they improved wonderfully, and a defeat that the Norwoods sustained at the hands of tbe Adelaides gave them a vary good chance to oust the red-and-blue from the position which they have held so many times. All will remember the eventful game on the Adelaide Oval on August 24, when after a tremendous struggle both clubs remained on the same terms as before, and it became necessary to once more fight for the premiership. A match was arranged for Saturday last, and the game that resulted was one of the finest exhibitions of football that had ever been witnessed in this colony. This was no doubt greatly due to the magnificent umpiring of Mr. Trait who was specially brought over from Melbourne. Though beaten, the Ports can say the flattering unction to themselves that they were as good as the premiers, and if it had not been for their inferior goal-kickmg would have had a very good chance of claiming the premiership, which they have on only one occasion held before. The magentas did not lose a single match against any of the clubs except the Norwoods, and the marked manner in which they scored over their opponents shows their superiority. In fact by many they are considered the best team, and that if they had only had better generalship they would have beaten the red-and-blues on every occasion except the first match at the Kensington Oval. At that time there was no doubt but that the red-and-blues were a finer team, but since then the magentas so improved that the matches were very open. They combined many good points in their play. Most of them were last, while their kicking generally was excellent. A few of them, however, "lost their head" when called upon, and in this respect they were inferior to the Norwoods. Altogether they played 18 association matches, winning 13, losing 8, and drawing 1. They played the Adelaides four times, on each occasion beating them, the last time most disastrously, as they secured no less than 13 goals to their opponents' nil. Their total in these four matches was 34 goals and 49 behinds to their opponents' 6 goals and 12 be-hinds, so that if figures prove anything they prove that the once invincible Adelaides were, to use a colloquism, "miles behind" the Mudholians. The Ports in the four matches which they won soared 27 coals and 32 behinds to the blue-and-whites' 7 goals 16 behinds. Comment is needless as these figures prove what a lot the magentas had in hand. If these teams could not hold anything like their own against the saltwaters it goes without saying that the Gawlers and Medindies suffered terribly at their hands—far worse indeed than at the hands of the Norwoods. During the season the Ports visited Victoria, when they played five matches, winning three and losing two. The trip was by no means a financial success, the club being out of pocket to a considerable extent. The team, however, sustained the credit of the colony in Victoria. Including the matches played on this tour the club played 24 im-portant matches, won 17, lost 5, and drew 1. Coming to individual players. Hamilton must be referred to as the most brilliant of the team. He probably was the player of the year, reminding the public of the doings of Daly last year. He was remarkably reliable, was fast, kicked well, and generally was a good all-round man. Phillips played well throughout the season, and his absence from the team for several matches owing to an injury sustained In Victoria was most severely felt. He was a pretty sure goal kick, obtaining no lass than 22 goals. Tomlin was an unassuming player, who did heaps of work well. He played the true game, and never once lost his temper. He was a sure back, and with Gardiner and J. fry made tbe back lines of the Ports about the strongest in the association. C. Fry heads the list of goal-kickers, not only in his club but in the association. Although Fry has not brought himself into such prominence this season as be did last, he has not been altogether so free from pugilistic tendencies as he might have been, but then he has had to put up with a lot of aggravation at the hands of spiteful opponents. He has marked bril-liantly, although his comrades have fed him con-tinually. Correll has been a brilliant performer, on many days eclipsing all of his team, Stephens, Lowe, Le Leu, and Webb made up the followers, and they all worked so effectively as to make about the strongest quartet in the association. J. McKenzie was early in the season tried for-ward but proved a failure, but in the centre he has done excellent work, W. Bushby also doing well in the same place. He was, however, hardly a success as captain of the team. A. McKenzie was fast on the wing, while Davis, A. Bushby, Miers, and Hills were the best of the rest. Altogether the club has had a successful year, and although they did not attain the summit or their ambition they may well be proud of the team they have got together. The success was in no small degree attained by the efforts of the genial secretary, Mr. R Cruickshank, and of the committee. The following; is a list of the goal kickers :-C Fry 32, Phillips 23, Webb 11, Hamilton 10, J. McKenzie 9, Davis 6, A. McKenzie, Hills, and LeLeu 5 each, A. Bushby 4, Correll 3, Lowe, Miers, K. McKenzie, W. Bushby, and Griffiths 2 each, H. and T. Stephens, Groves, and J. Fry 1 each. The following table will show the totals of the games played:—

