Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 27 April 1889, page 2

Amn?emc?ts. hIHIAI J£JC ROYAL. tosKca— Messrs. WILLIAMBOK. PARSER, ft MUBOROVI Resident Manamr—Mr. WYBEBt BEBVB. Ireaeurer-Mr. E. J. whitttngtoo, COiII'USOED GLORIOUS BUCCSS3 of the KEW LOBDOH DRAMATIC COMPANY, Engaged by Messrs Williamson, Garner, aaj Mnsgrove, In tbe Beautiful Adelphi Drama Of SILVER FALLS,\ ISvS fS;I -"^j •—' SILVER FALLS,! Mx.Brunloiu SILVBR FALLS,/ ENTHUSIASM nfCRBASKG NiaETLY. HOUsES STILL CROWDED. Tress and Public unanimous hi prononnoine It the fWESI DRAMATIC PRODUOTtOH ever seen In Adelaide. Stage and Bnsines? Manager to Silver Falls Company; MR. FBAHK EMEBT. Carrbees 10.45. Box Plan ot_ wootaaa's. TO W M HALL. NEXT WEEK. Under the Distinguished Patren&ee and in tba Presence of their Excellencies the Eael and Cocvtessof Knrro?K. Hi JOE HENRY a DANE will give Four cf his brilliant Dramatic Orations. MOKDAY, MCKBESAL COMMAND NIGHT— " The Great Naval Battles ot the American War." TUESDAY—" Cp the Rhiae and over the Alps." ' WEDBESPAY— "Bfgbt?and Soerresin Looaon" FHIDAY— * Con?tantiiiopte, tfae Goal of Ku?Sln Ambition," Prices-Sp., 25., Ib. A limited number of Fauteulls at 6s. Box plan at S. Marshall A Sons'. It- W. HEKBKRT JOKES. ADELAIDE OVAL. TODAT. """ TO-DAY, APRtL 27. S.A. CYCLISTS' TJKrOXTS QBAKD EASTfiR INTBRNAtIOKAC SPORTS MEBXING. Under tbe Dietinenislled Patronage of HIS EXI'ELLBNCY THK^ BARL OF KIATOBE. PROGB&snre. SJSO. Overture, Oity Vatnnteee Battalion Band. 5.46. first Heat 1-Mile Maiden Roadster Bicycle Rare.; 2.66. 1-Mfle ntfrd daas Hoycte Bace. 3.6. Fin* Heat Sheffield Handioao. B.S. ntK-MTLS CHAKPIDSBHIP OF AUS TRALIA. LtO. First Heat 1-MOa Bieyde HamHcap. 8.50. Second Heat l-Mfle Bicycle Handicap. 4. Second Beat BheffieM Handicap. 4.5. Second Heat 1-MUe MUdea RsarMer Bicycle Bace. Mr. AGTHTOH, astbted by Kr. Euhnel, win give an exhitirion ot Fancy Bioycle Riding. 4.80. two-Lap Bojs' Cycle Race (Post entries). #36. Final 1-Mue Bfojide Handiop. ft 90. 2-MDe First-class American Lap Bace. M 0 FlnU l-MHfi Maiden Baadatera. 6. Final Sheffield Handicap 6.10. S-MUe Bracelet Handicap. J. E. FEKLON-Englana. T. W. BCSST—Victoria E. MCDONALD—New South Wales. E. Ki.lOlT-Vfctotto. R. DAVIS-South AatraUa. W. COX : -Bogttt AnstaaUa. m All Oydist? in w^'y*l admitted tree. Procession leaves OLP.O. at 8.15. Tbe strictett punctuality wiii be observed in start lnsr tfae races. The above win afford the eTandest day's spart ever offered to the public ot South Australia without doubt. Do not fall ta see the last appearance on the trade of the Soath Australian Champion, Mr. R. Davii. Ground, Is.; Reserre, Is. extra; Childrea, half prfce. Gates open at 1.45 p.m. - To aTOldcrowding-15enhances wHlbeopea. AD dtps wtQ be destroyed THB ARESKOON. Flat Event etarts at 2 30 p.m. (To. PRraORAVE, IP Bee: S AO.U. ALBfitiT HALL, ADULALDB. MONDAY, APRIL Si, GRAND POPULAR CONCERT In aid of tfae Building Fond ot St. Paul's SahooL Under the Patrooafee of the Hon. J. C. Bray, M.P., and^be Hon. H. Scott, MvUC. Mre. Johnson Jtmtee. Mia. AWenna?, Mtes Lucy Stevenson, aad Heir Hans Bertram have kindly con. Bented to assist. AdnJfln,i—f>i«j CTinUni> ~ Cckethofclew?iay reswve their seat* on paymeM ot«thMing extra at Messrs. Marshall & Sons', wbwe plan nay beeeen. ztlff TWA HOURS m BOANIK SGOT LAND. AXKUAL SODTCH rESHVAL, VICTORIA niLVYJLO.A^ On W<DHEBOAT r KA3r L. Cnder the patrona?E of the S.A. Caledonian Sooiety and tbe Port bcaseh; also his Worship the Mayor of Adelaide, 3. Shaw, Esq.. E. DBUMMOM> t Bon. Sea. OEMAPHOIiB INSTITUTE SALE OT aBXS, CRAFS, AND PRODUCTS. SATURDAY, ma Ajifl, S to 10 p.m. Inaiaof SEBEDESCHUBOH. Admbsidn, Bd.; ChiM?n. 3d. . OrcbtxtnffSettdlDas, ObadMttt, Ht, J. Wtmama. ns,7 I- O G.T.—A PUBLIC BMTBBTAIN ■:• HKHT at ■BUON-ttALX, BDTTDES, XQB; DAT, aoth, atr & AD are Uv?edt Od?bctiAstOda trar fiimuM wht in anenotanoe. XDrc&neiii prootafon. •-.... UtS * BAKB. iihMiwof tfce IntswsMriaT OWIMt held In Ad^Uid* o? o|>«l|n, HMj hex?y oo&b IBM to FUTIV otpMistd BaflU In SOOCH ASSntALU that taSrt ts> otjstfe 4n tke esM contest. W. X SABOMSSS, SeeKtaty. UH a^JitU'sheet CHALLBfiKUL—« SCftATflg BAND «fi BCAf-_«hs- B^Ote?iaa SOBATGH BAKDtor>T wMHHBt^y mpp mute. im BBD. TAimAXTSfa. Wrig?Htreet BpurUiigi. 1 DELAIDK POLO CLUB. polo'luco. hoebbbbtrjx radecocbw. TO-DAY {SAICTLOAIJ, APBtt 27. HANDICAF mnur BACK RAPE Wn? iroSTBALtS. MEMBERS' BAKDICAP FLAX KAOC {Half a Mile). OPEN FIiATEAOE CMTsi?et TAgPBJI^aOB. HHimag HDBBBBT'B&eE. OIGAB AHD UMBBELLA BACE. All Rants exceot Members' Handicap Flat Race to be eyea seyeidijs the liwi Odo anugeitj- of, aad4?be ridden by fno?beceot tbe AdebUdc?uin, aad aionai CrawtMftClabsv All' Races ezeept the Hotdle Base **>* Members' Hfrtiray Flat Rase win be open ta ponies owned by?ieCHmpeidow&, who are vislHag tb« cotooy. In afl eases a^sitiflcato bern the fTswstiij oteaeh. Clmb ■nfr'bej?Ddiisad, staling. tbat?K pony intend fcasbw?fahtf played sii time? dadnt; she praseat Xntriesror each raae 10s. (tea ■^""■l^ g^f^-nr to be made faaH an hoorbefose eaoh AH iwlss nostbe 14 oraadet, weep?esi b*m made hi Om/tme ot *B poadas) atore that fcefeS (not ~m—*i*z 14 l) whiah have been previously played and reristemd with Urn Hewrtsry of the Adelaide JWo Clabon or befotttte Ist ot October, 18S8. E. W. HOWAB9, Kon Sec AD BLA IDS POLO CLUB BAOXS. AH BOOKMAKERS wlshfii 10 p^ their araaction on the MorphattvuTe eooaw on Saturday. April S7, zas?.4sak«np«riar a sntXAi. "aoosuSo?fa POEgl^ufce Ononnhii). toiiililii iiuuhq enter tta?sMtve set apart fw that rjmgose. tte PCBLB3 aw OAHtlMffiD not to do any basl aesswtthmiiniuMWl penom. or tnreet tbdr money In-BotfcTctaliJStOW." ? U7 K. W. HOff AM), Hon. See. Q.LEKEL6 RAILWAY. polo raobb, mnffHrnrnxx. AP«Hi27. lfifflL On. SAX^?A7, April ir.saatn?cffiiimMO?der:' ft«B Vioida-eqnate-12.16, 1XM, Ll6, L 40,2.16. AbbgiuMi iiassnw L 46.2.46. Eront Bsotawu? to TictorJs«9aue-t < tt k 5.10, c.15. ftanitaceeoriae to COenelg-4 30. 