Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 24 June 1899, page 1148


At the meeting of the Anglican Synod on Wednesday provision was made for the appointment of a Council of Education. Westbrook head station, with 9000 acres

of land, has been sold at £4 per acre to Messrs. Ralston and Cooper, of New Zealand. A branch of the Australian Native*' A3BOelation Is being formed in the Ithaca district, with good prospects of success. Sir Thomas M'llwralth haa addressed a long letter to the Anti-Oonvention Bill League. ■ • It is likely that Xhe Pearlshell Fisheries Bill passed last session will shortly receive the Royal assent. The Horn J. V. Ohataway will accompany the Governor on his trip to the North. A scheme has been dtovised for the amalgamation of the Queensland Cricket Association and the National Cricket Union. This will be presented at a meeting of the Q.C.A. next week. The Bfegenden show was held on Thursday, and was very successful. The Works Department have received Instructions that the plans of the new Customhouse proposed to be erected at TownsrHto are to be proceeded with as soon as possible. The Governor of New Zealand, speaking at Auckland, said he had urgeti the establishment of a proper coaling depot at Auckland, as recently, when a warship was ordered suddenly to Raratoaga, there wn a difficulty, in coaling it. His Excellency also referred to the missing steamer Perthshire, which he said had been drifting about for, he believed,, the longest time on record, and. if nothing was heard of her within a comparatively short time combined steps might well be taken by the colonies in Urn aaUox of search. * , The New South Wfciee Cforeromenft totri

Becided to ask the Governor to request Admiral Peanon to allow a warship to go in | Search of tfce PerUnbire. The English football team arrived in Sydney on Thursday, and were officially welcomed by the Mayor. / Mr. Mullineaux, the Englißh captain, stated that there were divergencies in'the colonial interpretation or the rules from those of the English' Rugby Union, and he hoped a conference would be held before Saturday in order to arrive at some mutual agreement. Goodson, late of Rockhampton, has been chosen by the New South Wales Cyclists* Uniou to represent that colony in the race for the world's championship at Montreal. The ship Red Rock, which left Towns-Vllle last February, and had been posted as missing; has arrived at Noumea. , A message has been sent by the New South Wales Governor to Admiral Pearson, who is now at Fremantle, asking him to despatch one or more warships in search of the Perthshire. Admiral Pearson has replies, stating that he would despatch H.M.S. Mlldura, now at Auckland, in search of the missing Bteamer. Charles Grimes, who was injured in a football match at Sydney, has since died. Mr. GodsaJl, secretary of the Queensland Huffbr Union, yesterday received the following telegram from Mr. B. J. Be»rd :— "New Soutti Walea retains M'Cowan, Bvan«, OValton. teiwl«, Tanner, '/Gtoget" epKon. and Cbrfe." ' . ,