Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 18 October 1922, page 13



I .,ic fortnightly meeting of the HoI bart Citv Council was held on Monday

night. There were present the Mayor (Alderman J. A McKenzie), Aldermen F. D Valentine, T. Arnott, J. J. Wignall, P. Grant. J. G. Shield, J Breen, E J. Rogers, R. H. Martin, J A Cuthbertson

Ihe Reserves Committee reported that the following tenders had been re-ceived for the construction of office, etc , at the Beaumans Zoo, Queen's Domain: -C Laing, £396, H and T Gibbons, £3% 15s, \\. W. Watson, £450 It re-commended that Mr. Laing'» tender be accepted, subject to certain adjustments to reduce the tender price by about


The report yvas adopted.


The Reserves Committee reported that on August 7 the Council passed a scheme involving an expenditure of £2,200 for improving the South Hobart iccrcation ground, witt the understanding that only the construction of the oyal should bo proceeded with at piesent. Included in the scheme was the laying down of

one tennis court and pavilion, estimated I to cost £475 Since then the South Ho-! bart Progress Association had asked that two tennis courts be constructed as early as possible, and the committee re-commended that the request be acceded to. The estimated cost of the additional court was £335.

Alderman Rogers, in moving the adop-tion of the report, said it went without ?saying that the Coiporation yvould iccuro an adequate revenue from the


The report was adopted



On letters from Captain Wilkinson and Dr. E L Crowther with reference to the removal of headstones and remains of relatives from the St. David's Ceme-tery, the Reserves Committee reported that the applicants, having failed to avail themselves of the provisions of the St David's Cemetery Act, had now for-feited the right to have the remains and monuments removed at the expense of the Coun-cil. The committee, however, recom-mended that the applicants be offered land at the Queenborough Cemetery, to which the monuments and remains might be removed at their expense. The late Mr. Wilkinson was for 17 years Town Clerk of Hobart.

At the instance of Alderman Valen-tine, it was decided to make January 31 the time limit for the acceptance of

the offer.

The report was adopted.



The Reserves Committee reported that the following resolution carried at the last meeting of the Council was for-warded to the Minister of Lands: -"That it is undesirable for the Govern-ment to alienate the corner block of land fionting Molle and Davey streets in favour of the Defence Department, particularly if to be utilised for the crrction df anv unsightly Timlding" Owing to Ihr Ministers absence from town i definite reply had not yet been received The committee, however, had much pleasure- in reporting that the Premier had informed the Mavor that it had been decided not to use the land referred to for a trtorc yard for the Defence Department

The report was adopted


The Tramwaj Committee reported that the Marino Roard had applied for per-mission to use alternating current for driving portable tools around the wharves, which were in the Council's direct current area. The committee re-commended that permission be granted, subiect to the Hydro-Electric Depart-ment paying to the Council an amount equal lo 10 per cent, of the revenue re-ceived fiom the Uoaid.

Alderman Shield moved the adoption of the report, which was agreed to.



On a letter fron. Mr. Vi. li. McHugo, asking that the upstair portion of the shops of the City-hall fronting on Collins-strcct be provided with a separate entrance from Market-street, the Mar-kets Comnyttec recommended that the request be acceded to, subject lo the

following conditions -(1) Additional rent at the rate of ¿10 por annum to be paid, (21 tenants to be given free ac cess at all times to the lavatory accom modation attached to the Public Mar ket The estimated cost of the ivork

was £10

Alderman Arnott mo\ed the adoption of the report

Alderman bignall seconded He thought it ivis pretty good interest (Laughter)

The report wai adopted


*On a letter from the Back to Tas mama Committee asking for the use of the City hall on Sundays 19th ind 2ßth November for the purpose of hold ing choial festivals by community sing crs and^the Orpheus Society the Mar kets Committee recommended that the request be acceded to The committee furthei recommended that out of pocket expenses only be charged for the uce of

the hall

Tnc report was adopted


The Public Works CouimiUco icioil ed that the following lenders had hoon rccoivel for eve nation in connection w lill tho w idcning of Digne> street -S Linton ¿121 10 bd J 1 WnJkci

