West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thursday 17 January 1901, page 7

CENVTRAL BOARD OF HEALTH. WEEKLY MEETING. The weekly meetingof the Central :-Poard of :Health was held on Tuesday. The President (Dr. Black) presided. -i .eports were received on slaughterhouses at Cannington, Welshpooi and Woodlupine. Those at Welsbpool' and Canniagton were found to be in an unsatisfactory 'condition. The monthly.repcrts from the- Police Department on the dairies of Perth and suburbs .were received, and.action ordered to be taken SWhen' necessary. On the whole the re-. ports showed that the condition in which the dairies were kept was good. The inspectr's~report. on a dairy at Leed.r.vile showed that.it was. in an unsatis= factory state, and. action was authorised. 'The inspector's report on the Claremont "aistrict was received and considered prior to being forwarded to the local health aTie Ion. veterinary surgeon (Mr. H. H. Edwards) reported that he had released a -herd of cows, from South Perth which had been placed in quarantine. He had ouarantined the cows onnaceount of one of them showing symptoms of pleuro-' pneumonia, but as it had sidce recovered ' and was proved-free from any disease the cows had been released. An -avplication for the formation of a Uocal board of health at Katherine Valley was received; but after consideration it was.decided not to recommend the request. It 'was.resolved to request the Perth Local Board of Health to fence in the rubbish tip at East Perth, as cows continually wandered on to the reserve and fed on the garbage. -'The formation of a local board of health at Yundamindera (late The Granites), North Coolgardie goldfield, was recommended to the executive cou6ncil, and the names of the following gentlemen to form the board were approved: -Messrs. H. Gardiner, T. Hunter; W. D. Spears, C. D. Webb, C. Ireland, and G. It. Millbank. A reply was received from the South Perth Local Board of Health commenting on the report 'of the inspection recently made in that district. The reply in the main confirmed the report made by the Central Board. Advice was received that the-Board of Health at Noogal, East Murchison, had become defunct. The appointm?pt of Mr. G. R. Walkerden to/the Bavswater Local Board of Health, vice Mr. G. S.' B. Pickett (retired), was recommended. It was decided that' an Order in Council be obtained for the renewal' of the plague regulations in Western Australia. which had expired by efiluxion of time.' Plague bulletins were received from Egypt dated December 6 and 13, and fi?om Queensland from December 3 to 31. In Queensland the bulletin showed there had been two fresh cases for the month. The Queensland figures to December 31 were:--Total number of cases. 139; number of deaths. 57; number of "contacts" isolated, 623; number remaining y under- treatment, 3. Amongst alieus there were 10 cases, nine of which had proved fatal. Typhoid fever reports were received from Subiaco and Perth. For the month of Dec? eber there were three cases in Subiaco dad 2?in Perth.