Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 28 June 1913, page 9



In the Legislative Council yesterday the debate on the Address in Reply was con-<*> tinued by Dr. Taylor and Messrs. Gibson and Johnson, and the Council adjourned until July 8.

In the Legislative Assembly- yesterday Ihe debate on the Address in Reply waa resumed by Messrs. Ryan, Denham, Theodore, Gillies, and Kirwan. Mr. Beb bington secured the adjournment of the debate. > The Government Party held a meeting On the steamer Lucinda yesterday. The Premier announced that the Government intended to introduce a Bill which -would have the effect of prohibiting the opera tions of bookmakers on racecourses, and also abolish proprietary racecourses. An amendment of the Liquor Act was Uso foreshadowed, and it was stated that the Elections Act would be amended to improve the system of registration and restore the postal vote under proper safe guards. B. Broooth*y's general store, situated on the New Sandgate road, ClayfieFd, wax •destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. On June 28 it is intended to open another (the second) section of the North Coast line—that between Rockhampton and Yaamba. The Maori footballers yesterday defeated the Queensland team by 11 points to nil. The residence of Mr. G\ F. D. Morgan, B son of the discoverer of the Mount Mor gan gold mine, was destroyed by fire yes terday, and valuable Queensland records .were lost. Burglars ransacked a house in Sydney ion Tuesday night, and then destroyed it by setting it on fire in five placet. It is the opinion of leading butter mer chants ol Sydney that the Common-Wealth is about to experience one of the most severe butter famines in the history of the trade. In his speech oa the Address in Reply the Premier made the announcement that of the loan money recently raided the Gov ernment had succeeded in temporarily placing portion with two other States. William Tonng, a youth about 18 years of age, who came two months ago to Queensland from England was accident* ally shot Head while examining a fan. It is understood that the retiring Pre mier of New South Wales (Mr. M'Gowen) will accept a portfolio in the Holmah Ministry. Albert Austin, of Wanganella, Denili quin, has sold his special stud ram No. 828 to Walter and Michael Hawker, of flouth Australia, for 1700 guineas. The Inspector in Fruit Culture has paid a visit to the Ormiston and Cleveland districts in connection with a serious outbreak of disease in Cavendish banana plantations. The tenth annual conference of tbe As sociated Chambers of Commerce of the Commonwealth has been opened in Syd ney. There has passed away at Pittsworth another of the early pioneers in tbe per son of Mr. W. Dwyer. Deceased, who was 84 years of age, came out to Queensland from Ireland with Us family over 80 years ago. The Commissioner of Police has award ed the police medal for meritorious «er vice to Constable M. Bergfn, of Toowoont ba, who recently helped to stop a run away at great risk. The General Superintendent of Sugar ? Experiment Stations has. received a re port from Field Assistant H. T. Harvey upon the cane crops in the Southern sugar district, and the report states tbat the prospects are bright. At the 18th hair-yearly meeting of the North Coast Co-operative Butter Co. it was stated that the butter manufactured for the half-year totalled 4119 tons, and there was an all-round increase of 19 per cent, in the output. FRIDAY, June 20. In the Legislative Assembly yesterday Mr. Hunter moved a motion to express the opinion that the railway freight charges in Queensland were excessive. Other speakers on the subject were Messrs. Gillies, Paget, Keescll, and Philp. The debate was not finished when the time for private members' business had expired. The debate on the Address in Reply BflMM^ttntinued by Messrs. Bebbington, ILetiS?kxand the Hon. W. H. Barnes. The underwriters will receive 30 per cent, of tbe Victorian loan of £3.000,000 Issued in London. The North Coast Horticultural and 'Agricultural Society's Show was com menced at Woarabyc yesterday, and was characterised by a magnificent display of fruit. Thu Marburg Show \ra? opened yester day by Fir Arthur Morgan, and there was a very large attendance. The Rockhatnpton Shew was commenced yesterday in threatening weather. There was a splendid display in the pavilion. A. W. Jones, of Warwick, made a suc cessful biplane flight at. Rockhampton yesterday. Proceedings in the Hi^i Court ter minated in a sensational manner yester day, when Mr. Justice Duffy and Mr. Justice Powers left the fceneh alter a eon •nltatiun with their ccllesjrnea, following on a remark by counsel in tbo tramway appeal c;ise. The steamer Somerset, whlefc left Lon ioa on May 10 last, nas on board 122 Covenunsat immigraats for Qsetsslastd. ffbt walfar*, waits left Loatoa os> May

