Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 7 July 1923, page 29

The Week at a Glance.


His Excellency the Governor-returned to Brisbane yesterday morning after a tour that took him as far north as Char-<*> ters Towers and Mackay, and enabled

- him to "ade-n" good clwil fof the conditions i- .;ui Central-Western Qiidenslnnd.. ...-".'., • Tho mcutAVorks .di?piite's, couimitteo ..- yesterday*-decided-" that the manager of i 'jfche Alligator Creek Avorks \v/a? • .iustified , :in .dispensing'Avitli the services, of tho employeeffAvhose- di?iiiis^al-broughjt about >.■ it Jus trouble. • " " . * , . Thp'_scheme of prickly pear 'destruction ;-■ iuloptedbytliecohferciiee of local aiithpri: /; -iies at T'jeAAA'ooinba on Tuesday, Avas.prp.' „. nented to the-Prickly Pe.ir ComtnisKion ■'" yesterday j aiid the' cliiiii-niun *• (Professor .. Steele) promised .that \t avoulcl receive the '"most 'eai'iic?t,cesn"sic?'i'ati6h'of the' c'onniiii* toion/''.' ■"*" •■/■ .-' - ■'-' -■ .-'•■ ' • ' His Excelloney the • Governor .re ceived •"• n comiuiiiiication from:- his. Excel-' "3ency the GoA'crnoi'-Genera) .'■ sUiling, tlu-t ,'he has -learnt- of -thc:.la;en .int-evest -.taken •by the Historical Society and •the.-Quectifi. -■••. -iland branch''-:-of■ the'/Rpyul.- Geographical ISooiety tinder Sir-MattheAV. Nathan's prcsi. •dency ■ in -stimulating interest -in' the origin .- til place names,. and~ that similai/ step.s -•'.vill-.be takcii :by. the/C'omnibmvealth in "the territories.-under:-its.control.- . r •'• The "Knuts" ; .boAvlers ■.yesterday . do-' -i'cated Grnceville.by 100:torfi9. . .-: ••'• • The Queensland . State /Commission of -'the British Emfiire Exliibition' lias • de cided to recommend the. appointment of •'tho State organiser (Mr. H.'W.Mbbsby) as f:o-ordinating officer for the agricul tural,-horticultural, and yitieultural sec tion of the Exhibition. The entomologist .. at Maringa, near C'airiis, has proved tliat_ pnradichlorp ■benzeno is niiett'ectiA-e fumigant-for cano grubs. .-■'....'.■ Though another 12 months, will.' elapse before, the Government cold stores • at 'Hamilton, arii .fully completed, a considev idilc portion ".will be ready for use in 'November next. /" A ino\'eineiit is on foot for the cre.ation ■hi a milk and' cieam pool for the metro politan area, but before, taking fiii'ther ••• action the .Minister for... Agriculture and •JStoek is "awaiting-receipt-of .the views of •tho.-'inetropolitiin: local authorities with "Whom he has coinniunicated. , ■■'.-. ■ His Excellency the/Governor presided tnt the 'annual meeting .of the Mater - Mis'ericordiae Public Hospital yesterday. Hiie- report of the year's, work: showed continued progress and increasing demands Vn -tlie avaihible nccoimnodation. .. ..';• „.-?. The estimated cost of the new wing ol: ■•ihe* Treasury Building.is £230,000. -i In tho,Geological theatre.of the Queena ■'. flnnil University-. Mr.. Heber-, A. ; Long' •nian.. . (Director, of the Queenslanel 3\luseum) deliA'ered a lecture on "Aiis-. ♦raliun Marsupials," and stressed their dninis to some measure of protection. . -Mutton and- beef -advanced in : vahio' at • the .Enoggera .stock sales yesterday, and Jambs'Avere A'ei-y dear. ; .. . The' Queensland National Party members have been strenuously endca\'ouriiig to se cure Victoria as a.nuirket. for. Queensland •jattle; Avliicli, arc selling locally atironi 35/ to £2/.V, .AA'hereas cattle recently imported, by Victoria" from "NTeAV... Ze-iland : have brought""asihiicli as £34. .'"