Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Thursday 28 April 1853, page 2




Panama, emigrant ship, Leich, Liverpool, general   cargo. Cabin —Mrs. Leich, Thos. Parr. Esq., Surgeon   Superintendant. Steerage —108 males, 108 females,   married ; 24 male, 71 female adults, single ; 36 boys, 49 girls, under 14.

DEPARTURES. — 26th April.  

Phoebe, schooner, 90, Davey, Melbourne, sundries.

27th April.      

Euphemia, schooner, 150, Cooley, Melbourne,


Flying Childers, barque, 230, Baliey, Mauritius.  

28th April.

Scotia, schooner, 142, James, Geelong, sundries.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Henrietta, Geelong, this day.


Emma, Sydney — 525 bgs malt, W. Knight ; 24 csks Roman cement, 7 ditto vinegar, Dugald ; 2 css fruit, P. Lipscombe ; 17 bgs wheat, M'K.ay & Wither-by ; 28 bgs onions, I cs "-cods, C. Ilollinsdnle ; 280 bgs lime, 36 bris * incgar, 1 ton onions, 5 tons flour, 40

bris îosiii, "Maning Biotheis.

Scotia, Geelong-5980 ft timber, 5000 palin trs, 10,000 shingle*«, 10,000 laths, 24 pine dooi s, T. XV. Brown; 2t,O0Oft8«Mitbubci, 10,000 laths, 10,000 "?bingle«., 1000 p*ilings,G codai Cha«s, W.U. J vines; 60 bgs potatoes, llbxs applus, 2 bgs nutH, 5 bigs onions, 4 c«n ¿apis, 1 cs pickles, C. llollniMlale; 10,000 thiiighs, C00O palings, 5000 ft timber, 77 bgs canots, 38 bgs potatoes, 8 sks oats, 52 pkgs apples, J cartp, 27 bgs onions, XV. Wilson; 70 pes quaitciiug, "20 boa*ils, 2001* palings, VVr. Murray; 1 trunk appa-rel, 1 hov ditto, Mis Simson ; 2 ess cot**ctsh\* , subli-mate, 2 ess arsenic, F. Ilallir.

Euphcmia, Melbourne-229 bgs potatoes, 1 hngatcllc-lwaid, 1 bcei-cnginc, 22 pkgs finit, J07 bgs onions, flO'bgs oatt«, 12 pinol doois, 1 chmniey-piccc, 7 caits, 2 drajs, 40 pkgs fliggcis' outfit, 8 horses,! --s ironinongciy,"l4 bis 1 pkg xoom-papci, 24 bhds 3 tics 5 csks lippies, ')1 ti si buy, 30,000 ft timber, 100,000 laths, 40,000 shingles, 1500 ft paling, 40 csks 20 ess

bottled beer, 11 hcaith-stoncs, C. Lovett; 195 bgs

_.!.._ onnn ".1:.,_inn i! tv .,.,1:..T itnu*......«

Phobs, Melbourne-80 bgs potatoes, 45 do -onions, 17 pkgs apples, 3 drays. 3 caits, 287 bgs lime, 1000 5 feet palings, M'Kay & Witheiby; 122 kgs ti hito 'lead, l8 hrls l8 kgs nails, 24 buckets, 10 cans turps,

19 trss hay, 10,000 ft timber, 28 bgs oats, 13 kgs Hbuttcr, Kerr, ltaglo 5» Co ; 60 stones, J. Risby.

The Panama left Liverpool 8th January: five infants died on the voyage.

Emigration from Liverpool and Birkenhead.—The number of emigrants who took tbeir departure for America and Australia in ships which sailed from these ports during the past month was 5134—a less number than has been known since February 1847. The Government vessels for Australia which sailed from the Birkenhead depot during tbe week were the Derry Castle, on Monday, with 360 passengers, including 230 single women, principally Irish, and the Sea, on Thurs-day, with 310 souls on board. The Emperor will sail thence on Wednesday, the John Fielden the week after, and four or five others in the succeeding week.

—Times, Feb. 14.

A small sciew steam ship, n<*mcil the Ann, left Southampton on Satuiday week for Sydney, Now South Wales, bhe is sent out as a privato icntuio by a few persons, and is to bo sold either at Port Phillip or Sydney. The Ann is about 240 tons .register, piopclled by a screw, and ber engines aio in a complete state. Tbo screw bas, however, been taken off, and the funnel unshipped, and the vessel proceeds to her destination entirely undei cain as, to avoid the expenso ot fuel, and likewise to give stowage room for a considerable quantity of goods of various kind«, including brandy, gin, rum, Minc, and other things sent out also for sale in Australia by the ownci s . of the t essel. The Ann takes out a ship-letter mail,

but no passengers. Her passago will piobably not occupy less titan throe to tour months. It is antici-pated this little «teainor will sell well in Austiuli.i, as she is suitable, both from her small tonnago and hoi sefiower, to trade on the coast or to nm as a passenger .craft beti* een the soi eral ports.-Home News, 10th

February. « |

The departures from» the port of London for the Australian colonies during the past week wero again mimerons. They consisted of three i essels to Sydney of an aggregate burden of J0J9 tons, two to I'oit Phillip ol 1215 tons, one to Launceston of 401 tons, one to Hobart Town of 381 tons, and one to Auckland, 'New Zealand, of 3(55 tons. Thoir total capacity was consequently 3281 tons. Large shipments continue to be made of imumfnctmed goods, wine, beer, &c, -but thc4atc high quotations for freight are not in all /.ases supported.-Times, 13-th Februaiy.

