Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Saturday 13 January 1827, page 1

Government Order.


His EXCELLENCY, the GOVERNOR, has been pleased to direct the Publication of the following Extracts from the Reports which have been addressed to him by Captain WETHERALL, of His Majesty's Ship Fly, and Captain WRIGHT, of the Buffs, employed in establishing a Settlement at Western Port.

By His Excellency's Command,


Extract from Captain Wright's Report,

dated Western Port, 26th Dec. 1820.

" On arrival at this Port, I immediately proceeded to visit its extensive Shores, and, after a careful examination, selected, in Con-junction with Captain WETHERALL, what

appeared to us the most eligible Site for a Settlement, and, indeed, the only one posses-sing the requisite Advantages---good Anchor-age---fresh Water---and rich open forest and meadow Land, in its immediate Neighbour-hood. All the Ground to the West of a Line passing from Bass's River, due North, to the Eastern Arm of this Port, including about five Miles square, is of excellent Quality---well watered by Lagoons and small Streams. On the North Shore of this Square, two Miles East of Kangaroo Point (on which a Battery of two Guns has been constructed) the Settlement is now established.

" By the Master of the Dragon I have for-warded a Specimen of Coal, procured by Mr. Hovell from Cape Paterson. I have been informed that various Strata of Coal exist near Wollomai Head, on Phillip Island, Blocks of which, it is stated to me, have been frequently burnt, and found to be of excel-lent Quality."

Extract from Captain Wetherall's Report,

dated H. M. Ship Fly, Western Port.

Bass's Straits, 27th Dec. 1826. " I have the Satisfaction of stating, that the Harbour (Western Port) is easy of access, and has no hidden Danger, and not less than 7 Fathoms Water in Mid-channel to the Anchorage, which is safe and commodious, with good Holding-ground, well sheltered from every Wind, and capable of containing any Number of Ships in the most perfect Security. The Tides are rapid, and rise from 8 to 11 Feet, being influenced by the prevail-ing Winds in the Straits. It is my intention to erect a Flag Staff on the Flat-top't Rock, off Point Grant (the Western Extremity of Phillip Island), to mark the Entrance of the


" Deeming it of great Importance to shew the Situation of the Anchorage off Phillip Island, I have cleared about four Acres of the most commanding Spot of Land in its Neigh-bourhood, and erected a Flag Staff thereon.

" Wood is in Abundance, and Water can be obtained from a Tide-well in its Vicinity, but not in sufficient Quantities for the Supply of

Shipping. The Soil is of the best Descrip-


" The Eastern Passage (to the Anchorage) is narrow and intricate ; a Reef of Rocks, ex-tending nearly Half-way across from Phillip Island, and the opposite Shore, lined with heavy Breakers. It is well adapted for a Fishing Station, and, with the prevailing Westerly Winds, would afford Egress to small Vessels bound to the Eastward ; but, under any other Circumstances, would not be safe to attempt. There is Abundance of fresh Water on this Part of the Island.

" The main Land, from the Point opposite the Eastermost Extremity of Phillip Island to Bass's River is hilly, of moderate Elevation, thinly timbered, the Soil rich, and well clothed with luxuriant Grass ; but, from the

broken Nature of the Ground, fit only for


" Bass's River cannot be approached even by Boats at low Water, owing to the extensive Mud-banks which surround its Entrance. It

is extremely winding in its Course, and salt for 5 or 6 Miles up, where it is met by a Fresh-water Rivulet taking its Rise from an adjoin-

ing Swamp.

" The Land, on the right Hand as you enter Bass's River, appears to be a Salt-water Swamp, interspersed with a few elevated Patches of rich Meadow, and occasional Rows of the Tea-tree. Salt water Ponds are also numerous, and appear to extend to the Foot of the Range of Hills running from the Point of the main Land, forming the Eastern Passage of the Strait. About three Miles from the Entrance of the River, on the left, the Land rises gradually, and assumes the most beautiful Appearance. The Trees are dis-persed in Clumps over an extensive Plain of rich Meadows, and I have every Reason to think, from the Report of some of my Of-ficers who have made Exclusions in the Di-rection of the Settlement, that this fine Tract of Country extends to that Point, occupying a Space of at least 10,000 Acres.

" Nothing ran exceed the Beauty of the Situation, or Fertility of the Soil, on which the Settlement is formed. Water is plentiful. An excellent Garden is made, and the Seeds

sown are already above Ground, and looking


" The Timber consists of the Gum-tree, Apple, Mimosa, Tea-tree, and Honey-suckle, and, excepting the latter, is generally of an

inferior Quality.

