West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 24 March 1923, page 8


New Railway /Time-Table. — A new railway time-table will be issued by tihr Railway Department early in May, and will come into operation immediately. It

is not expected that any great atlerat'ions in existing running arrangements will be made. The more important of the changes will be published before com-ing into operation. The existing time-table has been operative since December last. A Fatal Accident. — Mr. T. Anthony, acting secretary of- the Australian Tim-ber Workers' Union, has been advised of a fatal accident- which occurred on Thursday last to an employee of Buck-ingham Bros, named Clarence Leigh ton. employed at Buckingham Bros.' mill :on the Collie-Narroj»in line. : The deceased was engaged unloading logs from trucks and was caught between the log and truck, his head being smashed to a pulpRobbing the Aged Poor.— In a recent report to the Principal Medical Officer (Dr. Atkinson), the matron of the Old Women's Home. Fremantle,- stated that for some time past men and boys had been climbing the wall, damaging the grape trellis, and vines, stealing ripe fruit, and ruthlessly destroying unripe bunches. Watermelons, and even .carrots, had also been stolen. Watches had re-peatedly been set, and the police tele-phoned, but they were never quile quick enough to catch the mean thieves. Fremantle War Memorial. — It was re-ported to a meeting of the Fremantle war memorial committee last night that approximately £3;000 had been donated or promised towards the total of £7,000 whach' is required to erect the war me-morial' oh Monument Hill. The mercan-tile community of the Port has not yet been properly canvassed and an active campaign to exploit this field will be commenced on Monday. In this work, the members of the memorial committee will be headed by Mr. W. Watson, M.H.R., and Ma-. F. E. Gibson, M.L.A, Fruit. Marketing. — The conference of fruitgrowers arranged by the Colonial Secretary (Mr. R. S. Sampso'n), at the suggestion of the Upper Darling Range branch of. the Returned Soldiers' League, will be opened by the Premier (Sir James Mitchell), in the rooms of the Primary Producers' League Association, Emanuel Buildings, at 10 a.m. on Friday April 6. The conference, which will probably be presided over by Mr. H. S. Humphrey, president of the State branah of the R.S.L., will be devoted solely to the dis-cussion of fruit marketing problems. ' Sandalwood. — The following let-ter has been forwarded^ to the Premier by the secretary of the' Perth Chamber of Commerce (Mr. A. E. King). — 'The attention of this chamber has been drawn to an advertisement calling for1 tenders, No. 15/23, for a permit to pull and remove sandalwood from certain unalicnqtcd Crown lands, which prac-tically include, the whole of the sadalwood-producing cbuntry of this State. If any tender is accepted, it will mean that a monopoly is created,' and this chamber enters a strong protest against its being done, as it is not in the best interests of the State or the people con-cerned in the industry.' Sanitation of Group Settlements. — The following is a copy of a resolution passed at the last meeting of the Certificated Health Inspectors' Association: — 'With reference to the deputation from the W.C.T.U., which recently' waited on the Premier with reference to the sanitation of group settlements, we, the Certificated Health Inspectors' Association of Wes-tern Australia, strongly protest against the action of the Premier in asking the controller of group settlements (an in-terested party) to investigate and re-port on the sanitation of group settle-ments. AVe consider that this matter should be reported upon by a qualified i health inspector, under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Health.' An Escape. — For nearly an hour yes-terday, until shortly before lunch, a lady who was waiting to see the Premier oc-cupied a leather-upholstered armchair in the corner of the ahte-room at his office, but she accomplished her mission before the meal adjournment. When members of the Premier's staff returned front lunch they were astonished to find the chair and a large section of the' floor covered with dust and debris: and a gla'nce upward showed that about two square yards of the heavy plaster ceil-ing had fallen from directly above the chair. Several deep gashos in the lea-ther suggested what would have happen-ed to the lady had the fall occurred an hour or so earlier. The occurrence in-deed kwas providentially timed, for the corner cliair in question is a favourite one with the Premier's many callers. Easter Firp Brigades Carnival. — Tho members of the W.A. Fire Brigades' As-sociation have arrangements well in ha'Bd for the four days Easter carnival, to b« held on the Fremantle Oval, commencing on Saturday, March 31. The day will be-gin with the holding of a procession, leaving the fire station at 1.30 p.m. and a monster torchlight procession will take place the same evening at 7..'