THE ADELAIDES. No club in the senior association has performed more inconsistently than the Adelaides. At the beginning of the season an amalgamation was effected between the red-and-blacks and the North Adelaides, the most successful of the junior teams in 1888, and the many supporters of the metropolitan club were strong in their faith that their favorites would during the 1888 season again head the premiership list. But they have been bitterly rf)f>^^¥,tj«t with thdrf** " perfonttanoes, lor (bough the; effected a Pennine surprise In defeating the Horwoods, yet mnch to their ohanin the; have been tbe only one of the old dubs which has bad to snbmtt to a defeat at the handiot oseol the younger teams. ItwDlbe remembered that tucb . also was she case in IBBP. The Adelaides hold third position on tbe Booring-lut, bat tfaey bare treated the public to some exo&edingiy disapnoiAtuig ex hibitions of tbe game, their oHdash having almost entirely disappeared. It m somewhat bard to account for this, as with latt year's strength eup plemented witb the cream ot the North Adelaides the; ebonld have performed more creditably. Though places third on the list, a reference to the statistics will thow that there is a great difference between thtm and the second team, the Ports, who bare won six more game*. It will also be observed that tbe Ports have kicked Dearly twice as many goals as tbe red-and-blacks, while they have not had halt as many goals or behinds recorded against them. Xbe metro politan men defeated the Sooths three times out of fcur.bctthey oertaislj badthemajarportianof thelu^k In the games they won. In June tbe team took a trip to tbe northern district of Victoria, and enjoyed them selves exceedingly! Sooth Ballarat and Maryborough both defeated tbe red-and-blacks with ease, but a 20 representing tbe Saadnuret Association were beaten by them. H. lUcbaxda b*a stopped with tee team this year, and no pUyer fcae done more work than he. He lias been as reHaUe and conafetent as ever io the back ranks, and has been the mainstay of ttaeX). Wamn and Pbilllpt have both been in fianllCTit trim, and sbown to advantage in the rt*y badness of defending thebtlcko. A. Mclntyrehu been captain during tbe year with moderate success. Ifdntyre is a very hard worker, but then is constdexable ostentation in bis play. Perhaps no man In the team sees more ot the leather during an afternoon, and yet be seldom does any very serviceable work. Beed and tba two Bennetts in tbe ruck deserve a meed of praise lor their foOowiog. Hodge, a new man. ba> exfcibtted very good farm, while Griffiths invariably plajed creclteAJs games, but Everett, though fut, fcaa not accomplished the work te Miiould have. He it exceedingly fleet, and at tiirte showed to co-tidetable advantage. Ducent uae fairly tuccenful tontard, and Bntdwood, of tile North Adelaides, worked energetically. Kelly, who li'fcjedaniatcbor two with the Rd-and-blscks last mho appealed in Ibe B?jotity of their samse this >?r, hat a ttw weeks ago be went to India; He j,la>id nme txctllenl game*, and was ons ot tbe ccmiL^ ?tD of the twenty. Plantett, who made his dttut this season, is a player of true stamina, and tfccugb he nude his first appearance In senior ranks in connection with tb* red-and-blacks. bis perfor suir.i^ft ver« icntidcrably In advance of othtrt who h?t* lud luore experience Leecbea did no end of tvotk while Cox Wilson, and L. Evan work hard in All tie ganiea. Coffee, after giving up the umpiring botliiear, joined the team and proved exceedingly valuable in the rucki The tolloaing ate the gaol kickers:- Duwent E, GriffiUu 7, Cox t, C. Bennett 5, Beed 4. Utcbte 3, Braidwood S, Richards 2, Rwiklne 2. N Richards S, H. Richards S. Kelly 2. Coffee 2, Warnn 2, Wilton 2, Cox 2, Leschen 1 Warbutton 1, Hodfre 1, 6. U. Evan 1, L Evan 1. Mclntyre 1. The foilowlog an tbe detailed remits of the season's ptoyi-

