Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Saturday 8 August 1835, page 2



WE beg to call the attention of the public to the proceedings of the General Patriotic Association, held at the Pul-teney Hotel, on Wednesday, the 5th instant, a report of which was advertized in the Sydney Gazette of the following day. It must be really gratifying to the public, and to the friends of the Colony at home, to see such men as Sir John Jamison, Messrs. Blaxland, Wentworth, Mackaness, T. P. Macqueen, and others, coalescing for the purpose of obtaining from the Home Government a boon, almost the highest she could confer upon us. These gentlemen are among the most popular of the day, and the amount of subscription (£1,445 12s. being the last amount advertized) clearly shews that the cause in which they are engaged is equally popular. Surely the Commons' House will not oppose the wish of the Colonists in this matter; but from the Lords we have considerable fear, inas-much, as they know nothing of these Colonies (some of them perhaps never heard them mentioned, unless in their

places in the House, or through the public journals, after a discussion on the subject in the Lower House), and igno-rance is always obstinate and opposed to liberal measures. Be it permitted us to make a few cursory remarks on the pro-ceedings themselves. The resolution by which Sir J. Jamison takes the perma-nent Chairmanship and Messrs. McQueen, Mackaness, and Wentworth, as Vice chairmen, reflects credit on its initiators, proposer, and seconder. It appears to

have been formed with a view to obviate

the inconvenience likely to arise from the election of a Chairman pro. tem. in the absence of a regularly appointed Chairman, which might probably often occur, were there only one so appointed, or even with two, where they both reside generally in the interior as in the case of Sir J. J. and T. P. McQueen, Esq. The appointment of Messrs. Mackaness and Wentworth, whose pursuits and avo-

cations render their residence in or near Sydney indispensably necessary, provides against such case; and although it is declared in the same resolution compe-tent for parties constitutionally met, to elect their Chairman in the absence of any one of the gentlemen above men-tioned, yet we consider the case as likely to occur so seldom, as to render such a clause superfluous. It is, however, a mark of courtesy to the great body of subscribers. We are happy to see the the Secretary to the Association is to be elected by ballot; but we very much doubt whether £300 per annum will be found a sufficient remuneration after the first six or twelve months, when the machinery of the association shall be brought into full operation. We would recommend, therefore, that a discretion-ary power be vested in the Directing Committee, to add to the salary of the Secretary in Sydney and of other officers (not honorary), to be hereafter appointed as they may see fit. We rather think there is an error in the next resolution

moved by Dr. Bland. If the Directing Committee be to consist of every member who shall have subscribed, and paid up, the sum of £5 or upwards, what occasion for an annual determination at the gene-ral meeting of the Association? The names and numbers of those subscribers can always be ascertained from the Secre-tary, or from the printed alphabetical list, as provided for by the first resolu-tion. Would it not be bettor that a Direct-ing Committee, to consist of a fixed num-ber of persons, should be elected out of the £5 subscribers. We submit this sub-ject to the consideration of the general meeting on the 5th September. We re-

commend such a step on the ground of numbers, and we object to numbers in a committee, on the principle that where there are so many a greater degree of dis-similarity in opinion exists; and as in the House of Commons, or Committees of the whole house, their whole time is lost in argument and discussion; and even the proposition itself, whence all the ar-guments spring, is sometimes lost sight of. The motion made by the Rev. H. Carmichael, and seconded by W. H. Moore, Esq., so far as concerns the de-termining of the Directing Committee for the ensuing year at the annual July Meeting, is open to the same objections we have just made, unless, as we begin to suspect, the resolution last mentioned is limited to the year ending July, 1836, only; but, even so, the latter part of our remarks, we think, still hold good rela-tive to the numbers. We are happy to find that the expediency of accrediting a Secretary from this Colony to assist Mr. Bulwer in London, about which so much has been written and said, and so much ill feeling created, is referred to the bal-lot as well as the election of Secretary to the Association in Sydney. The Di-recting Committee meet again this day at the Royal Hotel, and the General Meet-ing on the 5th September.

