Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Saturday 25 March 1854, page 2




Strenue et Prospere.


OUR advices from Melbourne are to the 20th instant The Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the Gold Discoveries have reported, and are of opinion," " tlint the'person who has opentdoutt to us the road to our apparently exhaustless treasures with a noble disinterestedness, unexampled in history, should re-

ceive a liberal reward. Considering that the gold' discovery has advanced this Colony a century in pro gress,lkas placed it first in position of all the Austra-lian Colonies, and materially benefited it much more than New South Wales, your committee recommend that the sum of £5000- should 'bo 'presented to Mr. Hargreaves; and thnt the sum of £1000 should be awarded to the Rev, W. B. Clarke, in appreciation of his researches into the mineral wealth of the country."

With regard to the discovery of the Victorian Gold-fields, they consider thnt the honour must'ke shared amongst all the parties enuiiiernted, and recommend that to Mr. Michel and his party, as having, at con-siderable expense, succeeded in discovering and pub-lishing an available gold field, the sum of £1000 should be given ; to Mr. Hiscock, as the substantial discoverer of the Ballarat deposits, alike sumof £1000 ; to Mr. Campbell, as without doubt the original dis -coverer of the Clunes, a like sum of £1000; to Mr, Esmonds, as thefirst actual producer of alluvial gold for the market, a like sum of £1000^ and to Dr. Bruhn, as an acknowledgment of his services in exploring the country for five or six months, and diffusing the information of the discovery of gold, the sum of five hundred pounds.

The Weather.-On Saturday night the weather broke and Melbourne was visited by a very copious and much required fall of rain, which even continued to pour down at ¡intervals throughout the greater part of yesterday and last night The country was sadly

burned up with the long drought, and this weleome ' change must bo productive of the best results.

The Hobson's Bay Railway. - The Directors have appointed, as successor to Mr. Chauncy, who recently resigned the engineership of this line, Mr. James Moore, C. E., of whose abilities rumour speaks favourably. He is a nephew of Sir Wm. Cubitt, under whom he was engaged on the South Eastern and Great Northern railways.