•- A very satisfactory increasd-.' in lnember (bhip was reported at the-.meeting of the council of the- TbAvir Planning Association last night, and it wits aiinounced-thiit in •■tcrest in the association's objects, was aucreasing; . ■ -:-* /• ' Tlio■ Arbitration Court has restored the tburldifig:.triulcs' award, so far.as it ull'ects carpenters'-aiitl. joiners, ,as* from Juno 30; Queensland 'lnaiiiifae'tut'ors will, get "all Uie spofcV originally allotted in tlio.Bi-it.isii ■ .'Empire* Exhibition, '.and -.possibly- a.littlci. anore , ■"- ' • '■■ '■ "V ''"'- '.' -A sample of the great meteorite which fell at Quetta, Baluchistan, in February, has been received by Professor Skertchly, and will be exhibited in Brisbane shortly. Mr.' Francis John Patrick Killccn, cd.itor .-iiicl.-manager- of 'tlie •''Anstralian. Cotton . ■<Ji.;OAvcv/'. Aylip was 'sufl'eriu-g^ t'ruin in 'ilu'eiiza,"died.yesterday 'at' Wyc'arbiih, Ayhilo -•'being conveyed to-the -Rockliamp't.on HoS 'jiit'al: ■ -■-.:. ..■ .^■■.: , ' • The death of Mr. -Ci -Hamlyn/ Harris, a -jvcll-knoAvn--alid-'highly respected u'oiiei :ior, occjjrrc'cl'ut Cairns on Tuesday inoi;ii ..'.iiig.;'-.; '■-.-'-'-.'- ■'?'' '• , ."" ■"• The -Premier nniio'iinced'* yesterday that /lie laid !'telegniphccl to tlie Primo Mi'niK "■.tbr (Mr. Bruce), stating : that the oivners .emgage'cl in the 'sugar iifdiistcy.iiad acco'p't ccl his'proposalsiinde'r-jirotest.'-/.-- '• , ■ An .epidemic' of influenza iu'a mild form ::!.-.- 'ragii)g in . Cliai-lcyille', andiiiunips arc also ■■iir.evalent. . ' „ - -.""" ■ The" '/'victorious ..-> Quccnslarid Rugby "Hit-agHKj tedni* nri-i\;enl: :i t -.TiipAyo'dniba; ycdto'r-. ■'clay,-- and a xnialcli. beiween- Toowoomba - mid■■■.t.hi- Rest of (Jnecmibind.'.tAvhichr did • :noi. iuclluic ..scA-'cfal. of "-'the players who ' litid'.'Mtiyed- in -Sydney), w.iis'..won*, by .the •.Ri''j/"uf:Queensland by -21' points 'to 14, • -jfter an. exciting' cohtest.'-"' '■ • -. r. ...,' - /At the 'opening meeting-of- the"• Wnnyick CourAiiig; Club,.' the Maiden. Stakes Avas, j'von'-.'liyJ-S.'- Cox's Clever Tom,- and -the Open. Stakes' Avont, to 13. Tiiiihiins's ;'Bril ■ Jiuii'f, Queen,".Avhci defeated J.;' Chandlers ' J'aek'"l)einpscy.--: '■.*.•". ' • •'.,'-. ..-'.-.-■i ..• .in,.fhe'."first: malc'lic?. of the .Walnisley . Wiield 'competition,' liiiilcr. Riigby .Lpagiie .a'ule.s, .St.; Ciccigi- defeated Surat by '•" 11

point"! .to 8, nnd -Surat Ijeat Divranbaiidi. by 14 points to 3. - ' '-*■ ' The St. George footballers met a New South Walea border team ivt Miuigindi; and wore defeated ,by- 19 .points trr 0. . •' Messrs, Bedford, 'M'Giiiley, Lalqr, and Rice Avill go to a plebiscite if a vacancy pccui-fl. in tlie - Warregp electorate. Tho Queensland imports'for May total led £820,245,' as against £097,374 for May. of Inst year.. The exports totals £1,470,489, as against £1,71£>,71G in May, 1922. • " • - : . „-" FRIDAY, .Tune 29. ; The scheme for the proposed .maize pool for: tho Athertou -Tablelands area avus adopted by a.meeting .of .funnel's held nfc Atherton yesterday-. ./*•.' „ . .■ , * Tlie '"Ncav Zealand.' bowlers -arrived .in Brisbane .-last/night- from Lismore,'.-via Tweed Heads, aiid' Avere giA*cn-a hearty ■wclconio by -a -representative gathering of thp Q.8.A.. on. the- platform to meet them.'- ', •' ' ■■"• ' ■■' • ""■ •'The Health Commissioner (Dr. Moore) stated yesterday that 'no case of pneiunoiiio influenza had been reported in •Brisbane. : unci that'thc-ordinary type now. prcA'alentf' was of a mild form. . • -•"'-•■•-.-_ : -Th'o' report of the secretary of the Royal - "National Agricultural and. Industrial-As sociation of Queensland'at the meeting of the council -of- that -association yesterday pxprcasecl the opinion/that the exhibition, , to bo.held, next August -will- bo the best ■'■held-yet, and: that -'many' records will be eclipsed. . - /-V In a lecture before the :Town Planning Association- last night Dr. J. V. Dunig declared that the.hulk-supply of Brisbane, was very inferior "and must be respons'blo for much infantile morbidity and: moiN . tality. -.'.'- . '.-■■"■ ... ; .. , . .'..