-WK purpose, as often as possible, to

furnish our readers with the evidence of such gentlemen as have given their opi-nions regarding the immigration of all description o; persons to this Colony. We attempted to condense and contras their opinions ; bnt as tho effect oT such compression would only have separated much valuable suggestion, and accurate statistical deductions and facts, that course we have been actually obliged to abandon, from inability to do it adequate justice. The evidence given in detail, presents much that must instruct every reader. Our opinions on immigration generally have been published at large already. New views, however, have arisen on perusing the evidence ; and wc shall not only revert to a fair and copi-ous consideration of the question on an early day, but in the meantime, invite the communications of such gentlemen as may desiro to elucidate any particular portion of the question. The most prac-tical and satisfactory statement is that of Dr. Eckford, and we publish it with pleasure, on account ef the facts it em-bodies, and the clear and able view this intelligent gentleman entertains of this complex and important subject.

FRIDAY, MAY 29,1835.

Janies Eckford, Esq., Surgeon and Doctor of Medcine, called in; and exa-mined. I came out in the capacity of Surgeon Superintendant of the " Duch-ess of Northumberland," which ship arri-ved in this Colony on the 27th February last, with two hundred and fify four immi-grants, of whom two hundred and thirty

were females.

I had an opportunity of knowing how those females were collected in Ireland.

In Dublin, certain persons from phi-lanthropic motives formed themselves into a Committee, with the view of se-lecting proper females of good character as Emigrants. They acted gratuitously. They received applications from all parts of the Country from persons who were desirous of emigrating. The Committee generally applied to the Clergyman of the Parish to ascertain the characters of the applicants, who were obliged to pre-sent themselves to the Committee, and to produce satisfactory testimonials of character before they could be admitted

as Emigrants.

A similar Committee was formed in Cork, established by persons belonging to the Society of Friends, who performed their duties with great zeal and effici-ency. There is also an agent for emi-

gration at Cork, appointed by the Go-vernment, who co operated with the Committee in the selection of the Emi-grants, most of the females appeared before the Committee, and were questi-oned particularly as to their moral cha-racter and habits. There was a superior class of persons desirous of emigrating, but who were deterred by the representa-tions made in the " Times" newspaper, of the treatment they were likely to receive ; not only on the passage but on the arrival in this Colony, and a great number of them, who had entered their names to come by the " Duchess of Northumberland," withdrew in conse-


The representations I allude to, were made very shortly before the sailing of the ship. From the official situations

of some of the members of the Cork Com-mittee, a greater confidence was given to respectable persons desirous of emigrat-ing, and who were therefore more dis-posed to entrust themselves to their advice and protection. I have no doubt that a great number of Emigrants might be ob-tained from Ireland on the same principle as that adopted in the case of those who came out in the " Duchess of Northum-berland."

That ship was 550 tons register mea-surement, with a crew of thirty five men, under the management of a Captain and and four Officers. She brought out

cargo on private account, to the amount of between 300 and 400 tons ; on which account, there was not sufficient room for the proper stowage of the provisions, which in consequence became mouldy, particularly the biscuit. Two thousand guineas were paid by the Government for the charter of the ship, and the private goods that came out, probably yeilded from £2 to £3 a ton freight.

I understood that the amount of the

charter party was for the entire use of

the ship.

The general character of the Emi-grants was good, with but few exceptions. There were some sent out by the Govern-ment of Ireland whose characters the Committee had not an opportunity of ascertaining; and who generally were

not so well conducted as the rest.

