Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Saturday 28 July 1832, page 2

SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1832.

" Pulchrum eat bonefacere reipublica» ; etiam bens

dicare, baud absurdum est."

" 'Tis well by words, as well as deeds, To satisfy a nation's ueedi."

Again we cheerfully yield to the cir-cumstances of the moment. Our budget of Home Intelligence - unmelhodised to a certain extent, though it necessarily .has been,-will afford our friends topics


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of greater interest that) such as . could arise out of the methodical arrangement of our own opinions upon any of the lead-ing questions which lie before us for dis-cussion, in connection with the local inte-rests of this community. Wo feel it incumbent on us to relieve, to the utmost

i, a J of our power, the anxiety for a connected

view of home affairs, which has boon so extensively felt in consequence of the length of time intervening between the last and the present arrivals.

Our regular supply of newspapers and periodicals, we leam, have been ship-ped on board the Lady Harewood ; but we aro enabled, by means of a duplioate of the lettor accompanying this supply from our London agents, addrcssod to the late Editor of this journal (and which has been promptly and politely sent to our office), to give their view of public affairs up to its dato, the 12th of March ; whilst the kindness of our friends in town enables us to place before our readers whatever intelligence of interest had transpired in London up to the first

of April.

Instead of commenting ourselves npon the affaijs of Europe, we deem it of moro consequence to prosont our readers with tho following extract from our London

letter ;

" We are persuaded that a general war, which many apprehended some time sinco, is pretty much out of the quostion, principally because none of the leading Powers of Europe .ire in a condition to engage in a contost, the consequences of which it is (more than usually) difficult to foresee ; and yet the elements of fu-ture hostility are strongly discernable in the jealousies inseparable from a conten-tion between opposing principles be tween Governments, who, on the one hand, have been carried away by an un-avoidable deference to popular rights, and, on the other, have been outmarched by the intelligence of their people, and who, unprepared to concede institutions demanded by the present state of so-ciety, are apprehensive of contagion from the liberalism of their neighbours. In-dependent altogether of foreign rela-tions, the British Government has to grapple at once with many difficulties, any one of which is sufficiently embar-rassing ; but at present we can only briefly advert to the all-absorbing question of reform, which will again bo disposed of in the House of Commons in about a week ; but whose fate in the other House, and the consequence of a second failure there (which may Providence avert!), no man will be bold enough to predict. The fearful state of Ireland, where events are equally impenetrable; the dreadful condition of our West India colonies; the state of our finances; and various other legislative questions of deep import, altogether concur to render the administration of Government in tun country an object of intense solicitude to all reflecting Britons ; and the pestilence with which we have been visited, under the name of cholera, although its ravages have hitherto been of very limited ex-tent, has greatly added to our other embarrassments, from the serious inter-ruption it has caused to our intercourse

with other countries."

The best mode in which we can make our readers acquainted with the affairs of Belgium and Holland is by laying be-fore them the following " Note and Declaration of Russia," made by Count ORLOFF, the Russian Ambassador to the Hague :


Count Orloff, after having recounted in minute detail the circumstances showing that, through the whole course of the Belgian negotiations, he has not failed to give tho unequivocal proofs to the King of the Netherlands of respect and friendship which were conformable to tha> declarations of the Emperor his master ; after having said that the cabinet of the Hague cannot rofuse to him the justice to believe that he has acquitted himself of his task with zeal and perseverance-proceeds as follows :

.* A voluntary adhesion to arrangements (which the treaty of tho 15th of November sanctions) as to admissable amendments in a transaction that is to be final between two states, alone can terminate this long and painful negotiation.

" The cabinet of the King of the Netherlandi

has thought differently.

" His Excellency will not pronounce upon the motives which have influenced his Majesty in tbis decisive circumstance, as his Majesty fias formerly explained them. He claims tobe sole judge ina

determination which so nearly affects the rights of

the crown.

"But his Majesty cannot conceal, and wo an-nounce it with a profound feeling of regret, that the cabinet of the Netherlands has lost, beyond rees!, a last opportunity of terminating tbo Belgian affair in a manner conformablo to ita true interests, and its allies (more especially in Russia) must vainly hereafter seek the means of being useful to it.