*.. . The Stephens Shire Council has decided to postpone the proposal to" erect. rieAv council chambers, offices, and- a School of Arts until the Greater Brisbane schqme has been settled. The Three-Mile Scrub Road Bridge Board has decided to erect a temporary structure, and later to erect a bridge of reinforced concrete. There is a great scarcity of bricklayers in Brisbane, and private employers are paying as much as 24/ a. day, while men on Government jobs, are only receiving, the award rate of 20/ . At the High School at South Brisbane there ar [=are] 150,000 bricks stacked up, but the only man available for laying them is the foreman, who is working away with two labourers. .'.' The half inch of rain which fell .on Tuesday means the salvation of the wheat crop in the Wanvick district..'. "... ; r ■ While felling scrub oh Mr.'Heape's pro perty at -; Buderim, Hazel . Dickmnri, ."•; ii • •young man, had his leg broken by a tree /falling,on it. - -.;.-,: ' i . The Field Organiser of the British .Aus;-* tralian Cotton Growing .Association; (Mi:.. J. J. O'Brien), states, tjiat...the Central and Upper •• Burnett districts, "from a' cotton : gi-OAving point of view, excelled those ot the DaAvsoii .Valley,. . The Queensland Socialistic, ."Parliamen tary Party yesterday appointed its lead' ers,' Ministers, and officials/forV the neAv .'Parliament.'- v -Mr.' Theodore Avas appoint-" . -ed" Lertder, and Mi-'. Gillies .'"Deputy"'Leader.' - The-first day. of the Kilcoy Show, waa: held in beautiful Aveather, and the tak ings .exceeded those.of 'last.year./ „•'" ' '' Some 1: £235 -of' - post office funds mys teriously disappeafed oh Friday. -. Tlie money, which was in. a;bag tm a lorry,, "Avas; portion of the Ayeekly pay. of/the linesmen between Brisbane and Wynhuiti,' and avos missed in the vicinity of Bulimba, • A road party unearthed a hitman skele ton on the mountain.' road '• betAveeh 'Lowo'od and Glamorgan "Vale on' Tiies •elay last.* ' '•' '■'-■,- •■ . -..••/"•> ;.' /.. r SATURDAY, June 30. Bishop Halford, speaking at the opening of. the Boys' Hostel at *B'arcaldihe,' said that since devoting- himself to liis special Avork among AV"orknig men"I.lie had found :an, appalling- want of education, and lack ,oi',geneval knoAyledge. ..Many'did-not evoh understand their own Labour, movement. •_ Professor Hv C. Richards; -who arrived, in Brisbane after a- trip of' four Aveeka • along the Grciit' Barrier Reef, stated that ■Torres Strait one day Avoiild be tlie Hawaii •of Australia.- '.'■ '.. /' * f"*■" ". . : . He. thought. that, the establishment of a .marine biological station .to", investigate th*) .problems arid possibilities of "the reef aaHis 'essential.':."-'."". - - ■ - <■ " ; The A.W.U,, and the Federated Engine ,driA-ers and. Firemen's 'Association yester day applied.' to' the.-Arbitration Court for an uAvard for'"expert's" in -theshearing in-' . dust'ryv .. . . ' .. :..'.*• - /•-- . ' Further sales, of, the. C'owlish'aAv* estate' Avere completed yesterday," tlie 'price agci'i"/ '.gating £18,700..; , :. . ./ •" :/ , . - The" annual:" street: collection in aid" of ; the - Playground Association' avus taken. nir 'in "•Brisbntfe.;-yesterday, :--nnd wi'-far £120 /has been received -Avith' v fc-AV boxes to ••come. . - . , •!/ •/ . • '. .•■ , The. Treasury.' has. 'granted' a loan of £42,100 to; the Gladstpiie: Harbour Boam' "for'harbour-impro.Venleiit",works. •Official, authority, has'bcenJ given to th/-"City' Council to "'raise £1,000,0.00 -by. the; /snlo of *deljcii.t'iii-es''for expenditure in' tlio' ] city jiiiproveirie.ilt..'' scheme, recently clc -'"tailed' iir'tiie" "Coiiriei?.".'" : '*..'•'.*'■ *"'■','; ' • ,- Mr.- D. M. Ureiuhait, "a Avell-kuoAA-n cx-l)iggei' speaker aiid "prganiser,-*-"hi'i's ■ .been appointed/ secretary 'for.', the "Brit-"' bane" district of the R.S.S.I.L,A, *" ' ' -..-, ' r Last evening xin .elejihafit- caused a' sen sation at Wirth's Circus by attacking 'Mr.

