Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Saturday 2 January 1836, page 2


Yesterday, the long talked of cricket match, between the emigrants, and the 17th regiment, took place in Hyde Park, and, as was pretty generally anticipated, it terminated in the inglorious defeat of the former. The military side was quite equal as batsmen to their antagonists, but in point of fielding, they were infinitely superior. The Gentlemen cricketers seem-ed not to relish excertion ; they would not condesend to bend their backs - and the result was, that they had not the shadow of a chance of obtaining the victory. A wag was heard to say upon the ground, that the soldiers were taught by their profession to face any ball ; while it was remarked that the gentlemen of the oppo-site side were accustomed only to encoun-ter a ball of brandy. Be it as it may, the Military completely beat their antag-nists out of the field. At the close of the game the notches was as follows : -


First Innings 180

Second ditto 63


First Innings 43 Second ditto 60

Total 103

Majority in favor of the Military 140

The best batsmen among the losing party were evidently Messrs J. R. Hardy and O'Reilly - and had the rest of the players of their side, at all resembled

them and also exerted themselves a trifle more in fielding, they might have had a chance of winning ; as it was the odds against them were, the British Em-pire, to a Blackfellow's goanna. Eleven Australians have challenged the winners, who we doubt not will adept the pro-ferred gage, and strive their utmost to retain tain that laurel which their yesterday's victory has gained them. The ground was crowded during the whole of the day, and much dublic anxiety seemed to be entertained respecting the result of

the match.

The health of Mr. Hely we regret to hear, compels him to retire from the active duties of Principal Superintendent of Convicts, an appointment which he has filled for upwards of eleven years, great credit to himself, and satisfaction to the public. A public Officer more efficient than Mr. H, was, is not easily

to be found.

Mr. Brennand the acting Solicitor General and positive Coroner, it is ru-moured will have the acting appointment vacated (we trust but temporarily) by Mr. Hely. Tria juncia in uno! those good things all in one! ! there must needs be a

mistake somewhere.

Mr. Cohen, tailor, residing in Den-mark-place, Georae-street, whose repo-sitory of fashionable costumes has suffered very materially from sundry pilferings of ¡late, has ob ained a clue to some of the

larcenous Contrivances iu the capture of a waistcoit, tho sai I vestment having been manufactured out of a pjece of waist coating stolen Iront hin} several months since, An assigned servant of Mr. Richard Wiltshire's is in e,u»txly of th« Police, charged with feloniously receiving parto! the said piece of waistcoating, and through his information, a man named Ikelly appear* to bo implicated in the transac lion. The Police are actively on the lo.ik out for the latter, and in the mean time Mr. Wiltshire's servant stands re maided for further examination.

An assigned servant named John Daw ley or Daley, belonging te a settler resid-ing at Portland Head, was apprehended in G eorgo street a few d tys since by James Orr, late a conducor in the Sydney Police, us a runaway. It turns out, however, that the prisoner is con-nected in some way «iib a man named Carpenter, who is in custody on several charges of horse stealing. Both the par-ties arc remanded for further examination this diy.

William Wright, an assigned servant of Dr. John Lhotsky, of Australian Alps Mineral water notoriety, was yesterday sentenced by Messrs. Windeyer and Barker, to twelve months sojourn in an ironed gang, for absconding from his service, it being no less than his fourth oil'nee in this respect. It appeared from the stitcmcnt of ihe prisoner's mailer, that (he delinquent had a peculitr pen-chant for residing at a>i iron gang, think-ing that at the expiration of his term of consignment Uleroo, he should be re-assigned lo some other pers« n in Sydney, in whose service he might be enabled to earn something considerable for himself, as a painter, plumber, and glazier, he being, iu the opinion of the learned Bavarian botanist (his master) " a very clever fellow" in that polite art. Mr. Windeyer told tho prisoner that he would very probably find out to his cost, that an ironed gang was not the place of re-creation his fend fancy had pictured to him; anl that ho would also be disap-pointed as to again visiting Sydney before the expiraron of his term ol' transporta lion, for his linster having doclinod hin future services, his future pursuits would be limited «xcluiircly to tho interior ol

the colony. Di;. Lho'sky has «Isa been' subject lo. some petty pijforincs of late.; a luckless wight having boen delected in the- unlawful possession ni como mineral water, made by lum, the said Dr. John Lhotsky, on his Australian Alps expedi-tion. What is still moro extraordinary, especially during the present festive se ison, the stolen water was, by no means !of that description usuallv known under

the designation of aqua vitce.

In consequence of the raffle which took place last evening at the Royal Hotel tor some land, Mr. Alexander Dick's raffle for the three gold and three silver watches, as advertised for the same time at Mr.

Samuel Lyons's rooms, stands adjourned

sine die.