" The Emperor bas faithfully fulfilled towards the King oí the Netherlands the duties of a sincere and ingenuous friendship ; but be «annot forget his duties to the European alliance, and least of all, his duties to the people whom providence has con-fided to his care. These are the obligations which it is his Imperial Majesty's duty to consult in the determinations which he shall hereafter make with respect to the affairs of Belgium.

" In consequence his Majesty han charged the undersigned to make the following declaration :-.

" After having used all means of pursuaaion and every mode of conciliation to aid his Majesty King William to establish upon amicable terms, and in a manner consistent with the honour of his crown, and the interesis of the faithful portion of his sub-jects, a separation between two great divisions of his kingdom, his Imperial Majesty does not see auy opportunity of hereafter rendering to the King of the Netherlands either support or succour.

" Faithful to his promises, his Imperial Majesty will not become a party to the employment of coercive measures, for compelling the King of the Netherlands, by force of arms, to subscribe to the twenty-four articles; but, considering that these articles comprise the only baiis upon which a sepa-ration between Belgium and Holland can be effected, and they being open to amendments, admissable in a final treaty between the two countries, his Im-perial Majesty considers it just and reasonable that Belgium should remain in the enjoyment of all the advantages resulting from the articles in question,

and mar« particularly of that neutrality, in principia, rooagnisoil by the King of tha Netherlands.

" As a necessary consequence of this principle, bia t|iíirieríttl Majesty will offer no opposition to any rapresjBiya. measures (measures repressives') which the congress moy adopt Cor tho purposo of guarontoeing and defending this neutrality should it he violated by a ronewttl of hostilities on the sido of Holland.

" In this caso, should it unhappily arise, his imperial Majesty roaerves to himself the right to j concert with his allies as to the moans most proper for promptly re-establishing the neutrality of Bolgium, in order that the general peace of Europe muy be protected from even tho least dongor of violation.

" His Excellency thinks that hero ho ought to pauso, as he is not aware of any thing further, which, in the present juncture, "ho con usofully submit to his Mnjosty. Ho resigns it to tho wisdom of the cabinot of the Hague, to consider the eon sequences of a state of things, whioh the most sincere and disinterested friendship could havo

wished to obviate."

After having presented to tho King of the Nother-lands the foregoing declaration, Count Orliff de-manded of his Majesty o categorical answer; this answer being in the negative, tho Count demanded

his passports, and on tho next following day set out

for London.

The following are the latest observa-tions of the London press upon tho sub-ject of Belgium and the Keform Bill tho two subjects, excepting that en-during one of Cholera, which engross most the attention of the people of

England :

" All eyes aro directed to London, which, by a confluence of circumstances, ia at this moment the centre of interest. This day (March 31), the Austrian, Prussian, and Russian ratification of the treaty of separa-tion between Belgium and Holland is to be signed ; and all that will be wanting to render the bond complete will be the ac-quiescence of the King of Holland, which has not yet been conceded. The obstinacy of the Dutch Monarch seems to spring from the unsettled state of our great domestic question, and the consequent hope it in-spires of some change in our policy. But what can the King of Holland hope from this desperate chance ? Surely he is not so weak as to imagine that, even if there were any alteration in our cabinet, it would bring with it a revocation of the Reform Bill, and a new system of foreign alliances? He must know that the die is cast, and that, whether Lord Grey be in or not, there must be a reform at home, and peace abroad unless the wilful folly of the Dutch govern-ment shall again force the distracted pro-vinces of the dismembered Netherlands into an open rupture. In such a case, it will be worth while to see how the fiat-bottomedboats of the Hague v\ill carry their flags before the approach of the allies."

" The people are still condemned to thread the maize of doubt and apprehension con-cerning the bill. A fresh disappointment has arisen in the House of Lords. The Premier, attheinstance of Lord Wharncliffe, has consented to postpone the second read-ing from Thursday next to the following Monday, on the poor pretence that aome of the peers will be engaged at the quarter sessions; just as if the quarter sessions could not, at such juncture, goon without them. But this is in strict keeping with the spirit of procrastination that has, up to this hour, presided over the whole proceeding. The cabinet reformers are of the constrictor breed ; when they liave taken a voracious meal of popularity they lie down to sleep through a long interval of inaction, instead of rousing themselves to complete the labour for which the mistaken enthusiasm of the country has given them credit in advance.

