Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tuesday 3 April 1923, page 2


A Record Exhibition. Over 1,000 Entries.

In putting out nil rninner of produce farmers otthnidi'ts, ami settlers lu Hit Kin'oboioufcli ilistnit luvt muelo ¿reit stnüts oi litcnt jears nul jtstirday thnir exhibition tclip~ccl anx nuttimn produto show in tin fcxiuth at an\ rite up to dite 1 litio were over 1 DUO tn ti les mid 1 otu competition in almoit overv 6citioii and el its bdicdultd lins must line involved un tiioiim i amount of inclination on Hie put ot \lr \\ I) Aluldock Hit tntrtttit lion bit as is tul l)V Jil JI J kingston and huppur tid by u hlron" committee with Mc=¿rs G fa Muldoik (lion tn îsurer) 1 \jres B 1 J'tir=all S J ortli G Aires lilis Divies \ Piv ii. -nid fa W Jlir bhull as ¡in t\eculivt Hie gitts nid door tal nits ilso formel n tccorel which wis not surpiiMii,, hieing that ntvti bolore were so m my |>tople tai ned in 1 aster Mond iv In the tit miers to Jliown's Jiivtr wheie tilt <diov was held the. Inautifulh lint da} luv hil, tempted nn enormous number of peoplt to v i it tins popular í-cuidi itsoit Hie judges were -J nut Me rs P II Thom s (Govcinmtnt 1 nut 1 xjieit) and Jim lipscombe %t),i t ililtei nid 1 inn pio

duct Mc-srs 1 etor Murdoch M I) A S M Willuri! und llieo Iipiomlc

d-iirv produce and home produits Mrs Atkins (Hie Grotto) md Mis Vdl necdlewoik Mrs Chilli mid Mis Howell mt e\lubits Mis II ii i ison und Ml Connor train Mr Peter Murdoch MU \ ilowtis iml di nitcd lillie* Mr C L Wlbstir du dun s «oil

Misses Livinf, lone iml \i eil ntl and Mr Buring poul iv Mi J J m ni di op und hoist« Me sis Jeld Mmdodi M II \ S M Wellard md T 1 J'ente 'Iho 1-idits lielontini to the Kui"boioi j,h brandi of tilt Unis J nindh Sttietj served e\telUnt limtlienii und il loi

noon tot mulei i lai^t ii » quo and veie ktpt vtrv bus) Ihioutjiout the da) Jhcv welt-Mi luiusJI J Pen silt (président) W Wilson (lion bec ) Sliorburd M ii tin Groombridge ind Biviitoti and Mi-- es C \lxl md Mm

chilli assisted b) cevci ii fciils beloiioiiif, to tlio ootiet)

The o\liibitirn of fruit vis the Jir gest seen in the South mho. the. inter Slate exhibition in Hob ni there beint, tabled 2JS sti ii ile lots ind lb lots, ol ric« finit Hie (olkttions ol 12 soita of îpple-,, md (f ( silts ol de s<il apples vion exception illj (,oo I Mi Ji

J Ptaisillh 12 \ inities on ] 1 itch vveic wninalj commended J iflj lots of pe irs wore tabled all nntkel iblo varieties being pi omine ni Hit two largest íp pies wert i l't lsgood Nonsuch and i J'nnte Ylfrcd Some 6plenduljj ¡,iovvn htiivvbeiiHs (,]îov il Sovtiei0ns), exhibí led In Mi Sid loith ind Mi G Guidon weie vi umlj toinmi nded llsn Mi W T Ptais-ill s i tspbemc iml Mr- lohn hou f> mignificint I until < f Bl itk II nu bur0 gi ipis e,ioun in the i pin it How Utn mirlooking Hit iluiinol lbcio wore liso home vtiv lint quintes md late peuihis tliown

In the industrial section the compe-tition was keon in HAiiul clises Dieu wile Iivt lompctituis in tut ti iss lor

home jiioductb troj hit these wen janis, jellies ind otliti pie trves iml blend and pistij ¡,uik1s (te "iloie whilst the luitlci | istotniMHi eiomi

nndj lioiuj vine vtij <iedi(able J ho exhibits of finij uni odin needlewo-1

vere moro ininuious 111 in tis 11 ii ind thcio wtro over 100 entries in the dill dieu s disses 1 lot oi thildrciih --(liool

worl coming Irnm is fn «lull is Avon 1 nd then, vi is an inteu linj, ihrtpl ly of flower

