Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Tuesday 16 February 1830, page 2





Some time ago we adverted to the com-plete success of Mr. D'Arietta in the manufacture of snuff and segars, and it is gratifying to observe that the quality of his articles continues to improve ; some of his snuffs, particularly that in imitation of Lun-dyfoot, are scarcely distinguishable from

those imported, and his segars are allowed by good judges nearly t0 equal the fine flavoured Havannahs. This is proof posi-tive of 'the fitness of the climate for the

growth of that fragrant herb. Owing to the slovenly manner in which it has generally been cultivated, the capabili-ties of the Colony can hardly be said to have had a fair trial until now, unless indeed on the estate of Mr. Bradley, who has not only paid a good deal of attention to it, and received the tobacco premium from the Agricultural and Horticultural Society, but

has also published a useful essay on the subject. But much the greater part of the tobacco raised by the settlers is so carelessly managed, being intended only for the con-sumption of their own establishments, that it is of course vastly inferior in strength and flavour to that of Brazil; and hence a belief has pretty generally obtained among them, that it would be useless to at-

tempt to cultivate it for the market. There

is certainly a very general prejudice against Colonial, tobacco, but it is caused entirely by this negligence, and a few such men as Mr.

Bradley and Mr. D'Arietta would soon

remove it.

Even without Reference to exportation, it

is of great importance to the Colony that the cultivation of tobacco should be carefully at-tended to. The consumption of the popula-tion itself is immense, and is continually in-creasing. In the year 1828 no less than 136,748lbs. were imported, being nearly three times the quantity imported in 1826. It is lamentable that we should thus be sending our money out of the Colony for a commodity which we are so well able to raise

from our own soil.

But we ought to aspire beyond our own market. The mother country ought to take our tobacco, as well as our wool and oil, in exchange for the large annual purchases we make of her manufacturers; and if the pe-tition lately sent to the British Government for a mitigation of duty meet with that fa-vourable attention which there was reason to expect, the tobacco trade may, and if the settlers attend to their own interests it will, become a source of great profit to the Co-lony. Dy a Parliamentary paper we find, that the quantity of unmanufactured tobacco upon which duty was charged in the United Kingdom, in the year 1826, was 18,383,295½lbs., and the total quantity, in-cluding snuff, manufactured tobacco, and se-gars, 18,402,385¾lbs.; producing a total re-ceipt to the revenue of £2,766,671.17s. l0d. The rate of duty, on unmanufactured to-bacco, is specified at 2s. 9d. per lb. upon the produce of the possessions in America, and 3s. upon that of all other countries. It is a real hardship, and indeed a manifest in-justice, that New South Wales should not stand upon an equal footing with the American Colonies; but we have not the smallest doubt that the petition, if it ac-complish nothing more, will at least secure for us the same privileges as those extended to our American fellow-subjects.

We hope Mr. D'Arietta will persevere, and meet with that liberal encouragement from the public to which his spirited and patriotic exertions, not less than the excel-lence of his articles, so fully entitle him.

We are under many obligations to the proprietor of that respectable and prosper-ous establishment, the North and South American Coffee House. Not only does he forward to us, by almost every ship, and with even greater punctuality than oin Poli-tical A'geiit, the latest London newspapers, but such pamphlets, piospectuses, &c. &c. as he considers likely to have any bearing upon the interests of Australia. A few days ago we received a parcel containing, besides the daily journals, two newly-published pamphlets, one of them an authentic narra-tive of the late military revolution in Buenos Ayres, and assassination of Governor Dor-re go. The author is Dr. Manuel Moreno, late Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Ple-nipotentiary of the Aigentine Republic. It is an able exposition of those tuibulent and banditti-like plots of aspiring chieftains, to which are owing the dissolution of the Fe-deral Union, and the endless miseries under which the United Provinces are at this moment groaning. The civil dissensions of the new American Republics have been extraor-dinarily violent and protracted, and have more than once threatened the entire over-throw of their independence. The Spanish monarch, who has never relished the dis-memberment of his transatlantic dominions, and lias kept a watchful eye upon their pro-ceedings, is now taking advantage of their unsettled state, having, as our journal has alreay announced, sent an expedition from Cuba to Mexico, with the avowed purpose of re-conquering his seceded possessions; and unless war break out in Europe, which would find Ferdinand enough to do to take care of his old territory, there is no small chance of his succeeding. The peo-ple are so harasse 1 and perplexed with the commotions that have prevailed for years, and that seem as likely to continue for years to come,-and numbers of them are so disgusted at the factious conduct of their chieftains, who, under the mask of patrio-tism, have notoriously been seeking their own personal aggrandizement, that it is by no means improbable that the Spanish invaders will find many disposed to join them, in suppressing a tyranny far more oppressive and sanguinary than they ever suffered under the ancient dynasty.