The scale of rations issued, was similar

in all respects to that established for the

female convict ships, but I had the de-cretion of extending the allowances, if I thought the health of the emigrants required it ; and in consequence of the above privilege, for which the additional expense incurred was very trifling, the healthy state of the females was main-tained, only one death occuring from disease alone, during the voyage. Two gallons of wine were to be put on board for the use of each female during the voyage, according to a printed circular, which every Emigrant is put in possession of upon her application for a passage to the Colony, which has likewise the sign-ature of the agent for the above service affixed to it. No wine however, was put on board by the agent, and in order to prevent that want of harmony which was likely to arise among the females from such a circumstance, upon my men-tioning it to Captain Jobling, he, with liberality of feeling and justice, which does him great honor, instantly offered to give me rum in lieu of it, (the ship being laden with this article,) upon his receiv-ing from me a letter explanatory of the above negligence. This was, as a matter of course thankfully accepted ; some stimulus being absolutly neccessary for maintaining the health of the females, in a tropical climate.

On their arrival in Sydney, the Emi-grants were immediately visited by per-sons of the highest respectability and influence in the Colony, who inspected the state of the ship, and ordered suita-table accommodations to be prepared for their reception upon landing. The ar-rangements which were made for their disembarkation reflect the highest credit upon those philanthropic individuals who volunteered their services upon this occasion, not only in forwarding by every means in their power, the comfort of the female emigrants, but also in holding out to them the same protection which they enjoyed in their native country. Too much praise cannot be lavished upon the laudable and zealous manner in which

the Committee of Ladies in Sydney came forward to undertake the arduous task,

not only of inspecting the certificates of

character and qualifications of the females but also of directing them in their choice of situations. The Ladies composing the Committee were connected with persons filling the highest official appointments in the Colony ; and which circumstance enabled them to give such advice to the females, in their choice of situations that presented themselves, as was calculated to conduce, as far as possible, to their permanent welfare.

The house in which the females were

accommodated was airy and commodious, and the internal arrangments such as to merit the approbation of the females themselves. The provisions were good, each female being allowed one pound of

fresh meat ; tea, sugar, and other neces-saries which they stood in need of, were also issued to them daily. There was therefore no dissatisfaction expressed by the females,as far as could he ascertained, at the treatment they experinced while under the protection of the authorities ; and the grateful remembrance of which, cannot be easily effaced from their


Those who were not suited with such situations as the Committee of Ladies

would sanction, remained under the pro-

tection of the authorities until situations of respectability presented themselves. More than one half of the females were engaged in respectable situations upon the day they landed, showing evidently, that good female servants were much sought after in New South Wales. I am induced therefore to make to the Committee the following practial obser-vations and suggestions upon this sub-jest :—

Emigration to New South Wales may be divided into four classes, and each, if properly conducted, made, not only

greatly to contribute to the permanent welfare of those emigrating, but also to confer a lasting benefit upon the Colony ; at the same time relieving the Mother Country from a load which she will be desirous to throw off.

The four classes to which I shall briefly allude, are first, single adults of both sexes; second, married couples without incumbrance ; third, families containing in them children, and also adults of both sexes ; fourth. Emigrants of both sexes between the ages of twelve and eighteen years, obtained from the various Hospi-tals and Institutions of Great Britain and Ireland. The first class of Emigrants mentioned, having already had an exten-sive trial, every resident in the Colony must be able to bear testimony respecting its results. My own experience only goes to prove, that should it still be con-tinued, the Colonial Government will be under the necessity of adopting some measures to prevent the moral degrada-tion to which female Emigrants are ex-posed after their arrival in the Colony of New South Wales, and when they have entered into their respective situa-tions; for many females emigrating I

can affirm, have enjoyed the benefits of such an institution as a " House of Re-fuge," in their native country, and much permanent good has accrued to them from such an establishment, in affording the requisite protection to their morals, and holding out every encouragement to the virtuous and well disposed during the time they are out of place. It must be a matter of serious consideration to every truly virtuous female who may be desir-ons of emigrating, what degree of pro-tection she may expect to receive at the

hands of strangers in the country of her adoption, especially in a Colony where the population is of such a discription as

