Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tuesday 14 November 1922, page 5





Good progress is being made vith the construction of the Bcaumar /io on the site known as the sand tone quarry near Government House Queen h Do main The fence surrounding the ite is now completed and the erection of the various cages is well in hand Se] a

rate aviaries are being pinvided for doves pigeons finches pftva ant and parrots and there is to be m ruin large ona for the eagle and h iwks Enclosures have been made foi deer kangaroo wallaby emu cinch an 1 poa fowl Rabbitr have been provided with a fine rockery crested with (lovers and huts have been erected for the opossums and a housr- for the mon keys The wombats have bi-cn allot ed a natural looking den

A special feature of the 70 > will In the lions and the sand tone n now-here cut awav from the hillsi le to

form terraces in front of which will be a moat The lions will then be able to be viewed from both above fin I l>r

low without any obstruction The en», closure will be 40ft wide with den attached Ample provirion has been made for the aquatic birds A figure eight pond 300ft m c rcumferenco with an average depth of 2ft, has boen con structcd over which an arcb bridge is

to be thrown

The Reserves Committee reported to the City Council last night that a ten der had been accepted foi the erection of an office and store and the work had been commenced Provision had vet to be made foi a""tea house and for lavatory accommodation The Supcrin tendent of Reserves was arranging for flowers and shrub« to be planted and seats placed throughout the garden The zoo would be ready for opening before Christmas The cost to Octo ber 51, 1922 was £1 201 Is 3d

In moving the adoption of the report Alderman Martin said that the accom modation for the lions would be second only to that provided at Taronga, in

New South Wales

The report was adopted