The second pamphlet we have acknow-ledged is a statement, by Messrs. Oaks and Son, brass and iron manufacturers in Hounds ditch, of an improved mode of clarifying and boiling the juice of the Sugar-cane, illustrated with large and elegant engravings of their new apparatus for the process. This book must have been sent to us under the supposition, that as the climate of New Holland, at least in its more northern latitudes, is favourable to the production of sugar, it is necessary that we should know something of the operation. When Port Macquarie shall have been thrown open and located, most likely sugar will engage the attention of some of the settlers ; and as colonization advances northward, the cane will doubtless become a regular article of cultivation, and in time rank among the most valuable pro-ducts of the soil. Messis. Oaks and Son, who ar« evidently masteis of their business, may then find some good customers among


" All ooníiiering îîeat, oh, intermit thy WMth I And on my throbbing temples poteut tiiut

llaaiu not «o fierce !" , , 1,H0MI(N

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and yesterday, were days of fire. Sol exercised his tre-mendous powers with unrelenting tyranny ; not one friendly cloud interposed to mitigate

his fury, .and

" Not ii gentle Zephyr there,

.With downy wings to fan ino air."

If wind there was, it was from the torrid regions of the north-west, surcharged with sickly vapours, withering vegetation in its course, and obstructing 'the respiration of bipeds and quadrupeds. In vain did you seek refuge from «olar persecution. In the streets, what .with the red-hot sand, the scorching blast, and the blazing sun, you were in peril of being roasted alive, or of your " too, too solid flesh" being " melted, thawed and dissolved like".-butter; in the house you were not much better off, for whether you ate or drank, sat or stretched, that uncivil kind of a gentleman se patheti-cally deprecated by Thomson, " all-conquer-ing heat," clung to you like a leech-but,

unlike the leech, he kept pouring fresh blood, into you, or rather made the old blood boil. All nature was being cooked.

"O'er llewen and earth, ht as the ranging eye Could «weep, n dazzling deluge reigned ; and nil From pole to pole was undiilinguiilied blase,"

Every body looked out anxiously for a good dusting, hoping that each successive hour would bring along with it a hearty " Brickfielder"-far better be pelted with dust than burnt to a cinder. But all in vain. Up to the hour at which we noted down this poor bill of particulars, no relief had come. No sea-breeze kissed the burn-ing cheek ; no south-wester bellowed con-

solation ; no thunder-storm had chastised the pestiferous atmosphere ; no weeping clouds had shed their compassions upon

the torrid ground !

But let us cheer up. Summer will not last for ever. Sol is rapidly losing his power. Next Friday he pays his annual visit to the Fishes, and in one month after, his fiery despotism will be slain by the Ram's horn. Then come those six delicious months which are Australia's pride-months in which the jaded constitution, physical and mental, en-joys a holiday, and recruits its powers.

Punishment of Drunkards.-Alpha, a correspondent in our present number, replies to the letter of D. P. inserted in our last, as to the authority of Magistrates to send

drunkards to the stocks instanter, on their j failing to pay down the fine of five shillings.

Whether D. P. will consider the answer satis- '

factory, we know not ; to us it is quite so. ' The week's suspension required by the sta-tute of- James, appears to have been in the eye of the Legislature on the passing of the 5 Geo. IV. and is clearly dispensed with in the clause quoted by Alpha. The incon-veniences of having to delay execution for a week would be very great, and in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred that come before the Bench, such delay would be an utter

waste of time, trouble, and expense. ,

It is only fair to observe, in passing, that the present Alpha is not the original writer in this journal under that signature.

A Great Public Calamity.-Only a few months ago, the Colony was threatened with a dearth of bread ; we hear it is now threatened with another dearth, not quite so alarming to be sure, but still pregnant with very serious personal and domestic suffer-ings,--we mean, a dearth of pins !-" Pins ?" Yes, pins ; London pins, we mean, made in Birmingham. We are assured, on the most credible authority, that of these " ne-cessaries of life" there is so great a scarcity among merchants and retailers, that you can scarcely get them for love or money. What will become of us, we leave it for the ladies to divine. It certainly is a matter of univer-sal concernment. The only consolation we can discover in the case is, that people will not be able to " pin their faith to other men's sleeves,"-but then, on second thought,if they cannot pin them, they will paste them. Our best hope is, that the wind may get round to the southward, and bring us a ship with a "well conditioned" cargo of pins. Our infor-mation does not touch the subject of needles (they requite to be touched with care) ; we therefore cannot report the state of the needle-market ; if that should fail too, we are all done up !

