Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Thursday 24 April 1930, page 4


Along the Track in North Queensland.

Cardwell.-II I. Reminiscences of Cardwell.

by Our Journalist Photographer.

AT Cardwell I was introduced to a Mrs, Murray, who has lived there for fully fifty years. This lady wanted to tell me all she could, but said it

would take her some time to recollect much of the old times. I learned, however, that there were times within her recollection when the gold escort came over The Gap from Etheridge to a wharf that is now represented by a fejr broken piles sticking up from the osach, whence the precious metal was transported in shins' boats to vessels 'that anchored off Hlnchlnbrook Island. Sometimes a number of wind' Jammers then lay at anchor off the iCafdwell beach. This lady I chatted with as we sat on a seat from which we overlooked ifee sea. There were no sails in sight, nothing but a vast expanse of blue water that lapped the beach, and stretched away to the islands, which looked like cardboard scenery wrapped in a veil of haze. This beach that now slumbered was once upon a time the -scene of activity. Even now it occasionally awakens from its lethargy, for small steamers bring cargoes from the South and tranship them to the train at CardwelL The goods they

bring, so I was told, are for Tully, it being cheaper to ship from the South, tranship at Cardwell, And then rail them to their destination, rather than train them direct. I wonder is that so? And, if so, why? It seems too absurd to be true, but A Massive Monument. A PEW hundred, yards from the GardwelTbeach there is a massive granite monument erected to the memory of one Walter Jervoise Scott, of the. Valley of Lagoons. The Valley of Lagoons lies between Ravenshoe and Hughenden. To-day that road is not always passable to motor traffic. ■-- Indeed, there are several months in the year when the most foolhardy motorists would hesitate before attempting the trip. Forty years ago goods' for the Valley of Lagoons were taken by packhorse over the Gap, and

ttaence to the north-west. Vaitly bcht loads were hauled over the hazardous bridle track that leads up over the mountains, and it was originally in- * tended that the monument of Scottish granite which now stands at Cardwell should be taken by this route to the Valley of Lagoons. Such a herculean* task would not be easily aocom* plisfied even with the modern heavylift appliances of to-day, and when 1 looked at this solid lump of masonry I was not surprised to learn that its Sassage over the Gap had to beabanoned in I*oo. Personally, I think it is better where it stands, as there it serves a double purpose. Always It wilt be a reminder of the packhorse days. -Generations to come win wonder why. it stands there, and curiosity will compel, them to find out. Thus the once popular bridle highway to the Tableland and to the north-west will be

memorialised, and the memory of the pioneers who-passed that way will not be Allowed to Jade. I never think it wise for any one to {ill his mind with too much ancient history, but a mind without historic information stowed, away in rt always seems to lack fjwnettiins. It was a wise man who said we steould take «U things In moderation. History token In over-large doses seems to me te have a similar effect on the mind to too much philosophy; it acts like a mental narcotic, and is inclined to make, one incapable of realising ttie importance of the things of the present. Still, ignorance of either always .suggests to me the possibility of a mortal flaw. A "Joy" Ride. TOURING our meanderlngs we have had Joy (and misery) rides •*

almost #rery type of motor car, some <tf the nac&ines appearing to date tack to the Dark Ages. We bave Just returned from a "joy ride" on a "Liz." that would blush to have its age revealed. The engine gave off such heat immediately the driver "stepped on the •gas" that I suspected that the car was suffering from blood-pressure, while her joints creaked rheumatically. There -were no seats on her but, being somewhat tender, I borrowed a cushion. That car had arrived at what is known in human parlance as a "ripe old age"—the age when most humans are either" rotund or a bag of bones. "Lizzie" created a strong impression upon me. an impression -that lasted for several days until my fickle nature sought for «. newer thrill, One cannot altogether forget, however, the tilings that serve us well, and "Lizzie of Cardwell," despite the slap in her cylinders and the frfnSrrt*q; cough that she emitted from her muffler, is not "out of sight, out of mind." Associated in my mind with the "beauties of Cardwell there will always be the recollectioti of the "Lizzie" that carried us safely, if hesitatingly, to some of its beauty -spots. We are looking forward to our netft stop—lngham. (To %c continued).