'. It is no longer doubtful that ministers have gained several converts in the Upper House ; but as the obscurities that hung over this fact clear away, it becomes still more evident that, without a large creation of peers, the majority will be on the wrong side. The anxiety of the country is di-rected to this point alone. That the bill will pass the second reading is, we believe, satisfactorily ascertained ; but of what avail will that idle concession to the national de-mand be, if the clauses of the bill be mang-led and deformed in committee ? The anti reformers understand their game too well to risk a precipitate show of strength. They know that to oppose the bill in its early stages too vigorously would have the effect of forcing the ministers to the exercise of the last alternative ; and they will, no doubt, endeavour to seduce the good, easy, Lord Grey into the belief that he need not resort to extremities, until it will be too late to save the measure from destruction. But what will be said of the minister who could thus permit himself to be betrayed into the snares of the enemy 1 We confess the peril seems to us so fearful that we cannot per-mit ourselves to believe that any man pos-sessing the ready means of restoring public confidence and security would hesitate to use them. It is as well, therefore, to hope that a just guage of all the difficulties has been taken, and that the managers of the bill know their men, and have estimated their resources with accuracy. There is no harm in extend-ing this charity to Lord Grey. He wants all that we can spare him, for, between blun-ders and indecision, he has gone well nigh to fracture the head of his own offspring. We inculcate this doctrine of reliance-not because we are weak enough to place any confidence in it- but because the prophecy sometimes produces its own fulfilment, and because it may, at all events, sooth the agi-tation of that momentous discussion which the public, under any circumstances, must watch with uneasy impatience."

Our readers, too, we are sure, will be gratified by the following extract from the letter of our London agents, relating to the domestic interests of Australia :

" We think it of no small importance to the interests of Australia to be enabled to mention to you that Mr. W. E. Riley, the son of our Mr. Alexander Riley, known to you as one of the oldest residents in New Sputh Wales, and as devotedly attached to its best interests, who is about to 'em-bark for the colony, with a view to his per-manent settlement, will carry out with him what we certainly regard as a most valuable present to his native land-a chosen selec-tion of the Cachmere, Angora goats ; which,

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we are persuaded, will form a nucleus for a / furn

ne* branch of comtneroe of ttte moat valuable character. Mr. R. ha9 long had this object in view, but the disinclination existing in Franco to permit the perfectly improved breed to leave that country, has retarded its accomplishment. Having how-ever procured sufficiently influential intro-ductions for his son, the celebrated M. Polonceau has at length consented to accede to his wishes. To such an extent has this scientific gentleman succeeded during many years in crossing the breed of Angora with that of Cachmere, that the new race now produce from IS to 20 ounces of the costly down for which they are so famed ; and we anticipate that the climate to which they are now destined will still further im-prove the beneficial result."

By the arrival of the Medway, from Hobart Town, we have received the Colonial Times of the 17th instant. This paper reports the arrival in the Derwent of tho ship Katherine Stewart Forbes, with 209 malo prisoners, from London. Eight prisoners died previously to that vessel leaving the English coast ; but the good state of health which prevailed amongst the remainder ever since thoy left the Downs (says the Colonial Times) entirely romoves all possibility of any danger from that dreadful disease being brought by this welcome stock of tho best (?) of labourers.

The local news in this paper is unim-portant. Colonel LOGAN, the chief Police Magistrate at Hobart Town, and the Principal Superintendent of Polico, have been constituted a Board for the Assign-ment of Crown Prisoners. The Caroline, whaler, had arrived from the sperm fishery. Considerable apprehensions had been entertained for the safety of this vessel, a report having prevailed for se-veral months that slio had been seen to founder in deep water. The ship Norval had also arrived from England in Ja-nuary last, and from Ireland in February, with 150 passengors, including pen-sioners. Four births took place on board during the voyage, and one infant died.

MR. DEAS THOMSON.-In the conclu-sion of Mr. HUME'S speech on tho Navy Estimates, he alluded in strong terms to the improper application of the Super-annuation Act. He said that it came to his knowledge the day before that it was in contemplation to superannuate Mr. DEAS THOMSON, the Accountant-Gene-ral of the Navy, whose oflico, be it re-membered, was not abolished. "With this gentleman he had no personal ac-quaintance whatever, but he remembered well the able information ho gave when examined before the Committee of Fi-nance, and he had no hesitation in saying that he was the mo3t efficient in the Navy Office ; and he was, moreover, the person wbo had introduced that excellent system of accounts which had been so much ap-proved by all. As well might they think of turning him (Mr. HUME) out of Par-liament on the score of inefficiency, as to contemplate tho superannuation of so useful a servant as Mr. THOMSON.