, J. W. Coeik, the ring master. Fortunately the animal avus -driven off before it'coulei do HorioiiH injury. Mr. David Mutt, nt one time a grazic*." of North ■ Queensland, "died yesterday nl his., residence.. at Old South Head - roacj, •Bondi, Sydney., . / '■• Mv< Fit/simmoii?, 'of Innisfall, aa-iU re lievo Mr.--']). Ryan, C.P.S., of tliuttown, avlio is to take a holiday-on leave, and Mr. -Bell • will succeed Mr.' H. Gillie.--, of the. Lands Office, lniiisfail, avlio has been transferred to Brisbane. "'• Hurold Smith/avlio for the past four years has been a clerk in the Grown-Jja-ud Agent's office at. TooAvoomba, was" ot'iii eially advised.yesterday\of his promotion" to. tho. position of (JroAvn. Land Agent nc Mitchell. He Aviir take ovor liis neAV 'duties' i-mirie.diately.'''. • '*..-■..-.- ■-.-*' " r- The inquiry'into the loss'of the.Pciuglas ; Mawson Avas continued - yesterday,*' AA'heii, George Ske'ate,'• a '.wharf j labourer,.? said that while assisting to load the. vessel before* her. Inst trip he paased on board a. barometer- caso/ ' , , r . ...:...;/•- ..' ,-■•■. • The possibilities of motor.transport aro being developed on the 'Athbrton Tableland; and during the .last" tAvo years approxim ately 100 new cars have been.introduced." -• •/.'"• ..•'/. • MONDAY,, July 2,: -■';.. A-meeting at Tolga, oh Saturday/ at tended, by 150' maize gro'wersj " -linatii inously decided in favour of.'the Gov'prii hiLiit scheme ' for'-pooling aiid storing Af hei'lon Tableland maize. . / • / j Mr. S. F. Lamb, of-Gayiidah, has been appointed toAvn '-clerk of Coolangatta ai. a- salary of; £400 -per- annum. There wero 14 applicants -for the position. '* Henry Anton Bopf, aged 40, a returneei. soldier, was found dead Jianging by a ropci to a tvee in iiisown backs yard at"Longreach on- Saturday morning. Ho was a drover and had been'in indifferent health. The opening ceremony of St. Deny's Church, at the Amiens' Soldiers' Settle-ment, was performed yesterday by Canon Garland. The Mildred, a pearl-shell boat, arrived at ToAvnsville from the Barrier Re<ef wit a an aborigiual Avlib had been., 'severely mauled by a- shark while diving,.He was /.i'cmovecl to "the hospital/The injuries '-arc not likely to proA'e fatal. ./'*.'• ' - ! •'. Jtinics "Joseplr Murphy, aged about 06, was killed instantly at ToAvnsville em Saturday-evening through a "motor car .wheel; passing .."over- his head. His' ha*. . blew off, aiid when.he" jumped-ofi. the ear to recover it-he slipped aiid fell. '.- An area of about 34,470/ acres in the parishes.of Ciiinbroon aiid'Conondale have been reserved for timber purposes. . Tavo vacancies have been created through the-retirement from the. PublieY Senice of Messrs. A. Dean (Brisbane 1 and' Hubert Morris (ToAvnsville).' . A vacancy has also been caused at; Bowen through the death/of Mr.' A. .H.: Berg,' and- a])plications have been invited' to fill .these Arneancies.. •,:.:• ; ;.. Foiir " additional assistant dental in spectors haArei been appointed by the De? partjnent of Public .lusthiction. ' ' ' While the.gatekeeper at Aldcrley rail- ■ '\A"ay s tatioh was abseh tat luiich yes tei' day 'the'station .off ice vvas-broken open, and betAvc'en £3 and £4 Avas, taken. •• Three'- judges . in,.the.. Supreme : Court yesterday wei*e occupied in the' hearing 'of'divorce petitions, four cases in .all being' -heard." - increasing advantage; is beiilg taken/of the" Act' passed iast year, under -"-.which' desertion for a- period-of -five years •or'more'-is made.a gi*oiind for divorce. -: The' Agent-General', for West Australia. .(Mr. H. P. Colebatch). arriv.ed in- Bris. .bane yesterday,, and -intend.'' Beeing some-, tiling of Queensland before leaving. foi: .London/ • ',' . . '.' - ' .'.'