ff last, has on hoard 379 Government Immigrants for Queensland. The report of the Immigration Agent for 1912 sets out that the total number of Immigrants who arrived in steamers sailing from Europe last year was 6693 souls. Mr. Ineson, a New Zealander, who was travelling with the League football team, now on tour, fell seriously ill while at Toowoomba, and died during the night. C. SteSens, a farmer at Mount Beppo, had a singular and exciting experience through filling his house lamps with petrol in mistake for kerosene. The typhoid fever epidemic at Winton is practically over, only one case having been admitted during the last 10 days. In connection with the Federal land tax payments, the highest cheque paid was £26,395. An old man named William Price was engaged clearing near York, West Aus tralia, when a burning tree fell and pinned him to the ground. Ho sustained a broken arm, leg, and shoulder, and his knee was dislocated. He died without re gaining consciousness. A cable message from London to the Minister for External Affairs stated that June 24 has been definitely selected as the day on which the King would lay the fonnda'tion stone of the Commonwealth building in the Strand. Judge Eagleson, of Victoria, who is at present on sick leave, purposes taking a trip to Queensland prior to resuming Judicial work. A. B. Stone, the American airman, who has arrived in New South Wales from New Zealand, says he will shortly make an attempt to 'fly from Sydney to. Mel bourne. At the meeting of the New South Wales Ministerial Party the Acting Premier an nounced that Mr. M'Gowen had decided to accept a portfolio In the reconstructed Ministry. A serious loss of cattle is reported front the Homebush yards. New Bouth Wales. Eight or nine beasts died during the day, and a further three or four were expected to soeenmb later on. The draft came from Queensland, had passed through the dip at Wallan?arra, and exhibited all the symp toms of poisoning. As a result of a meeting of miners, all hands at the Hampden Waterworks have ceased work. William Daulby, aged 49 years, hanged himself in a stable at North Fremantle, West Australia. A report with reference to the export trade in batter has bees prepared by the commerce branch of the Customs Depart ment. The steamer Governor Musgrave, which struck on a reef in Pondalowie Bay, South Australia, has been refloated. Mr. Bnowy Baker has announced that he has secured an option for taking over the Olympic Stadium in Albert-street, which lie had decided to accept. It is stated from Cooroy that maize is being carted in from various farms, sad some good crops are being obtained. Statistics prepared by the Health De partment show that during the week ended June 16 the mosquito squad in Brisbane oiled 43.500 square yards of natural breeding places. SATURDAY, June 21. The Woombye Show was continued yes terday. Diddillibah won the district ex hibits competition. The Rockhampton show was formally opened yesterday by the Governor. The Contmisaoner for Railways left Brisbane last night on an extended visit to the North. The General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia was continued in Brisbane yesterday. The New South Wales Parliament fa to meet on July 22. The strike of 200 employees at Hughes's woollen mills at Botany, Sydney, has been settled, and work will be resumed on Monday. Maud Con-ell, aged 26, and Elizabeth Louisa Barry, ag^ed 20, were yesterday committed for tnal in Melbourne on a charge of bavins; conspired to murder Florence May King. Harold Leggatt, of Googee, was stock up and wounded by two men, one of whom, covering him with a revolver, said, "Your money or your life." Jewellery to the value of £260 wai stolen on Thnrafey night team iJbe Wentworth Hotel, Sydney. A masked man, entered the residence of P. G. Cox, Sydney, oa Thursday night, and at the point of the revolver robbed two girts of the rings they wera wearing. Tte position of the stranded steamer Indrabamh has not been moved much daring the week, and the special gang, of stevedores has now struck for higher wages. The lugger Myrtle Olga foundered about 70 miles north of Broome, during a squatt, and a coloured man was drowned. The new inquiry office in Edward-street, opened by the Railway Department on June 9, is being much availed of by the public. In the first week 300 long-dis tance tickets were issued and 332 sleep ing berths booked. The Commissioner for Railways has been advised that 83 men on day labour and 12 men on piecework have started work on the construction of the Mount Mulligan railway. Mr. W. M. Williams (president of the Hobart Chamber of Commerce) is at pres ent on a vUit to Brisbane in connection with the Australasian Methodist Confer ence, and is also inquiring into the pos sibilities of a direct steamer service from Ta—■■!? to *>fctsalaa*V