Em Is <d V Goran ClaO D i\u ind linton E1J7 lu Id W lrecmui inj Co JU'O T Chüllengei X219 lis

T \ Steel £3a0 ] Willi imson XT-, I ho coniiuiitee recommendod that 11K tcndci of S Lint ra bo îcceptcd

The îepirfc was idopled


Die V\ itci md Sewengo C<immillc< rcpoilcd that tho folio« ing fonderswer« icceived foi the supph and deinen nfc Hobart of 3 000 casks <f V rt land cement -licier Smith ind Co 16 Gd reduced to 1C Td T lient i in 1 (* 16s 7d VA m Houghton mt . o li 8d Ovoiell mil S,,upson IP 81 ( TUMI J Id 16« KI 1 M Orasbv anl Co l"s P < Abh it l"s

Min Bnig 1% 6d r I I ne ne io l~n t> 1 Dio stib-commilicc wlnel w is ¡jVeii j o»or io iel Ind iceoptod ihi quotation ot Moisis Elder Smith mc

( n

1 ho icporr w is idiptcd


1 uo VSatci ind V\oii0o C inn illc< lecommendcd iii it the ctmtiug M^T lo » xtondod t sorvo properties, bit nie in Ittd Chinbi nenne und Ii hoi *

\ontio it an estimated co t ol LJjtl Vdopt d


The W nter and Sewerage Comralttei submitted reports of the Citj I ngincet dated October 10 re (a) l8 inch and 10 inch witcr mains Sandv Ba> ml (b New Town sewerage Tho comnutte recommended that 500f> of 10m C1 pipe« at present in stock be used l; place of the broken pipes, as rcconi mended by the City Engineer

Tho report stated that the tota] ox ponditurc un. to September 27 includin all charges, materials surveys otc wa £¿¿710 2s lOd made up as follows -Materials £16 544 14s _d laboii! £5 481 r>5 Hd cartage, £681 2s li The total length of 18in steel pipe laid from the lower reservoir to june ton of King ind High streets was ° BO lineal feet The total length of 10n cast iron pipes lud to date was 8,300f In laving the 10m pipes he had had t cut out the defective parts of over E pipes and over 30 others had bur' under pressure consequently the ha ince of the lOin pipes which they no had would only reach to within a fe \ards of Mt St Canico avenue The had 828ft of 10m cast non pipes i stock in the store \ard and ho wou1 recommend that 500ft of those be use which would enable them to make a coi noction with the 3m branch water pir which supplied the Magdalen laundtThe work of laying 1 420 lineal feet < new 4m pipes in Waimea avenue wi completed on the 23rd September Th main had separate connections to li lOin and 5in mains respectively on ti Main road Tho work of replacing ti 3in pipes on tho high pressure ma: was completed on the f"th Octobc There were 327ft of 4m cast iron pip* and 419ft of 4in steel pipes laid

Alderman Wignall moved the adoptic of the report, Alderman Arnott secon


The Major pointed out lh»t the woi at Sandy Bay which had been estima ed to cost £18,517 had alroadj rcachi the sum of £22,710, or £4,193 more thi the estimate He suggested that ti Water and Sewerage Committee shou go into tbo matter seam, and cm ¡

estimate of what it was likely to cost to complete the work

Alderman Wignail mentioned that there had been a great many more broken pipes than the engineer expect

ed to find


1 ho May or in nnsyver to Alderman Marlin s question Will tlio ¿mamo Committee furnish a return showing how money lias been raised in liles ind bow much expended exclusive of cupital expenditure during tho last two >ours md the amount estimated to be received and expended during tho curíent year in tho JICI contained in tlio following boundaucs Commencing from the Castide Brewer} mid bounded r>¿ j. lino running in a southerly direction lo tlio lower leservoir, then aloug tho Sandy Uiv Rivulet lo (ho bridge along Dignev-slieet and 1 it/rov place to Molle sheet ulong Molle street to the Hobart Rivulet inil up Hobart Rivulet to the point of commencement ' said tho 1 manta Lommitle'o is obtaining tho fn ioiuiation and hopes to submit the re turn at iho next meeting ot tbo Council

