Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1875 - 1954), Tuesday 10 January 1905, page 4




The camp at Lorne of 1904 in con nection with the Church of England Grammar School, Coluc, was such a success that the authorities decided to renew the outing again this year, and the Camperdown Church of England School joined forces. On Wednesday last 32 all told, of both schools (in cluding the Warden (Rev. A. E. Pea cock) of the Coluc School, and Head Master of Colac and Camperdown (Mr. A. Alaton and Rev. J. Foster) landed at Birregurra and took possession of Mr. W. A. Mountjoy's special coach with six horses, which was in waiting to convey the "camp" to Lorne. Amidst much hilarity the boy* mounted the coach, and were soou on 'the way to the fnvourite seaside resort. No one could have doubled that Jt "school boy".crowd on ; board. Every vehicle, every, foot passenger, every horseman, every individual posted outside a house was " hurrahed" and saluted, with royal honours. _Mauy returned the' R*]ute, many only smiled, mauy looked in black astonishment, one simply passed on in solemn -if not stately silence. Dean's Mnrsh was reached in good time, lunch partaken of and horses changed. Little time was lost, and once more the "camp" was moving iv every sense of

the word. Two miles oat," and k halt ?v made '"for cherries."" Thirty 44 campers" for tea minutes in agurden I Result: Xot i single cherry to be seen. Where were they? Li pockets,' up *" Mouses," in handkerchiefs, knd some stowed away safely .jn the dibteuded if n?t'capacious stomachs of the lads. Once uwre on the road, aud once more a stoppage, but ant fur fruit. The couch, with its heavy and" precious lomd, was •' bogged." All hands out, and "all together, boys!" and away she' goes again- This experience U repeated twice, then Ban Warren heave* in tight. Refreshments, and the last stage is entered on. First sight of Lome is the signal for an hilarious outburst. The bujde is sounded, and the. penny musical instruments—bad luck to them—make the air resound with " their hideous noise, Lome is reached at 5 p.m., and a noise more hideous still announces the momentous fact.- Unpacking Is commenced, bunks are made in the capacious tents, fire in number, which had been erected for the campers. An adjournment is then made fur (he sea. and the first biith in dulged iv. Tea is late, and whether it is due to that fact or the sea Mir, the provisions disappear rupidly. Up the river and back to camp concluded the first day. Tired out, all retire to rest, but not to sleep. Excitement runs high, and the cold is intense. "By jingo, it is a bonza all right," "I say, have you got any blankets?" "Oh, Csesar, isn't it cold, though !" " What's the time?' "Strike a match," "This hole lias got nothing over it ?" are a few of the hundred exclamations heard. the camp rises, driven out of bed by the cold ; 7 a.m., bathing ; 8 a m., rirayar; 8.15 a.m., breakfast, which is pronounced "a bonza" ; and the camp is fairly started. Already many visitors have come to look over the camp, for it U the obser.-ed of ob servers. - Colic "Reformer."


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