Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 4 October 1889, page 6


[BY FOLLOWER.] FIXTURE. October 6.-Norwood v. Port Adelaide (Adelaide Oval).

The football season of 1880 Melbourne was brousht to a close on Saturday, when the final round of matches for the premiarship was played. The re-<*> [?] of these matches did not afect the supranacy of

Booth HdboooHk wkatadalWiwdanahknatti?aon tbeueoilerahfolfct that their tad ootdd sot be ndafeted with t^Batrndajii matches. The qoeatfon then aef^waaw?fc?e«ab?woeJd?oou«aauuudaarttlnrd place; Thi nrwitaa) w? ootrtlaedto Oaitton and Port Metbonnie, the former baring a lead of twopoisbj; batuttc«Mh* «cie aot ]MM affAM wdTflSlit ibcqnaliaocoaUiiotlftblrfaedceklcd. Boto taunt yon their matcbe^PortllaUnone deteeUnfGeetoog and Gartton bietornteroyTO that the poitUoia were uicbaDged. Sooth Mcl aeon* had an on match with Richmond, asd iseraated ibrii teoord to umber victory. Being imnd ot tfatlr aneoca the banraoa-en of theaontbera <slab bad btaun to arrange a Mnmphal procesion through the city of three does aoda t?aa bacd, and iltet the matoh waa ore.Un procewVmwie Joined by utom 10 eu^udvista«u Ciaplaf ol oskn aad tbe cbnm of ttae bMiadcen mane no small commotion. Thlab Sooth llelboonu1* KOEnd POMrenttve pnndeiAlp. Oplalo?edlSer aa to whether tbto few a*? an mlfyttM best taaa,M «lthoo?* only taatsn «vks and that dwMralr by th. BwndO?, they hare bad ikna dwinu in iridob tfcty Maowtr Ml' Mar *&**. Cultoa. the aeoond club, Kan Sf«ddraU «od no dmn, though they ahonla at l«Mlh?Tcti«d in Sine oftbdrnua3ir«. Port?elbO(mwli«a,llkethenaiii<n, played tone drawn games. Tbendarof thedob ao the prcmlerahip Ust ii w tcOowt :-Soath M«"*^-nn. Cufio?, Fort ftdboome, Barndnp, OwJoog. Kottfa •lelboonw, nttrm, TtWimmxl. 8? C2loX«man? •own. Hdboazne, naotaenj. From the 1M wttah Si •ppendrthwiDbeaetntbat fidi hu beeo the wont •esoo tot eeebwvfot about U yean, dnriatr whioh time tteytiuc not tailed to h*nt>Map>aoed ettbar flirt, •uo?d. or thud. Strrei beton have sa oaa; o< the dnbs bees ooao near an rana?tT,«Bd As atemtntcf tack Him Oat bxtaocely inliiil into th? acaac?. The lo?owioe is • liat oftfaabolda* ot tbe wjoiid vfe?sh time Sk Sa not aate to go: —