•■' ' ; Steps will bo taken in the course-of n. ,few clays to bring to fruition the niOA'p .mbnt to: establish co-operative .treatiheh'l; 'avoi-IvS for the 'disposal of the surpiuk 'stock of cattle oAvners. /Conflicting, reports hiiA*e been received in. regard tp the- number •of death's thai," ■ oecuired'. in "the sheep smash at 'Aii^tu tliellii- last. AA'eek.' Recent.'adviceri plti'ce ■the number that perished in the cold •snap, at/between 3000 and. 4000. A tea 'planter. Avith 17 years' experience, .hpAv-on ( a visit to Brisbane, is not '.en .thusias'tic about, the prospects of'•'Auij' .trnlia. as. a.tea-gi'o.Aving country. ..'.'"'• 4/.-H0; poiittfl'"nut.'that.,the labour and transport.. problems . are ; vital .factors iii -the siicce?s of the industry, and that in •neithe.i' 'of-these are the conditions favour .able, to Australia. ' - ■- ■. ' • With-tho exceptions of Mr. W; M'Cor-' .ma|!k.T:v, Jhp...Avill. change to ihe..Lands De partment," nnd Mr, Frank - Brerinan, whp . has lieeii appointed Assistant -Home*j'Sccre-; '.tiiry,' the Labour Cabinet remains , un .changed. , ' '."'..'-.- : The' ExPcutiA'c Council, has approAod .of.n cndc.of i-egnlations.uneler- the nncc-nil •cd. and .'crns-olidated -Public;, Service A"c(;, 'which. Avas'passed last year, and "these tire "now" ill 'iifjera ticiii./. . .'/ ■'..;'" . ..i'he-> X"cw-. J team of..tourney-■ :boAvler's;"played .the - teani. Avliich visited ".Ncw-.'Zeiila'nd ' last..Christinas. tiiin*,' unci ; other' added 'Queenslaiid ;'BpA\ding Assoei.'i jtiovi" officials, at AiichciifloAver'yesterday,' uiid" after'att- "exciting "game the visitors .Avon . by..173 -l-or IQI. • • ■'.""'■ ' The GoA'crnnient Entomologist (Mr. H. ,'Ti-ypri) 'says, th at/the offering of - indue ' ta'ry preniiiims"'for the discovery of a eiir'c . for',<.'bunchy" top has ' to' reeon;- -liricncl itraa.-R-uch offers liiA-c been result •legci in -the past.-

. Proclamations wore issued under--tho Sugar* Acquisition. Act yesterday further extend ing until July 31, 1023, the exist. ing proclamation""* by which. nil cotton crown' in Queensland is '.acquired'by tho Government under, tho Act. . • Advic<« avus received yesterday that all the blinkers of the steamer Hartingtoii, bound, from Nauru to Newcastle^ wero on. firo, and that the vessel-was diverting her course to Moreton- Bay. • -"At'noon yestcr-. day she avus 180 miles south-west ■ of-. Capo 'Muveton,' and it'-was--expected that she would reach Moreton Bay. at 'daylight to ■ day.' •■ •■ •■ *"■■•■•' ' - .-: ; Miss Mubel Rosina Ott, iiged 19 years; fell- under "the Avheol of. a motor .'bus at TooAVoombn on Saturday night, and avus killed-instantly'' . ' / .- -/■-. Cardie, : the--elephant.- .'which . savaged. ; Ringmaster Cooke at'Wirtlrs Circus", on ' Friday ..night,, was -shot yesterdny inorn lng. .... ... : „ . . . •. . /,..,.. •.,-Two children,..'son- nnd. daughter of Mr. J.- Phillips, of 'Mt;-'Morgan; were drowned in a dam'atthbMt. Morgan' G.M. 'Co.'k' tn-operty 'through a boat'- filling with' •water, / /'.-• ■-,-:. ■ •■■- / ' ;'■//- /•/.-- : *, It 'is intended to discontinue the opera• tipns.. of .. the., ..C.oHcge at. Gattpii as at .present-constituted," and to establish ah agricultural' high school aiid '■". college.."•--."'. •'":.'■-. - ..';-. '■;.*• .: Mr.:W. R. Black, a Brisbane Presby terian,: has ' presented the" Presbvteria'h Cliurcli of: Tasmania*.Avith £iiJOO lb aid its' Home Mission work"."*-/,'" .*■ -./,•/■ . Mr. J. Forsyth, who is at present iii Japan in the interests of tho Austrnli&n' meat trade, states that there.is a fine opening, there for Australian-frozen riieat. Mr, D. F. Denham, Avho has just ro-. turned from a trip to America, strites that Australia is practically -'-unknown' there. DurinK his visit he noticed only three re? i'erenccs to the Coniinonwealtli in the Press. One avus that . William Morris Hughes had been turned out of office, the second mentioned the --drought,, and the third the Federal elections. . When-tho: North Coast-railway is com pleted in about six .months', time, it.will be possible, to travel from Perth to Towns ville. The extension is being continued to Cairns," and the .service with that.: toAvn should bo available 4in about. -12 month's' timo. .'::.:, •' .