" Of the Climate I have every Reason to speak in Terms of Praise, not having had a Man on the Sick List since my Arrival. The Range of the Thermometer, on board the Ship, has been from 64° to 82°, attaining the latter Height only during the hot Northerly Winds which we have twice experienced, and which have in both Cases been succeeded by strong Southerly Squalls, accompanied by severe Thunder, Lightning, and Rain. When the Thermometer has fallen to 67°, the average Height at Noon has been 75°, and the Baro-

meter 30.22 Inches.

"The Natives appear numerous, but we have not been able to obtain an Interview, as they desert their Camp, and run into the Woods on our Approach, watching our Move-ments until we depart. As I am aware it is Your EXCELLENCY'S Wish to conciliate them as much as possible, I have not allowed them to be pursued, or molested in any Way.

"Kangaroos are in great Abundance, herd-ing together like Deer. Black Swans, Ducks, and Teal, are also numerous. Fish are not abundant, owing to the Number of Sharks, Dog-fish, and Sling-rays. The Sorts gene-rally caught are Mullet, Whiting, Sword-fish, and, in one Instance, a large Snapper.

"Gulls, Pelicans, Cranes, and the other Varieties of Sea-fowl, frequent the Shores

and Lagoons."


12th JANUARY 1827.

. »vu uiiliVTItl, IUI,

A MEDICAL BOARD, consisting of

The Principal Surgeon of the Terri-

tory ;

The Surgeon of H. M. Ship Success ; and

WILLIAM BLAND, Esquire, Surgeon, resi-

dent in Sydney ;

having been assembled to investigate a Re-port on the Case of the late Serjeant Aitchi-son, of the Buffs, who died on the Morning of the 4th Instant, His EXCELLENCY the GO-VERNOR is pleased to direct* the Publication of the Opinion of the Board, which is as fol

lows :


The Court, having- duly considered all the Circum* stances connected with the above Case, and the Evidence adduced, are of Opinion, that Surgeon IVORY, of the Buff's, stands clearly exculpated from 1st. All possible Charge of Neglect of his Public

Duty ; and

2dly. That he is, in an equal Degree, free from all

Imputation of Want of'Humanity. The Grounds upon which we have formed the above Opinons, are, 1st. That Surgeon IVORY, in ordering the deceased

Serjeant into Hospital, acted in Conformity with the Usages and Customs of the Service.

2dly. That we are fully convinced, from a careful

Consideration of the Dissection Report, also of a Preparation of a certain Portion of the ruptured Blood Vessel, and other Parts connected with it, produced to us by Surgeon Ivory, that no Medical Assis-tance, however prompt, could, in this Case, have

been of any Avail.

3dly. From a very deliberate and careful Consider-

ation of the Opinions given in Evidence hy Con-nolly : and from which we come to the Conclusions that the said Opinions, in many Respects, do not rest on sufficient, and, in other respects, on admis-

sible Data; and

4thly. From a Circumstance, on which we deem it

necessary to lay particular Stress, namely, that even according to the Evidence of Connolly, the deceased must have actually expired previously to the possible Arrival, under the Circumstances of the Case, of any Medical Assistance,

We have carefully examined Patrick Doyle and James Bennett, the Parties said by Connolly to have laboured under Attacks of Apoplexy, or Epi-lepsy ; and are of Opinion, that James Bennett's could not have been a Case either of Apoplexy, or of Epilepsv, but was one of Fever, attended with De-lirium; and that of Patrick Doyle, a Case of Epi-lepsy, and not of Apoplexy, like that of the deceased

Serjeant Aitchison.

(signed) J. BOWMAN,

Principal Surgeon of the Territory.


Surgeon, Sydney. « T. R. CLAUSE,

Surgeon, R.N, H. M.S. Success." His EXCELLENCY, in directing this Pub-lication, has been influenced not less by Mo-tives of Justice to the Public, than to the Character of Surgeon IVORY, of the Buffs.

The Ignorance of Connolly, which is ren-dered evident by the Proceedings, and estab-lished by the Opinion of the Board, will pre-

vent his again imposing himself on those who have not had an Opportunity of being : informed of his Incompetency as a Medical Practitioner ; and, to this End, the GOVER-NOR has considered it necessary to direct, that Connolly's Ticket of Leave be imme-diately withdrawn.

By His Excellency's Command,


Government Notice


12th JANUARY, 1827. WOOL.

PERSONS, willing to Contract to furnish

the Female Factory at Parramatta, with about 20,000 lbs. Weight of Raw Wool, deliver-able at that Establishment, either altogether, or in such Proportions as may be required, are requested to send in Tenders, endorsed " Tenders of Wool," to this Office, on Thursday the 18th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock.

By Command of His Excellency the .Governor,

ALEXANDER M'LEAY.____ Government Order


THE Superintendents, and other Persons having Charge of the Public Estab-lishments where Carts or Drays are em-ployed, are authorised, on the Requisition of the Commandants of Districts, or Officers in Command of Stations, to furnish a Dray or Cart, on an Emergency. The Requisition must state the Service for which the Dray or Cart is required, and the Officer making it will report the Circumstance to the Military Secretary. The Superintendent, on whom the Requisition is made, will inform the Co-

lonial Secretary.