Tho pending Court of Requests' Bill contains a clause providing that all exe-cutions for judgments recovered in that Court shall be issued in the nature of writs of Fieri facias, or Capias ad satis faciendnm, out of the Sheriff's Office, on a precept signed by the Registrar of the Court of Roquests. The business of the Sheriff's department is already very weighty- how that gentleman will relish the duty of issuing several thouwHwl^ad ditional writs in the cours<y"^f$ryn<Sr*.häs

yet to be seen. . ""<?>?'>.

A GOOD 'UN*, l&^f?

" It is said that the author of that sentimental song, ' Oh, no, we never mention her,' is a Mr. Meredith, the proprietor of the British Staudard Tavern and Hotel, who composed the same during a sojourn at Naples."-Sydney Herald.

What part of the world is inhabited by Thomas Haynes Bayley at present ? Or is it probable he will ever behold the foregoing notice, which will inform him that "Mr. Meredith, the proprietor of the British Standard Tavern and Hotel," is the "real Simon Pure"? That Bayley must be a clever fellow though, to rule so long, and almost alone, the chieftain of lyric writers, without, as it would now seem, the slightest pretension to that

exalted rank. But "murder will out;"

and after being detected in this dishonour-able appropriation of so beautiful an effusion of Mr. Meredith's pen as the po-pular ballad alluded to, we should not be surprised to hear that Mr. Sippe, of the Royal Hotel, is the author of " Songs of the Boudoir," which have so long passed current as Bayley's. Joking apart, it is not fair to quiz "mine host" of the Standard in this way.

Mr. WILLIAMS attended tho Coun-cil Chamber on Thursday, to present the petition which we noticed in our last, and also to argue the publicans' petition; the second reading of the Court of Requests' Bill, having been appointed for that day. On the motion, however (as was understood), of the CHIEF JUS-TICE, the second reading of that Bill was postponed to the 8th of August.

By an extract of a letter from England to a gentleman in Sydney, we leam that two thousand bushels of Bengal wheat were imported into Liverpool, on the 15th of March last. The average price of British wboat was then 7s. 6d. a bushel-Leicestershire wool, from lOd. to Is. a lb.-beef and mutton, from Gd. Id.-and other articles of provision in proportion.-Trade was dull.

A correspondent informs us, that nitric acid vapour, used in fumigation, is the very best remedy for preventing contagion in diseases Ilka the cholf/a. The Postmaster made us« oí this acid in fumigating the mail by the El.mbeth.


Some writer tells tis, that whenever he J found any tiling interesting in his clas-sics, he kissed the book ; whenever we find a spirit of toleration and forbearance in the reported decisions of the Police Magistrates of London, wo aro tempted to pay tho same compliment to tho news-papers. Such being our disposition, the following account of the success of a fri-volous application, takeu from an Eng-lish journal, has afforded us extreme

satisfaction : -

UNIOH HALL-Two unfortunate-looking Italians wore brought up in custody, charged with exhibit-ing a species of bird that annoyed the public The policeman stated, that it was at the particular request of the inhabitants of Camberwell he apprehended tbo dofoudants in the parish. One of them playo J a hand-organ, whilo his companion was employed in oxhibitingalargo bird, which he (the policeman) did not know the namo of, with eyes as lurga at saucers. The women particularly wore very much olarmed at

tho sight of so disgusting an object ; and he, there-' fore, had brought bird, owners, music, and all, bo foro the Magistrate, in order that he might dispose

of the lot as he doomed fit.

Tho Magistrate oxprossod a wieb to soo a hird whioh was described of so forbidding an aspect, when one of the defendants unslung from his shoul-ders a box, out of which jumped a very fine buzzard.

" Well," said tho Magistrate, .. what do you want mo to do with these poor fellows'! What charge havoyouto make against thom? Ionnnot, for my part, see that there is any thing hideous in the appearance of the bird.

Policeman-Your worship, look what a pair of eyes ho has got. Why, if some ladies happened to get o sight of su oh a ferocious-looking bird, lhare is no knowing what might be the consequence. Í think, your worship, that the defendants were com-mitting aelt of vagrancy, in exhibiting suoh a fright-ful bird in tho public highway.