Word has been received from New Zea land that as a result of bad weather there is great Blackness in the painting trade, and many workmen are idle. A prisoner named Austin Carroll com mitted suicide in a cell at Mount Bden gaol, New Zealand. John Nolan, aged 40 years, was charg ed in the Melbourne Criminal Coirrt with the manslaughter of a man named John Jones at Korumburra. After three min utes' retirement the jury found Nolan not guilty, and he was discharged. Mr. Ross Jones, who has been on tour of the Wolfram fields in the district near Cairns, stated in an interview that he had arranged for the erection of a crush ing plant at Banford, to treat wolfram and molybdenite ore. A Broome telegram reports that John Metcalfe, at Bamboo Creek, was accident-ally shot by James Saunders, with an automatic revolver, and died later. The new railway trucking yards and siding at Clifton have been completed. The yards are a great improvement. The cereal crop planted at Jonaaryan this year promises to be a record. The Proserpine mill is to start crush ing on July 1, and is expected to run 132 days. At a meeting of the directors of the Oakey Dairy Company, held at Oakey, it was unanimously decided to voluntarily Update the company^^^^ On SttttiTdav the Methodist General Conference decided to hold the next m«t« ins in Melbourne in May, 1917. The Conference also decided to extend missionary work to the Bismarck Archi peYngo. Sugar workers' boards for the centi*al nnd southern sugar districts have been created Tho Imperial ITctel, Pittsworfh, a two etoricd wooden structure, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. It is under stood tha insuranoss total £1850. The majority of the sporting cvento in Brisbane, arranged for Siturday, w«ro postponed owing to the nan. The Rugby football match for the Hospital Cup resulted in the holders, the Christian Brotiiers, defeating the Valley team by 13 points to nil. In the Rugby League fixtures, West Knd defeated Natives by 13 to nil, and Soutn Brisbane beat Railways by 24 points to*. 7he mutilated body of a awagmon was found on the railway line between Avon dale and Yandaran on Saturday morning. Despite the steady rain about 5000 people were present at the concluding day of the Rockhampton Show on Saturday-The Bon. J. Cook arrived in Melbourne on Saturday, and at once (received a commission to form a Ministry. The final count for the Hume seat m Ne\* South Wales gave a majority of 339 to the Liberal candidate. In his billiard match, 10,000 op, Gray, •who allowed William* 2000, has already passed that player's score, and has reached 8001. In Sydney on Saturday Johnny Sum mers defeated Burns on points, after 20 rounds. The All Blacks defeated a League team in Sydney on Saturday, and in the samo city tfce Maoris defeated a metropolitan fifteen. a x „ The negotiations between the State Gov ernment and British tenderers regarding the construction of a pilot steamer for the port of Brisbane are reaching final ity. Friday's meeting of the Jondaryan Shire Council was the last in the history of that well-known and capable adminis trative body, owing to the redistribution into three shires. A young man named John William Crocker had a rather trying experience at Pona. He was riding a horse, when the flntwml became restive, and he was thrown against a tree, fracturing his right leg. Owing to the place being Isolated be was obliged to suffer his injury in the rain for two days. Regret was expressed throughout Mary borough when it was learnt that Mr. Jas. Hockley, of the firm of Hockley's Ltd., had passed away at a private hospital. Deceased, who was 68 years of age, was born in Bomer?et, Engjand, and came to Queensland as a boy. The steamer Waipara has arrived at Cairns from London, and left again for the South. The vessel has over 300 im migrants aboard. Important changes' are pending with re gard to the uniforms for citizen soldiers. The Mulgrave Sugar Mill has commenced crushing. It is stated that everything is in satisfactory order, and appearances point to a thoroughly successful cam paign. On Saturday a trial lightiag-up of the acetylene gas plant at Forest Hill, in stalled by the railway authorities at the station, was given. Two Chinese were knocked down in Hay* street. West Australia, by a man with out any apparent provocation, and taken to the hoepital. One sustained a fracture of the skull, and the other is suffering from bruises only. It is proposed by the N«w South Wales Chief Commissioner for Railways that fares and freights shall be raised by about £147,000 this year. The scarcity of fresh butter is daily becoming more acute in Sydney, and it hns been decided to again advance the wholesale price by 6/. The death is announced from New South Wales of Mr. William M'Court, M.L.A. He was Liberal member of the New South