This time the vegetables and general farm products wert exhibited in a newly erected structure at the rear of the main hall which was crowded throughout the afternoon by admirers of the produce Misses h -ind G Ayres (Bhcknun s Bay) won the prize for the best collec tion of fal m and garden products, show ing 35 sorts Mis D C Bugler being a \ciy creditable second The district is famous for its potatoes and titre were some splendid lots of the leading \me tics tabled, notubh Up to D ites Pink eves and the rt ii Browns River blicks which for flavour and floury Chirac ei

istics cannot be excelled, but he frui seed is now boconun" hard to obtain There vveie shown numeious lots of well grown mangolds swedes cairots pars

nips ind onions and enormous heads of cabb-ige were luought to the «how b\ i'r C Loncrgan of Summerlcis ind Mi George Gordon Mr I Hem nings Invest pumpkin (grown in Mr W iltei Sansom s garden) weighed r)51b There were stalks of maize in tlu show over lift high md sunflower heads 4 inches in diameter Mr I Ayres and Ml Geo Headl im e-chibitid gool cuttings of lu terne, grown in a blick sand soil ind they stated thnt then crops of the king of foddci plants vveie very e,ood In point of numbers tht poultiy section did not fill as well as in borne formel vcirs but the qualitj wis very gooj in White Leghorns and Black OrpinL,to\s winch predominated in number with a pen or tv 0 of good Silver W vandottes In ducks Miss Rosit Peirsill s White Ajlesburys were a grand lot The equine stock were exhibited in the lccreitlon ground at the rt ir of the hall ind there wore shown several very useful horses especnlly imont, tht diaughts notably in the drnx horse (light and heavy) clisses and general purpose horsts orchird horses onlj a fur lot ponies 1 miscellaneous collection Tlieie wis a lot of competition in the walk trot and gillop nee and in the trotting race but unfortunaleli some reel less ndcr¿> caused two iccidonts on the ground

The show v as lormally opined bj the Warden (Mr B J Pears ill) who spoke of tht =hovv as a record ont in number of entries ind qualitj of exhibits and claimed that there wis as good f uit in the show as v as to"be seen 111 any part of the world (App]"use ) He noticed that the Premier hid said in the North that there were better prospects in store for the grow era It was cirnestlj to be hoped it would be so for thev were ¡living n vtrv rough time of it This season tliev had spion lid crops but it was difficult to obtain p vablc prices Accounts in cornection with list vear's overseas exports and compensation for bad cirnage hid not jet beennfinallj settled Last season ont grower sent to England 1 000 hush-ls in connection with which he found himself £r0 in debt so it w is very mxious'j hoped In-it the apples now going to England would be carried sitisfactorih Besides bruising in handling and bid cirnage on the boats, tended to give lasmMiM. apj les, a bad name 111 the overseas markets, which wis a most serious thing He congr itulated the office-s of the society md the committee upon having got up sner a mignjfiecnt show, and declircd it open (Cheers )


Fruit-Case each of Sturmers Sear lets, and Now "iorks picked and wrap ped for export M Hart 1 C Trost 2 Case of Scarlets graded 2J t.nd packed diagonallj unw ripped M Har* Ca-' culinarv ipplc: C I rod Dessert ap p'cs D Maddock Half case Jona thons, C Trost 1, B J Pearsall 2 Col

lection of apjles (12 sorts 5 of each'', It J Pnrsall 1. t V Henry 2 Col-lection of npplc3 (fi sorts, 5 of each), B J Peursill 1, S A W fight 2 Adim ?> rearmains J Coombes Alfr stons, W J Hizell Allington Pippins, C V Hcnrj Blenheim Or into J

Coombes Cleopatras II L Cowle 1, B J Peir=all 2 D Walters 3 Cornish Aromatic G V Henrv Cox's Orange Pippins, Mrs J Walton 1, R O Ha7cU 2 P II \oung 3 Crofton Pnrmains, J Cowies Crow's Eggs, II E Cowle Delicious B J Pearsall 1 D W liters 2 Democrats J Coombes ISA Wright 2 P II Young ¿ Dunn s Seed-ling, Mrs J Walton Duke of Ciar once P H 'ioung 1 ind 2 Emperoi A'cxander, W J Hazell 1 W Moody 2 Trench Crabs II L Cowle 1 J Coombes 2 Gravensteins, B J Pearsall King David H G Young 1 B J Pearsall ° Mrs J Walton ¿ london P ppms Elsie Wright 1, n G "i oung 2, P H } oung 3 Ptasgood Nonsuch B J Pearsall Pomme de Neige D Wilter« Golden Reinette J Scott James Grieve E A. Worsliv Jonathans, Mrs J Walton 1 C V Hcnrj 2 B J Pcir sall T Prince Alfreds, D Walter« Ulbston Pippins Mrs J Todd Rome Beauty, B J Pearsall Sci'let Nan rarcil, C V Hcnrj 1 and 2 Stone P ppins, B J Pearsall Stürmer V n pins, C V Henr\ 1, J Coombes 2 Tas pan's Pride, B J Pearsall 1, T Ctombes 2 Worcester Pcarmains, E A. Wrorslej Largest apple B J Pear