It is rumored tbsatt htlmpnbade that tbe <Jawl«rs ii 111 iln !■ !>■ eimlnr ■—in hit if nnrt jsnr Cer tainly there are ? number ol cogent seasons, why It would be ol more adnatin for then to withdraw, but It seems a pity thM after manifesting such wel come signs o* improvement thai aboald be necessi tated, it was in ltS7 that the idea ol tending a team ol fcotbaiJtre to itpwil Uooon Athena in the lector <*goclatlon was fint carried oat with the remit that they came oat sixth on the list, the West Adelaides being eeranth. Id the following year ttey ocsankd a similar poaiiion, the atedindiee being last onifoeUstlntbsaiaee ol lee Wests, who had *iu> drawn. Xbia season, bawevar, they have the satis faction ol knowing tkat «h«J fcwedisplaoed the Ssath Adelaides, having obtained a higher percentage of points than the olue^nd-whites. They hare played daring the season eleven ™?y*«*i of which they bave succeeded Id winning lour. They bam ondouotedjy t?eooossttaeats of • good team, and on tbdi own croondtfaey play with considerable dssb and sooceai. Tbe Henroost were very BearlycangbttrippUgtbtte, as the tigers played a vny stjblxwn g-«o? afalnsi tbe?vitbairood dealot soocesstoo. fiatirbenths Adelaides sent op a comparatlrely weak represenw-Don the orange-and-Llacks could not let Uie oppoi tonlty pats, and defeated them with eaae by 5 roalf toS. XhellediniJles were beattn tone times by them atUie Kensington, Adelaide, and OawlM ovals. Tbe association programme, especially as far tbe Oawiera were concerned, wae arranged baoly.asat one stage of the season Us pU>«r? had to throw aside Oiek fenny* tor five «eek>. She dob experiences eontlderable difficolty in bringing a fall team to the metropolis, apd this partially account* for some of tbe drabuiugs meted oot to them by the older teams Tbey ttiU retain tbe strricee of many of their original men, and with more regular and Jad Scions training oould give a good acooont of themselvef. Bat there Is already an association at Gawler, and it is exceedmely difficult to Induce players in the affili ated dabs to throw In their lot with them. From tbe Hrt (twill be seen that tbe Gasten (offered most at tbe bands of the Potts. Their best men have been H. and C. Bischoff, Rose, Burton, Barker, J. Tbomp son, Holbrook, and Darling. The brothers Biscno? have worked astidoonsly tluoughonl the season, sad both of them are very ekllfal with the leather. Andy Ross for bis eize does a ■arpriting amount of work is the centre, and be has performed very eo&natestly. Thompson was the most snuuL—f ol goal-klcker. bnt be if only one ahead ot Sdbrook. If the Gawten re ■oai? in the association Bez*yaar I azpset to see them win freefa laurels, aa though tbey have not done any thing *"•' *""c yet their |*ogress has been of a sore character. Their goal record is made up as follows:— Thompson 6, Holbrook 5 Penny 3, C. Bischoff 1, H. Bischoff 1, Cheek 1, Miller 1, Allen 1, Darling 1, Harker 1. Tbe following table shpws the results of their year's work:—