that of New South Wales. On these grounds, therefore, an Institution of this kind is urgently required ; for, al-though it is much to be regretted, it may not be in the power of the Colonial Gov-ernment to prevent that contamination to which female Emigrants are exposed

on account of their unavoidable associa-

tions in their respective situations, with the transported felons of the Mother Country ; still an Asylum of such a na-ture as the above ought to be afforded to thoso who have not imbibed the immoral taint with which they have been brought in contract, as a protection to them when not in service, and from which they might again be sent to respectable situations, thereby fostering any moral feeling (how-ever little) which might exist in their minds. According to the present system the condition of the transported felon from the Mother Country is truly better than that of the virtuous Emigrant. If the services of the former are not required by the individual to whom assigned, he or she is supported in an establishment, or in other words a " House of Refuge," at the expense of the Government until re-employed.

(to be continued.)

The report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the Port Dues aud Pilot-age on vessels trading between New South Wales and Van Diemou's Land, lias come under our observation. It ap-pears lobe recommended that no distinc-tion be made between vessels registered here, and vessels registered in any other part of the British dominions. This, and charges as low as tho employment of competent pilots, tho support of tho ne-cessary lights, and other measures of se-

curity will permit, will certainly have , tho effect-intended by the committee, viss,

the encouragement of shipping of every , description to frequent our ports. To

placing the trade with Van Diemen'« , Land ou the footing of a coasting trade, it is objected that it would be de. tri ni mi

tal to our mercantile interests, in so much as the sjstem of drawbacks on sundry goods, subject lo duty here, and exported from hence to that colony is concerned. It is worthy of remark that the charges on a vessel of ninety tons burthen at Ho-bart Town amounts to £.10 10s. 8d., while the samo vessel coming here is only charged £7; we thus pay our neighbours £.3 JOs. Od. more than they pay us. It

s further recommended that vessels trad-

ing regularly from Hobart Town to Port Jackson should be exempt from Pilot Dues, except where the services of a pilot shall bo required, and he be actu-ally employed ; but this will not extend to vessels arriving at V. D. 's Land from any other placo, and then coining hither, nor to vessels proceeding from hence to Van Dicmen's Land with an ulterior destination. Such is an outline of the

report, and wc think, if it be attended to, much benelit may arisa to our enterpris-ing merchants.

We were present at a formal decision pronounced in the Court of Requests by the learned Commissioner yesterday, from which we beg leave, with the utmost deference, to dissent ni tuto. A Mrs. -'--incurred a debt of upwards of seven pounds about eighteen months'

since with Mr. J. J. Wood, the haber-dasher of George-street, and the account not being settled in the month of Novem-ber last, Mr. Wood sent a peremptory message to his debtor, "to the effect that unless the demand.Wore instantly liqui-dated, he would proceed to extremities.

Ution this a Mr.-tendered to

Mr. Wood his note of hand at one month for the ammount, which he accepted, giving his receipt in general terms, as an acquittance ot iha claim against Airs. -. The note being dishonoured when it became due, Mi^ Wood sued Mrs.-for the original debt,without pro ceeding upon the note of hand. Mr.Wood swore that when he accepted the note of hand from Mr.-there was an express understanding between them, that un-less the note should be duly retired, his claim to sue the original debtor should not be vitiated. This arrangement was denied by the other side-oath opposed to oath-hut Mr. Wood had, as he confes-sed since the case had come into court, indorsed upon his bill of parcels, a me-morandum to tho eilect of that arrange-ment, a circumstance alone, which we should say, was sufficiently calculated to throw a doubt upon his statement. The« learned Commisssioner, in giving judg

ment, said that he must consider the note of hand given by Mr.-as a mere secu-rity for the debt*, which wa3 void, as it had boen diihonoured. Really we can-not see how this is reconcüonblo to law, although the justice ot the case may have been Diet bv it. The nott! of hand itself which is still in the Plaintiff's possession, expresses, no condition-it is drawn up in tho usual general terms-and it is t . all intents and purposes a bona fidâ negoci-able instrument, the amount of which in the hands of a third parly, may be re-covered, and could not be recovered .against tho drawer. We wish wo could

