Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 5 August 1953, page 2

Get this medical!

plan straight I

"lyr A N Y of my ,

patients do not seem to realise that u they may join ANY j approved friendly so-

ciety, benefit society.

;i or lodge for the new

medical benefit scheme.

Should thev previously î have withdrawn from an ' organisation, it is not

necessary to reaffillate with that, society only.

Nor is It necessary to join within one's own sub-


t Another point which does X not seem clear Is that

they can receive treatment from any qualified medical

i practitioner within the, ? Commonwealth, and still ' claim reimbursement for

their fees on nroduction of that doctor's receipt.


j Courage

ALMOST unnoticed,

murder has become

commonplace in Vic-


With the threat, of the hangman's noose removed, killers slav with renewed confidence and audacltv. The Government of this State is In duty bound to 2 protect the la\ -abiding » section of the community.

I It can best do this bv J allowing the law to take I its course where a mury derer is concerned. All

that is needed Is a little courage! - ROY GOOD-WIN.


TF the lifting of im

p o r t restrictions would cause serious unemployment, despite protective tariffs, surety this Indicates alarming over - development of secondary Industries?

The existence of tariiïs indicates that, labor is

I being diverted from morer

to less productive Indus-j tries. ]

If Import restrictions or1' still higher tariffs are re-!; quired to maintain the]1 present level of secondary < Industry, then the com-] paratlve productivity of

our primary industries ?

must be very great in rela-

tion to secondary. !;

If this is the position, it;

wou'd require a great fnll,; In export prices to lower ¡> our living standard ass much as the fostering of]; uneconomic Industry docs. '

IAN H. LEYS (Mt,! Beckwith). ¡



T7*OR ten years magis-j

trates have cn-J deavored to adminis-j

ter justice under the wholly ? unjust Landlord and Ten-J ant Act... I

They have failed - not? being supermen-and it, Is; one more injustice that? they are blamed for having? done their duty. >

Let the Governments realise that the time iori restrictive wartime legis- * littion is long past, and< give owners back the? right to their own? property. ?

F. J. HOCKING (North- \ cote). |

Keep clear j

'THE Tramways Board j

should compel con- J ductors to enforce the? "No Standing in the Door.? ways" rule. J

Of what, use are the? posters Inside showing the? correct way to board and? alight from a tram if exits? are crowded with men. so? that one has to scramble? aboard and alight ns best?

one can? I

When there are vacnnt*

seats, they should be mndc? to occupy them. J

(Mrs.) D. GIBSON lEnst? St. Kilda). ?