Flour has f dieu in price during the present week, strong symptoms of an' approaching fruitful harvest, and also of a glorious harvest for the monopolising dealers in grain. >io cure for Ibis ca/i kering disease can possibly be effected, until the mechanic or labourer has «ufli cictit pecuniary means at his command for purchasing an adequate supply of thi« chief article of human food, for several months' consumption for himself ami family. If it were possible to effect this, the measure would prove a death blo.v to that most pernicious of all practices,, under the specious plea of commercial dealings, called monopolising specula-tions in grain.

A trooper of the mounted police ap-prehended three loungers in the neigh-bourhood of the Parramatta river, on Thursday last, suspecting them to be runaways. Capt.Williams, of the mounted, police, having heard of the commission of a series of depredations in that vicinity, ordered his party stationed at Longbot-tom to be on the active look out, and the capture of ethe three prisoners was the consequence. Their names are John Rogers, John Jones, and Jeremiah Healy; the two former convicts under sentence of transportation for life, and the latter, according to his own account, free. Cor-poral Lane, who came up immediately after the apprehension of the party, took a certificate of freedom from ihe person, of Jones, who said he found it on the Brickfield hill, but Healy immediately said it was his, and that he had been a free man ever since the month of March.. It appeared that an old man had been stripped at Iron Cove Bridge by three men answering the description of the prisoners, who took from him all his wearing apparel, which they afterwards returned to him, on finding that he pos-sessed only threepence. The prisoners, who are all athletic looking young men, underwent an examination yesterday be-fore the Police Bench, and were remanded until Monday next, in order to give time for the plundered parties to identify them.

Yesterday's market was well supplied with fruit and vegetables ; dairy produce was scanty ; poultry very scarce, and of inferior quality, which is attributable to the Christmas consumption. Fowls, 2* 6d to 3s ; ducks, 5s to 5s 6d ; geese, 8s to 8s 6d ; turkies, none; roasting pigs, none ; fresh butter, 2s 3d to 2s 6d ; salt. Is 6d to 2s ; eggs, 1s 9d ; salt pork, 7d to 8d; bacon, none; ham, 1s.

Potatoes, New Sunland, for seed, IO-:; best colonial, 12s to 14s; cabbages, Is G I to 2s ; carrots and turnips, 3d p.îr bunch ; cauliflowers (scarce) 3d to 4d per heat) ; celery, 3d per pandie ; onions, 2.1 to 31 per pound ; ^recn peas, 2s Gd to 3s per peck ; broad beins, Is Gd per peck ; French ditto, Is Gd ; cucumbers, 3d to

Gd each.

Apples, G I to Is G.l per dozen ; pears. Gd to Is Gd ditto ; apt ¡cots, 9d to Is ditto; peaches, 2d to öd ditto ; arline plumbs, Is ditto ; green gages, Is to Is Gd ; straw-berries, Is 3d per quart; oranges. Is Gi %i 2s per dozen ; lemon, GJ to Is ditto.

In our paper of the 14th instan', ap deared a paragraph (furnished by our reporter) relative to au alleged accident, as likely to have taken place at Bowler's Bridge on the Liverpool Koad. We are sorry that any observations, we inay make upon " passing events" should have the effect of injuring any individual. Such we are given to understand has been the effect of the paragraph above alluded to. We cannot therefore do otherwise than

give an explanation of the affair as it


One of the w/ieeZ-horses jibbed, and tua passengers became alarmed ; but it does not appear that any blame could be attached to the driver (who has been

sixteen years coachman in the colony.) >'

We believe that the report lias been made lo our reporter by some perjon, to whom it would perhaps be more ad-vantageous lo attend to their own busi-ness, than to injure any unoffending and hardworking individual.

We call the attention of our readers lo

astandingadverstisement in the front pi ce immediately above the vignette of the hours of arrival in Sydney, and delivery of the Country Mail*. Thia arrangement will prevent delays by ihe letter carriers in ihe delivery of the town letters, and (he information being furnished from, the Post Office will appear in evidence against them if any irre¿ularaty occurs.

A Sale by Public Auction will take place at the Police Office on the 21st, instant, of various articles that have been found and taken from suspected pers ins. The list and dc^ription of anieles will be seen in the Government Gazette, published in our 4th page,

Two Aboriginal Blacks have been forwarded from Bathurst to the Sydney Jail, committed to take their trials for the murder of one of their tribe. They appear perfectly unconcerned as to the


The Calender for the ensuing crimina' sittings of the Supreme Court is swelling to a fearful size ; the crimes however are for the most part, of a petty nature when compared with the last Calender,- on which were no fewer than six or eight eases of,murdcr besides numerous highway robberies of an aggravated nature,

We beg to tlitect the attention of the Public to an alrerlisement of horses, supposed lo be stolen, now in the custody of the Police at Penrith published in ihe last Government Gazette. The animals with their brands are fully described in I the Advertisement,