5.40, &sf. UOT i. QUAH. Ds?ief ry aad Manager. FOX-TERRIER COURSING. SATURDAY. April 27 3 oclock. . DULWICH. PARK ENTRIES for PUPPY STAKES CLOSE on FRIDAY NIGHT at Gegan & Feglies; Open Stakes on the ground. 116-7 Football Notices. FOOTBALL. —ALBERTON OVAL PORTS V. SOUTH ADELAIDE JUNIORS(23). •SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 3 p,m 116-7 R. CRUICKSHANK, Hon. See. KENSINGTON OVAL FOOTBALL^ TO-DAY at 3 pm. NORWOOD V. MAYLANDS Admission, 6d. Fred. C. COOMBE, Secretary. 116-7 PORT FOOTBALL CLUB. Members' Tickets now ready. Gentlemen's, ad mitting to ground, 5s ; Ladies', to enclosure, 2s. 6d. These tickets not transferable and do not admit to intercolonial matches, z117 R. CRUICKSHANK, Hon. .Sec. COUTH AUSmI^IAN YACHT O CLOT, imXHPDBtfClft "-wxli CLostKB wsmfS?oaoros sEAsoar, 1833-9. Bieml)ers<an obtain their SekatslbrClubtteamsr for Saturday. SRh, onayplicatian to W. G. RandalL Alflude,aod UJ C. WOOLNOOaa, Bm. Sea.

Amusements WIRTH'S COLOSSAL CIRCUS. WAKEFIELD STREET TO-NIGHT. ~~TO NIGHT; FIRST CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. EVERYTHING NEW MOST ASTOUNDING ARENIC ACTS. TO NIGHT for the first time in Australia, CHAL LENGE BOUNDING JOCKEY COMPETITION be tween the two rival Australian natives, Messrs. Geo. WIRTH and P. MONTGOMERY. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Ballot papers will be Issued to each of the audience, so that we will be enabled to settle without prejudice this long spirit of rivalry be tween our two artists. You will kindly place the paper with the name of the artist whom you think is the better rider in the boxes provided. Miss MARIZLES WIRTH~in NEW and MARVEL. LOUS ACTS, viz., Jumping Backwards on Horseback, over banners, through balloons, &c; also her beautiful high invisible wire performance with her trained pigeons. MISS MADELINE in New Acts. THE THREE BONELESS WONDEBS. WONDERFUL~ACROBATS TRAINED STALLION'S, the wisest In the world. EVERYTHING NEW. Prices— 4s., 3s., 2s., and Is. Doors open at 7.16; performance at S p.m. THIS AFTERNOON at 3, SPECIAL PERFORMANCE FOR SCHOOLS, FAMI LIES, and CHILDREN 7 living at a distance. Children admitted to all parts for SIXPENCE. S'TEAS'BUEG CLOCK, 66. KttG WILLIAM-STREET. Open daily from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. EEWTKB MACHINES, \ PIOTDRES, I . T.I Ti AT. CLOC^ 5- > «VEX ATO gWCK| ; / TO . DAr . ACCORDEOK6. / During the week tbe followin? visitors were pre sented with WATCHES :— Uesdames Marshall, Reidt Hisses Lord, Size, Slat tery, Metfrs. Watt, Fahlbusch. ELSOTROPLAIED CRUSTS or PICKLE-JARS :— ■Rsdames Boar, Hllbanic, Archer, Mlsa Colline, UesErs. Jenkin?, North. EEWIKG MACHINES :— lire. Bishop, IQss Smart, Mr. Thompson. EVERT YISIXOR~RECEIVES A GIFT. CHILDREN'S MATraTKc"THIS AFTERROON. Admjgsion, la; Ohjldreo, 6d. 117k JUBILEE EXHIBITION ELITE SKATENG RISK. CHttDRF-VS HAHKBB This Momin?, 10 to 12, Free. B&nd Afternoon aad Evening, TO-KI6HI. TO-KIOHT. AGIKTOK'S WIRE. AOINTOX-S WIRE. THE GREATEST, HOST DARim AND BREATH-nOLDISS SENBATIOK OF THE DAY. Witnessed last night by a large crowd of Enthusiastic Onlookers. Professor AGIKTON will repeat bis Wonderful Feat ot SKATISG DOWif a WIRE stretched from the top of the Gallery to the Floor. . To prevent the poesibilSy of aodflsnt a epedaliy made net 100 feet long- and 9 feet wide has been prepared, and will be suspended under the wire. EXHIBITION ELITE SKATING RISK. GRAND GALA NHJBT~Ain> COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, Tendered by tfce Proprfeeary and Management to MB. U. J. AGTNTON. Under the atiEpices of the South Australian Bicycle Union. TUESDAY EVESniG, ArRIL 30. The greatest entertainment ever presented to tfae public of Adelaide. 1. A Grand Bicycle Drill of handaome decorated machines, for a trophy of £6 6s. 5. Exhibition of Fancy and Scientific Skating by Mr.Aginton. 3. One-Mile Koyde test Race, to be ran in heats, for IK1! a taophy valued £5 Ss. 4. Badesqse Stating by Mr. Aginton. c. FtwCbaU HfittA, Home Rolen v. Oonsermttres. 6. One-Mite 6kattng Race between Mr. J.O. Baker, the popular Rink Racer, and He K. 3. Agin too. And a fanetor other attractions. For foil parlteu lan «cc Mbnday morning^ paper. Admisrfon—One shilling, and two shUlings. Tickets everywhere. Home Rcltos (Oreen). GosBBtvATrTES (Red). R. McCarthy, Cbpt. J. C. Baker, Capt A. Boyd] B. Harvey W.PeofaaH G.CottOa H. Sampson F. Coffee X. Fttgnson F. Ferguson A. Overman A> Feagaaoa W. Harvey E. Watts A.Stotk WGHmey W. Wedler T.MtteheU T.J'ergTiron X.Biafr Oeatnt'Umpire—W. Rmoon. Goat Cmpba— Vemfc IsauMASd Evans. FEIiiJ UKMIKG fLfiAS. PEttFOBUING «LEAS. This WondeiMl lErtubaftnr will be Opened to the Public in a few dara a* No. 40, AD£bAIDE ARCADE. Fust introduction into Sootfc oinatralia of PEBFORIHftG FLEAS. Ordtnuy fleaa fpolex Irritane) ttaSned to perform like hones and other animals. -In order to keep I&e Exhibition entirely eeleet the management hare decided to charge for admission Is.; 6d. ohUdren. 