Wales Legislative Assembly for Bowral, and had the distinction of occupying the Speaker's Chair continuously for over 10 years. The Commissioner of Police has received a report stating that a half-caste abori ginal named Sam Salingo was discovered at Tamrookum station with his throat cut. It Is thought that he committed the injury himself, as a razor was found by his side. At a meeting of the Victorian State Executive Council the Hon. P. Hagel thorn (honorary Minister), who has had charge of the immigration branch of the T,anda Department, was sworn in as Min ister for Health with salary. Prairie grass and other winter feeds are coming alonp nicely at Kingaroy. Grass is plentiful on most holdings in the Undulla and Brigalow Creeks district, and the outlook for winter feed for stock is good. TUESDAY, June 24. The delegates aiton&ng the annual meeting cf the Australian Sugar Pio ducrra' Association, at Maokuy were ac corded a moyoi"al reception there yester day morning. The dredge Groper, after 37 yeara' work, has been placed out of commisuon, and will be broken up. The main light at the new Pile Light house at the entrance to the Brisbane River was exhibited for the first time last night. One of the Brisbane Fire Brigades motor fire engines dashed into the veranda poata of two ghope in Roma-street last night, owing, it is thought, to the vehicle skid ding or the steering gear becoming jam med. Deputy Superintendent Milne and Fireman Chatsfield were thrown off and injured, and the shop veranda and the motor were bndly damaged. At the Sacdgate races yesterday bunbfo Dkk won the Dea«on Handi>>ap, with Memory's Dream second and Cotana third, Two prisoners, named P«arce and Hur ley, bioke out of Frem*Etle prison early yesterday morning, but were recaptured same liours later. .... ... - . The Queensland B<nf?h Assoauition foot ball team defeated New South Walci in fcjydney yesterday by 3-goals to 2. The New South Wales Rugby Union team beat the Maoris in .Sydney yesterday by 16 point* to 5, and tlie League team defeated New Zealand by 34 points to 10. The Customs Department has received • letter containing a postal-note for £1, marked as conscience money. All the members of the Melbourne Har bour Trust and the Geelong Harbour Trust, with the exception of the respect ive chairmen, have arrived in Brisbane for the purpose of inspecting the Fron ting dredge Remora. During last week an attempt was made at Rockhampton to pat into circulation several counterfeit gold coins, and dur ing the last few days two city banks have received such coins. Archbishop Duhig, aeeompanied by the Rev. Father Casbman and Mr. James Tally, of Ray station, have arrived at Adavale, having Journeyed 260 mile? from Thargomindab in Mr. Tully's car. The Brisbane City Council intends to take action with regard to wearing un protected hatpins. At Nudgee the engine of a train known as 134 op, which left Sandgateat 8.51, became disabled, owing, it is understood, to a broken crank pin. William Houghton, a labourer, 21 years, was out shooting at Landaborougb when he is said to have been accident ally shot by a friend. As a remit he received a gunshot wound between the shoulder blades. The Hon. T. Pascoe (Minister for Ag riculture in Bouth Australia), who has been the gaest of the Hon. J. O. Appel while in Queensland, has left for Ade laide. The recent rains have removed a great deal of water hyacinth from gullies and creeks, including Kedron Brook, and also from the upper reaches of the Brisbane and Bremer Rivers, the fresh In the river carrying it downstream. Mr. Ryder, Under Secretary, Home De partment, has left Brisbane for Towns ville, where he will represent the Home Secretary at the opening of the Institute of Tropical Diseases. Mr. H. C. Sharpe, ftoreman in an es tablishment at Crow's Nest, took his two children and two other children for an afternoon excursion to the Falls, Crow's Nest. They lost the track and had to spend the night in the bush. They were eventually rescued by a ««a**h party. The Tiraaru branch of the Fanners' Union, after a discussion of the suggest ed free trade between Australia and New Zealand, resolved to telegraph to the Premier, protesting against the removal of the duty on wheat and flour. A Friezland telegram states that 25 more men have started work at the Hampden mines, and more are going on daily until it is fully manned. Some magnificent specimens of bananas were shown at the Turbot-street market. They are intended to form portion of the travelling exhibit which the Department of Agriculture sends to the different shows. The death has occurred at Gattcn of Mr, Charles Debnam. aged 72 years. The deceased came to Australia 62 years ago, and knew Brisbane in the very early days. Mrs. Joyce, an old resident of the Wood ford district, has passed away at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. James Ranson, at Stoney Creek, at the age of 93 years. The butter graded in Brisbane for the week ended June 31 comprised 1608 packages.

