Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 26 March 1910, page 9



At a meeting of the Cooperative Dairy Companies' Association yesterday a resolution was carried strongly protesting against the alteration in the Orient mail service

tune-table. Mr. Patrick J. Dillon, correspondenoi cleflk in the Mines Department, lhas beta appointed Secretary to the Agency-licneval in London. Mr. J. M. Canupbell has ibeen appointed Director of the Queensland Travelling Intelligence Bureau in Gr at [Britain, and Mr. T. C. Troedeon has been appointed D rector of the Intel.igence and Tourists' Bureau, Brisbane. The contract for the armoured cruiser of the Indefatigable type, which is to be the flagship of the Commonwealth Squad ron, has been let to Messrs John Brown and Co., the well-known naval shipbuilders. The vessel is to be completed in two yean. Thomas Young, aged 50, a drayman in the employ of the Howard Shire Council, was accidentally killed yesterday while driving a horse and cart. John Robins was hanged in the Ade laide Gaol yesterday morning for the mur der of Robert Ownswortlh, in Moonta street, Adelaide, on December 24. An exchange of an area of land on which the Presbyterian Ohurah, Gladstone, ia situated has Ibeen approved. The land is required in connection with the Boyne Valley Railway extensions. Acceptation which recently waited on t4ic4Bi?mier, urged the claims of Urangan Point as a site for a deep -water port for Maryborough. The Nanango police 'have advised that Charles Birch has been lost since Tuesday •a the scrub, seven miles from Nanango. He was out shooting with two other per-SOUB, from •whom 'he got separated. FRIDAY, March 18. St, Patrick's Day was celebrated in Bris bane and a number of other centres, in Queensland yesterday by Hibernian sports gatherings and processions. At the Q.T.C. St. Patrick* meeting yes terttay, St. Patrick's Handicap was won by Drift from Mountain Oak and Mad Jack. The Royal Queensland Yacht Club's bay race for heavy yachts was won yesterday by Ida. Maori and Nara finished second and third respectively, but the time allowance gave Nam second place and ftiaori third. William Moore, waton man of the ateamer Otter, wan accidentally drowned yesterday afternoon. An aviation record for Australasia wa? established by Mr. ¥. C. distance in .South Australia yesterday. His monoplane was in the air for five minutes in one trial, and rose 50ft. in a second trial, which ended in the machine falling head fore most, fortunately, without much damage. A presentation of £2500 was made to Cardinal Moran at St. Mar>'u Cathedral, ia Sydney, yesterday, from the laity of the State in recognition of his services to the Chjtfi. TflP?osehill Cup, run yesterday, re-Mlted: Vavasor 1, Black Range 2, Danilo Victoria defeated Western Australia by one wicket yesterday, and thus won the rnyber. In the case of Mr. Bertram Armytage, a nrenioer of the ghackleton Antarctic Ex gteddtion, w3ho was found dead in Mel bourne a few days ago, <!|ie Coroner stated tiiait it was dearly mncide. The Lismore Co-operative Dairy Com pany. aUo Foley'n Northern Central Creaiiiery, paid 9%d. for butter diuring the ptust month. The opening of the new fever ward at the Boonah Hospital took place on Tues day afternoon, the ceremony being Per formed iby the member for the district, Mr. Arnold Wierfholt, (M.L.A. The Victoriau Government ha*? intimated its intention of introducing a Bill for the abolition of canital punishment. * SATURDAY, March 19. The Premier (lion. W. Kiilston) com menced his campaign last night in rapport of tho financial proposals of the Federal Government, and made clear his attitude in the course of a speech delivered in the Warwick Town Hall. Tins iirst sod of the Maryv.ile Railway was officially turned by the Piemk-r (Hon. W. Kid«ton) yesterday, in the presence of aboufljgOO people. AlrWohn Barclay won tl>c Kins; s Vn7£ at the Western Districts' Rifle Associa tions' annual meeting at Toowooniba ye?