passover the rest of the caso in silence, but really the conduct of tho plaintif! I was so tinlike that which it should hive

been, that we think he merits public ex-posure. Not contented with'wantonly I insulting the defontlant in open court,

by »raluitonsly stating that she was living in an immoral state ; be, when the qucs I lion, was mooted as to time being allowed ! for payment upon which subjoct the de-fendant feelingly adverted to the slender pittance she reaped from her profe.ssien, ¡insolently remarked thit she had other means by which she could pay him, than i those which her salary aflbrded. The ,Coniinis<io!icr very jnslly reprobated

sucli insulting conduct on the part of the plaintiff, and we must say that had he met with a sound horsewhipping for his ¡pains, he would have mot with no more

than ho deserted.


.We call particular attention to thowell wishes of Mr. Francis Stophcn, screen editor of the Australian, attorney at law, and so forth, as conveyed to tho public in that journal of Friday last. Wc es-teem the solicitude, of this most tender-hearted gentleman as much as any man can, and wo beg to apprise bim that the rocket is ready for launching. His pro. fessional character is high. Do not ima-gine wo sneer. His moral reputation is unblemished-why really wc are in ear nent-ergo, the wishes or sentiments of this legal griffin (as we say in tho cast),

must have great weight. He condoles I with us on tho infatuation of the Gazette, and regrets Mr. Rudder should have received the testimonials of confidence,

?Vc. on account of his collision willi us, I and sapient Mr. Francis Stephen predicts ourduwuf ill by means, no doubt, of his invincible batteries, his towering inso-lence, and perhaps viper like feeling towards ourselves. Verily, for his re-

membrance in one way, the clever attor- 1 ney forgets a certain letter addressed to a certain party, and by him placed in our possession, pledging his private honor to hold confidence with regard to a certain Walter. Ile will no doubt understand us, Ile refused to relinquish it then, and he must explain or redeem his pledged honour on an early day -but moro anon. Tho Australian has felt tho enquirer's rod. It has passed under the yoke, and by fits and fumes vainly endeavours to disguise its perfect insignificance by the cbulitions which indicate malice without opportunity or ability to wreak them. Mr. Stephens in a public court will like-ly be read an useful lesson. An impres-sive one is now rehearsing, and we look forward with the buoyanc-y of oonfidenoe to an exposure of many transactions, the very publicity of which will oblige seve-ral snails, known to Mr. Attorney, to

seek the shell of seclusion. We are not

yet in the predicament Mr. Stephen so ardently desires. Wo (the Gazette) ap-preciate his wishes, and the public will be able, to discern his motives, in thus turning prophet ; but our fortunes and those of the *' infatuated Gazette" are not dependant on the talismaniu wand of an attorney, and his poor dingy man Fri-day, bolstered up with a certain thing now locked up in Hunter-street. Mr

Rudder whom the parties in question will passively make an impotent cat's paw to snarl about, will be best bene filed by being forgotten. We never sought his notice, his impetuosity de-manded ours, and he has regretted and

felt it, otherwise why seek the mantle of a vote of thanks to cast a gleam of illu-sory sunshine on his conduct? It is in fact to console Mr, Stephen when so boldly defeated as his attorney. It is our impression that Mr. Hardy requires one also ; and we do verily believe that Messrs. George Jelf, George Cavanagh, E. W. O'Shaughnessy, Major Mudie, Messrs. Webber, Dr. Lang, Stephens and Stokes, and Old Towler and Growler, and Dingo, and the whole canine fraternity will condole with him on the whipping we have callously and unfeelingly administered. Have they no other victim on whom to try the experi-ment of a committal? It is easy to find one. Squabbles like the present are not invited, whether with the Scotch Pope or with his dunderpated confederates. Forced upon us by the imbecility of any sort of reputed rogues or fools, we feel obliged to retort and lament a necessity so very disagreeable and repugnant to our better natures. The purity of the Bar, and the excelleucy of thoso pro ; ceedings, which hold up the Attorney to 'execration (where he lends the chicanery