Tho Magistrate repoated that he could not dis-tinguish any thing rovolting in the exhibition of such n biri); and that the policeman might oswell havo apprehended any other itinornnt showmnn. The defendants were then discharged, to the no small gratification of the auditory."

The habit of requiring tho interven-tion of the law to meet every little non-sensical annoyance to the quiet or tasto of the good folks in England, is one of the most unamiable of their defects. They are so completely law-ridden, that when any trifling matter offends (hem, the question that immediately occurs is, under what law is it punishable : and they have seldom far to seek for a re-medy, thanks to the activity of the legis-lature ; which is either a cause or a consequence-it would be hard to decide which-of the prurient litigiousness of the people. This fault is not of recent origin ; for an eminent dramatic writer of the last century makes his booby squire, on hearing that a waggoner had used uncivil language, advise, " Have him before the parliament, father ;" no other than tho tribunal in the last resort occurring to the constitutional mind of the worshipful squire. In tho story quoted above, wo see that the good people of Camberwell look offenco at the magnitude of a buzzard's eyes, which they esteemed of a size dan-gerous to Camberwell society. The fair inhabitants of that village, whoso obser-vation of birds is, most probably, limited to house-sparrows, and may be a few draggle-tailed cocks and dingy hen*, would, it was apprehended, find the buz-zard's eyes too large for their reason and courage, and bo betrayed into strange disorders by so fearful an apparition. There is no law on the statute book against bu/.zards' eyes, but thore is one against vagrancy, and the poor boys were accordingly to be punished as Va-grants, because their bird's eyes were larger than acceptable to the good folks at Camberwell, Glad we are that the worthy Magistrate treated the frivolous application in the proper manner. A very small degree of consideration would show the cruelty of these common appeals to heavy laws on light occasions, «£$>


i pf wheat that arrived in town this week, exoceded

by some seven or eight hundred bushels, the supply of last week ; hut no material alteration took place in price. Maize was abundant at last weeks quota tions. Barley, oats, and rye, rather scarce. Dairy produce and vegetables as last week, with the ex-ception of pototoes, of these there was a good supply of excellent quality, but the price is running up. No alteration in meat, poultry, hay, or etrair.

Lieutenant-Colonel Snodgrass, C. B. Brigade Major, as senior officer of the garrison, was sworn in a Member of Council, on Thursday, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Lindesay, removed with his

regiment to India.

There are three companies of the 39th

remaining in the colony under Major Poole, instead

of two as before stated.

A pay serjeant of the 17th regiment has absconded, considerably in debt.

Yesterday was the anniversary of the

battle of Talavera, in which the gallant 39th sus-

tained a distinguished part.

The Woodlark, and Sir William Wallace, will sail the beginning of next week for

the sperm fisheries.

A report was curront yesterday morn-ing in the mercantile ciroles, tlmt the General Hal. ken had arrived at Hobart Town, previous to the sailing of the Medway, but wo have ascertained that

such was not tho fact.

Captain Williams, the present com-manding officer of the body-guard and mounted police, waa formerly a captain in the 9lh lancers, in which corps he was greatly respected.

Wo perceive by tho English papers that the cholera is spreading its ravages throughout the vicinity of London. This, no doubt, is a glorious time for the Would-be-Burkers, OB they will now bo able to procuro subjects for the surgeons without en-dangering their nook» as formorly.-Front a corres


FRICTION AND COLD WASHING.-An inattention to the eoudition of the surface of the body is a fruitful source of stomach ailment ; and one of the principles upon which exercise proves beneficial to the dyapeptio is, that of its tendency to proserre the execration« from, the skin in good condition. Friction of the surface ought to be en-joined as one of tho most useful remedies for indi-gestion. This should b» had recourse to every { morning, immediately on rising from bed ; and

i with it should bo combined a sort of shower-bath

I by a sponge. I bave not been BO satisfied, io my

own case, with any single article of preventatire management as the one I now refer to. It is pre Tentative both of stomach derangement and of that inordinate susceptibility to cold which is usually a concomitant of stomach weakness ; and I have no hesitation in saying, that it ought to be employed by all whose nerveB and digestive organs are in any degree disposed to be out of order. Of cold; sinco I have adopted the practico, I ara compara-tively careless, and mv digostive energies are im» proved, to say the least, in on equal proportion. It is a practice in my mind, far superior to the pluiig_ ing in the cold bath.-Dr, Unwini on Indication.