-0: i-00 fire-men and the Collie. Albany and Queen's Park brass bands will inarch. A lengthy programme of sports, including many at-tractive items, such as fire brigade dis-plays, and cycling, has been arranged. On Wednesday. April 4. an entertain-ment will be given by the 'Grand Variety and Vaudeville t'onipa-ny' at the Fre-mantle Town Hall, and. during an interVal, the prizes won at the demonstration will be presented by the Mayor (Mr. F. E. Gibson, M.L.A. ). P.P.A. Conference. — When questioned yesterday, the Leader of the Country Party (Mr. II. K. Maley. M.L.A.) said that he had no comments to make re-garding the P.P.A. t-otiference concluded on the previous day, as the published statement by the presideut (Mr. A. J. Monger) was a perfertJy fair statement of what had occurred. The conference had given a thorough discussion to purely domestic affairs, aud he was quite satis-fied. He endorsed the president's opinion that it had resulted in a better under-

standing between -all sections of the asso-ciation. The country delegates would go back to their respective districts with a much better realisation of Che difficul-ties of governing both 'tho State and their own organisation. 'Jilfj Maley added that yesterday morning 'advantage had been taken of the presence of Country Party members of Parliament in the city for the conference to hold a meeting of the party, but the business transacted had been only of a routine character. Recaptured Native Dies. — Last weke it was announced that when Constable Growden attempted to arrest an escap-ed native prisoner, named Mindah, who resisted, he was' compelled to shoot hit-ting the native in the leg. Mindah escaped from the Nullagine lockup and Constable Growden, who was sent out to recapture him, overtook him in the hill country, around Eastern Creek. Min-dah made a determined effort to evade recapture and, as a result, was shot from a revolver. Constable Growden brought him into Marble Bar, where, on March 21, he was operated on for his leg in-juries. He died while 'under chloro-form. An inquest was held on the following day and a verdict that death was due -to a shock following on an operation for a gunshot wound inflicted by Constable Growden, but that no blame ? was attached to Constable Growden, was returned. The information was sent to the Commissioner of Police by Inspector Spedding-Sinith, of Broomc. Rates of Exchange— 'Mr. Purser,' general manager and information bureau on every passenger vessel, is a mild obliging official. From long experience of the idiosyncrasies of travellers he usually forms his own code of procedure on shipboard. The path of least resist-ance is generally chosen and_ an illustra-tion of the maintenance of diplomatic re-lationship with passengers was afforded a pressman1 on the Largs Bay yesterday. Anxious to go ashore a young lady enter-ed the purser's office and asked for Aus-tralian money for the amount she had in her hand. She tendered an English one pound note and two k half-crowns. The purser took the English note and gave the lady back the two half-crowns with an Australian 'note.' With a sweet smile the lady handed hack the two halfcrowns and asked that they, too, might be changed into 'Australian money.' Without argument the purser took the money and handed back two florins and a one shilling piece. The lady was satis-fied, so was the purser. He had saved himself ' a considerable amount of ex-planation. Fremantle Drowning Fatality. — At the Fremantle Courthouse yesterday morn-ing, the acting Coroner (Mr. C. F. Mc-Laren, J.P.) conducted an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of John Aspland (54), a native of Sweden, whose body was found floating in the Swan River in the vicinity of the North Fremantle bridge on March 15. Sergt. Cassidy conducted the examina-tion of the witnesses. Angelita Isabella     Drew Aspland, the wife of the deceased man, deposed that her husband had been at their home, in Chelmsford-road, North