Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Saturday 31 March 1934, page 2



To Be Re-named


The attention of the Minister»! the Interior (Mr Perkins) has I« drawn to the fact that there are «| islands off the coast of the North\otW Territory both bearing the name« Melville Island. The 1mger of tiwi« islands lvinn to the noith of DarrJ comprises some 2 ¡00 miles, anil M

been icco^uUed under Its pr^

name on all maps and < "îarts *«' was so named ly Cnpuin Ms " ISIS The other Island of the at» name which lies to the nortn »i-J« 'Cape Amhom, was unmet! by 111

in 1803, and has lomained appW'J

unde\oloped A settlt Tient

roundel on this Island In Cap» Btemoi in Hei Majesty s ship 'rank-in 1821, and the island was later w

ao-ned in 1829

4s it -was consideiort utilclranlei have two Islands of the sano nime> 'or neal the same locali«\ the MlnsW nas decided to n -n uno tbo smalM* land of the two, tint on the no» east const o£ the Noithoin ArnW that is on the i\e«tein side of the (<a of Cal peí taila, Biomei l«luhd