> terdav. . . A 1 trcrpicaJ .storm is reportod from Aortji Queensland, causing heavy rain, gales and high seas. A hurricane was exr>eriencod •t Bowen. and cause<l contiderable damage to outbuildings. The Weatlier Bureau states that the dis turbance lias passed inland a little to the nontfi of Townsvillo, and very unsettled •ivd rainy weather is anticipated through out the "State. At «i meeting of tlio trustees under the Workers' Dwellings Act, Jield yesterday, it was decided to make known the o-b -jVots of 'the Act and the method of ap plying for its be!K)fit.->. A few applica tions for loans Ikivc already keen re ceived. Severf* bush firrs, extending 00 miles dv'wnthc const, have oeetr. rod iv "AVstein A-WF a 'fnlr New Zealand Government h.is Ti>tetl tKKH) towards Captain .^colt's An tarctic cwedition. A meeting of the trustees appointed un

der t-lio Workers' Dwellings Act was held yesterday. Experiments are ibeing carried out by the .Department of Agriculture and Stock, with a viaw to investigating the disease which lias lately caused considerable mor tality in the IVeenleigh district. The de partment in al«x> inaking investigations in the Pim<pama district. MONDAY, Matvli 21. Rain lias fallen over the greater portion of the State, and very heavy falls are re ported from many places inland. A number of rivers and creeks are in flood, and several railway ■washaways have occurred. About 100 guests were entertained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Ithaca Town Council on Saturday night on the occasion of the official onmiag of the new Council Chambers. At the concluding day of the Q.T-C. St. Patrick's meeting on Saturday the Sham rock Handicap ? was won by Drift, from Buiujledoo and Scope. At the Moonec Valley Taces in Mel bourne on Saturday the Moonee Valley Handicap was won by Winteriga. Imprint ■way second, and Prizefighter third. At the Hawkesburv Autjmm meeting on Saturday Britain won the Autumn H«« -dicap by a head from Dolrymple. Jinnee was third. Hon. <.'.. G. Wade- (Premier of. New Soutih Wale?) has cabled a message to the British Pram in reply to the warning wmied by tih« Daitifh (Minister of Foitign Affairs aguinst the emigration of Danes to Australia. Cardinal Mor.in. speaking at the St. Patrick's Day Sporta in Sydney, earnestly urged tUie cause of Home Rule for Ire land. A cablegram of greeting waft sent from the assemblage to the United Irish Parliamentary Tarty. Two trams collided on Bat*>rday after noon in Sydney, with ifhe result that seve nil persons were injured. A terrriiic explosion whidh occurred on Saturday morning ■wrecked (three dhops in Brunswick-street, Fitzroy (Mel bourne), and severely injured two per sons. A return has Ibeen prepared showing that for the first two months of the year the total aroa selected was 761,213 acres, with an annual rental of £3626, as ami pared wit:h 1,105,659 acres, -with a rental of £t*l4 in the same period of 1909. The roll for the Meat Industry Board for the .Northern district has now been prepared. The constitution of the board, which is to consist of eight members ana n chairman, was approved some time ago. A statement 'lwis been it*?ued setting out the provisions of the Workers' 'Dwelling! Act. A public meeting convened I>y the Mayor of Rookhampton decided not to send a district exhibit to the (National Wiow this year. The feeling was expressed tlmt as the 'work 'fell every year on a few shoulder* it would 'be well to take a S?JML'H. An impression has gained ground in •Newcastle that the 13 delegates wlw were each fined £-100 or two months' imprison ment arc likely to he released very short-TUESDAY, March 22. (Fine weather prevailed in Central and Southern Queensland yesterday. In many (places, particularly in line Central districts, floods1 are il>eing experienced as the result of the recent heavy rain. Alderman T. Biggs (Mayor of Toowong) and Oouncillor F. T. Edntonds (Coorparoo) were yesterday declared elected to the Metropolitan FWh Market Board. ' Diver Hughes was attacked by an armed Chinaanan m an 'hotel at Port Darwin yes terday. The Chinaman was subsequently shot by a poli;eman, and dit<l from a buil.t wound. The Consul-General for Japan gave a large garden party in Sydney yesterday in honour of Rear-Admiral Jjiehi and staff. Over 5000 gne^ta were invited. A landslide in New Zealand destroyed a Maori village at the foutih-'weHtern end of Lake Taupo, and one