Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Thursday 23 July 1835, page 3


MAJOR MITCHELL'S EXPEDITION.Particulars have reached the settlement of the murder of one of Major Mitchell's exploring party, by the natives, at Bogan Creek, ninety miles from Boru. A black fellow somewhat civilized, who has occasional intercourse with the "Mial," or wild tribes beyond Bogan, has detailed a very minute account of the transaction. He states that about two moons ago, the expedition halted near the above creek, where a man employed to mark the trees with the surveyor general, came to the creek to water the cattle; that without any provocation, four blacks who were concealed near the creek rushed on him, and tumbled him with their spears; that one named "Warrandurry," struck him on the head with his nulla nulla, or war club, and killed him. The same fellow cut him up, and hoisted his heart on his spear; that they eat part of his flesh, and gave some to the dogs. Shortly after four other blacks caine up, to whom Warrandurry recounted his deeds, and shewed them the remains of the body. It was proposed to bury the bones, but this was not done, and the crows and eagle hawks finished the remainder. The murderers carried away the clothes of the deceased. The king of the Bogan tribe, and Sandy, the historian of the bloody transaction, arc desirous, with assistance, of conduct-ing the police to Warrandurry's retreat, for the purpose of apprehending him and his accomplices ; and we believe that ap-plication for instructions has been made to head quarters.

In addition to the above particulars, we have since heard with regret, that the natives of the quarter above described, have commenced a series of aggressions which have created alarm amongst the stations bordering on that remote spotplundering the huts with impunity and outrage, and in some cases spearing the hut keepers

A madhouse is about to be .erected in Sjdney. One wing is to be used for edi-tors o{ newspapers, and all the mad editors on this side of the Capo are to be caged and gagged there. His Excel-lency saw a strauge intellectual derange-ment among the fraternity ; and ho re-solved upon founding an establishment as much for them as for any class . of his Majesty's subjects. When our last was published regarding the Herald, one of the parties was so deeply affected that he screamed and kicked like a young uuhandled colt-upset a pile of leaders, and damned us and 'the Gazette heartily. Should such again occur we may make the necessary affidavit, and have a bird ready for tho editorial cage ! It will

never want a tenant while we lead the

centre or the van against all public ene-


A public meeting of the friends and supporters of the Benevolent Society, took place on Tuesday evening last at the Court House, pursuant to previous nolice, of which the particulars will be given in

our next.

It will be perceived by an advertisement in another column that Mr. Gordonovitcb has removed from his former residence in King-street, to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Rowley, in georgc-street, which he has fitted up in the London style, where we hope he will meet with the patronage he merits. We believe the " Dons" of Sidney and its vicinity, will find his stock replete with every necessary incentative to sneezing and not puffing only for the gratification of tile alfactory nerves, but aLo for the genteeler accomplishment of blowing "misfoi tunes into thin air,"

Tuesday's market was very poorly atr tended, there was a very fine show of vege-tables, attributable of course to the late rains. The prices did not vary anything since Friday last.

We perceive by an advertisementwhich appears in our columns of to-day, that a

new cantlidate in the coach and chaise

manufactory line, has started in the per-son of Mr. James Hamilton, No. 7 Pittstreet. Wc understand that Mr. H. is a first rate workman, aud we cordially

wish bim success.

A fracas of an extraordinary nature hap-pened on Monday evening on that delightful spot the " Rocks," between two females and an elderly man, who was chaced by the two ladies of fashion into a court yard, where he received a volley of brick bats, and largo pieces of wood, until the poor fellow was completely exhausted. They both closed apon him anJ most unmercifully thrashed him.