The delegates attending tbe annual meeting of tbe council of tbe Australian Sugar Producers' Association were ac corded a formal reception at tbe Mackay Town Hall by tbe mayor and a number of leading citizens. WEDNESDAY, June 25. In the Legislative Assembly yesterday preliminary steps were taken for the in troduction of a Sugar Growers Bill and a Sugar Cultivation Bill, llhe debate on the AddresA in Reply was contin e.i, and ad journed until the fallowing day. Tbe Maroochy Shire Council's proposal to raise a loan of £25,000 to provide a tramway from Nambomr to Maplcton was endorsed by the ratepayers yesterday by a majority of 177. At th« fi'-st day of the Brisbane wool Silea yrstordjy 20,200 bales were offtjred. Pri<;e3 were f.'n a par with the May vale, with the excei>tion of top lots of greasy fluece. which were «U:,'M!y e*ier. The Juno Handicap, run at the Too wooioibft Turf Club meeting yesterday, was won by The Hittite. Mosguhcry was second and Finkenba third. There was nn excellent attendance at the Gayndah Show yesterrdny, when t"ho opening ceremony was performed by his Excellency the Governor A posfen^er train ran into a stationary good* train near Walcha-road (N.8.W.) on Monday night, and three trucks and a break van were damaged and one of the engines derailed. Tbe Sydney mail train was delayed for several hours. . During the performance of Wirtfli'i Circus nt Mores an attendant wa« tronnd et\ by an elephant. An exchange of shot* daring an arrest of an aboriginal in Sydney resulted in the wounding of the Mackfcilow and a third, man. Advice has been received that the Royal Commission on aboriginals in South Aus tralia in to visit Brisbane. The members of the Melbourne Harbour Trust and tbe Geelong Harbour Trust, now visiting Brisbane, were afforded an opportunity of witnessing a trial of the dredg? Remora, and subsequently stated they were pleased with what they saw. Her Majesty the Queen bas consented to the name of Queen Mary Land being given to the land discovered by Mr. Frank Wild, of Dr. Mawson's expedition. The land extends for a distance of folly 180 miles to the east of Kaiser WUhelmsland. A proclamation has been published in the Federal "Government Gasette" pro hibiting the Importation of the instru ment or appliance known as the stupefy ing gns pistol. The steamer Warrego has left Thursday Island for Townsville, and Is towing the steamer John Douglas, whleb, according to accounts. Is making 14in. of water hourly. A young man named Jack Hart, who had been less than six months at Thurs day Island, was found hanging by a cord from the rafter of a small house which he occupied. A Crown land sate was held at Lone reach, when 10 town allotments we** offered, the total price realised heiac £707. The Acting Premier of New South Wales on behalf of the Minister for Education, has given instructions that tbe plans for the conversion of Government Hou3« stables, New South Wales, into a conser vatory of music should be completed with* out delay. Mr. H. C. Winneke has been appointed a Judge of tbe Victorian County Court. At a meeting of the Wellcamp branch of tbe Queensland Fanners' Union a re sol'ition was carried condemning the ac tion of tbe national executive of tbe Queensland Farmers' Union in forming s> tbird part 7 in tbe Legislative Assembly. At ii meeting of about 100 fanners held in tbe Commercial Hall, Dalby, a motion was passed to form ? new co-op erative company in Dalby. A feature of the inquiries at the Lands Settlement Branch during tbe last week has been tbe number of English farmers who desire to go on the land. Mr. Jull has been reappointed Public Service Commissioner in West Australia for a further term of seven years. The output at Mackay this season is ex pected to amount to 52,000 tons of sugar. Heavy yields of maize are reported by some Marom Creek (Lismore) farmer*, one crop exceeding 90 bushels to the acre. ???m?H??WvHWWHWHWm

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