Perth, about 1 p.m. on March 14. She had left the house to go to Perth and, when she returned, later in the afternoon, she found a note stating that her husband had caught the 5 p.m. train to Northam to obtain employment. She had next seen him when she identified his body at the morgue. He had been in illhealth since he returned from the war. H. A. F. Bader, an electrician, said that he had seen the deceased at 5.30. p.m. on March 14 and he had appeared to be in good health. Dr. D. E. Williams de-posed that he had held a post mortem examination of the body. He did not con-sider that there was enough water in the lungs to drown the man, but was of the opinion that death was partly due to heart failure and partly to drowning. There were no marks on the body to suggest foul play. The acting coroner re-turned a verdict to the effect that the deceased came by his death as the result of heart failure and drowning, there be-ing no evidence to show how he came to be in the river. . Bacon Accounts Tangle. — ''A very in-volved transaction' was the comment of counsel, apropos of the Criminal Court investigation of the charge against Alex-ander William \ Jones, formerly manager and secretary of the Avon Bacon and Butter Co-operative Co., Ltd., 'of having, at East Northam about October, 1921, altered a list of sundry debtors by in-serting in it 'Syndicate curing account, £871.' Tie Crown alleged fraudulent intent on the part of the accused, in order to obtain a bonus for having, made the business pay, whereas' the undertak-ing showe'd a lo$s. The Court devoted the whole of yesterday's sitting to the somewhat dull task of making plain, to the jury the intricacies of various ' ac-counts, and the comment quoted -was evoked by the bookkeeper's narration as to an item of£S71 for the purchase of pigs having been charged against a syn-dicate consisting' of the company** direc-tors, refunded, repaid, and lent one to the ? other before being finally squared. The suggestion of a good ideal of fogginess about the Jones's bacon' accounts led Mr. Justice Northmore to observe that one might be excused for thinking of Foggitt,1 Jones, instead of the Avon Co. The ^present manager and secre-tary deposed that when the accused was first questioned about the entry he main-tained that it was correct, but after-wards stated that the profit of £871 shown did no exist. The entry did not appear in the return submitted by tiie company to the Treasury. In addition to the secretary, a bookkeeper and au accountant^ and auditor assisted to un-ravel the tangle, but. once or twice con-fusion became temporarily worse con-founded. One witness declared1- that the syndicate owed the company nothing, and in the nrext breath said it in fact owedthe company £S71, whereupon his Hon-our remarked: — 'There seems to bo ground for the saying that when you make a man an expert, he loses his common-sense.' The hearing will be continued on Mondax. . New G.P.O.. Street— The width of the street in front of the new General Post Office, which seems to have become a permanent topic of conversation, was discussed at a meeting of the Town Plan-ning Association last night. .The sec-retary said that a wire had been re-ceived from Mr. E. A. Mann, M.H.R.. stating that the Minister for Home and Territories (Senator Pearce) had in-formed him unofficially that the Federal Cabinet had agreed to extend the width of the new street from 84 to 90 feet, on the recommendation of the Common-wealth Government Architect (Mr. J. S. Murdoch). The Cabinet would go thus far, but no 'further,, said Mr. Mann, who expressed himself as very disappointed. A full official communication showing the layout of the new street was ex-pected shortly, added Mr. Mann. He would forward details later, and suggest-ed that 'renewed representation' on the question be made to Mr. SteAvart, the Federal Minister for Works ami Rail-ways, during his forthcoming visit to Western Australia. The chairman (Mr. W. A. Saw) said that the Common-wealth Architect. while visiting this State' recently, promised to recommend the' Cabinet that the new street should be increased by six feet, so that an ad-ditional row of trees could be planted. 