of legality to the pursuits of personal and " notorious" malicoj, cannot be too highly applauded ; when proven, i it ought to strike him from the rolls. We too, have a cue. Why should any Barristor, of high repute, not disdain abominable

lucre us the nurchase of his feel inns or

his conscience ? Why should a gentle-man of property and private indepen-dence become the tool of malice ? and the instrument of a gainlcss and vindic-tive persecution? Why not look at the motives-at the merits-at the end? And why not, with contempt and derison, throw down and trample upon a brief, where the malus animus, or the essence of perfect trumperyness, is more promineut than the sentiments of justice or the dic-tate of private honour and public law ? What must he dismissed, ought not to be entertained. The Bar should present an efficient restraint upon the petty-fogging of a rapacious, disreputable, and mali-cious Attorney. " That animal," said Dr. Wardell, "has found its way into this Colony." The Bar was then not so select as now, but if the few learned gentlemau who rule tho field, do not,

like Mr. Foster (and we proudly name] bim), oppose actions, civil or criminal,

whore immediate injustice ii perpc ttratcd, and ultimate dismissal positive ; what does society gain hy the separation of folds-hy the division of the wolves from the sheep-or by dividing the lit nos t Attorney or Barrister from the ra. venous r -gue and un'oeling vagabond Our indignation will lead us too far. Personality wo now wish now to aban-don if the foe will allow it, until duly calls us to the onset. The " notojious" ami " unjust" shall be restored to notice wherj the mine is countermined on the 17th. Wo say tho 17th» because on that day our personal and political enemies will be unmasked by themselves, not < n our account, but through an intended aera fice. There is treachery in the camp ; tho throuts of the parties have gone far enough. "Where roguos con-cert, as some, have done to our know-ledge, they are li.iblo to overshoot the maik. Traitors aro dangerous com-r panions. Judas haï many imitators. Too muoh vehomence, too much ar decy has dispelled the fairy dreams of an host of hornets. '. Betray w,ith a kiss," is the same as " relieve mo and I destroy you." But we again repeat, where is the patriot flame that burned so sprightly and so often in the van of battle against oppres-sion and cruelty! lias it subsided!

Away with the temptation of gain. Bo | yo a mau again, and sustain your repu-tation on the firmest principle upon the ¿orner slono of conscience .an.d of ho-nour! Wo saw him blush in secret, and wish himself away. It was a trepan for iiitn. The sentiments of shamo woro latent in its expression, is not the less estimable in its etui. May dishonour

tarnish a wilful-¡in obdurate man. The

noble spirit and the patriot's heart speak oDfy by actions. Let it speak now. Op pression and injustice is not the soil where honour and patriotism can hope lo vege-

tate or prosper.

DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT OFTHEPOUCE { On Thursday last, a charge was pro- ¡ feried at the Police Office before Messrs 2 li. Stewart (3rd police Magistrate) T. r P. Macqueen, and li. C. Sempill lisqs. [ against Messrs Isaac and Charles Nichols

for assul ing Constables Mooro and Ca- ? vauagh on the previous midnight in the execution of Iheirduty. The defendants were attended to tho offico by their bro-ther Mr. G. It. Nichols, the Solicitor. The circumstances of this case, as wo col-lect from the evidence offered on both sides, aro as follows. About twelve o'clock on the previous night, the De-fendants were proceeding lo Mr. J. T. Wilson's wharf, for tho purposo of moet ing tnoir brother, who returned by the steamer " Tamar " from a professional tour to Maitland. When they had ar-rived opposite the door of the receiving Watch-house, the defendants perceived a man and woman in ehargo of two con-stables, the Comer of whom was tender-