bbI! Largest pear, D Walters Col-lection of pears (G sorts), M Hart Des-sert pears (3 sorts), D Walters Cook ing pears, D Walters Napoleons H ¿ Cowle Bergamots, P H Young Winter Co'e, L A Worslex Winter Nells, M Hart. Beurre Bosc, E and G Ayre» Beurre do Cnpiamont, D

Btuire Claireeau, D Waiters Duchess, Baske? n? (Pcaclh«, B J Pearsall

Basket of strawberries, S Forth

&leST.Ir, S ^ X A Maddock 2 riums, B J Pearsall Japanese plum,, íLr« n1 "?"?tV" u Hibernes, B J Peirsall Bunch oí grapes, Airs E

B Johnson

Kingborough Competitors Only, nrc

OrT- Py Mr "EIhs Dav,esil<5v.

Orange Pippin, Airs J Walton 1 -Stevens 2 Cleopatras, B J Pearsall 1 Ç \ Henry 2 Jonathans C V H»nrv 1 - Stevens 2, E A Young 3 St" t

mer Pippins, C V Henry 1,BJ Coombes

- - Stevens 3

Vegetables-Collection of vegetables grown from John Cres«ell's seeds E V K¿ "Ayr°ñ Collection of potatoes, i Knop Quarter cases of potatoes,

n!iV J B t?coU J-'E and G Ayre« 2 Half case Browns River Blacks, E A

V T P % , ""P'nkcyca, G Gordo»

1 ) B Scott 2 Ht £ case any other

variety, G Hendían, Cabbies, C

Loncrgan fable swedes, G Gordop

senr Snorthorn carrots, J B Scott 1, Tts r°r Ve8 2 Intermediate car rots G Gordon senr Pirsmps. G

Onions F Flemming I and 2 G Labi 3 Alirrows, "Alisa Fenton Pumpkins, F TIemmng Jam melons, G Lah!, Long red mingolds II Lal.l Other mangolds {." > 'Í.1 nSwcdcs,W 0 Maddock Red

beet, G Cramp Tomatoes, W D Mad cock Best cucumber, G Crump Kea beet, G Lihl Smooth round tomatoes, Airs Hopkins French D>ans, Mrs Hon

kins *

Grain-Alount Pleasant Estate (Mr .J Forth) Wheat in sheaf, W J Ilircl Sheaf lucerne L Ayres Halfbushel seed wheat, E and G Ay es Half bushel grey peas G Dixon Best ha« bushel blue peas E ind G *\\res Half bushel of garden peas G Dixon Heads sunl'owor seed, W J Hazell 1,

H Henwood 2

Miscellaneous-rre«h butter, plain block, separator Air. O Htudlim 1, Airs \ P Snerburd 2 Iib butter separator. Airs G Headlim 1, Mr. \ P Sher buid 2 Bottle pasteuriaej ceain, Rosie Pearsall Fresh hen eggs Aliss A Ayre« Plate of honey in comb, Ellis G Dance Bottle of honey AI G But 1er Collection of jellies 4 bottles

Miss S Pearce Collection of jams, Airs R O Hazell 1 and 2 Airs D C Butler 3 Collection of presencd fruit", Airs AV R A Poberts Bottle cringe marmalade, Mrs A.rnett Bottle of to

malo sauce, Alls C Dizeley Bottle of plum siuce Aliss '"dev Onion pickle All's 1 olty Tomato pickle, Airs R I


