West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 11 October 1922, page 7

MINING NEWS. t I t] SEPTEMBER GOLD OUTPUTS. h T?he. following gold outputs .for Sep- Il tember are reported:-- a SIngliston Gold Mine. Meekatharra.-? 320 tons of ore for 472oz. of-gold. - Ingliston Consols Extended.--2,428 1 tons of ore for 1,158oz. 44wt. t Fenian Tributing Syndicate.--616 tons a for 323doz. b 'Mararoa Gold Mine.--600 tons of sands t for'bullion valued at £407. THE MUNARRA FIND... i The recent gold find by the State -ided- prospectors, Holden and Watson, about 30 miles north of Meekatharra, on the Munarra station, has been named 'Mistletoe" by the Mines Department owing to a "Munarra Gully" existing on ;the Murchison goldfield. The prospectors, who recently found an outcrop, are reported to be sinking on a 4ft. reef, from which some of the stone is being dollied 'for gold. while Woskie and SchuSmann, who hold gold mining lease 1514N. have exposed a reef on the south. Eleven' leases and threa prospecting areas have been granted, and men on the field .estimate that £1,000 worth of gold specimens has been found. West of Mun- I I rra- a reef has been located by Binney, who is dollying gold. 'Representa-i tions have been made to the Department of the North-West to provide a water I supply. . THE GOLDEN-MILE.- " BORING AT SOUTH END. Mr. J. D. Stephenson, chairman of the Golden Mile Ore Channel Extended. Ltd.. writes as follows regarding diamond drilling at the 'south end of the Golden Mile, Boulder:--"Latest reports from the Geological Department state that the last bore put down to a depth of 482ft. in. quartz-dolerite by the Golden Mile Ore;Channel Extended, Limited, showed signs of shearing with slight mineralisation. Further south previous bores in. the quartz-dolerite showed heavy mineralisation but no shearing (the gold lodes of the Boulder group), and there is every possibility that when, by means of successive drilling along the line of country, a junction may be located between the sheared rock and the mineralised zone. A new bore is being put down south of the last one with the aim of locating .such a junction, and the prospects of the company are considered very promising." The State Mining Engineer (Mr. A. Montgomery) laid yesterday that the company, which had been boring for some time on a strip of quartz-doleritic country on the line of the Great Boulder lode, now appeared to have located a little lode matter, but more work was neScessary before it could be said whether it was of any consequence or not.. RICH GOLD YIELD. D. Paskov and- paty, who. have previou'sly. had very. rich yields from the Oroym East Gold Mine, at Black Range. on _the:East-Murchison goldfield, treated 3cwt.-of. ore in the Berdan pan at. the: State battery for-a yield of ldtoz. 6dwt. of gold. : . -- BLACK-RANGE DISTRICT., OPTION OVER PROPERTIES. SThe, Empire: Gold Prospecting SyndicIat, of Perth, has taken a nine months' option of purchase over the Bounty Gold Mine and Prendergast's prospecting area 881B at Hancock's, five miles east of'Sandstone in the Black Range district of the East Murchison. The purchase price is £3,500. SMr. D.. L. Doolette stated yesterday tha tan extensive load of hematite ore existed on these properties, and a crushing of 215 tons recently taken from the outcrop on Prendergast's area gave a total return of 28dwt. per ton. This Scrushing was taken over a width of -5ft., and no walls were exposed. A parallel lode traversed the Bounty Gold Mine, and several parcels, totalling 200 tone taken from a shallow depth, had averaged 35dwt. per ton. About 33 per cent- of these values were obtained by i amalgamation, and 66 per cent. by cyani• dation. the gold being all in a fine state of division. The owners of the pro-. rty are Messre. Prendergast Bros., Mc"siyl and Mborris. DAISY QUEEN. Th e aager of the Daisy Qu~en Gold ii Company, N.L., reports as follmows work on Branson's reef at the .lSft level' for the fortnight ended: 'October :-"The winse 143ft. north of Ne' 2 east erossent has been sankl19ftto its total of ?2ft. From fft. to 10ft. the :average width of .ore was 18in., and the average value S-dwt.; from 10ft. to 24ft. the average is 7dwt. over 12in. The bottom of the wince is now in soft. material corresponding with that which occurs at the northern extremity of the shoot. When this winse was commeaceld although close to the northern end of the values, it was thought that; with the northerly pitch of the shoot, as n depth was attained we would be well within the limits of the pay values. It is quite probable that another few feet of sinking will again fnd us on the bet-" ter values." SI REGISTERED AS FERTILISER. SThe ban which has existed against the registration of raw alunite as a fertiliser has been lifted-by the Department of Agrieulture, thus enshabling the resump!tiou of mining operations for that potash-bearing mineral at Kanowna. where operations ceased in 1919 owing wheto roasting to make it useful having been ifound unproftable. The Minister for