1 am mdestad te tfcs taegotag information to a Mdbonrne frohsTge. the Sooth Anatolian gooHaU toMto?ort proresult Oat the Norwoods end fbrts an lie far top posHis*. Tbe Wtw taem Urn graM paketor the manner they l?ve comliatnd with ttie wd-andblues, who M one stjge of the season teemed ssitvnsy ■ were goteg an carry allbefore them. Interest ia faottja? was fjiadaaOy Sagging; owing to the repeated and mooatoncas victoria of Hk npnHSbtnn «l the eMteraso?srie,t>ottheFtorts, by aa4diioo> mudnr{ gradually rated their standard of play, aod have. lately pertained with qnlle as much snxesi as the Sotwooos. Die bat meeting of then two ejo*ej. it •111 be renumbered, attracted ao tinman^, eoosoorsa of spectators, who evinced the greatest excitement in Ibs game, which tenoiaated in a dm. Ibis plaoed both team* on as t quality, aid dace Bien neither bH been defeated. Ananrimr?t? bave been made f?a""pUy off ' cm tbe Adelaide Onl en ajsterday rtlaam, and the match thobld farm a «rood coadasloa to the ISS3 aessen. After considering tbe Ksnesatve meritt of toe ', competing teams, I have rewired to pin tny faith to ' KORWOOD3. It Is to be hoped that file mote excitable portion of tbe spectator* win be able to iiaflilu abemaalvae better tban was tbe cm* on Assort U. Fethspa Batirrrtay wa? tbe mat boiiterom and onsuitable day (or foofball Chat we have einsrtoiinnd daring tbe preatst •eaaoa. Ike ground was ts> netted tmUOco. •bile *fee ball was exnsedingly grearv. Cutttv«howersof ram fell daring the after-Boco, while to csp aB a atrosr wind Mew diagonally acme tbe grand. It was day when Che Boatfabed the beet oppnrtrrihy of ataptUne tbe Korwoodj, tat ttiey were not eqoal to die oocaaian, and the redaodbtore kUkint: aaesratar/ won wMb aaee. Tae 1 nd-andbkHa>resold at faaU-time-6 scab 2behind! I —wa? a apteodid one, as there vat Bttte to Jbtdt goal. Hckiag Attar the ioternl. bnwenr, tbe tebted ' RoordwsjcUrfiir ajreoted. the final •Boree were— Korwood. S soala U behinds; Sootba, S goab 3 be- ! hinde. fw ne winnera KcQaflln pbyed an fiTwwiingly taeftd gam- -He alwtyi worka oonditontrjr, and may be nambtred among tbe beat nan of tbe nd> and-bhua. EoberM appeared to more advantage than ' te baa for come time^ and dnrJiig toe flat half saw more of Ihe ball kbao aay one- dee on trie noond. J Grayaon, UcEee, Shaw, Italy, Slxon. and WaUron I alec played we?. BowlQ-apbty. aapeaWDy Utmarkleg,atti>ct«lacreatHeal of atten&on; wUU Beedman, Powell. Mooek. Oook, and Walkky ateperlormtd wrlL I waa not in lone witti Mr. KrreJTi! nmplitog.tbotgabeeertaMyhadainoat uuflraiiirt U baa been arranged thai Mr. J. J. Tnut wffl flfl the position QtfleM ampSre is the matok between ttre jforvooda aa4 Ports. 9w Meiboariie Daily Ttbgrapk torn refen to | aatnriK>*«aiatcheateMelb(mrne:—^Aethebaendon ' and North MeUxrarpe in both oat of the straggle for premtfrahlii vary little intarett waa taba in their match, which waa played at j North IMboorne. She Rorth croud tn the football ataaoa ia nanaUy co soft that U baa earned the title of the "glaepoi." Bat aa BatanUy it «m Jwt the opposite, and in oome parte niembM a metalled road. Helther of tbe have tyiwn<M< {he expectations earlUr Tlotorlea promised, and a few deleata aeeaae to have entirely dtaoasaniaed them. Sis flrat bait of the game was vary •ran, and eaah aide obtefaed a couple of goals, bat afterward, the Northerners nan mher the best of U, and reteed from tbe BeM vtotorlooa with Dregoak to the oppo-' nenta* two. Batnrday was probably the wont day for football we ban had throughout the present emann. aa tbere was a very atro?g wind blowing all she a*ar-Doon, which almost put realry good play oat of tbe qneetion. The Cartton and ntsroy metfortheseoond time thia urtson. aod the game resulted tn a win tor the dara-blae*. made one win each, as the flat match play was fllHj Rayed by membete of buui teanaa- In the kst qnarter-febe winning team bai very ranch the better of It, even though their oppanentt had tbe wind, which, however, had dropped considerably. The Footaciay team suffered another defeat in their match against the Wllliametowa Kinwmililliii The play during the first hall of tbe oooteet waa remulably good on both sides, and tome apeoolaUon waa Indulged In aa to wfaish dab would claim victory, from toe fact that ftritacray on toe last occasion defeated their oppoacoto. Each side at halftime had (Cored a goal, and the third quarter waa . ootrmeoced by a dktorLanoe in front of the pavilion, acd thia was followed op ?y a pogOtatlo encounter between two aiajeit On the field A crowd then raehed the cromxl and a disorderly scene (ollcwed. Tbe police interfered, aod diapetaed tb? crowd after come mi?Oter delay. DaringTtte latter ponton of aba ganatn«WHli?instnwntmbpatoaosdth«faoppoaa*la, who apptared is dH?cn]Ueem> to the caU of tune. The conttst proved BBliitneaUtartowarda she oondcakm, sad reasttedhiaa assy victory far the wesiert of the saoow^aad-bbok by 6coahag*inatU Dorioajtoeseaaa? Fostasray has e?Jy sooted one wto sot of 1* matches, TbalaaimsJdi of the season bet ween Oeeteng and Port MelbODtne, on the tatter's ground, was played under Uying drcametaoces, tbe strong nanhoiy gale beinrtfarntt One play. Tbe Ports, who ?oo the toea, tcaa?gid to (core thrte goals with Uw wind, chica, cot cidtri?g he fence, was consleered to be very little. Gtelo?e, howerer, did not do so weil In their quarter, aDd otily manac-cd to get one goal, tbe Ports wisely ke> ping them on the lee aided the goal. IhePoos generally showed topexior play to tbtlr opponents, who, except for a fsw daehes, played with little epuit Towaida tbe end of At gasos the condition of tbe Forts told against Gerlong, and the former rate finally hailed the wtaaeee with five cools to ose Port* eeffered through the loas'of tbe eetvieei ol Hannayste, their "r^tn whose epiie was sUghtly lojoisd the pteVioiu Satoreay Oerlong were even more nnfortanate ia haring i. Baker absent with a bad Irq, and Talbol and Tioos Jajocks. Ocieidetlng she i?olwnency of tbe weather the matcb wfaioh wss played between the Melbonme and St. KOda football teams was fairly attends* by apsetaton. There was a very good schfbttkm of ptav on the part ot the St. EUda playen. not as neither aide coald the soaring be considered good. Tie contest nsnMed as toUows: -«. ElMa « gojii IS beblndt; atelboame, 2 goal* 7 behlods."

Tbe f ollowiag abowt fte qnatit* of rainfall at the oadunnaHoutd atatioc? (or the SI feoora eauiiog 9 a.m. on Xbucatey. Oatober

1874 tf 75 iwe 1877

Melboame Ckdtaa McBMnme OMltan Ckdton Ovttai Mdbaonic Outton Gctfaii Gedone aUdbonrne'. Sedans 8-lUIboane SmIsk OdkB & ifdbODfDB 8. Hdbomve

Outea JUUmnBe ■dbmane Hdbrana Outan Xdbaame Kdbaame (kdMB P. Mdboum* W« 8.HeU)a(BB* rmprtdfl Omim 8.lbtooant Oecloiw. 43cdoo( Outtaa

OuHon Albert ttA CnteB Iapeiii Hotfaui Oultao a«dboinrM QultoD CMttOT &Hdbotmte G«doag 8 lUIkoarae WIlBamtown

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