native was killed. Hurry Hondini, on his Voisin biulane at Melbourne yeeterdey made a flight of about six mile? in 7min. 37«ec., ami reach ed a height of 90ft. to 100 ft. In the Central Criminal Court in Syd ney yesterday Dr. Fiaschi and CMarjr Eleanor Voting, a nurse, were charged with the manslaughter of Julin Ann Night ingale. The case stands part heard. On Saturday a young man n.inied J. H. Williamson, <who w:? driving an aerated water cart at Townsville, fell under the wheels, nndi hi? chest was crushed so Foverely that :he died in a few minutes. The now regulation by the Commissioner for Public' Hen.lt.li •in regard to spitting on footpaths will give him ■power to take art ion in all purte erf the State. The attempt made to remove the 4in. ctsing from the t?oina gas bore, was not "successful, as the screw of one of the pieces was not strong cnoufjh. II was recently announced that the Government intended to introduce the kimieriarien system into the State schools, and that a stn.rt was to be made at the Kangaroo Point .School. The Works De partment hns new in hand the question of making the necessary alterations to the school. At yesterday's mee>injr of the Brisbane City Council it ova* decided that £600 .should 'be placed on the estimates to cover the eo*t of erection of conveniences for ladies and children in the princjpal streets. WEDNESDAY. Mat<4i 23. Unsettled weather agirin prevailed in part* of Queensland yesterday.

At< a result of the recent heavy rains a big flood is anticipated at Cunnamulla. A record flood ia being experienced at Wyan dra. The Mary River at Oympie is rising again, and the Norcnanfey Bridge ia under water. Bell's Bridge, at O'Leary's Cross ing, is in a dangerous condition. The Mbusier of Education v Uon. W. H. Barnes) lias forwarded a reply to the deputation from the Methodist Conference wJiiah waited on him recently to the effect lihat the Cabinet hae declined to rescind the regulation prohibiting teach ers from conducting .public "worship. Arrangements are 'being made to bore for coal at Little River, 20 milae from Laura, at a site favourably reported on by Dr. Jack some years ago. The seventh of tihe 1909-10 series of Brisbane wool sales was held yesterday. There was a good attendance of -buyerd, and prices were fairly maintained for ail descriptions except lambs, which were slightly easier. Greasy wool realised to 13ttd., and scoured to 24^4d. At a special meeting of the Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board, held last night, it was agreed &at the Enoggera porification scheme should be dealt with at once. The Royal Agricultural Society's show was opened ia Sydney yesterday. There was a fine display of cattle and other stook, and tihe judging of stud stock was the 'business of the day. A case of smallpox has been discovered among the third-daw passengers on the RiMiS. Otway, iwhidh has arrived at Fre raantle, and the eteamer iwill proceed to Adelaide in quarantine. Redwater is very bad in the Woodford district, nnd most of the farmers are los ing some cattle. A record shipment of fruit arrived in Brisbane from the Southern States yes terday. In all there were over 9000 cases of apples, plums, pears, and other fruits. It is intimated tihat the King has ap proved of a general medal for long Service and good conduct in the permanent forces of the Empire beyond the seas, to take the places of the existing long service and good conduct meda'a. Mr. M'Kehzie, Minister for Lands, will accompany Mr. Blwood Mead to America, to endeavour to induce suitable settlers to come to Victoria. The official record of the Victoria wheat yield for 1909-10 discloses tfcat the yield is the highest aggregate ever harvested in the State. The Gayndah Marsupial Board has de cided to suspend payment for scalps for three months. ,A !«"«« Party of Victorian settlers, under the lead of Mr. Gilnrer, from Rochester, Victoria, arrived at Wetheron during the week to take a large area of land under the group system. The secretary of the Gayndah Co-opera tive Dairy Company has received notice of the registration of the com|>any, and the directors will at once push on all matters in connection witff? ttie factory