- Iumnes an Dy tnat time purenasea aoour .300 tons from producers at Kanowna, I Sand had it left on his hands. However, e experiments carried out at the Govern- 1 I ,ment laboratory and elsewhere at Mr. I I Seaddan's direction have proved that! while raw alunite is not so rapidly soluble as Alsatian or German potash, its use with lime or on ground limestone increases its solubility. The mineral may now be sold as a fertiliser -if it. contains at least 5 per cent. of readily -oluble potash and complies in other respects with the provisions of the Fertiliser and Feeding Stuffs Act. Alunite. which is found to a depth of 100ft. at, Kanowna, was formerly .worked' coSoperatively by mniiners, who secured 1 prompt returns by means of a Government advance on the mineral raised. The Minister for Mines( Mr. J. Scaddan), in making the announcement yesterday, hoped that the miner and the farmer would benefit, and that :money would be kept in the State which would otherwise be expended in purchasing potash overseas. ELECTROLYTIC ZINC CO. " Melbourne, Oct. 10. The accounts of the Electrolytic Zin,'! Co. of Australasia Limited, .for -the year1 ended June 30, show a profit of £93,841 on working account, after allowing £29,000 for depreciation. Productive operations - with the first half of the plant began * on November 22, so that the present r accounts cover seven months of actual r work. The output of 11.650 tons of zinc represents about one-fourth of what is estimated to be produced annually when I the plant is in full swing. A substantial tonnage of metal has been sold in the Eastern markets in competition with well i known American and European producers. From January of next year the company will be using about 120,000 tons i of concentrates yearly, and pre-roasting of this material will yield gases containing between 25,000 and 30,000 tons of d sulphur per annum, all of which will be available for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, which is used in making superphos- I ! phates. Additional furnaces, are being erected at Port Pirie to roast concentrates and supply sulphur gas to the acid works that are being installed by various superphosphate companies. MISCELLANEOUS. . From Greyman and O'Connor's new Sfind, near Lawlers,. a second parcel . of , 31 tons of ore yielded 29o-. 2dwt. of gold, at Branson's battery. The first p.ar- I eel averaged about the same value. Fifty-six tons of ore from the New Discovery mine, near Darlot, in which the;ore body is 15ft. wide, returned 44oz. 10dwt. at the Darlot battery. -3 J. Tetlow raised 703 tons of ore at the Comedy King lease, ih the Black Range district of the East Murchison goldfield. e and secured a yield of 217oz. of gold at the State battery. George Webb, a prospector, hae ar- rived at Marble Bar from T:unbourah, 50 miles to the south-west, with GOoz. of dollied gold. During August the Bbilrush Gold Es- i tates, NL.. at Yuin,. on the Yalgoo goldfield, recovered 497oz. of fine gold from 995 tons of ore:' From development work in the Jaco.letti mine, -..on the., Yilgarn goldfield. Gregory and Turckey raised 65 tons of S:ore, which realised 30oz. of gold at . I-Howlett s battery." t- W. '. James- is- reported-to have sold bhis gold -.sin~ lease-aLotWsaal. oarza

to a Perth-Geraldton syndicate. Becently a State-aided prospector wrote to the Mines Department, stating that he" had found a lode 20ft. wide and 400ft long on the surface at Warda Warra, about 20 miles north-west of Mount Farmer.- on the Yalgoo goldfield. Efforts are being made to have the State battery at Mount Egerton removed to Bangenall, .on the Gascoyne .goldfield,. and a Carnarvon syndicate is reported to have sent prospectors out to give the distriet a good trial. . Burridge and 'Nelson, who haye_ ben, prospecting at the Bulong alluvial find -for about three months, have discoveredbetween :70 and 80 oz. of .alluvial- gold, 1 the nu-gets varying from lOdwt. to 3oz.. while one weighed 1Ooz.- .,The "wash" is.from 2ft. to 3ft. deep, and has been . worked forIlOft. -