We are enabled, on the authority of the purchaser, Mr. Cuthbert, of the brig Bee, to state that this vessel fetched eighteen hundred pounds the whole sum of which was paid down at the time of the bargain.

The new inn, which Mr. Richard Mills has in the course of building at Bathurst, is near completion.-Mr. M. is an old settler, of somewhere about twenty years standing; is well known, well respected, and just the description of individual to whom a public house license ought lo be granted. A good house, and good stabling, are the very re-quisites which a public house ought to possess-not tippling shops.

A fine little boy, the child of industrious persons named Dunn, living in Upper Pitt-street, was literally torn to pieces on Saturday evening last, by a dog which was passing the gates of the child's pareuts, at the instant when the boy was eating a slice of bread and butter, which the dog leaped at to obtain ; the child prevented the dog's getting possession of its desired prey, on which the animal made a furious attack on the boy, and so dreadfully lacerated him, that it is not likely the little innocent will re-

cover from the effects.

Chapman, the late police runner of this Co-lony, and about whom so much has been said, in the month of October last, was applying to Mr. Solomon Levey for a, passage to return by one of his freighted ships. Chapman had better have stayed, and been content with a goud situation. He cannot but s*y that the local Government behaved well towards him -well to an astonishing degree.

The lessee of the Sydney market has received a letter from the Colonial Secretary, in-forming him that he can, if necessary, sue for the recovery of any dues arising out of stands, &.C. in the Market-place, on reference to the Actof Council No. 20, of which fact the Superintendent of Police has beeu already apprised.

Our attention has been again called to the circumstanre, that there ought to be a com. modious store bandy to the Market-place, where the settler, if he cannot at the moment meet with a customer to his views, may store his grain, in the prospect of a better market. One tiling we are quite certain of, the Government, when convinced tha< any "rangements can be made, having in view the public interest, will iuimeduUly adopt them.

With reference to a caution signed Mavy Raine, which has appeared in the Gazette and other papers, we arc authorised to state that Mr. E. J. Keith, and not Mrs. Raine, was the purchaser of the Darling Mills ; and that in consequence of that gentleman's Wving failed to make good his contract, the said property will be put up again and sold, in pursuance of the notice givpn in this

day's Gazette.

It is a circumstance worthy of remark» that nearly the entire of the property stolen in

the late robberies, has been recovered by the . Police. Persons who have suffered from the visitation of thieves, would do well to give a look in at the Police Office ; by doing this tbey may probably recover some of their stolen property.

We refer our readers to an advertising column, wherein a description of a vast deal of

plunder is giveu,as bein; in tue possession of the


The Sydney Police Office is undergoing a coursa of thorough repair. It had beeu long


Michael Toole, the noted bushranger, lias been secured ; bo was taken up yesterday.

There still exists a series of nuisances in the town. Independently of the slaughter-houses, there is the practica of leaving building-materials exposed in the streets, to the great obstruction of passengers, especially of carriages. A nuisance of

this description at present exists just opposite the


By an advertisement in another column,

it will be seen that Mr. Bodenham will to-morrow bring to the hammer, the residue of the valuable property of John Mackaness Esq. It were needless to point out the advantages which this opportunity offers to purchasers; and we have no doubt that there will be bidders in plenty.

The charge of perjury against the two informers m the case of Mr. Dobson, reported in our last, was heard on Saturday, and dismissed by the Bench, on the ground that, though the de-fendants had, tis appeared by the evidence against them, sworn falsely, the circumstance to which they had sworn was not material to the issue before the Court when theoatli was taken, and therefore could not support an assignment of corrupt perjury. The learned Counsel for the defendants (Messrs. Therry and Rowe), contended that the main allegations against the defendants were, that tbey had seen Mr. Dob-son, and received from him a receipt for the pur-chase money ; but, as the substance of the charge against Mr. Dobson was the selling of a less quantity of porter than allowed by law, on his premises, whether the defendants had seen bira, or he had given a receipt for the money, or not, was perfectly immate-rial. The Bench agreed in this opinion, and dismissed the case. Dr. Wardell appeared for the prosecution. To prevent misapprehension, it is as well to state, that the other gentleman to whom the informers paid a similar visit, was not Mr. Browne, of the firm ef Aspinall,Browne,& Co.but another respectable merchant in George-street.

Want of room compels us to carry over

the list of runaways till our nest.