Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tuesday 12 February 1924, page 6


Suggested Joint Services.

Electrification of Railways. Matter Before City Council

Alderman Cuthbertson, at last night's

meeting of the City Council, moved

That, in view of the tramway and railway gauge being of the same width, the manager of the tramway department be instructed to confer with the Commissioner of Railways as to the advisability of running a suburban service from the Hobart Post Office to Montrose, via the railway line, supplementary with the

present service.

On this matter the Tramway Committee reported for the information of the Council that in October last the matter was first discussed by the committee, when the tramways manager was instructed to report as to the feasbility of the proposal. The manager immediately interviewed the Commissioner of Railway, and was now awaiting information from the Acting Commissioner as to whether he considered the proposal feasible.

Alderman Cuthbertson said he was sure the Couucil would be pleased to know that the Tramway Committee had had under consideration the matter which was the subject of his motion, but he thought that it should not have been necessary for the committee to wait until a notice of motion was tabled to inform the Council as to what it was doing in regard to the very important matter of the electrification of the railway lines. The scheme outlined in his motion was different from that which the Tramways Committee had in contemplation in October last. On May 31st last Mr. Smith, the ex-Commissioner oft Railways, in his evidence before the Royal Commission, stated that the extension of the tramline to Glenorchy resulted in a very considerable loss of business to the Government, and the whole question of suburban services would have to be reviewed. He (Mr. Smith) proposed to suggest to the Government and the City Council the question of a tram seivice, using the railway lines as far as Glenorchy- one line branching from a point near the Macquorie-street platform, along Collins-street as far as Murray-street, the other branching from the main station, and using Hit- existing tramline in Liverpool-street, up to Murray-street. 'The rush traffic, such a.s agricultural bhows and race meetings, etc., could, he stated, be haitdlod hy steam traction.

Alderman Cuthbertson said his pro-posal went a little further, namely, that the tramway service should bo extended to Montrose, via the railway line. The ex-Commissioner's rough estimate of the electrification of the railways to Glen-orchy was £1,000 par mile. The cost of tram extension, as they knew from their own experience, ran into about £8,000

per mile. The amalgamation of the two services, therefore, gave room for a big saving of capital expenditure, and made possible the extension of a tram-way service to outlying districts, which otherwise would not be possible, owing to the heavy capital outlay involved.

It was unnecessary to mention the ad-vantages that would accrue both to the Council, Government, ratepayers and taxpayers generally by the adoption of a scheme on the lines proposed by the ex-Commissioner, except to say that the matter should be dealt with expeditiously, since there was al-ready a proposal to form a private com-pany to cater for areas not served by the tramway system.

Alderman Rogers seconded the mo-

tion for sake of discussion.

Alderman Martin moved as an amend-ment "that the discussion be adjourned pending the receipt of the report of the Acting Commissioner of Railways."

Alderman Green seconded the amend-ment, and it was carried.


The Tramway Committee reported that quotations had been received for the special track work required in con-nection with the car shed to be erected at Moonah. Alternative quotations were asked for the special work, viz.: (a)

The three roads which were required immediately, and (b) the nine roads which would be required when the shed was completed. The committee recommended that the lowest alternative quotation of the Commonwealth Steel Products Co, for the manganese steel castings and closures for the nine roads for the sum of £1,725 c.i.f. Hobart, be accepted, and that the tramways manager be authorised to arrange for the resident railway engineer at Newcastle to act as the Council's representative.

Alderman Valentine moved the adoption of the report. He said four tenders had been received, and the tramways manager considered the preference should be given to Australian


Alderman Martin seconded, and the recommendation was adopted.


It was decided, on the recommendation of the Tramways Committee, to give permission for advertisements to be placed on the back of tram tickets. Offers of advertisements had been received, and it was proposed that the department make direct contracts with



A letter was received from the West Hobart Improvement Association regarding (1) the duplication of the line to the loop in Goulburn-street, and (2) the abolition of the "Y" at West Hobart, and was referred to the Tramways Committee for consideration.