'It seems to me,' said Mr. Saw, 'that we have done all that we can in the mat-ter. Regarding the suggestion that fur-ther representation be made to Mr. Stewart. I would like to point out that ho is already in full possession of the facts. Petitions, letters, arguments, and recommendations have been placed be-fore the Federal Cabinet, but they have now apparently made up their minds on the question. After all, I don't think we've done so badly; tfae street, at all events, will n-yw be as wide as St. George's-tcrraco.' The meeting en-dorsed the chairman's attitude, but de'cidod that on receipt of the official reply from the Primp Minister to the citizen's petition which had been addressed to him. further action would be taken if necessary. Mr. Mann will receive an ex-pression of the association's indebted-ness to him. GENERAL NEWS. Dr. Dale will address, the members of the North Perth Men's Society to-mor-row afternoon on the subject 'Man an Animal.' The meeting will be held in Miss Palmer's School Hall, corner of William-street and Raglan-road, North Perth. The W.A. Society of Concert Artists will hold their first social meeting of the 1023 season at the Literary Institute on Wednesday, March 28, at 8.15 p.m. All members are invited to tfe present. An excellent muscial programme has been arranged T-y Mr. Frank L. Robertson. Henry A. Rodgers (66) was arrested in Fremantle yesterday by DetectiveSergeant Cowie and Detective Jackson on a charge of having, during the past three months, stolen a quantity of copper wire, valued at £.'). the property of the Frpmantle p?ramway Board. The Minister for Agriculture (Mr. H. K. Maley) advises sheepowners in the Soutli-Wcsteni Division of the State south of the Eastern Railway that the period allowed by the regulations under the Stock Diseases Act, 1S05, for the

dipping of aheep will expire on April 30, and unless declarations are in the hands of the local police officer of the district* by that date action will be taken against any of those who have not complied with the regulations. At a meeting of the Town Planning Association last night, Mr. W. A. Saw was re-elected president for the next; 12 months. Mr. C. H. Hem will continue to act ns honorary secretary. The post of honorary treasurer will be filled by Mr. T. J. Breen. ?, Attention of all old 28th Battalion 'diggers' is drawn to the bi-annual re-union and 'smoko' to be held in St. George's Hall, on Wednesday evening, March 28. when an opportunity will be afforded them of renewing old acquaint-ances. The 2Sth Battalion Band will render selections. / 'Wireless Telephony, Some Recent Developments,' will be the subject of a lecture by Mr. W. E. Ooxon, who will address, the Astronomical Society at v the Observatory on Tuesday next. Practical demonstrations will be given, including the transmission of music by wireless telephone. Tlie Australian Inland Mission -Fete in the Town Hall will be continued this afternoon and evening. There will be special attractions for children, including the Punch and Judy Show. Those who are interested in the development of the North-West are especially invited to attend. Mr. R. E. B. Nicholson, ? who. recently arrived from Melbourne, will deliver a free public lecture on 'The Distress of Nations,' in the Town Hall, Perth,, on Sunday evening, at 7 , o'clock. , Mr. Nicholson is a representative of the Associated Bible Students of Australa-sia. In connection with the appeal by the Ugly Men's Association at Easter on be'-half of the Fremantle Hospital, a jumble sale will be held on Thursday, March 20, and the committee solicit donations of anything that will bring sixpence. It is hoped that the response will be gener-ous. _ In our advertising columns applica-tions are invited from persons desiring a course of training with a view to em-ployment as teachers in the\ rural schools of the Education Department. The course commences in July nexr. Appli-cants are asked to give clearly the in-formation requested in the advertise-ment which gives full particulars. Thomas Edwards (22), a driver, of Wellington-street, was clambering on to his stone-laden dray yesterday when the horse .moved forward, throwing him to the ground, a wheel parsed over him fracturing his pelvis. He/was removed to the Perth Hospital by the St. John Ambulance and detained for treatment. In the City Police Court yesterday. James Soutar (48) was charged with having, at Nangeenan. between January 5 and 20 last, stolen 677 bags of wheat, valued at about £470, the property of the trustees of the Co-operative Wheat Pool of Western Australia. Accused was remanded for eight days and admitt-ed to bail on three securities of £100 each. / ;. * The members of the Arts and Indus-tries Exchange are working hard to make their re-opening show (the. date of which is