West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 9 October 1922, page 8

NEWS AND NOTES. Rohberies In Fremantle.--Two robberies of 'jewellery have been effected- at houses in Premantle while the inmates were at home. On Saturday, the detectiveswere informed that jewellery, valued at-about £50 and which included watches, a bangle and a' locket, was stolen during the previous night from the house of .enry Digby Beard in Tuckfield-street, Fremantle. The thief entered the premises''through a side window which had been left unfastened. The other burglary took place at- the house of Joseph Embleton in Scott-street, South Fremantle, which was visited also on Friday night. 'Entrance to the premises was gained by lifting a window of a bedroom. The haul consisted of articles of jewellery,. valued at about £65. Fremantle War MemoriaL--The Fremantle war memorial committee has been active during the past few weeks, and excellent work has been aecomplished. On Saturday. September 23, its efforts at selling flowers in the streets realised £34 10s., and on Friday last the selling of produce, etc., increased the sum by another £40. It is" proposed to launch a button day next Friday. Over 10,000 buttons are on hand. About £1,600 has been collected, or promised, and that amount' includes only a few of the subscriptions which are expected to 'come from the commercial houses. It is hoped by the committee that when the business people realise the importance of having the monument in Fremantle, all doubts as. to the. success of the. enterprise will disappear. An early start is to be made with the extensive work of laying out the, grounds, and this should stimulate a greater publie interest in the moveinept. •dueatien in the'- Coumtry.-Other country centres should watch with some interest an effort which Wyalcatchem is making to solve -the -problem of providing adequate educational . facilities for children 'living. in the more remote parts of that: district. An influential committee of farmers and business men is seeking to establish a- school hostel, to enable children. of settlers whose holdings are some distance from the town to attend school during the week, and be in their homes during the week-end. This scheme would' probably double the present attendance at the school (50), and the larger. number of children would result ini a higher standard of education being provided: 'At present many children have to be sent to Perth to primary and secondary schools, which removes them from parental control, and provides them with a training which fits them more for lerical 'or professional pursuits. The committee feel that' by establishing this hostel they will keep a greater-number of children in the district, and perhaps do something to check the drift to the city.. -Chamber of Manufatures--There will be a fall representation of the local Chamber of Manufactures at a meeting of. the Ahsociated chambers, which is to be held in Sydney on .October 23. . The aige~nda paper has. not yet been received inm Perth, but amongst the resolutions which. have been forwarded from the Western Australian Chamber is one to prohibit the sale of goods manufactured in the State in other States at a price lower than that obtaining in the State of Sorigin. This resolution. if passed, will -have an important bearing on Western Australian industries. By going in full force to this meeting the chamber hopes to be able to' arrange that next year's meeting will be held in this State. This has never: occurred before, and. should the chamber's wishes fructify, it will -undoubtedly be the means qf bringing Western Australia into prominence. The six local delegates will be the president (Mr.- W. M. Gray) and Messrs. H. Stone. HI. H. Bedwell, A. Povey, A. E. Sandover,, and T. Nisbet (secretary of the chamber). They will leave Perth by train on October 16. and .return by the s.s. Katoomiba, leaving Sydney, on November 4.The The Royal Show.-His Exceeency the Lieutenant-Governor (Sir Robert McMillan) will officially open the Royal Agricultural Society's Show, on the Royal Show Ground, Claremont, to-morrow, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.- Children's Day will be on Thursday, the 12th inst., which will be a school holiday throughout' the metropolitan area, and on that day children under 16 years of age will be admitted free. On other days:-the charge for admission will be 6d. each. For adults the prices will be 2s. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday, and is. on Thursday and Friday. The judging will take place on Tuesday, as usual Owners of ponies are reminded that, in cases' where- it is 'tecessary to ..measure the animals, they should interview the official measurer before 10 o'clock each morning. Entries for the floricultural section close with the secretary, at his office, Queen's Buildings, at noon today. As Wednesday has been fixed as the "People's Day." the council of the society is hopeful that all business pre'mises will be closed at noon to ensure a full attendance at the show. 3Merredin Farm Field Day.-The 'Minister for Agriculture (Mr. H. K. Maley) has decided that the field day at the Merredin Experimental Farm shall be held this year on Friday, October 20. A cordial invitation is extended to farmers to be pres.ent. The various activities will be explained by the director, with the aid of the farm staff. A tour of the plots -will commence at 11 a.m. The luncheon will be of a picnic character. Those attending are requested to bring their own provisions. Thee train arrangements will be as follow:-A train will leave Northam at 5.50 a.m.: Grass Valley, 6.25 a-.m.: Cunderdin, 7.35 am.; Kellerberrin, 9.15 a.m.; DoodlaLhine, 10.15 a.m.; Hines Hill 11 a.m.; and arrive at Merredin 11.40 a~m. 'er the return trip a train will leave M.erredin at 5 n.m. for Northarm. I