117 GARDENS. Their Excellencies LORD* and LAD 7 KINTORE having announced thdr ihtenSion of visiting these Gardens oa MOSDAY AFIERNOOH, tiie SBta inst, will be received by the President and Council on theb-arrival. Memberracd the public are cordlaUy invited. The POLICE BAKD will peifonn during the Afternoon. 117 mews hall, pobt adklaide". X, —MONDAY KVBMMQ, Mar 6, ENICRTAIH. MEftXin afd-of the widow of (teMB Mr. XTSttUivan, ot Put /m?i«<^? Wcip fha widow f^n orphans, Portamans-! Popular (does. Doon-open 7.30, com mence-8 o'clock. 117 T7ISTEY ORGANS.—SpeeW Modal?for Mil Ohurchee. Bl?liwc Tendera and Caotxacta. USTBALASIAN ROBURiTE ESHiOSIVES COVPAKY, CDOtED. TEKDKRB win be received by the nndwsignea gnta noon ot Pmrwfcy. May a. tor She ERECTION of WORKSHOP and Fittings at KILKEJSHY. Pians, &c, at out Offioe. Ko tender necesiat?y acoepted. WIffIALL&WEU.*. AMShkeets. 6. Scmdle-etreet. n7,20.2 QITY OF A, D SLAIOS. TENDERS win be received by the Connoil until MONDAY N«a, April 30. ISBB, at 1 o'clock, for No. 17. ttetal, Sapwins 1,008 coble yards 2-inch Road Metal to Carrier Wardi No. 22. Olives, Purchase ot Crop ot 1869. No. 84. Wakefietd4bee?, Remylnrpertion of. Neither the lowest nor any Tender necessarily. The Specififlattons can be «en and farther parHcn-Ura obtained rtfl?Cay Surveyor* Of?oe. THOMAS WORSNOP, Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office. April U, ISBB. 115.7.9 QORPOBAXIOfi OF ST. PfiTfiEtS. TESPKRH wlfl be received onMl 8 p.m. on MON DAT, April 29, for the faDowta; :-GSKERaX CACTafifl?, gEAMS tor ROAD-RjOLLER, aad a omuiier of othai wurks. Specifleatie?e maybe setn at the officeof the under signed. So lender nrmmiiHy aoeeptedi By order, HARB.T K. SAfiTDO. Town Surveyor. Town Snr^ort Office, April 20,18 W. U«,7 f f usfllllS?? vfll be reoelved untlf noon X of MOKD&T, May 0, for the ERIOTION of TWO HOUSES aUBBOUaBAK-PIAOE, B.A. D. WILLIAMS, Jt^fCHAS. T. GOOD. Architects. gJ,HlngWllfiamr?trwt, 10843^,6-7^l TENDERS (accompanied by samples) will be receired by the undersigned up to 10 o'clock a.m., Tuesday, April 30, 1889, for the SUPPLY of 200 Yards of LIMESTONE, delivered on the Henley Beach-road, between Thulbourne and Moore Farm-bridge. For the Adelaide and Hindmarsh Tramway Com pany, C. J. COATES, Secretary. Register Chambers, Grenfell-street, Adelaide. zllfl-9 TAB MSB WOQD PAVING. IMMffIiCIItMnTSBIIMCHtt r?A?crar PATHB laid from is. per snp. yart. ■rthmtet on applicatten. WILKE & SCHWERKOLT, BBwte Oontraotora. Exohauea, Adelaide. SWSE, MABBLB, or SLATE WORK correctly executed to plans or specifications tor ceaetery, private or public buildings. —W. H. Martin's Steam Saw MHIs, North Unley. Town offioe —Irades Erchaage. Oreshaw-etreefc 40iw3i8 m A R • P A_V B M B N T. I am prepared on application to Famish Estimates Of Cost for Laying Xar-pavementa, Lawn tennis Courts, Carriage and other Roads, Harden Pathl, OeUar noon. Cricket Pitches, to. HKKBY*DUHBtAH. Address— KENSIKOfTOIf PASS, St6we Norwood P.O. "M OTE THIS !—Table VII. policy of J3 the Australian WIDOWS'FOHDGUABASTEKS ■eversionary addition to sen assured, EQUAL TO PBEIUUHS PAID e*oh year from date o! issue Precjiuma payable far 2-3 TKARS OSfLf, po"JS ??■ tmul?g ss share (a prtfiii. O«:«, Grenfeli-atee:!. in

Faneral Notices THE FRIENDS of Mr. JOHN DALEY are respectfully informed that his Funeral trill leave Us late residence, Hobson's-lane, TEIi DAY (Saturday), at 353 per; for the Catholic Cemetety. West lerrice. zlli J. B. SILBIIRT. Undertaker. mHE FRIENDS of Mr. • HENRY JL HKLLERY CHURCH Gate ot Menindie. New South Wales) are informed that his Remains will leave Kqrth-terrace THIS I?\Y, at 3 o'clock, tor in termed in the West-terrace Cenieterv. E. aEXMGS. Undertaker. 11 7 138. ltundle-strset. • Religious Notices. ST. PBTEK'S CATHEDRAL. ;—Firtt Sunday after Eatter, April 28 —Holy Communion, 8 am. Matins and Litany, 10.30 a.m. Preacher, tbe Rev. Canon Dkkdt, D.D, Snb-DeaD. Evensong, 6.46. Prea-sher, the Lord Bisiior. Wed nesday, May 1, S.S. Philip and James. Holy Com tnunion, 8 a.m. 117 g^IHURCH OF ST. PAUL, ADE-T * LAIDE — Sunday after Easter—Communion, 8 a.m.; matinp, 11 a.m.; immediately after which the BiSHor ot the Diocese will hold a Confirmation; evensong, 72 p.m., the Ikccmbent. May I—S.B. Pbisip and James, Communion, S a.m. Other week day services as usual. ?r^*Wff^St ST. OSWALDS, PARKSlDE.—Sun day—Communion, S a.m.; matins, 11 a.m.; evtcsong, 7 p.m. (A-OJ, Vestry, Monday, 7.30 p.m.; evtiaong, Thnreday, 7.80 P m. 117 PIEUESTREET WESLEYAN CHGBCH. SUNDAY. APR If. 23. J'orniner, 11, Rev. J. Reap. Evening-, 0.30, Rev. If. WrLKresny. 117 EKT TOWN WBSLEYAK CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL SB. 11, Rev. R. Mai:tik (of the British Conference). e.iCi, Rev. W. Befu— "The Strong' Man Armed." 117 TOW MEMORIAL CHURCH.-Sunday, April £8. Preacher, Rev. W. Bobt I'lettheb, M.A. .^errices, liana, and 6.30 p.m. 117 NORWOOD AND MAYLANDS rRESBYTEEIAN cnURCII Institute, Parade. Horniii?, 11; Rev. W. F. Maik. Krenlng. 6.80; Itsv. R. M. Hunter. 117 GOODWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHDKCH.—Divine Service will be conduoted TO-MOKtiOW by Rev. A. Andrew (from Madras). Morning at 11; Evening. C.30. U7z THANSKSGIVING FOR RAIN. The ADELAIDE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION" invite their Fellow-Christians throughout the colony to get apart Wednesday, let May, as a DAY OF THANKSGIVING to Almighty God for the recent bountiful rains. SHEETINGS will be held in the Weeleyaa Lecture ban, Phie-street, as follows :—From 11.80 a.m. to 1.30 pm.; from 3to 6 p.m. and at 7.E0 p.m. Various ministers and other gentlemen will take part in the proceeding?. A collection will be made, which, after defraTing ex pense?, will be devoted to the Chinese ftmine* fund. 117,201 JAKES LYALL, Convener. MbDIKDIE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.