Home Products - Best trophy of home made produce Mrs Iloplins (Ho

bart) 1 Miss S Pearce 2 Loaf of home made whrc bread (married ladies only to compete) Air II 1 Fchlberg 1 AI-s A A Snerburd 2 Loaf of home

made white bread (single ladies only), Aliss A Lahl Best pinto of pinn scones Miss Shoobridge 1, Miss S Pearce 2 Plate of sweet scones Mr" Inpp Sponge cike Miss S Pearce Victoria cake, Miss S Pearce 1 Mrs F Ayres 2, Mrs K Abel special prize Pound cake Miss S Peircc 1, Aliss Emma Walton 2 Col lection of biscuits Mrs H Tringrovp Collection of small cakes Mrs Baxter Ornamental cike Airs Baxter Plate of cream cakes Miss Bayles 1 Gwen King ston 2 Sultana cake, Airs H Tringrove Swiss rolls, Airs Bayc3 Gingerbread Airs Bayes Victoria cake Alis G Hoidlnm Plum pudding Aliss Tolev 1>

Airs II Tnngrovt 2 Anp'c pie Airs . Shoobridge Sius ige rolls Alio Tripp

Mince pies (made in tins) Aliss Foley > Ale it pits Airs H Tringrovc Collection | of tarts, Airs Tripp Scones (girl« ur , der IG years) Lynnu Kingston A le [ torn cake (girls under 1C years), Olive

tentón I

Industrial Work-Collection of fancy -\ork, G pieces, Mrs J Meredith Col-lection of crochet work, Aliss Nichols 1

Miss S Pearce 2 Table centre white work Miss A Cohcck 1 Aliss C AV Bauen 2 Exhibit of white cut linen, Mrs C \\ Barren Exhibit of eyelet em broidery, white work, Alis-, K Abel Pillow shims white work, Aliss K Abel Linen worked tea. cosy, Aliss Shrimp hn Coloured embroidery* Mrs J Alele dith Tancy coloured table centre, Airs J Meicdith Table coyer ciochet work Airs J Alcrcdith, Crochet camisole top Airs I arquhar Crochet lace Aliss Shoobridge Crochet insertion, Aliss Nicholls Crocl et milk cover Miss S Pearce Biby s bootees, Aliss Seath

Al SS U JIUgnes _ renieee-ei bean ii"'

wool Airs W D Aladdock Pur hmu 1 nitted cnilcl s socks Mrs Shaw Pair lund knitted mens socks Airs J A\ al ton 1 Miss Backhouse 2 Tincy cush ion, Mrs Baxter Table cover anv wölk, Airs J Aleredith Crochet border on nandi crchief, Aliss Cato 1 and 2 Airs E Ayres 3 Tancy tea cosy, Aliss Limp kin Buttonholes worked ¡n linen Nits fehiw Crochet doy ley linen centre Aliss C Huthcs 1 and 2, Airs J Aleredith 3 Crochet dovley all crochet Mrs AVvatt 1 Airs J Aleredith Î, Cut Uren doy ley, Mrs J Aleredith Evelot or embroid erel dov -J Mibs E M ilcock T Mrs J Meredith 2 Pillow lace Miss E Aladdock Hand made piece of lingerie Miss S Pearce 1, Miss K Abel 2 Cro

chet work (by girls undct l8 years), Miss B Btyes Best exhibit of anv class of work (by girls under T8) girls

of Avoci State school

AU AVork -Photogiuphic landscapes, work of exhibitor G G Davies Col ec lion of 12 postcards G G Daxies 1, Miss F «înett 2 Pencil drawing (co,), )

Miss liost Origin ii pencil drawing, Alex Gurney 1, G G Davies h c Pen and ink sketch any subject, Miss b\ an

r>"i""v",l cinenn drawing, any design,

painting, Miss Burton AVater colour painting, C. AV Davenport Collection of G Tasmanian views, work of exhibitor, G G Davies Amateur snapshots, G G Davies , ,, "

riowcrs -Deconted floral table, How crs not necessarily grown by exhibitor, Ahss AA alton 1, Mi-s I oley 2 Snapdiagons I lemming Carnations, J Coombes Collection of roses, Mrs J Walton Collection of wild flowers and bernes Mis Kent Bowl of garden flow crs, Mrs J AS olfe Collection of stocks, Mrs J ASolfe Best arranged bowl of ro-cs Mrs AValton Best arranged table \ ise of flowers, Mrs AVilton 1, Miss Walton 2 Buttonholes, Miss h AValton Collection of asters, Mrs J AValton Pan síes, MrB J A\ alton Collection ofigarrtnn flowerB Mrs D C Butler,