arriving 11.55 p.m., and stopping where required.. A mobor coach will leave Bruce Rock for Merredin at 7.30 a.m., connecting with the 1015 a.m. train ex Merredin. A return train -connecting with the 6.30 p.m. train ex Nangeenan will leave Merredin at 320 p.m. for. Bruce Bock. Trains running between Nangeenan and Merredin" and vice versa - will stop at the farm gatesto pick up and set down' passe ngers_ OGNERAL NEWS. Arrangementa have been. made for members of the Fremantle Chambar of Commerce to meet the members of the Customs Tariff Board in the chamber's rooms to'morow morning. 'In the Y.M.C.A. rooms, Murray-street, at 8 o'clock to-night, Mr. John Nicholson, M.IC., will deliver a lecture entitled "The Law of Intestae.and Making a Will.". At the Perth Town Hall on Saturday night Archbisop Clhme opened a bassar in aid of the Clontarf Orphanage. The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion, .and :goo business was done by the various produce and fancy stalls. The bazaar winl contiaa until Saturday night next. 'Portion of a man's clothing was found last evening on- the rocks . along- the foreshore at the foot of Suffolk-street, .Fremantle. The clothing was taken to the Fremantle' police station, and the police: were inclined last night to believe that 'it formed part of the discarded outfit ofa fisherinan. -, As a resuilt of a riid by DetectiveSergeants Purdue and Cowie and Detective O'Brien' at. 133, James-street on Saturday evening, 15 . Chinamen were arrested. At the City Court this morning Sin. Mung and Ah Jack will be called upon to answer charges of having assisted -to keep the ipemises as a common gaming house. The remaining 13 will be charged with haiing been on the premises.. All the accused were admitted to bail -William J. Tathem, of the Fremantle Fire Station, was driving a motor cycle along, the North Fremantle bridge in the direction of Fremantle on Saturday night when a collision occurred with a horsedriven vehicle proceeding in the same direction. Mrs. Tatham and child, who were passengers in a sidecar, which was attached to the motor cycle. were thrown to the roadway. but neither was hurt seriously.. The sidecar was damaged. The secretary of the Grocers' Association (Mr. M. E. Pye), wishes to draw the attention of the public and'the members of his association in the metropolitan area to the decision of the committee that grocers' shops should close at noon on Wednesday. the 11th inst. (Royal Show Day). It is announced that the annual general meeting of the association will be held at the Bohemia -Hall, Murraystreet, on Thursday next at 8 p.m. William Granville. Meek (40) was brought to.Perth on Saturday in the custody, of Constable MdTaggart, of Merredin, on two charges of stealing. The first' charge is that, at Perth, on August 20, he stole a gentleman's bicycle, valued at £7, the property of Ezywalkin. Ltd. The other charge relates to a bicycle, valued at £9, the property of one Lewis Daniel Evans. which was stolen at Perth on July 17 last. Alternatively, he is charged with having received these articles. knowing them to have been stolen. MEETINGS. This evening in the Lesser Hall, Cambridge-street. Leederrule, the" local

branch of the Protestant'Federatioa'will hold its monthly meeting as advertised elsewhere. -See the new Wmnderliech Iee Chest at tha Show, or Wunderlich; Limited, 'Lord-st., Perth. Great saving in the.- ice bill. A grand children's poster bill will .be held next Saturday, at 8 p.m., in the 'parish hall, Flinders-street, Mt. Hawthorn. -The price of admission will be ls. - Miss Ethel Philp will hold her adult. learners' class at the Y.A.L. hall, Hay-street, tonight, and anounces that a masquerade plain and fancy dress carnival will be held on Wednesday night next. " Miss Olga Philp will conduct her juvenile learners' and advanced classes this afternoon and evening in the Guildford Council. Chambers. She also announces a. "special long night" at East Fremantle, on. Wednesday, and her annual' concert on November 1li5. A euchre party and dance will be held in the Literary Institute, Hay-street, to-night. The attention-of pastoralists and those interested in shipping is directed to the announcement that the Port of London picture is to be shown- at the Palladium Theatre on Thursday next, at 10 .a.m. as advertiaed"in ear samament column.