—Rev. S. Lkstok—Morning, II; Evening, C.BO. 96wc t^HRISTADELFHtAW BYNAOOGUE J wakefieldstbei:t —SLNiur,aso. Sub. Sect, "The reign of Christ; when .and where?" R. Thomas. ltf ST. AJSDKEW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHDBea. Taster—Rev. E. Rorkb, B.A. Morning service at It; evening (anthem), C 30. 117 MORPHBTT-STRBEr OHUROH.— TO-MORROW, 11, E. Grattok; 6.30, J. O. Wright. H7 CILAYTON CHURCH.—Morning, 11, t Rev. J. C. Ki?nv; Evening, 6.30, Rev. J. W. Jones. 117 PORT CONG. CHURCH.—Anniver sary, Young Men's Society; Afternoon, Special Addresses: Evening, sermon to Young Men by Rev. J. C. Kibbv. 117 TVTORTH ADELAIDE BAPTIST «LJI CHTJRCB, TyNTJESraEET. TOMORROW, at II a.m. and 6.80 p.m., Rev. W. E. IJice Evening Subject—" 4 Disastrous Famine." 117 KKIOHTSBRIDGE BAPWST CHURCH.—Mg., 11, Efe. fI.SO. Bey. G. Bbbrt. Eg. Series—"Getb?enianeto<3alvary;" No.. 7. "The dream of Pilate'a wife." 117 C\BUJ*CH MISSIONS.—Low Sunday, / April 28.—Morgan, II a.m. (HO.). 3p.m. and 6SO p.m.—Canon WnmMJTOK. Bowden, 11 a.m: (H. 0.); West Adelaide, 3 pro.; Prospect. 7 p.m.— Rev. C. S. Beausiokt. Oilier services by me lay readers. 117 BC. CHURCH, GiiANYlLliE.—Tire • Hymns sung at the Anniversary last Sabbath «rSI be repeated next Sabbath. Horning: Service, Mr. Jciiksok ; Afternoon, 2.45, Rev. J. Ratmokt ; Evening, Rev. R. Laso. 117 f IJLENELG WfisLEYAN OHURCEL \JT —TO MORHOW. U, Rer. J. Y. Sftrrsos; 6.80, Rev O. W. Hexdrkw. Tbe Bey. Sendee* will hold special services during the week each evening at ?-8D U7_ CHURCH OF CHRIST, GROTE STREET.—M. Wood-Green, TO-MORROW at e.SOr.m. Onllecrto? tetGh'\Bem tatnine toad. 117 F~ RIMTTIVK DUfil'HuDlST SUNDAY SCHOOL, PROSPECT. - ANNIVERSARY April 28 and 29. Preachers .11 a m., l!«si W. How ennr; S SO, Rev. J. Bud , 6.80. Uev. J. H. Williams, FUBL'C TEA MONDAY, 6 30; Meeting, 7^o; sneakers—Revs. J. Goodwin, J. H. Wtiliatds aad otlsera. CollecUons for school land*. 117 BIBLE CHRISTIAN—ApriI 28, Franklin-street—11, Mr. Sampson ; 6.30. Rev. E. Gratton, West Adelaide—Church Anniversary— 11, Rey. J. G. Wright ; 3 (Flower Service), E. Grav-ton ; 6.30, Rev. W. H. Peters. TEA on MONDAY at 5.30 to 7. Meeting, 7.30. Chairman, Mr. J. Man-ning, Mayor of Thebarton. Speakers—Revs. Wright, Thorne, and Gratton. 117 S. A.TOTAL ABSTJNENCE LEAGUE, CSali GOSPEL TKUPKRAKCE MEETING. «&^ GARMBa'6 RO3MS. f^Tl TO MOBftOW E\"ENIXG. 8 p.m. c Epeaken-Mettre. M.WoodGreonand H. R. HcStran (recently from london per e.s. Orient). Mr. T. LANG win rente " England's Shams." Good singing. Collection in aid ot IMnia* in China. TU PABKSIDE BAPMST OHUROH, Youmr-etreet.—Xomonow. tbe Pastor, Rev. S. Fairev. Services, ll and 6.£u. Morning—"The rnlfllfi?S of. tfae Law." B*aiiaat—"The Surprising Tenderness of Jesua." 117 ttOLLEGfi PARK CONGRBGA / TIOKAL C4UEOH. AMNIVEBSABY SERVtCRS. SUNDAJT, AFRC& 2S. 11 a.m.—Rev. & F. FMob. 6.50 p.m.—Rev. W. Pgsay Joyes. 117 KORWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH.— M. and IL, Rev. J. Hall Akgce 117 NORTH ADELAIDE CONGREGA TIONAL OHUROH —Sonday, \-pfii 88. The Service morning and evening condnoted by Ber. C. C. Bovnc v; t~IOODWOOD BAPTIST CaUROH.— IT 11a.m.; 6SO p.m.—Rev. A. HKrreEs. Evening Subject—" A Notable Miracle." 117 * CiENIKAL MARKET SBRVICB, / Sl5; preacher, Ber. T. A. Fieldwick. U7 WIRTH'S OIROU S.— Gospel Service, Sopday. 8 p.m. 117 Hotels, ftc, For Sale or To Let. Under thi? heading iif prepaid). IS tvonix, o>te insertion, Is.; three insertion. Si. (Id HOTEL, ccuniry, low rent; valuation £200 cadi; terms for balance. HOTEL, city, rant £8; valuation only. HOTEL, country, rent £1; valuation £100 cash. HOTEL, city, rent £4; good position. HOTEL, country, rent £810s,; thriving township HOTEL, country, rent 10s.; small amount of cash only required, W. H. OR&IGie, lSseow:l?q 40, Exchange. Pine-street. TO LET, BIDBT ARCADE HOTEL, GREMFELL-SIBKKT. STOCK and FOBSRUHEat a Valuation. Terms to approved tenant. Stan particulars from the proprietor, JOHN MURPHY, or s.c jnsx. Oowra Chambers, Orenlell-street. . Mweoe I_a OlEti) Beven miles ont ot town. Rent 80s. Jj and } week, taemdlng iD acres good land j[~LUSII) £UocMb. SUBUBBAN HOTEL—Rent 905.; valuation £100 cash CITY J Hlsdley-stkeet. Rent £3. Ingoing about HOTSL. f £350-£ BOO <a&. CITYBOTEL>-Re?t£S. Small ingoing. SOBURBAH)Bent£2; beat drawing three barrete tIHOTEL. f weekly. Valuation about £200. G. R SBLTH, Kext National Bank, Bug Wlllbun-stMet 3He0y:389 Botcb writ BcstEHU'imts. AILWAY FAMILY HOTEL, GAWLEE-STSATKMJ. fc GEORGE MARTIN, Proprietor, late of Napoleon acd Scotch Thistle Hotels. A Home for Families and TraveDeg. U7w:116 PETERSBURG HOTEL. THOMAS GALL, Phopbiktok, Wishes to inform his many Friends and the Travelling Public that be has taken the above Hotel (with Mrs. Gall, late Mrs. E. Martin, of Gladstone). This Hotel :e about 100 yards from the Railnrayrtation. Meals on arrival of all trains- FiMt-clus Billiard Saloon, Sample Beans, Table D'Hote, and StabUag-. 40. 960w1£5 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CLUB HOTEL.—FRENCH COOKING and CATBRIKO tor email and large paiaes speciality. 88eowlS5 G FLECKER. GRAYSON'S Coffee Palace, Opposite the idelaide RaUwayStation. tijTrjJrrtJJ?