■■-. .'-,- -. .'The Minister for Agriculture (Mi"-. Gillies) stated on . Saturday .that .tho Government had not -yet"fully.-considered the proposed scheme of fodder "conserva tion put-forward-by the Council of Agri culture, involving ah expenditure of • two and a half millions. ' While ridipg' her pony on the "Mt/ (Stunley-road, .Naiiango. district, the eight year-old daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. 11, .J. Woods fell:off, and her foot caught in. the stirrup. She. Avas ''.dragged a consider able distance, and when picked up she was unconscious, suffering from a 'badly broken arm. and injuries to the face'and head.' 'Inquiries are being made -as to tin practicability of making available vessel;-) of the Commonwealth* Line for the trans

port of either carcases or fat entile td 'Victoria. •.-■ — " . . Several men had been notified to cpiu mence AV.ork at tlio North IpsAvich work shops, but/ OAving to the objection of it .certain union, it h* understood that thii. potification lias been .withdraw*-. It" i? understood that the unions object to tho employment of. single men. , . '.-... Mr.'. H. B. SteA'Ons has been appointed ehah-mau of the Egg Board ns from J unci i: ".".■.■,..//•■■.. ■-"••■•':..• A pvoclamation has been issued extend ing . the*tfirm of Offic,o of the. first niembern of the Tomato Pool at Slnh'thorpo ' tilt July 31. 1923.' */ ♦ .■..•*'*.■ ' The total'-dcbt of Australia, according to the- Commonwealth Statistician, is dv the*' neighbourhood of £1,000,000,000. • • : " William, Chethani (45. labourer) , was) filled. .-£4O/ or six'months' imprisonment; in Brisbane on' Saturday bit ji charge that he exhibited', obscene pic,tures -iii public. ' ■ The Prickly Pear Commission .took evi dence "at Mi liner ran on. Thursday and at Pittsworth on* Friday,' aftenvardfe leaving for Charleville. .'-•' /-, / '.'.;; -'■ During-' tho half-year .which ended . on Saturday,' .the State arsenic:mine-at• Jib bonbar handled 1080 tons of ore. for a yield of ,223 tons of, arsenjo, -as compared /with 103 tons. for. the half-year'ended June 30: 1922. . *..".■ '' .*.: ' / -""At, Tattersall's" races in, Brisbane oii Saturday'-Shiii Avon the Tattersall's Handi cap from Armacre by half a length, Loehiel •Dim-being third. Borrosong Avon the* Welter Handicap by 10 lengths from Mis tretta, with Buiinamagoo three-quarters of a length aAvay third. „ - - . A contest betAveen.: the .Ipswich, and Bris. bane Golf.Clubs at Yeerongpilly on Satur day resulted in.a win for- the home team. 'Jumping contests were held at Bunda borg on Saturday, Avhen A. L. Payhe'? RainboAv cleared 6ft. 6in., -C. Jarvis-W Radius being second with Oft. 3in, : "- / • Prior to the chief Rugby contest at Urn Exhibition Grounds on Saturday/a match Avas played betAveen Warwick High School and Brisbane High Statu School, and wa? Avon by Warwick by 17 points to 8. . ' In the Brisbane Rugby League competf ti.ons on.. Saturday, .Western Suburbs dc featpd Brothers by 10 points to 5, Valley won from Goprparoo by 8 points to 3, audi Carl tons beat University by 17. to 8. : At the Brisbane S'tneiium on Saturday night Harry Stone Avas given a points de cision, over Billy Stanley at the conclusion 'of the scheduled 20 rounds. - '■''.•'.'-. ■■' . •' : m ../ TUESDAY, July 3./ ; llie statement of. the receipts aiid ex penditure of, Queensland for' the year ended on Juno 30, issued by the '. Stato Treasure*". (Mr. Theodore)- yesterday shows a" deficit of £184,979 for tlie yearV operations. ( '. -. > /; -The skeleton of the elephant Cardie, which Avas ;Hhot oil.Sunday, has been ae. 'quired' for. the Queensland -Museum/. .Arrangements are being made for the prospectiA'e Queensland Sygar Pool to-iake .OA'er- the stocks of sugar , held by the? CommoiiAvealth ; Gpvernnient under tho last agreement—approximately fiO.COO tons-.