Tn? Sooth *"■■"??« 11 ~ * The South Adelaide* have alien to Btb pl*ce on the list, the Gawlers' avenge of points placlm; them above the Souths. As usual they started off with a great flourish at trumpet*, and it all had proved true that was rumored ot them nothing id South Australia could bare beaten them. Unfortu nately lot the btae-and-whites, ho?evei, these rumors did not prove correct. In the firet slaoe it ma stated that • prominent TMmaniu player wat to join them. This was trae, but he did not do co much good as was expected. Then a lot of juniors joined their ranlm, and Bout. late of the Eeaendons. and Carter, of the Ads-Uider, and Beeoman, of the late Iforth Adelaides, also threw in thrir lot with the btae-and whites. Not uithbtandin^ all these advantages the Sooths started cff dlsastronsly, as in the firet round of ""^^**~? all the senior crabs brat them, and they only secured wins against the Gawlen and Medlndies. This same state of things continued till the last set of eamea, when the Adelaides received a very severe thrashing at ttwir bands. The Sorwoods usually receive a check at the hands of the Sooths, but this season they did not effect a surprise, the red-and-blue) winning every name. One of their notches with the Ports proved a little more interesting than usual, bat the other three the magentas woo easily. Xhe matches with the Adelaides generally were of an exciting character, and the three first cams* wen evenly contested, bat the last one the Boeths won, having greatly Improved after a trip to the Peninsula. On this tour seven games * ere played, and all exoept one were won. Xbe Souths Ucktd 38 goals and 07 bebinds, wtule their opponcob> ( who consisted of teams representing the Peninsula towns of Wauaroo and Jfoonta, second U goals ana 47 behinds. The team wag at no time brilliant, ditsatlnfartinn and internal disruption very materially affecting them, and altogether the season cannot be termed a success. Ihey played 17 matches, winging six and losing the rest. 9>ey also played the North Melbourne*, bat did not manage to beat the visitors. Their scores for and against are fairly even, being—tor. 60 goals and IHB behlndj, against 78 goal* and 129 behind*. Bowiey was by tar the best ot the players, and, old stager that he Is, be did mere for the dab than any of the others. Ha was always reliable, being about the most consistent marker in the association. His kicking, which at one time was very mediocre, has greatly improved, altnoagb the team all round are father deficient in tbia department of the ymw Thompson, however, was an exception, his long place kkkabdngonaparwttliJ. HoKe?sie-s.ot the Fort, although, unlike the latter, he wat not straight and thoush placed forward he only secured six goals. Cook, who has now played with the Souths for sereral seasons, proved a remarkably strong; man liank, and witbllebrtene. Bout, and Powell the back lines were fairly strong. Beedmarj, who Utterly captained (fie twenty, mainulnwd the reputation he gained in the ranks cf the North Adelaides, and was a fair all roond aan. Hammond was very Rood, while mlonck, Heenan, Grogao, Bentreyjuid Sinclair wire the best of the others. Merriffan, who in tn« day gained the sobriquet ot "Prtooe of Followers.' «ac In nothing like his old form, but Ooode and Wiloj, two junior*, proved that they were worth) of their Inclusion In the team. Some of tts others were "very much off," and do notdeseive men tion The foUo*ing|weje the poal-Hckers:—Hammond 7, Thompson 6, Cook and Martin G each, Grogan and bowiey 4 each, Boot and Grose S each. Bentrey, Walrb, Hehrtent, Tidiweil, and Living?ton 1 each, ana Sollivaa, Sradalr, Morton, Beedman, Heenan, and Ueuivan 1 each. The followtra; table gives fall details of thr (oores ot the team:—

Tib ?bdkdbs. Tbe Hedindies have not been able to better their position on the soorinr list, baring again to be oon tent with the last position on tbe Uss. Altfaoogh their figures read a little better this year, they have not won a match, which they did last yew. Their total* this year an 19 goals 6« behinds for and 90 goals and 157 behinds against for fifteen matobss; while last season they were 21 goals 45 behinds lor and 126 goals and 200 behinds against for seventeen matches. At tbe beginning of the season the officials of tbe dab hoped to bring amnch bettertwtnty into the field, but owing to a number ot uoiulsss of miUKHi not brine k?pt and the lots of Eowley, their captain, their hopes ware doomed to disappointment. Ifthey intend to remain In the aandatana. next asasoa tt Is it to be hoped that they win put more presentable teams against their opponents, as not only did they not create any interest In the public mind, but their finances have suffered considerably, some of their games realising little or nothing. Their games with the Oawlere were tbe most interest ing of their eeriee. They met three times, but were unable tqfcoore a win. ndr last matoh, however, was somewhat exciting, the aawlem only securing their winning goal during tbe last few minutes of play. Against the senior dabs, tr*"**^ the Ports, they havebeenseverely baadlMLThey did better against the Adelaides, and on the last occasion of their meet lag tbey secured 8 goals and 6 behinds against S goals and ebefamda. Tots was on a wet day and when this took away somewhat of the merit ol their pertonn ance they pUyedrsmarkably weu. Beside their senior engagements tbey played fire junior matobes, and in each cue won fairly easily. Against the Prospects (25) they secured 6 Koala to none, against the Bovers (Z5) 6 goals to none, Salisbury (tt) 8 goals to 1, combined CoUetes (2t) 6 goals to 1, and against the Point atadeay Aborigines* gotb to 2, 80 that they kicked 2S goals to their opponuns'l. She best of their players wire Heirfield, Bosnian, Brown, Hosel, Homabrook, and Sellars. Xheir goal-kickers were H. Brown 7, Uocel and Eomabrook S each. Evens and Batman S each, and Lord and Morris 1 each. Tbe toUowinc table sbow? their scores and tbe result* of their matches:—

lonrood. 18 TT 2 "T l? wTi 85 IT '. Adelaide 18 14 : 3 1 127 .78 40 66 ideUUe 17 8 ; 9 — 67 89 i 78 181 hwfer 11 4 7 — SI 64 78 103 I.AdeUde 17 6 ! 11 — fit iSl I 71 118 todindle 16 — ; 18 — IB M ! 80 167