Public Notic—. ADELAIDE OVAL mis mmm. TQHIHIf BIGVGLE CHAMPIONSHIP OF AUSTRALIA. 117 SA. TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETF. • -ORDIKARY QUARTERLY VESTING at Eir John Barleynorn Hotel, SATURDAY, April 11, 8 p.m. 116-7 F- S. WALLIS, Secretary. DEMOCRATIC CLUB.—Usual San day Evening Service at 7. J. X. Sbll&r— "Plunder, Privilege, and Probity." Questions answered. li 7 JOUMSEYMEN BUTCH«RS' ASiSO CIATIOJf.-SPECIAL MJ^ETIXG at Norfolk Arms, Kundle-street, HEYDAY HKMIT. 8 o'clock, to receive employers' reply r working houre. 117 0 _W\ G. UOOMUS, See-T\/|RS. W. B. HUNTER, of Kent •ITJL Town, desires to toiler her <-!neerc THAN Ks to the many sympathisers with her in her late bereare nitnt. 117 A HALGAUATKD SrHJiAUEUS J\. UNION OF ArSTRAI^SIA. KOTICE is hereby given that a Jl KKTIKCof Sheep owners and Shearers vrill be held at BKLTAN A on the 2nd MAY. All ebeepownen and shearers respectfully Invited to attend. Business -Ta consider ancement > and fix price for thenringr. &c. 116-20 J. A. COOK. .Sgcretary A B A.S.f. AKTONB- found TRESPASSING on Allotment 70. King William-street and Little King William-street Kent Town withont lawful busi ness, vill be prosecuted. | 1150 JOHN t.AM?IEY. T>OliT WAICt-FIKLU 13ISTRLCT JL COUKCIL. KOTICE—The PUBLIC are hereby CAUIIOXEO AGAIKBT TUAYKLLIKG IK THE SIGHT in this district in consequence of thfc damage to roads by the late floods. B. M. HE WETT, Clerk. April SB, 1869. 114 7 mOWN OF BEMAFHOAE, Pursuant to Section 149 of Muniolpal Corporations > Act, 1S8", So 190, the Town Council will, on the first day ot KTay next, at 7 p.m., sit in tbe Council .Cham ber as so open Court for bearing: and determining on the advisability or otherwise of ISSUING and RENEWING LICENSES to SLAUGHTER BHALL CATTLE or PIGS within tbe municipality. Ap plications must be left with the town clerk not [ later than 30th inst. By order, J. H. SIXOLAIR, Town Clerk. Town Perk's Office, Aoril 85,1859. 117 GET PROSPECTUS, INTER COLONIAL ART OKION. Ticket*, 10s. 6d. HO BLANKS. Prizes from 100 GninfM, lowest 7s. 3d. Early application invited. Adelaide Agent and Secretary —J. Bruer, Industrial Buildings, Kin? WnUam-etreet. 96W117 THOS. COOK & SON'B BXOUR6IOKS NEW ZEALAND. TABMASIA, GIPPBLAHD LASBS, to. BEASON7BBB AKB 89. IKTENDINO PASSKNoSIS TO KUOOPE, Ac, win be saved much time aad trouble by appiylntrto THOS. COOK & SON, -wbo SECURE PASSAGES and ISSUE THROUGH TIOEETS, indnding STEAK^I and RAILWAY from any part of VICTORIA and SOUTH AUSIBALIA and by any route across (be Continent of Europe. Bee Ccok'a " Australian Gazette.™ Shtgla copy. Id., yearly, 45., post freei Ko Comrnisslon charged, and every Informatlan c quarantine, steamer tares. So., given gratis. Address t THOS. COOK & SON, Che Exchange, Oollins-street west, Melbourne | ot Selborne Chambers, Pirie-street, Adelaide | a, Victoria Arcade, Anokbad, N.Z. j MwttUlSJl QUEENSLAND STRIKE. — PRIN TERS and BOOKBINDERS requested ta re frain from accepting engagements for Queensland.— i Bee secretary S.A. Typographical Society. 950 A GENTLEMAN of experience and possessing aome influence on the Stack Ex change, London, would undertake tbe FLOATING of [ a GOLD.SILVER. or TIN Mine or LANDEO Property lon tbe London market. Address " Promoter,'* Fost-Office. North Melbourne, Victoria. 117.24 DR. O'OONNBLL (Late Angas-stroet) Ha vine BEHOVED TO STOW MANSE, | FUHVERS • SXBSET, Near Vfotaria^quare, Qaa be CONSULTED bom 0 to 10.30 a.m., 1.30 to 3 p m., and 6 to 8 p.m. Croat) IHAYB RETURNED and RESUMED MY DENTAL PRACTICE ! as usual. HERBERT HATES KORMAN, ROOKTILU HOUSE, 60, ROBTHIKBBAOB. Telephone, 91. ltflweo SA. CO-OPERATrVffi SOOIBTY, • LIMITED. U AND 16, HIKDLSY-STREET, ADELAIDE. SHARES ABB BEHJG APPLIED FOR DAILY! Prospectus and Price-list on application. i. I. MoLEAN. leow?M Manage*. . QOUTH AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL fv* STORES. UUOtED. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. I. We beg to notify the Members ot the above Co-Operative Stores and the fienenl Public th«t on and after April SB, 1888. the BUSINESS of the STORES will be BEHOVED to UMOB BUILDINGS, No. 38, , WAYMOUTH-STBBET, dose to Klnjr w?Uam street. 1 2. The above Premises being far more enitable and r more oommodions for our ftiislii?iiT; wksAhH continue to cell all the usual Groaery and Italian Warehouse men's Goods; and having arrangements with first olas? booses in other sepntment? of Trade, we nan supply as general providers tor all tbe require ments of Members. 8. All Goods of the Best Quality at Lowest Re munerative Pries, and all Profits divided Balf-ye?riy amongst Members. 4. (foods delivered twice daily. Orders can be for warded by Postal Cards, which Members can obtain attbe6tore#. ! 6. Honra ot Business as usual, viz., 8.30 to 5.30 p.m.; closed on Saturday at 2 p.m. By order, ?B-Slz ______ OEO. JAUNCEV, Secretary. I JOSEPH KENE do hereby give BOTJCK that I shall destroy all Poultry and Animate TRESPASSING on tbe late Robert Dalglish's estate, West Tbebarton. in AliL Goats, Pigs Dog', and Poaitry, . &c TRESPASSING on Allotments 1,2,3, 82, 83,84,86,89, 90, and Part 86, in tbe Township of Knoxvlile, frill be destroyed. Persons trespassing will be prosecuted.—J. Cox, Knoxville. li6-7.v1i7 | "KTOTIOB.— All Pigs, Dogs, Goats, and _Ll Poalby found TBJiSPASSIKO on Sections 613 and 63(, Hundred of Noariunjra, after this date will be destroyed. 117-9 HEXKY DUXSTaK. rriHANKJKG for the pmtronage ac-X corded to the late K. BECHXEL as TRUSS aad [ BANDAOEMAKSR, announcement Is hereby made that tbe BCSINEBS wiU be CABBIEB OK under the eameaame. A good fit, prompt attention, and reasonable charges axe promised. Please note that the address Is eWI the same. EOKBAD BECHIEL. Ttnss and Bandage Maker, O'CONNBLL-SIRBEX, KOBXH ADELAIDE. 7aw159 BY MADAMS. LOSER, DOCTRE3S, Or SI. SS, akd S3. NOETH-UtREACE, Opposite the Exhibition, We, the onde?lgned Parents ol Sarab Joces, con-Bider it ocr duty to make known to all sufferer?, aa well aft the public generally, thai our daughter Sarab bas been perfectly cured ttotu Insanity by Madam Loser. When our daughter was 14yca'so'f ate we were really happy, as she was a great support to :>s, eirain_ a good deal of money during eaoli month; but un fortunately it d;d not last very loo?, for two velrs afterwards ebe lost ber reason altogether, and to "such an extent that she didnot eve.ikno>v her own pu-ents. Tbe poor girl instead of being any help to as be came a real burden: she waaas helpless as a c!iiM 12 moctfcsold. For a considerable time wa coaiuitei tbe most eminent physicians, bat without toe leatt euccs??. We then cent her to the Hospital, hoping that Eoperior treatmtr.t. as well ag good uourUhineot, would be tbe means of curing hex disease, bat, alas, witbontany better rttult, co we took ber home as&in. Some time ago we met a lady who was cured from cancel by Mnaiunp Loser, and she strongly advised us to coD?ult her. as she bad the greatest cor.