Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 7 April 1952, page 2


MK. LASRY (2ß 3) onj

, secret ballot in Par-1 » liament: In oidinarv* ! elections, clectots vote así ¡ individuals îcsponsibleî i only to themselves, but in ] ¡ Parliamentary divisions,? ? members vote as deputies, j I responsible to pnity ad-*

mittedly, but piiriiaiilyJ to their electois. To in-\ troduce the secret ballots in Parliamentary ciivi-î slons would not only? mean that memorise [ would no longer bp rc-> f sponsiblp to party, but? ! that they would cense toi I be individually rp-1

[ sponsible to the elcr-l; ¡ tora te - thereby imdei-J ¡ mining the wholp prin-i

I piple of responsible demo-'1

eratic government


H. LEYS (Mt. Beck-i with). (