Children's Work, under 16 yeaTS -Best pencil drawing from nature, N. E. Shaw Pencil drawing (copy ), T Daven-port 1, N E Shaw 2. Brushwork, floral design, AVoodbridge State School Brushwork book, classes IV ,V.,and VI , Avoca State School. Best coloured map of Aus-tralia, Madge Ludley 1, Ethel Burslem 2 Plain map of Australia, Rex Arnett 1, T. Davenport 2. Original story, not exceeding 1,000 words. Barbe Butler. Best kept exercise book (under 14 years), C. Roberts. Best kept exercise book, (under 12 years), Phyllis Scott. Best copy different classes (4 lots), Lucy Knop, Avoca State School. Best tianscription book in classes, Avoca State School in first and second, AVood-bridge State School third, and Avoca State School in section C Hemstitched handkerchief, Avoca State School. Plain needlework, any garment, Leila Arnett 3 buttonholes in linen, Avoca State School. Darned sock, Avoca State School 1, Ena Reid 2. Hemstitched handker-chief. Avoca Stnte School 1, B. Baxter 2 Pair of hand-knitted child's socks, Elizabeth Mitchell. Dressed doll/N. E, Shaw. Linen doylcy, Avoca State School, 1, Dolsic AValton 2 Cross-stitch, Barbo Butler. Fancy cushion, Avoca State School Hand-made garment (under 15 years), Avoca State School 1, Topsy Arnett 2. Pillowslip (under T2 years), Avoca State School. Hemmed tea towel (under 12 yenrs), A'iola Joseph T, Barbe Butler he. Child's Teeder (under 10 yenrs), Avoca Stnte School. Hemmed tea towel (under 10 years), D. Dailey. Child's feeder (under 8 years). Avoca State School. Hemmed tea towel (under 8 ycirs), Avoca State School. Hemmed tea towel (boy8 only), G. Lilli. Dozen wil-low pegs (boys only), B. Groombridge. Book of samples (over 12), Zilla Sner-burd 1, Muriel Bayes h.c Book of samples (under 12), Phyllis Bayes.

Poultry.-White Leghorns, " pullets, L Ayres 1, J. AValton 2 White Leg-horn Cockerel, A. AVebstcr 1, N. Dixon 2. White Leghorn pullet, N. Dixon 1, L. Ayres 2. AVhite Leghorn utility hen or pullet, A Webster Pen of Black Otpingtons, 3 pullets, O. Luca«. Pair of Black Orpingtons, O. Lucas Black Orp-ington cock or cockerel, O. Lucas. Black Orpington hen or pullet, O. Lucas. Black Orpington utility cock or cockerel, O Lucas Black Orpington utility hen or pullet, O. Lucas. Hen or pullet, any other breed, H. Fchlberg 1 and 2. Cock or cockerel, any other breed, II. Fehl-berg 1, Mrs. G. Headlam 2. Pair of ban-tams, Mrs. G. Dixon 1, Grace Dixon 2. Best hen or pullet in show, A,-.Webster 1, H. Fehlberg 2. Best cock or»cockere) in 6how, O. Lucas. Pen of 3 ducks, Rosie Pears.aU I, H. Fehlbcrg 2.

Sheep.-Best 3 lambs, W. J. Hazell, best 3 fnt sneep, W. J. Hazell.

Horses. - Light spring dray horse, lsMsaaaaaa<saaaaaaaaa^fcJia>M»»^i,il.,fl

2, R Brawshaw 3 Stone dray turnout, P Taylor 1 and 2 General purpose norse, shown in saddle, H Hcn.vood 1 A Mathers 2 J Ranger 3 Orchard horse, shown in bridle, P Taylor 1 L Ayres 2, R Bradshaw 3 Horse and trap, pvcr 14.2, T Brough on 1, J Moy 2 Pony, under 14 hand , ridden bj child, 3 Midson 1, Marhnc/ 2 Walk, trot, and gallop race, H Drew 1, H Spottswood 2, las Cripps 3 Handicap trot, distance about 1* miles (King borough horses only), G Richardson 1, C Barker 2, G Knop 3 Heavy horses in drajs, P Taylor 1, Kennedy 2

Pony race, for ponies under 14 hands r ddcn bv boys, J Kearney 1, J Ken ncdy 2, K Cripps i Open handle íp trot distance IA miles, A Spottswood 1, ÍG Richardson 2, K Cripps 3 Musical

chairs on horseback, L \ Pearsall