&legsa in her atility. We took our daughter to see Madame Lorer, who was greatly frightened when she examined her; but,thank God, after three weeks' constant atten tion, nignt and day, the poor cidfor tbe firtttiae took food again henetf, which had to be administered to her previously. After four months she had perfectly recovered, and is now able to move in any company I without beins remarked as having been eufferin;,' from Insanity. We take this opportunity of publicly thanking Madame Loser for the great trouble she has | taken to cure our poor child, and we hope that with the help of Ccd she may be as successful In the future. Our daughter will stay with Madame Loser for about four weeks longer to enable her to judge as to uer perfect cure.—l remain, yours, Woxtam Jdmw (ber Father). Maht Jones (Mother). Sarah Jake 3asm (Daughter). Dale-street, Port Adelaide. April 15.1839. IQCeowlM DOIKG GOOD.—THREE IN ONE, namely. "R. G. Symonds," "N'swhaven Bfmonde," " OonbleHntry Syuioiids." 233. Flinders* etreat. Adelaide. ll)y3jk ITOTBT THIS I— Australian WIDOWS f fCBD poiiiia ar? UKCM'DIIIONAL, prcC:!Tic-.s MODERATE. s?3urit-. A33OLUTE. C?U Ol

PROSPECTUS OF THE ANDERSON'S FLAT ALLUVIAL GOLD MINING COMPANY, KO LIABILITY. To It Eeoislcrcd in Sov.lh Auilrahc under " The Mining Companies Ac., TSi/," CAPITAL-JE30,«00, in 40,000 Shares of 10s. each. 20 COO Shares to be laraed folly paid up. 20,000 Shares are offered to the Pabltc upon payment of 6d. per Share on application, and 9d per Share on allotment, aud will then be issued as paid op to 7s. Gd. per Share. Directors to be appointed at the first meeting of the Sharehdiera. Bahkers : ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, AND AUSTRALIAN CHARTERED BANK, Ai?ELiii?n. Solicitous ; Mf>siss. UPTON & GILL. Sei ;;i:tary and Broke:: : Mn. H. CONIGRAVE, Eldou Chambers, 90, King William street. This Company is formed for the purpose of acqi niring from the Vendor 25 acres of Alluvial Gold-bearing Land, situated immediately below Bjwltng Alley Point); Peel River, in the New Eogland District, New South Wales. The consideration to be paid to the vendor is 20,000 share?, fully paid up, and the snm of two hundred and fifty pounds (£250) cash. THE VENDOR AGREES TO DEFRAY ALL EXPENSES CONNECTED WITH FLOATING AND REGISTERING THE COMPANY AS A NO LIABILITY COMPANY. The Company will commence operations with a sam of one thousand ponads (£1,000) immediately available for development of the property. It is firaly believed that by the time £700 has been expended tbe Company will bi iv receipt of good returns. A number of men are at present working close to the boundary of the Company's property on payable gold. The 25 acres proposed to be worked, under the usual conditions of the N.S.W. Alluvial Gold-mining Regulations, is considered by experts to be one of the richest spots in the neighborhood, but owing to the quantity of water has never yet been bottomed. The banks of the River, foe miles above Anderson's Flat, bare been completely honeycombed by diggers. The proposed plan of operations (see annexed plans giving fall details) which the bite owners failed to carry ont for want of funds, Is to sink a boxed shaft (A), estimated depth say about 40 feet, and then to drive a crossout (B) at right angles to the river, then to open oat on the old runs of the river-bed, shown by curved lines on sketch. To accomplish this it will be necessary to purchase's more powerful engine, The present engine and steam-pump now on the grounds will be lent to the Company by the owner. The water lifted will be utilised for washing the alluvial deposits when raised. With the exception of tbe necessary wooden boxes, for sluicing purposes, hardly any other plant or machinery will be required. The Vendor, having every confidence in submitting this property to the public, deems it qnlte unneceEsary to say anything respecting its advantages, feeling assured that the reports of Mr. Wilton Hack, co well known in this colony, togetber with extracts from a report of tktf Government Geologist of N.S.W., S. C. Wilkinson, Esq , will convey sufficient Information to enable intending investors to form their own opinion. Particulars as to title, also originals of plans and reports, can be seen at the office of the Broker, Mr. H. Conigrave, 90, Eldon Chambers, King William street. EXTRACT FROM REPORT OF C. S. WILKIN3ON. ESQ, GOVERNMENT GEOLOGIST, NEW SOUTH WALES, PUBLISHED S.M. HERALD, NOVEM BER 2, 1885. In thi? Mr, Wilkinson states of the Hanging Rock and Nandle Goldfields that the cement deposits, from which much gold has been obtained, are the remains of ancient river beds, covered by basaltic flaws, similar to deep leads of Ga'gong aad Fjrest Rjefg, Valleys have been pcored out to a depth of over 2,000 feet, and as millions ot tons of the older bed-rock formations, with their contained gold-bearing reefs, have been ground down and the lighter material swept away, forming the agricultural flats about Tatnsrortb, some idea may be formed of tbe rich deposits of the heavier gold that remained behind end became concentrated in tbe narrow and deep gullies. Large portions of the ancient river beds, which of course c interned tbe acsam-ilanoni of the denudations during previous ages, have likewise been swept stray, and their rich contents naturally ground-sluiced, rb it were, into the present valleya. Tbe beds of nearly all tbe streams, especially those of Happy Valley, Oalcenrille, and Butcher's Creeks, draining from the Hanging Rock Ranges, aad past the town of Nundie, into the Peel River, and the bed of this river as far down &s Bawling Alley Point, have been more or less worked for gold. -Mr. Wilkinson then, gives a detailed description of the various localities, ani ex cludes by cpeoially referring to Anderson's Flat. Regarding this be advises "that tbe wet alluvial flats along the Feel River, imme diately below Bowling Alley Point, containing as they mnst do much of the gold that was originally enclosed in the diorite formation, which has been so extensively broken up and re moved during the erosion of the deep valleys, should be