Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Wednesday 19 October 1932, page 3




Tho Licensing Magistrate (Mr J W T Forrest) yesterday granted a conditional certificate to Ernest Spendelove, builder, of Canberra, in respect of his application for a liquor license for Hotel Ainslie.

On the condition that cot tain neces

sary stiuctural alteiations aie earned out within the next five weeks, Spendelove, who is the lessee of Hotel "Vmslie, will be granted a licence ftom D->ccmbei 1 to Decembet 31 of this veai It will be necessaiy foi him to make, a fuither application for a re-new ii of the licence theteaftei and the fee for a full veais licence Is £50

On the request of Mi r Mitchell who appealed lot the applicant, the magistrate agreed to assess a lee ptolo'tnni-te to the pciiod of the licence wlueli will explte on Decembet 31 of this }Cui

Addiibsing the magistrate, Mr Mit-ch«. I' said he undei stood that two ob jections would be lodged by the Lic-ensing Inspectot One would be that tho teasonablo acquirements oi the ntighbouthood did not justify the gi anting of the licence and the othet would be that the licensing of the hotel would tesult in distill bance to the peacó and goodwill of the neighbout


Mi Alitchell declated that neithet of the contentions could be upheld H ' said that section l8 of the otdinaucti t elating to liquor licences ptovided that applications for a licence lot tesidentlal hotels may be granted Section 19 fuithei ptovided that licwitces might be issued to the managet ot Hotel Ainslie if applied lot bj the Pedeial Capital Commission

'A peculiat position had atisen, he

continued, wheieby an otdinance had been liamed which gave povvet to the magistiate to giant a licence fotthwith and >et in tins instance the Licensing Inspectot opposed the application

'ihe Licensing Inspectot (neigeant Cook) Section 7 (a) ol 1931 sajs something about objections

The maglsttate 1 am against the police in that

In the witness bo\, Mt Spendelovo in teplv to Mi Mitchell, said that he was the successful tendeiet for Hotel Ainslie the lease ol which had been executed that day

Mt Mitcholl stated that the appli-cant had submitted plans foi ceitain alteiations to the pteinlses and he un-dei stood that these had been accepted by the civic authotities

Continuing his statement, Mr Spendélov e said that he expected the ptoposed alterations would be completed bj Decembet 1

'In îeplj to beigeant Cook he said that he had ateady given instructions lot the piovlsion of fls-ptoof doois and window scieens foi the kitchen block and dining toom

Seiteant Cook stated that in the face of the existing oidinanccs it was a waste ot time to go into the box to oppose the application

The magistiate thoieupon gi anted tile uppllcant a conditional ceitificate indicating that the licence would bo gi anted on Docember 1 provided the riqc<>c«saiv stihctural alteiations were can led out in the meantime.