By Command of His Excellency the Governor,


SYDNEY, 12th JANUARY, 1827.

NOTICE.- All Persons having Claims against either the MALE or FEMALE ORPHAN INSTITUTION, to the 31st December last, are particularly requested to present them immediately to the Chaplains superintending those Es-tablishments, respectively, in Order to their being liquidated.

By Order,


Clerk of the Corporation. GENERAL POST OFFICE, JAN. 12,1827. MAIL FOR HO» ART I OWN.

A MAIL for HOBART TOWN will be made up on Mon.

day Morning, the 15th Current, to be forwarded by His Majesty's Ship Success, Captain STIRLING.


MOUTH EWES.-Application to be made to Mr. JOHN WILLIAM BBOWJTIV at Richidondj or, »u Mr, IMS'

Furn, Nejpejp.



CLUS being WANTED for die

PUBLIC SERVICE, Persons, desirous of furnishing the Whole, or any Part thereof, are

requested to transmit their Offers, io Writing, -to this Office, sealed and'endorsed " Tender,*1 at 12 o'Clock of Monday next, the 15th 1'n*

slant :

10 Yards of yellow Ferreting, I inch wide

1 Ton of Hoop Iron (iib. Wax Candles

40 Rollins of fine Foolscap Paper 10 Cartridge Paper

1 Blue Paper

12 Pewtfr Inkstands, with Glasses, 6* Pieces of narrow Green 'Ribbon 2 large English Rulers

4 small ditto ditto 3 Clothed Biuslies 100 Mortice Chissels

12 Dust Brushes

24 Hair Brooms " * ' '

0 Coopers' Jointers . < 1 Turner's Lathe , , 2 Sieves

90 Gallons Linseed Oil

150 Yards of HH & T Hinges assorted 560 lbs of 4-inch Spikes

2 Gallons of Alcohol 2 Stone Jars

4 Gallons of Sweet Oil 24 Horse Brushes

2 Pair of Military Gloves.


THE Good Ship the MARQUIS of

HUNTLY, 600 Tons Burthen, Capt. Ascough, will leave this positively on t|ie Istof February, 1827, FOR LONDON DI-RECT, she having- the gi eater Part of lier Cargo en


Persons, therefore, desirous of S limping Produce, or pioceeding to England, wi^l find tins a favourable Opportunity, and will make Application to the Couif munder on board, or at the Counting-house of


N.B.-The Marquis of Huntly lins excellent Ac* coinmodotion for Passengers, and carries a Surgeon,

>R LONDON DIRECT_The Good Ship AUSTRALIA, Captain WILSON,. Burthen 300 Ton«, having great Part of .her Cargo engaged, will Sail for the above Port with early Despatch. For Partien tor«, apply to_ A,. B. SPARK, FOR LONDON AND LEITH.

[HIE Australian Company's Ship PORT

LAND, A. 1. 380 Tons Register, CHRISTOPHER MOOD, Commander, having nearly the whole ,of her Cajgo on board, wilt positively Sail on or before the 20th Instant.

The Portland is fitted up in a superior Style for Passengers, mid carries an experienced Surgeon.--* For Freight or Passage, apply on hoard; or, at the Australian Company's._ELLIS M. SCOTT.

FOR LAUNCESTON and the ISLE OF FRANCE.-- The Barque LEDA, JOHN NORTHWOOD, Esq. Commander, will-lenvp this Port for Launceston and the Isle of France on t)ie J Uli Instant.---For Freight or Passage,

apply to

ORORGE BUNN, Agent, 98, George-street, "" FORT LONDON DIRECT:

THE Ship WOODFORD, A. 1. cop pered and copper-fastened, EDWARD CHAPMAN, Esq. Commander, will commence

loading immediately; having Ker dead] Weight, and great pert of her Wool engaged. Thigi Ship will Sail on the last Day of. February, 1827, All early Application for Freight or Passage is re-


The Woodford has ,very elegant Accommodations, and will carry an experienced Surgeon. For Parti culars, apply to GEORGE BUNN.____


THE good Ship PHOENIX, 500 Tons Register,

A. ANDERSON, Commander, will Sail on the 15th January 1827, for Bombay direct ; has very superior accommodation for Passengers, and carries a Surgeon.

For Freight or Passage, apply to the Commander on board; or, at the Counting-house of RAINE & RAMSAY.____




THE New Ship FAITH, 300 Tons Bur then, W. S. DELOITTE, Commander.

'This Ship has excellent Accommodation» for Passengers, .and will Sail early in fe» bruary. Application to be made to

Messrs. RAINE and RAMSAY,


G. D. BROWNE.____