Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 16 March 1953, page 4




j ly/TR. CAIN, Premier,

; queries the wis¡dom of completing the ; Snowy River project ; while other schemes

I are held up through ¡lack of funds. As ALL

I these projects are ¡stated to be worth ; countless billions to ; Australia when com-

pleted, why not create I the finance necessary I to complete these ¡ schemes, and then [cancel out the credit I issue as the billions

i materialise? -


DL EBURY. (Sth. Melb.).

¡Thanks, Bill!

IJ AST night I had to

t lind out how Henry fLawson died. I looked f up the encyclopédie and | couldn't find anything

t about him in it. So I de-

cided to ring Argus

[ Reference Llbary and find

» out. The person there

¡ kindly found out. for me. ¡ We all read Argus at home, i Thank you. Yours truly. ¡ BILL WARD, 10 years old » (Caulfield)..

\ Vf hy,why,why?

WOULD some of your

correspon dents > answer the following ! questions? WHY is the ¡ primary producer considi ered to be a race apart? ¡ WHY does he receive tori rents of criticism every ¡ time he asks for a price rise 1 to keep pace with his ever! increasing costs? WHY do

people demand cheap food? They do not burst wrathfully into print in protest against the exorbitant prices of children's shoddy footwear, expensive and badly made clothing, 10guinea hats, fantastic radio prizes offered out of manu-facturers' huge profits. WHY should they begrudge a farmer's wife and fam-ily decent amenities and comforts? Wealthy indus-trialists and their wives and families can live in luxury, take a trip to the Coronation, entertain lav-ishly, enjoy their holiday homes at the seaside-all out of the prices paid for their goods.- (Mrs.) M. L. BYRNE (Ellinbank).

Good reason

»"THE very fact that

Parliament intends to shelve the Royal Commission on the bribery charges is all the more reason why the people should demand that its investigations be contin-ued.-IAN H. LEYS (Mt. Beckwith).

It's iutile

JJOES it not occur to«

the experts who j are wondering why all j

the Red votes at Woomera ' that the voters, seeing the, futility of voting for any;

one of the candidates of. well - established parties; showed their disgust for' all the false promises and! hypocrisy of the so-called1 politicians? Could any ' sincere person feel any-thing but utter contempt for them after recent hap-penings in our own State? -EILEEN WHITMORE ( Hawthorn).