tested with proper mining'appliances for woikicg wet drifts. ANDERSON'S FLAT, BOWLING ALLEY POINT. This alluvial gold mining property is situated immediately balow Bowliug Alley Point, on tbe Peel River, N.S.W,, and consists of 26 aere?, held under leaas toy Hole and Party. The river bed and banks of the Peel have been more or less workal from the neck of Anderson's Flat upwards for many miles, the gold obtained by miners being coarse and abundant. Owing to the flat under notice being deep ground and very wet, tip to the present no systematic attempt bas ever been made to test it. The " bottom" at the neck of the flat is a soft elate, and should thw continue as the underlying deposit a better catch for geld could not be desired. Considering that gold in great abundance has been found immediately above Anderson's Flat, and that for 30 miles do wo the river below it, floating and fine gold can be got almost anywhere in the alluvial flats, it is evident tbat tbe run of gold liae been through Anderson's Fiat, and I look most confi dently to see the most complete enccess attend the efforts properly applied of any Com pany working it. The gronnd oeuld be drained by a powerful TaDcrye pump, and though at first the amount of water to overcome wonld be very great yet I am persuaded that onoe it is mastered the difficulty of keepizu; it under control would nob be excessive. WILTON H4.CK, APPLICATIONS FOR SHARES WILL POSITIVELY CLOSS AT 4 O'CLOCK ON MONDAY, THE 29m IKST. 117 HARROLD BROTHERS, ADELAIDE AND LONDON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE MERCHANTS. Importers of Specialities of Every Description in Storekeepers', Builders', Blacksmiths', Milling, Mining, Squatters', and General Ironmongery and Machinery* Indents for all Classes of Goods Executed on moat Favorable Terms by a Special and Experienced Staff. SOSeowc HI. L. "VOSZ, 82, Rnndle-street (Telephone No. 342). GENERAL IRONMONGER AND IMPORTER* GLASS, LEAD, OIL, A2STD COLOR MERCHANT, PLATE, SHEET. COLORED.FLUTED, ORNAMENTAL, GROUND, and ' CATHEDRAL GLASS. MIRRORS MANUFACTURED. DIAPHANIES or WINDOW DECORATIONS of SPLENDID MEDHKVAL DESIGNS PAPERHANGINGS, Splendid Awortmeat. MOULDINGS, BRU3EWARB. IOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PUMPS, BELLS, GAS, STEAM, AND WATER PIPES AND FITTINGS, s-AJsriT-AJEre" w.a.:r:el ARTISTS 1 COLORS, TOOLS, AND MATERIALS. CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, HALL LAMPS # and GLOBES in great Variety. PAINTS, OILS, TURPS, VARNISH, GOLDLEAF, BRONZE, PUTTS', CEMENT PLASTER, CONCENTRATED SIZE, SPIRITS WINE, RUSSIAN, GERMAN, and COMMON GLUE. MIXED PAINTS in 1, 2, and 4 Ib. tins, " Diamond" Brand. SOLE AGENT FOR— - Jen?on & Nicholson, Paints, Leads, Colors, and Varmah, Grimms & Hempel, Window Decorations. Fr yon Schoeafeld & Co., Artist Colon and Material. C. A. Lindgens, German Glue. G, Benda, Goldleaf and Bronzes, 245we0:243 iln ctnxqustta *f Imitations ef THE WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE which an calculated to deceive the Public, Lea tad Parim kaot to nquui that Purchaser* tv that tkt Ldbtt am tvoj jpflfr icon thiir Signaiun thus—' without whicl at botlU ef ike original WORCESTERSHIRE m SAUCE is genuine ♦ JU*ferLEA**SP£RXIWS' Smut, and stt Name «* Wrat*** JMdfc B*Bs «af JSiefgtr. WhoUsrie and for Exfrnt *y the Proprietors, W*rctitm>; Cut* mm* al*cb*eU, LtmJoM-, £rv.. &%.,- and by Groarrs and Otloum throughout tht WtrU, LITHOGRAPHY. ? c— «■ AXjTj KINDS OP LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING ■XEOUTKD ASI TBM "ADVERTISER" LITHOGRAPHIC OFFICE Id the batt Sfirlt, aid at ancb Prim m sanaDt fail to give MtUlaaHoa ■ i ii i 0 ' ' '■ Bronze Medal Royal Agricultural Society, 1879. EMRAYIXa k\? COPPER-PLiTB PRIITIX6

Public Notices, A HOT BATH IN EVBRY HOOSR. ALWIN FISHER'S PATEKT BATH HEATER. Can be used in Town or Country. Is ready at all times, giving a HOT BATH, a HUT SHOWER, or a CONSTANT SUPPLY ol HOT WATER. Coa? of using, about one farthing per bath, there la as risk from fire. OOST, £41C9. and FIXING. A great number are fixed, giving aaQgtacUoa every where. EXTRACTS FROM TESTIMONIALS. It quite exceeds my expectation—H. O May, Port Adelaide. I have used ft for seven years, and find ft very satisfactory— J. n. Luxmocee, Brighton. I should be sorry to be without it-B. A. Kouhmor. East Adelaide. I have found it a great success—C. A. L. Coiast, Glectle. It works admirably. Every houeehold should have one—Gerald Jat, WalberriUe. It surpasses all others I have used—Hot am MOiM? Barton-terrace. It is Invaluable and none should be without one— Z. H. Jests. Woodvffle. I pb- exceedingly pleased with it—J. C. Hiddt, Poit It does all you stated it would—Wx. TatliO?, Magiil. Mas Morttmep. Giles finis it a complets success. .Your B&thheat«r gives entire eatisfaoiion—F. Fbitchaeb, Boston-street. It is the greatest luxury on? oan hare—E. Johksos, Ascot Vale, Melbourne. lam forry that I did sot get one fixed bjfore—V« T. Jost-S, Woodville. I oonsider It perfection—J. Hoso E>stwood. They do their woik in an efficient manner—Wbibht Bees, & Beaver, AroMtects. Used I>7 many others, to whom It has given fullest satisfaction. AiVrVD? FISCHER, Patentee, O'OONHELL-STKEET, N. ADELAIDE. TEE INVESTED FUNDS of the NATIONAL MUTUAL hare been inereweS TENFOLD in ten yean. SOth September, 1878, £73,210. 80th September, IBSS, £718.911. Office, Victoria-square. Us,7aiw:U3 G. E. HILTON &CO, LIMITED, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, HANUFAOIURBRS, AND IMPORTERS MINING. BOLL, PUMPING, AND SMKLTINO MACHIKERY, ORNAMENTAL AND GENERAL IRONWORK. Oontraotors to S- A. Government for Wsterplpn an Fittings. Head Office-PERL^TRKET, AOELAIDC. Wotks-KILKENNY. NOTICE TO MIULNU COMPANIES AND PBOBPEOTOEB. Having seemed the BOLE RIGHT in SOUTH AUbTRALIA of MANUFACTURING tbeOeiebMM HUNTINQTON CENTRIFUGAL ROLLER QUARTZ BULL, we are prepared to 6opply complete piaoto tor earns on tta shortest DOttoe. Ibis Hni undeniably holds the first place crer afl present inrenttoni as a cheap and efleotrm maofaiiH, giving the best results at a minimum of uost. As a proof we would point to their almost onaiAaan adoption throughout America, and Hie large and In creasing demand fox ffip*" in Queensland and else.