"■ A, istrong• committee,- Avi|-h his Exuull«i,wyithe .Governor (Sir 'Matlhovj Nathan) a« cihnirmaii, Aviis-'finni'ed, yesterday- iifter, jipon to raise .Queensland's quota' of' £,H)00 to, finance the Australian team {."or ' tlie I^4 Olynipii! ganieu. ■/.-.■ / ■ ifJingalese Salvationists gave an interesting demnnslratiou of Buddhist ceremonies .at the' Salvation Army Temple, Ann-street, "Jatit night. • . '/The steamer Tfarlington, -with her bunker* still ou fire, arrived in Moreton Boy tact evening, and anchored near tho Pile Light. The tug Coringa, fitted whli H.re-lighting appliances, subsequently pi'uteeded to "the .'isnistance of the vessel. - • .A, 'large number ,of testimonies oi healing by sufferers avlio had, giiined rcli.if through the ilickfioii Mission avus read h\ tho A'rirhbishop of 'Brisbnne '*-(Di'. Sharp) at a' lliank.-'givlng sfirviee in 'St Jojinty Cnihcdral last night,,' ' ■■•. .' A.'.boundary .'rider at PoAvo.irs^Ofeck, ittcar Milo station, iii the 'Adavaio d:-*itiiet, ' recently discovered in the groundthe distinct outline, made iy pctriiiod *tinains, of ;i huge estinct animal. . _ A 'ho broke out iii the furniture ia.etory of "R,'-'L. Gordon, Cliarlottii-strect,' last" night. The -lflre Brigade■'effected v wonderful save before extensive damagy was done. ... : * Patrick M'Cann (an old-age pensioner), .formerly 'a.'fcttlor on the railways, fell into a fire at his residence at Charlevillc and was-'severely burned on Wednesday night. H.M.A.S.'-Geranium is off tlie >:oaf.. it is stated that the vessel in- making •her way for Thursday".lsland, Avhere 'tem-porary repairs , will be ''effected: 'before„ -proceeding to Sydney. ' __. When the time for nominations expired yesterday only the retiring-.members of the-Q.T.C. Committee had been nominated/ and in consequence, '. Messrs. Brookes) Glasson, Moore, Morri."-,- O'Sheiv, .and' Walker have been re-elected. ' Eight rinks of Brisbane bowlers met the New. Zealand team- at South Brisbane yesterday, aiid. were beaten by 198 points to 100.

* Two Queensland polo teams were success. fwl' yesterdny in' their matches., in-*', the •'Countess, of'-,'-Dudley. Cup-competition in Sydney, Pilton defeating Narrniidcra, and Cressbrook beating Tallangatta (Victoria). Among th.c nine Europeans on the «tcanier Hartington there is- one Judy, avlio «tatecl that 'the, fire did not alarm. her, •But it-became monotonous. . .'To-day, ninely-'fivc years ago, the Biis'-Jiatie Botanic Gardens Avere laid 'out by ' "Mr. Charles Fi-aser, Colonial BotawiSt. The Queeensland Turf Club's report and balance-sheet' for -the year Qiideel June 30 hlioavs a profit of £10,020/17/11. ;A' refrigerator ivlii'eh will have glass «ides so^ that the exhibits- of fruit,-meat,. Imtteiv poultry, game, eggs,' clicqsc, &ci.', • may; "be displayed in it, .and .which can *asily bo viewed by"";visitors,'-will -have ' .a.plaeo in iho Australian •pavilion.of the ' British. E.injMro.'Exhibition'-; .-.' * .''.' Mr. Join) .Henry Nicholson, the.author of "Halek," passed peacefully away jn the Brisbane General Hospital on Saturday at the ripe; old age of 85. ■'. In eight years the ■Queensland railways .have, ("gone to tlie bad" to the extent of.approxiinatelv £10,000,000. . . - Speaking lit Stiuvt-horpe yesterday Dr, Goddard -(Professor of Biology at the -'Queensland University) condemnedi the proposal to,return to the district second iiand.J'ruit'ca'se-i, iis it'will' provide another possible .avenue, for the. in trod notion- of the fruit ; - Fly. - . . .. Evidence before the Prickly Pear Commission at-Cliavleville ' AA*as->to.- the--effect Ahat-.the pour was increasing rapidly, and the ( best'means of coping Avitlv.it was the-'forniation of a buffer area, • Mr. C. .11. YVithoriiigton, a prominent ,tea planter of Assam, lias arrived in' Brisbane to make inquiries about the possible ciiUiva'tion" of* tea oil. small areas iii