31 29 IS 8 12

'IN' I id Oppoutnta. i^S.'ci-g * REf*ij,o Pert - . I 6 ' si 1 1 Adelaide .. ..{ 4 3! 1-Omlei — .. i «! S. Adelaide „ *'*[--UediDdto _ _ S ; Bl-(-Aud. Totals _ 18 jut 2J~1 B. ilelbonme _ l lj- -OrMMi TotU« . 19 Il6; S) l|

2gg*,fSS3 1 a ia a ja a. 22 31 10 I U ■ • 19 24 2 « I * 23 44 6 I 14 6 SO ' 39 | 8 I 8 a 11)9 '163 I 35 88 U 4 4 8 15 — IllS 187 . SS 101 —

lift I Opponents. l-Sglg jsE|£ Norwood _ ..15 11 WeUide . ..4 4 U?wler _ _] 2 8 South Adelaide _ 4 4 Uedindie. J S I 8 isen. Totals _ IFfu S. Melbourne - 2 ] 1 EUcbaood _ 1 ; 1 3 Melbourne _ 1 j— St. KIM* - .1|1 3. Ballaiat _ i 1 j 1 3nndToUla ..!*sT!t8

B9?i Si 1, 16 j 88 -,-l M j 49 - -J 88 BQ -!-]_«_!?_ ll-l 9 I IS -I- 8 . 8 1 - 3 j U EEiil E1 l'lU ' 2JC:

IB e o 7 8 40 S 7 & 2 1 63

27 IT 12 8 4 ; 4 16 ; 8 6 ! 6 65 ! 29 8|-16 I — 6 • — 1 ■ — 7 ; — ioT —

Opponent*. 3* J f g ?=£i_f; Korwood _ T,' 1: 3|-i Port _ 4 (-1 4i—| Olivier _ . 2 ! 1. if —t South* - _ 1 i Si l-i Mediodle _ I 3 i 3 1 1 — H- 1-Aesn. T«talc _ 17 | E. ?,— i N. Uelfaonnic _ 1 — 1 -SootbB^lont. 1 j—j ],-Marjbonroeb .. I 1 li-U Sutitaont Aho. j 1 ;-}>|— tfatdjctkie _ ! :i t t;|jj-


10 22 6 i 1« U ; 18 It , 31 11 ' ? 2 6 1 I 6 • * «S 'lit

Si 81, 2 S4 , 49 ! — 6 18 S 1 5 'n 6 78 iiei i 16 6 12; -8 11 -ll > --!-! r St '191 ) —

tonrood -


2 - Si— S U- li— 2 j I li-ft It — — U I 4 7j—


2 0 6 1 12 21

~e"i u w — 4 !« 10 — is ; ii is 2 9 16 IS _ 24 j 6 20 « 6* I 78 1C3J 8

Adelaide _ S. AdeLlde _ d«Undie _

HECn.Tbtali -

Sonrood _ - 4 i— J-T 14 ! 28 4* — ><Bt .. _ * I—| «|-i 7 16 27 ■« — delude _ . . 4 j 1, S- 11 52 IB 2i 2 Uwkr _ .. 2 ' 2>-'-! IS 18 1 9 < ledindfe _ _ 3 ! 8,-1-: 16 31 , « 8 6 leBOcn. Total - 17 j e!u — '"iT tsT! 71 uF 12 ?. Melbourne . iH l|-< 6 5 ; 7 U — intsi Total - 1£\ 612 : -l 60 136 '"7Tlia9l~


II 1^ i


S 1



fiiiii 8 "aTTr 6 33 S 11 11 £8 20 1* 84 9 18 21 64 *flO*|iET

4 |

Atvwood « •ort _ tdelaide -3*wler _ I. Adelaide \mat.JtlUB

_ 8 = 8 - S _ 3 . 3 _ 16




8-8- -

S 2 5 e t