* where. A complete 5-foot plant Is now erected and at work at our establishment Kilkenny. The fullest information as to cost of plant, wftn schedule of prices for tbe treatment Of GoMorTfa Ores in any quantity, oan be obtained on ■juiliiwUmi to our Bead Office, Peel-street; ITTTII j iiUmi the Hill can be seen in operation. WecwdlaUy Invite the inspection of those Intonate* in mining lSSeowo I Pnft?c Compania?. KOHIHOOR GOLD MINING CO., LIMITED. The Directors have ibis day made s CALL (the Ninth) of Gke Poem per Share on the new issue of Shares in this Company. Payable at the Company's Office on or before Wednesday, Hay 8.18:9. W. G. P. JOYNEB, Manager. Pirie-street. April 56,1689. 117-9 KATE SILVER MINING CJM PANY, LIMITED. NOTICE.—AII SHARES in the above Company upon which the first instalment Threepence per Share of Call No. 6 remains UNPAID wBl be' offered FOR SALE by Public AUCTION at the Offioes of the Company, Royal Chambers, Cnrrie-Btreet, Adelaide, on MONDAY, May 6,1889, at 3 o'clock pjn. W. J. OLDHAM, Manager. Adelaide. April 88,1889. ll7_ MUUftT KOBtC SILVER MINING PROPRIETARY COUP AN r, LOOTED— HOTICE OF CALL—IO and 12 (late 4), {Queen-street, Melbourne, I6th April, 1889 NOtICC is hereby given that a OALL (the Third) of ftVE SHnaaHos per Contributing Share on the Capital of the Company has been declared by the Directors this -the Mtta Hay of April, 18£9, and is due and payable at the R9gte tered Offioe of tbe CompaDy, ID ana IS (late *),Qoeen street, Melbourne, on Wedusday, the Bth day of May. 16b9. By order of the Directors. James Burnett, Secretary. Note—Country Shareholders and Share holders in adjacent Colonies are respecHnly requested to remit by Cheque or P. 0.0., and add exchange to their cheques. 115.7.3C-S MOUWT TORRKKS «OLII ftHNIMU OOHPANY, HO UABILIIx-. notice is hereby that tbe Director* have this day made a CALL (the fourteenth) of Sej-kscb per 3ba « on afl the Contributing Shares in tbe above Oompa y numbered 10,001 to 20,000. payable at the Moo??e-"a Office, Giad?Utae Obambers, Pirte street, Adelaide, on Wednesday, May 8,1869. Dated April 34,1E59. ARTHUR CHtPMAX, Kanaear* SUNFLOWER SILVER M^Nl^Gr COHPANY, KO LIA.6IL.rrr. Notice-is hereby given tnxt the EXTBAOKOaSAKV MERTINOof SHAREHOUDCRS in the above Com pany caned for April n. 1889. rod ad j mined to April lE. 1889, IB FDRIHER ADJOURNED, and will be held at the Company's Office, Gladstone Chambers, Firle-street Adelaide, on Wednesday, May 1, st 3 o'clock. 117.81 ARTHUR C JAPKAN, Manager. mHB GREAT IKONCI.4D GOLD M. ?BOtm COJteAKT, UO UABILIEF. NOTICE Is hereby given that jH BHARE3 npon which tlte Second, TBlrd. or Btnnth OXLtS of Tiuu?faMa per Share eaab reasini UNPAID will be SOLD by pubtte Mctien, a* the Mart, King Wniiam-Btreet, &MaUe. by Messrs. M. 3. Soloauta and Co, Ob FBIOAT, May t, at 12 o'clook -noon. By oefler of the DlieatHa. H. A. FORSER. 116.7.21 Managw. fITHB MID-MOONTA GQKSOLX-X DATED OOMPAKr, LOOTED. KOTICE Is hereby given that the HM-Vooata Consolidated Oompany, limited, did on the fifteenth day of April, 1889, duly pass as extraordinary reso lution as follows:— That it has been shown to tbe fatiefaQtion of the meeting that tee Company cannot, .by reasoa of its liabilities, coati?ue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up the same. That tbe Company be wound up voluntarily. * That for each purpose Jamas- Simpson Scott be tbe liquidator, and that his remuneration be fixed stthe com of twenty twmiils A. SIDNEY OLABK. Chairman. Witness to signature of Chairman—J as. 8. Scon. Adelaide. April 17.1889. 108q«.7 THE UNION BABKIER BRBWIKG OOMPANY, LOOTED. I %O TIOEis hereby given* that an EXTR4ORDI KABYGESERAL MEBtma of tha above oompany will be-held at the Companyjs Offioe (registered). Industrial BuSdin&s, inng wiiUam^tveet, -Adelaide, onTCRSDAY, «w seventh day of May, 1889, at S.U p.m., when Ike following extraordinary rwwhrtinm win be proposed:—"That it has been prove! to *? eaasfacttonof the Union Barrier Bmw&ik Company, IJmtted, t^iat tbe eald oompany osanot by reason of its liabilities continue its bosbxis, ana Out* it is advisable to wind np the «sM company.". The atars reaolnUo? is intended ttrtake effect under eeoton ns. BOb«ection ITX. of the Companies Act, ISM. and «riU not require con?rmatio?. Beeolntiona will be pro posed Oat the company be wound np voluntarily, •od for the appointment of a liquidator or liquidators and to fix his or their narooeration. Dated this twenty-sixth day of April, 1888. By order ofttie directors. H7 - , WM. GORDSK. Secretary. : fTK) TBS SHABEaOIiDKRS OF THS X i SOOTH AUSTRALIAN GAS COMPANY. Ladies and Gentlemen—l beg to notify that I am a Candidate (or one of tin seats on you Board of Directors rendered vacant through tbe resignations of Messrs. Barr Smitb and Joseph Fisher, and raqneat yonrsupport. If elected I win endeavor to eerve the best interests of tte Company. GTrtuting I may receive jour votes and confiaence, lam, Ycurt faithf ally. G. DCICON GREEN. Exchange, Pirle-stree?, Arlrialfln. 116 c TO THK MEHBBBB AUSTRMIIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETr. ladles and OenSemen— 1 have the honor to inform yon I am a Otnditlite for a eeat at your board at the annual meeting to Se heMonUaySS. As-I was one of year Directors from 1875 to 1357. J am practically acquainted with the workinc of the Society. I now oSer myself for electiou at t.ts :equett of a large munber of ponoy-holden. a ;d >f < tooted I sbaU use my best tflorta to maintain ilia 1 restlge the Society has so lone enjoyed. Isaac ellh ivi:s. Argyte Bond, Brdney. April«, 1889. n : *>. *■ EXECUTOR, TBUSTEE, AND AQBNOY COMPANY OF SOUTH AOS3XAUA {LIMIXBDL (Ineorponted Manb I,lBSa] Capital, £M,OOO, in 200 Bkarea of £300 eaok. Dbxcidbs: Sir S.Davenport,K.OJLO . Chafarmaa. J.M. Anderson, Esq., J.P. I Ifm. Kay. Bsq., J.P. Wm. Everard, Esq., J.P. 1 Jas. Smith, Esq., J.P. ' Office—No. 9, Hindley^trset. the object? of ttk Oompany, for whUft 11 KUPOWSBXD BYSPKOIALiOTOF PAKUAMEHI. are — first,—To enable persons tn mattDE their WILLS to avaU tbemselresot tbe services of tAtCom panv to act as SXSOUXOB, XBUSXSX, O> GUARDIAN. Beoond.—The ax/lilag as ASKNT tor Breeaton, Zrn?tees. or Guardians who may desire to bs lelieved-from the active working of their trpata. third.-The acting as ATXO&^Iy OBjAQEKI FOR ABSENTEKS. ftourth.—The eating at Asstxase In any INSOL VENT OR ASSIGNED ESTATS, or aa BIQDI. I DATOR for the winding up of any COMPANY, ruth.—The acUng In aor fidodary capacity tot any Person or CORPORATION, or node; the w order or decree of any COMPETENT OOCBT. Sixth.—The acting as TRUSTEE, RECEIVER, of- . COHMITtEK of Bstatw of &?BATKS, arT&UB* CSE UNDER MARRIAGE 6BTTLEMKSTB. fnformation as to mode of working, snaleiat oJucjea, A 3., may be obtained on applicatioa. ABRAHAM AB3AUAU3. Miai^sr. AieJ?Ue. July 29,1>'ST. Sl7wi:MH>.-13i.:191