Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 6 May 1899, page 814


(From Saturday's "Government Gazette.")

Appointments.-G. E. Primrose and G.L. Wardlaw, to be honorary representatives of Queensland at the Greater Britain Exhibi-<*> tion to be held at Karl's Court, London, this

yew ; M. Butler, to be a *fttc« Of tt* me; L.' X. Or—lr, to ***-. jailor dntftsma* ib tiw O>»aJttotat of M foetf; J. ttinifen, <taTbe A probationary clerk in the department of Government Stares ; A. <F. (Moylan, to t>e a clerk in the Customs Department, Townsville ; A. R. Wookock, to be a clerk in the Customs Department, Rocfchampton ; J. P. Reid, to be station-keeper, ißulwer ; J. B. Halliday, (o toe superintendent of Pile Lighthouse ; T. W. >M<Cawley, to-be a clerk In the Government Saving* Bank ; F. Powell, to be an auditor for the division of Hinchinbrook ; A. Hupert, to be a member of the Antigua Divisional Board ; L. J. Breusch, to be a licensing Justice at Bundaberg ; Constable T. Donoghue, to be inspector of slaughterhouses, Ac, at Yeppoon ; Acting Sergeant 9. Lawrence and 'Margaret Lawrence, to be, respectively, superintendent and matron of the Police Gaol at Charters Towers ; J. A. Ferguson, to be superintendent, and F. E. Meyer and P. ReJfeelt, to be assistant superintendents of the Warwick Fire Brigade ; A. Gordon, to be a Justice authorised to celebrate marriages under the Marriage AdL Educational—J. W. Evans,.to be trans. ferred to the position of on assistant teacher in the Central State School for Boys at Rockhampton ; Eleanor J, Grayson, to be transferred to .'the position of an assistant teacher in the State school at Plainland ; Julia James, to be transferred to the position of an assistant teacher in the State Bchool for Girls and Infants at WooHoongabba ; Mary C. M'Kellor, to be "transferred to tire position of an assistant teacher Jo the State School at Walkcrston ; and Ada O'Brien, to be. transferred to the position of an assistant teacher in the Central State School for Girls at Brisbane. Queensland Defence Force (Land).—F> Barrett and A. C. Boden, as provisional lieutenants ; Honorary Lieutenant H. D. Irwin, to be honorary lieutenant on the unattached list (Volunteer division). Resignations.—(A. F. Thompson and C. V. Fraire, m Justices of the peace. E. J. H. Bishop, as draftsman In the Surveyor-GenonaTs office : D. H. Owen, as superintendent of the Low island lighthouse ; A> Mutr, «b superintendeiA at the Lady Billot Island llgfcthouse ; G. Buss, as a licensing Justice at Bundaberg. Tenderu Invited.—Wew StsAe school and conversion of provisional wAool into teacher's residence, Ilfraoomibe, Mth May ; addl r tions and Improvements, State scbool, Mitchell. 2«tn May ; new playshed. State school CleveUnd West. 19th May ; addU4onafl celU, H.M. Prison, Cairns, 2nd June ; additions to courthouse for Lands Office, Nanango, 2nd June ; sinking of trial shafts near Deep Creek, on the Brisbane River, 15th May. Patents Accepted.—W. Cross, general dealer, G. C. Wllleocks. contractor, A. Overend, contractor, and A. •Midson, contractor; Brisbane, for " an improved metfcod of preserving timber" ; also, for "an improved method of preserv>inf~mat«iials, snob as textile tdMte*. skins, feK, leather, paper, an* wood compositions, or any other materials liable to attack by the Teredo or otfeer Insent forms." f. „ ■ . :'