Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Thursday 29 March 1827, page 3



MARCH 26. --Wearing the Breeches. It is no new thing for ladies to assume the breeches when they would escape from ser-

vitude and throw off its yoke: moreover it is oftentimes a very successful plan. Now Margaret Donnally, not liking a far-away up-country life, determined to try this plan ; Achilles' petticoats thought she, are upon record, why not Margaret Donnally's inex-pressibles. Accordingly have arrayed her-self in true blue, with white cravat and beaver castor, she set out for Sydney. Ru-mour has said that, she was but following the example of the lady of Sir Cauline, wan-dering after her knight: but Sir Cauline was a knight of the saddle-while Mar-garet's knight was a knight of the stirrup, alias snob. Forth wandered the lady ; but is it not well to know that the course of true love never did run smooth. Though she

might assume the manly stride, she could not deceive the Argus eyes of the brothers of the baton-gentlemen for the most part incredulous of the existence of the Epicine gender. In short, poor Margaret was doomed thiss morning to appear at the Police Office, under the protection of a constable,

"Ever on the watch to rob joy of its alchymy,"

and joy indeed she seemed to experience every time she cast her eyes upon her manly toga. Never did boy of 4 years old appear to enjoy himself more, when for the last time casting his eye upon his discarded frock. And now what follows after the watchhouse —the Police Office---after the Police Office the Female Factory for 6 months. This is paying too dear for your whistle, Margaret.

Tuesday, March 27th.—John Morris, free, was brought forward charged with a robbery, in the house of Mr. Thomas Howell, a publican, in York-street: it appeared that the prisoner, had been drinking on Saturday night last, and had carried of a tum-bler, marked with the letters T. H. and that the prisoner was detected with the same, in his bosom, in the Market-place, by Constable Williams, between 9 and 10 o'clock of the same evening that the robbery took place, whereupon he took him into custody. The prisoner was fully committed for trial.

Roger Powell, a prisoner of the crown, stood charged with having attempted to commit a robbery on the person of Mary Ann Mooney. It appeared in evidence that the plaintiff had been walking home with her mistress, carrying a lantern, about 8 o'clock yesterday evening : as they drew near home, the prisoner assaulted her, and endeavoured to bear of a cloak and shawl,

which she was carrying on her arm. ln the attempt, however, he fell, but on recovering his position, he again attempted to deprive her of the property, but by this time, her mistress had reached home, and gave the alarm to a gentleman resident in the house, who immediately came to her assistance, and apprehended the delinquent. The proof being clear, the Bench sentenced the pri-soner 2 years to a penal settlement.

Charles Rowley, free, was bound over to keep the peace for 10 months, for assaulting Thomas Condon, on the public streets.

Joseph Smith, James Holland, and Peter Jackson, were fined £25 sterling each, and costs, for illegally retailing spirits.

John Rue, free, for harbouring a prisoner of the Crown, was fined in the mitigated pe-nalty of 25 dollars and costs.

Edward Kenny, for embezzling a gold ring entrusted to his charge, was sentenced to be worked 6 months in irons.


Saturday, March 24.-George Cose, Assigned servant to Dr. West, charged with drunkenness, and absenting himself from his employ ; reprimanded, and discharged.

William Jewel, servant, to Mr. Lawson, charged with stealing wheat, shoes, a pad-lock, and other, articles ; remanded.

Thomas Roberts, servant to Mr. Harris, charged with frequently running away, ab-senting himself from his master's farm, at the South Creek, for a week, and drinking in Parramatta ; sentenced 2 years to a penal


Dowty, M'Demarra, and Crosby, at-tached to Johnstone's Windsor road gang, charged by John Ford, of the same gang, with stealing two mares, the property of Mr. M'Cabe ; remanded.

James Tomlinson, attached to Barracks, charged with stealing peaches from Govern-ment garden ; sentenced 25 lashes.

Mary Bridget, servant to Dr. Harris, charged with stealing a spinning-wheel, and absenting herself a fortnight from her mas-ter's service ; sentenced six months to the second class in the Factory.

March-26.-John Hawkins, attached to Barracks, found drunk in the street on Sa-turday night, after hours ; 25 lashes.

Lawrence Brennan, attach' d to No. 3 Sydney road gang, charged by his overseer with being absent from his gang; one dozen


Simon Boynton, taken up drunk, roaring murder; reprimanded,and discharged.

Daniel Meehan, servant to Mr. Rouse, and Thomas Burke, servant to Mr. M'Dougal, taken up drunk in the street on Sunday ;

1 dozen lashes.

Margaret Tully found drunk and disor-derly in the street during the hours of divine service. Sentenced four hours in the stocks.

March 27.---Wm. Webb, one of the late pirates, went out this morning with a party of nine constables, towards Stone-quarry Creek, in search of the four other pirates.