ing a peicc of paper purporting to be his certificate of freedom to one of them, the complainant Moore, who knocked it twice out of his hand with his baton of office'. The defendants went on their way with-out at this time taking any part in (he transaciioa-merely asking the woman, whq they heard telling the constables that she was free, and had just arrived from Hunter's River in the Steamer " Sophia Jane ", whether their brother had rrrivod in the "Tamar", 'o which she replied that they had left that Vessel aground in the river. The défendant then passed on to Wilson's wharf, and returned again in a few minutes, during which the constables had consigned the -nolens volens to " durance vile." They wore now engaged in tho very laudable occupation of dragging the woman Moore towards the watch-house, and Cavanagh in anpppGsi edirection towards Clarance Street, where she stated her father lived, ia which manly act, they tore her gown. The young female told I these ia human shape, that she

was a married woman, and that she bad

come to Sydney to see her father, Thomas Richardson, a pensioned soldier, with whom she had artived free in the Colony, and who was formet ly a constable in the Sydney Police, She also stated thal her father's residence was at hand, and that her infant of not quite two years old was there, to whom she was natur-ally anxious to go, and she requested them to accompany her there where they

would soon learn tho truth of her state

ment, but all to no purpose, the dragging o>c. being continued all the while with the fury of demons. At this staj;e of the busiuess, the Messrs Nichols very properly interfered «m the sorce of hu-manity ; anti civilly suggested to the» Constables the propriety of their comply-ing with the woman's demand,'the more especially as she appeared to be a person of respectability-upon which the valiant Constable Moore pushed Mr, Charles Nichols rudely away, telling him " he was no town Magistrate,1' and that he the constable," knew his own business best." Upon this, Mr. Isaac Nichols said" dont push him," at the same time declaring his name &c.-" I will, and you too " was the ncrovic reply, accompanied with an attempted seizure of Mr. Isaac Nic-hols's person. The latter then said with considerable warmth, " if you attempt that agnin, I'll knock you down." The constable persisted, and Mr. Isaac Nic-hols immediately struck him a voilent

blow in the face with his clenched fist, the effects of which were soon manifest in a copious bleeding at the nose. The constable then made at Mr. Isaac Nic-hols with his staff, but the latter at once disarmed him ; and others qf the corps coming up at this juncture, the par-ties were all conveyed to the lock-up. Mr. Daniel Egan, for whom the dcfcpdants sent whilo in cus-tody to become bail for their due ap-pearance before the bench, deposed that he saw the complainant Moore in the watch-house, and that from his conduct, be was quito certain ho was drunk-but constable T. Molloy, the keeper of the lock-up, although he would not under-take to say whether Moore teas drunk 01 sober, considered him fit for the perform-ance of his duty. There being no evi-

dence to counect Mr. Charles Nichols with the assault, ke was discharged, and his evidence taken for the defence. Mr.

G. R. Nichols then submitted on the part of the remaining defendant, that ho had dono no more than wlint the common feel-ings of any man would kavo dictated under snell cicunutances-and that bav-in i; cautioned the-constableagainst laying

hold; of bim, ho had merely used that ne- ' oessary force for (he protection of his ' perron which the law allowod to repel an assault. His brother might, he argued, I when possessed of the constable's staff,

| have made use of it oter the aggressor'»

head, and it was evident from his not doing so, that his own perenal proteo-' tion was all he had in viun\ The Bench

hiving consulted for a short time, said , they must oonviet Mr. Isaac Nichols of the assault, but as thero waa a degree of impropriety in the conduct of the con-stable, they would merely imposo a fine of ten shillings foi the offence. Mr. Nichols then reqtiostod tho Bench to send the case to tho Quarter Sessions, and the Magistrates having deliberated shortly, admitted that such a course would perhaps he the bettor ono. Mr. N. then entered into tho customary secu-rities, and left the office. It is rather an ¡unfortunate circumstance for the com-plainants, that they a short time since prefcrcd a similar chargo against a res ' peclablo publican named Morris, who

was acquitted by a Jury at the Session» upon their joint evidence It is not for one moment to b,c supposed that a res-pectable person such as Mr. Nichols, woulc wantonly assault a peace officer, ia order to impede lum in tho performance of his duty- indeed, as his brother very justly observed, his conduct on several occasions has been of tin decided rovers* nature* This case goes to shew how'dan gerous a thing it is for ignorant and vio-, lont men, to be clothed etea with " a little brief authority." .