advertised in another column), a com-plete success. Miss Elsie Rosslyn and Madame Haidee Rosen thai are arranging a programme of special interest to music lovers. Included among the artists are Miss Wardell-Johnson. Miss Dunderdale, Mri Gliddon and Miss Durlacher. Mr. R, S. Sampson. Colonial , Secretary, has promised to declare the show open at 3 p.m. ' A well attended meeting of the -Devon jan and Cornish Association- was held' in the. Cabarette, tea rooms, Hay-streeti on Tuesday last, Mr.' J; C. Phillips; president !of the Cornish ( Association,, presiding. In welcoming the' 'Devonian: present Mr. Phillip's expressed his gratft. fication' at the, decision of the. two bodies to form a joint association. Mt. was decided that the name should be i the Devon and Cornish Associatiori.;, .''i The' following officers for. the . ensuing year were elected. — President, Mr. Ford: vice-, presidents, Mr.' W. C. ? Angwih, M.L.A.,. Councillor Harvey. Mr. J. C. Phillips, and Mr. Carter (Fremdntle); treasurer, Councillor Berryman; / hon. secretary,-, Mr. Moore; assistant/ secretary, Mrs. Juleff. A ladies' committee and a' gene-ral committee were elected. Subscrip-tions were fixed at '5s. per annum for gentlemen, to include . wife and family under the age of. 16; from 16 to 21, Is. per annum; single. ladies. 2s. 6d. per annum. ? Mr. Angwiii addressed the meeting, and read correspondence he had received from .the Agent-General in' regard to the migration of Devon and Cornish people. It was decided to ten-der a reception tp Colonel . Newcom be, who is to inquire into the group settle-ment and other schemes. for settling exservice men from Devon and Cornwall. Colonel Ncwrombe w.ill arrive by the R.M.S. Osterley. The tinie ? and place of the . next meeting, which ; will take the form of a social, will be advertised. MEETINGS. (. Attention is directed to the final meetin? of the 16th Battalion' Trench Com-forts Fund to, be held at the residence -*r Mrs. O'Connor. George-street, South Fremantle. next Monday., Mr. Brown will hold s liUrners' class this afternoon and a select dance to-night, at 169 Murray-street. Mr. £. K. Banks will hold 'his usual dance in the Literary Institute, this evening. Elsewhere the FremantleV Starr-Bowkett Society announces 'the date on which a bal-lot for a free-of-interest loan will be con-ducted in group 6, and the advertisement re-minds members up to what data subscriptions must be paid. ' In our 'amusement columns will be found particulars of the Blnebird Motor Coinpsnv's Easter arrangements for trips , to Matidurah 'and the races. Tho silve'r cups, won at the . Spaarwood Show, will be presented \-i. Mr. W. Wnt,so!-, M.H.R., at a social and dance to be held in the Parish Hall, to-night. The Fremantle Scottish Pipe Band will hold' the usual weekly social and dance in tho Victoria Hall, thi3 evening; Miss Doris Melville advertises that she will hold classes at Maylands and Perth to-day. Particulars are in the' amusement columns. Dancing will be held in the Hibernian Hall, Murray-street, to-nightK Miss Olga Philp will hold her usual juvenile class this afternoon, in the Pro-testant Hall, (downstairs). Owinjf'to many pupils participating ' in the Como Carnival, the commencing time will be, for this after-noon only. 2 o'clock sharp. Mount Pleasant, new river suburb. Can-ning Bridge. Special free Valdana trip to Auction, To-day. Plans, -Harold Redcliffe, 23 William-street (next Gordon and Gotch), and James Gardiner, Ltd., Howard-street. The attention of the public is drawn to an advertisement appearing in the Public Notices columns re the price of bread in the metropolitan areas. His Grace the Archbishop will preach at St. Alban's Church of England, Highgate, on Sunday, March 25, at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Torrance -announce that they have removed their studios to more commodious premises at 248 St. Gcorge'sterrace, where they. have Resumed tuition in singing, plocution, musical' monologues, etc 'Salvation and How to' Obtain It' is the subject of a lecture to be delivered in the Literary Institute Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Miss Ethel Philp will hold her advanced class at the Y.A.L. Hall, Hay-street, city to-night at 8 o'clock. \ Attention is directed to an advertisement in the Public Notices column of the 'White Rose' social. Misses Eileen Clothere , and Irene Thomas hold juvenile dance classes .in St. Luke's Hall at 10 a.m. and at Mount Lawley Lvceum Theatre at 2 p.m.