Udermin Alartin drivv attention to the necessity tor continuing tlio ngitaüon for iho removal of the rifle îango from s-indv BIT and Iho ilavoi issurod lum th it this mitta had not been lost si ht



The Finance Committee reported *hat it was essential that an additional tele phone be installed on the first floor of the Town hall for the use of the build

ing inspector and the superintendent of reserves This would necessitate the in stallation of a larger switchboard and the committee recommended that autho nty be given for thi = the estimated cost of which was £27 Is 7= The addi tionat annual rental would be £C 15s

On the motion of Aldeiman Bicen the repoit was adopted

The total v-iluc of oil construction work including urvevs ind contnet on Iho New Town sewerage to Septcm bor 27 w-is £18 754 14s "d made up is follows -labour £11220 2s rd cait age, £o23 2s Id matemls £7 011 Is Sd The tol-il length of all tunnels driven open trench and »-hafts excavat

ed was 2 COO line-il feet There were 24 working shafts sunk and 16 had now been filled up The total length of main 3ft. 3in by 2ft 2in ovitoim »ewei actually completed was 1 "00 lineal feet lîegarhug tile outfall into the River Dei

went i length ot 3 Ofl ol tOm sower lind been laid and completed leaving i bibnre of 100ft still to rio Iho ron strurtion ot this outlall had been i most difficult ind tedious piece of engmocimg

ind many difbcultips hu lo bo got ovti

lheie v ero r 000 lineal leet of hin mci lin pipe sewers laid by the lonlrar-tni

and t inncllui0 operations bad now 1 een started it Queen <=- \ ilk

Clio Puhlir Works Couimiltep report

»vi tint the A\ ir Servite Homes Tommie ».ion had ipplied for permissinn to erect in weilberhonrd i home tor i returned soldier ii \ orí. street- Sandv Bar whirb locality wis vvilliin the brick ma Iho TJeputv (. ommi6sioner stated thal tho cost »it erecting iho buildings ia brick togelhci with tin cost ot the noce san land would exceed iho ma\i mum ann nut tho Commission could arl vanee ind if (he permission asl ed foi wis not granted the man would 1« earning tho load of Iho cost ol the lind without be-inc, ilile io rstiblish f homo on it Tho commitlc« regrette» that (he Council had no power to gran1 tho conto sion asked for

I ho l-eport was idoptcd

Tho Publir Works Committee report ed that a letter had boen received fron tho 'secrelarv for Public Works »skin; for tho Council s contribution of £30' towards tho rost of completing tho Ridge wiy road Tho committee s reoommon dation that the amount bo pud wa adopted

On T, lo lei leceived from a numbr of ratepayers ind residents of tho locil lir the 1 lghtinc Committee rrcommend ed Ihit in additional li"ht bo provide in Congress-street between fiscadc road and Wontw orlh street at an ir nual cost under present contract of £ 7s 81d ^

The report waa adopted

On i re»|uost from (.lie I \ L Bind fo

financial issistance towards tho cost c t iking part in Iho Ballurat competitioni tho 1 in ince Committee n rommendei that tho Council make a giant o| i; for this purpose Tho rorommenditio was agiecd to on the motion of \lde mon Breen and \molt

Iho Gol links Piogie s \s oeialio Wrote advocating iho îpjKuninici f of i additional health insriecU»! ind the mi ter wns refeircd to iho Heilth Conuni leo for ic| orl

The Council idjournod (ill 30lh nisi