Seamen'* Wages to Australia.-A yacht caHcd tlr-c Corsair is now in the Southampton Dock preparing to go out to Australia. She is about 80 tons burden. Her erew will consist of about eight or ten men. They will got £3 a month fur taking her out, and as .the yacht does not return, they expect to get £80 or £100 for the run home, in consequence of the scaicity of bands in Australia for homeward-bound ships, it is stated that there is nearly 1000 sail of merchantnicn at the various Australian portb home--, ard bound, but wanting bands.-Daily News.

Tho Queen of the South steamer has arrived at tbe Cane, with tbo mails for Mauritius and India. The ^following.remarks aro from her Jog-book:- February 20th, passed the R. M. Steamer India-ia, in lat. 34° 45' N., long. 17° W. ; March 7th, K. M. (Steamer -Calcutta arrived at Ascension ; February 21st, spoke thu French barque Charlemagne, from London to ..Calcutta, in lat. 32° 30' N., Ion. 18° W. ; 26th arrived at »St. lincont, B. M. Steamer ¿Sydney ; Mai cb 1st, exchanged colours with haiquo lLord Toigninoutb, standing to the northward, in lat. 10° 11' N., long. 20*" 3'W.; 9th spoke the American ship Australia, . of Salem, in lat. 14° S, long. 14° W.

The -Hydaspes, steamer, delivered 300 tons of cargo and took in about 700 tons of coals in Table Bay in less than 2$ days. She biought tbo largest cargo for the Cape of any of the Indian steameis.Cape Paper, March 22.

The arrival of fresh steamers in this port -is now becoming a matter of everyday occurrence. Tho Dutch steamer Queen of tbe Netbci lands carne in yesterday from Adelaide, «and is t« bo disposed of here if a favourable offer is made, ¡she is upwards of five hundred tons register, nominally 120 boree power, but working considerably above tliat. ¡she was buijt on tho island of Java, in 18"40, of teak, and her engines, Ace. are by Maudslay «nd Co., of'Lon-don; bnt a more minute description of this'vessel was given in tlie Argus a few days since. Tbo Queen of the Netherlands reports the -arrival of tbo .Phoenix, in Adelaide, on Sunday last, after «. «very stormy passage. Sho also passed the Queen of Sheba .on Tuesday last, entering the Back Stairs passage.

v Melbourne Argus, 23rd instant.

Quick Passage-The American ship Jas. L. Bogart, 1240 tons, Captain G. Howe, arrived in Table Bay on Thursday, having left London on the 14th and Dart-mouth 27th January, thus being only six days

longer on her voyage than the R. N. steamer Hydas-pes which left, on the same day. She has 547 pas-sengers for Port Phillip, nearly equalling the number

taken out by the Great Britain.

The Jack, Elizabeth Jane, West Wind Steamer, Gem, Lord Metcalf, and James L, Bogart, are all on their passage from the Cape to Port Phillip.

The American ship Lowell, which put into this port on the 4th March, bound for a market, left for

Australia on Saturday, without breaking bulk.- Cape Paper, March 21

JliailebW, london-li ess«39 Ms, Salier; 56 ,, bdls,iroii,!3a0;barti, 12plough-share moulds, Hopkins; ¡ 9.M8, }0t4m, Bas? Kout; ¡12 jjss, Cole; 13 bis, 48 -< ess, 2 csks, K. Lpwis and Son's; 2 ess, Cumberland ;

* 4 W8,' % (-««.'Thomson and Camming'; '20 qr. csks, 1 *.«!», Goldsmith; 45 çe»)li Ma, Kissock;' 1753 pkgs, ? 01 ¿*30 bgs," 75 hliA», "28 tons coal,'Chapman ; 2

pkgs ¿ess, 1 erato, Brown and Co-; 125 ess. Order; £2 cam, Kerr, Boglo'^lidC'o; 2c»a, Turnbull; les, Watchorn, t Perkins and Co: 10 pkgs, Moses Abrahnnm; 4 bxs £-20,000 .Manager Bank of Aus-tralasia* l'J3 pkgs, 1 cs, Stevenson and Sous. '»

Â"iW " <- ,'

W* S'sj* - *t *

Jt**iií "te«*-.-""fetiS -

f?; The Marshall Kennet^ from", tPlymouth, for Ade-laide, with j 194 Govcriiuwut. enngriuits, put into Table iBay on Saturday. >, Twelve children died at sea from measles, aud otte adult from debility.-Ib'ul,

March 22. ,


Little and Co. sold yesterday, oats 20s Gd per bushel; Mauritius sugar £28 per ipn; lhsAflour £35 per ton; onions J'd per lb; potatoes £20 per ton; raisins 4d per lb; bum 5s 6d per bushel; oatmeal 3¿<í Îier lb ; American flour 42s per barrel ; rice 6s per mg of ">0 lbs. Aotual sales only aio quoted ; flour is on tho rise, oats aro in greater demand; euquiry lor potatoes ; no symptoms of a dowmvnid tendency in the price of mtielcb of consumption aro yet visible.albourne 2)ul>Ci 23rcZ instant.