"We insert the following letter from a " Resident of Williams' River," which» it correct, shews in plain terms the fear-ful height which immorality has attained in the interior of this Colony, Here are

a number of people met together for the . purpose of paying homage to their Makers ' but, in consequence of the noti-appear-. auce of the clergyman, they are disap-pointed in their religious intention. Would it have been more to their credit if they had returned to their houses in. a respectable manner, instead of profaning the Sabbath by getting beastly drunk ? We observe that the liquor was supplied from Mr. Wighton's house by one of his servants, but we trust that it was not with that gentleman's concurrence. If we may judge from our correspondent's let-ter ii will very naturally be inferred that there is every necessity for a more effici-ent police force,'than we believe to be at present stationed in the neighbourhood, for the suppression of such scenes of drunkenness and debauchery : -

To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette,


I beg to inform the publie, through the means of your valuable and widely circulated Journal, of a most disgraceful and immoral scene that took place in this neighbourhood in the afternoon of yester-i day. The residents of this remote dis-trict were informed, äs is usual, that the Rev, W. Wilkinson would attend at Mr. Marshall's in the morning, and at Bran-don, the estate of John Wighton, Esq.» | J. P., in the evening, for the purpose of

divine worship. I cannot inform you,. Sir, of the reason of the non-attendance of the rev. gentleman, but, in consequence of the information given to the surround

ing residents of Mr. Wighton's estate» a number of persons attended for the pur-pose (originally) of attending to religious instruction, which, it was- understood, would be given to the neighbourhood' by their attendance at the worshipful gen« tleman's residence. I cannot inform you, Sir, of the sudden transition that took place in the feelings of those who; attended originally to pray, but 1 can as-sure jon on the best authority that when these worthies found themselves disap.

pointed by the rev. gentleman, they made,

up their minds not to romain long in susg pense, as to the mode ot spending the evening, for liquor was supplied by the worshipful gentleman, through one of his house servants (called here, by way of distinction, his bar boy), and money re-ceived for the same a la tavern, until the before religiously inclined congregation became most outrageous and quarrelsome, and a scene of drunken depravity took place that baffles description. The wor-thies were at length awed by tho appear ance of the worshipful gentleman, and his farm constable duly armed, who took three of the votaries of Bacchanalian re-vels into custody, but they were released by the worshiptul gentleman that even-ing, on their promising to " go and sin no more." I beg t o state that the scene was doubly disgusting by seeing males and females mixed indiscriminately in this scene of moral and disgraceful Sabbath breaking.

I remain, Sir,

Your obedient Servant,

A RESIDENT OF WILLIAMS' RIVER Williams, Uiver Ï 28(A July, 1035. J

In addition to the gontlemen who have started for the Secretaryship to the Aus-tralian Patriotic Association, another candidato is announced in the person of Mr. T, F. Gisborne. This gentleman,

we understand, is the son of the Member

for Derbyshire, which county lie bat re» presented in Parliament for many years past,' and has distinguished himself ia various debates of publie interest, but more particularly upon the late amend-ment upon the Address.

On Thursday evening, rather a singu-lar circumstance occurred to a water cart, whilst travelling along the streets of Sydney ; it so happened the axle tree of the carriage divided in the centre. The water barrel came to the ground, and of course was broke to pieces, the water waa lost and afforded much amusement to the by-standcrs.

A quarrel look place on Thursday last in Cambridge-street, between a gentle-man and lady of some note, which ended) in a battle royal, and the destroying of each others wearing apparel,