this State. ' The resignations^ of Mr. M'C-oi-nnick j\a Home Secretary, "and of, Mr. Coyne as -Minister, for Lands and' member of the ■Executive Council, have been-accepted. Mr. M'Cormack was yesterday sworn in . as Minister for Lauds, Mr. Stopfoi'd as Home Secretary, and Mr. Brcnnan Assistant Home Secretary. , , At-the-present sittings of "the Criminal '„'Court in Brisbane, 10 persons were coiiyieted of brcakurg and entering* shops'and dwellings, and no.'fewer than four of the offenders- had not reached their majority. •The ages of the remaining six ranged from 23 to 30. ,• , .-'-.!■ -'At'the Rom'a-strcet produce-market yes•tciHlit*v",-iirinic . heiiN-y Wagya AAiliito feed ■touched £11/10/ per ton, and lucerne ' ohaff realised: '.franuJ £1.1/15/ to £13 per ton... A eoHsidcriible .amount of chaff from Sydney and. Melbourne, damaged by \vatcr, was sold Avith till faultsra't £!)/.""/•, per ton. At Bockhainpton criminal. sittings ' yoster.day, Ccorge --Viek'ers la-, half-paste-) was saiitenccd, tWv.fpurvyea'rs" haj'd' -labour, on A chnrgn-zm'having at XooltlinUls, near YcppoofVmi March 10, attempted to 'murder Andrew Bertram. I ''h. - "* vi (AFHDiKfID.AMV'-''''^ 4. Vandalism is being practised by certain tiers&n's'-'agaiVist' 'the; UiStoihatic" j Quitch selling machines i<r<*-lt*I" Tcji'assist Hbe; Children's* i-lewpilal,/ 'ii.^d \t\ie. .<--?nimitleo has decided to* appeal-'to-the-, police and. the- public! tb.-piok'iftj.tjip. .-nutd/ines.. -. -,-.^Vhi|ei Customs; /tllivet's. ,\\'H<i st-f?-cl*ing thQ,',st<?-pjici,-..-' /llfUvtbigtoti ,a£ Pmkcjiba yesterday, ,t(icjy.:i',iuintl ,2 ( lb/ <>?* opiwnj Concealed in ii I'oCs'le nic^ss table. A i 'eons'ik.'ruble i -ainl'nJliti ..of iVifVort is being i.'one'ent-ratcd <?i> ,Ilie ; Burnett settlement- isd?£ii;o v ( by .e-jflicci/}^ pi, -several "of the Stalcvdej-aTiinyutii".-! ,i ,<<-i iv ". The*-prevalence of burglaries awd'juprnitei «i?i)i|e|^ -pfittt-Mw*fir.fi i mi\vr*f? Honour Mr. ..Justice Mue-naugnu*? in the

Supremo Court, yesterday, -and he said the ; present, ■ ealamlar was Avoree than, any previous one., .>- '- ■■-„- -.1 'Approval luiHtbcen given for an alteration in flic history course for ."itlv cA&hh primary schools, so us to give greater proinincnee to Australian history. • A delegation -"epi-eseiiting the ShireH Association of Ncav South- Wale*- i* at present in Queensland making int-phies into main roads and " local government methods. . -■'...*• ' . . A project of Avide incidence aiming at tho improvement of the' marketing of Queensland-fruit has been prepared by the Council of Agriculture' for - submission, to a conference of groAvers and, later, to the Government. - ' Professor E. C. Case, University of Michigan, on a visit here, expresses his lubniration for the Australian museums. Mr. Newiiian Sapsi'ord, an old and avcllknoAvn resident of Brisbane, died yesterday afternoon. Mr. Godfrey Morgan, MX.A., bus- been advised' by the Secretary for Railways (Mr. (I. R. Steer) that, in regard to tjte Tara towards Su-rat railway, the necessary instructions" have been issued for the resumption surveys to be made.