Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Saturday 30 December 1826, page 1



closed on Monday and tuesday, the 25M and 2G/X Instant, bein* the Christmas Holidays, and on ¡Monday, Tuesdkiy, und Wednesday, the 1st, 2d, and ¿d of January next, for balancing the Half-yearly Accountt

Bills for Discount will be received on IVednesdi y, the 27<A Instant, and on Thursday, the 4lh oj January, and Answers given the same Day

_A.K MACKFNZIE, Secretary



Mund i\ mid Tuesday next, the Tirst and Second of Jnnunrv , Rills intended tor Discount to be pu senti d on Wednesday, and Answers .riven the »nine D iv

_T. M'VITIE, Munging Dircctoi.


TOTICE ti hereby given, that GEA ERAL

QUAR 1ER SESSIONS of the PEAC1\ for the Colony of New ¡south Wales, ivill be holden at liverpool, on Tuesday, the Second Day of January next, at li indsor, on Tuesday, the Ninth Day of the said ¡hintli of Janu-ary ; at Sydney, on Tuesday, the Sixteenth Day of the said Month of January ; and al Newcastle, an luesday, th" Twentieth Day of February next ; at which Places respectnely all Persons, under Recognizances lo appear, either to prosecute or defend, will be required to gue their Attendante at 10 o'C/oci in the Forenoon

Subpoenas to be obtained at my Ufjice.

¡.RhDERICK GARLING, Clerk of the Peace In the Supreme Court

SHERIFF'S OFFICE, DECEMBER 23d, 1826 Aspinnll, Brow ne, and Co ti Moleton

)N Tuesdavt the 2d January next, at 12 o'Clock,

on tlie Premises, in Eli7nbelh street, Bottom of Bripl< field-tnll, tlie SHPBIFP mil Cunse to be Put up bj Anitinn, Hilf of» Town Allntmtnt, »iib au unlinisbed House eiectr I thereon, the Piopeitv of the above Defendant, unless tin. Execution bl previously satisfied.

In the Supreme Court.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE, DECEMBER 27, 1820 Hutchinson v Piesley.

IHE above Defendant's Houses at Parramati i

advertised for SALE Ibis Diy, i» unavoidably POST-PONED, until Wednesdaj, the 3d Jumiuiy next


on SALE, by GEORGE BUNN. No 98, George-street


{HE Subscriber begs to notify to the Public,

that be has recuved, per Husrh Cr iwfoid, C iptiin I ARGOON, ihout THREE HUNDRED PRIME \OUNG DERWENT EWES, which lie will dispon of hyPnvite contrnol. on reasonable Term« GLORGE BUNN IM,h ot 1 KANCL, MJGAIt.supeiior « me by the Pipe ami i fut

Batts of Almonds »ill he Sold on rmon-ihle Terms, to close an Account 1)\ ipplvuiR to V Poi ACK, \\ -iterloo house

¡(ANIEL COOPER lequests Hut Persons in-

debted to binti on lus pm-ite \ccount, previous to his Con-nexion with Mr Levy, will settle their respective Debts without fur-ther Delay Until the first Diy of ue\t March he «ill be willing to

receive Coloni ii Produce in Pt\ ment A Lis* of the Debts which re-

main unliquidated after that Period will be plated for Recovery in the Hands of his Solicitor_[S\dney, December 14th 1826 PTfPHE undeisigned reqtnsls, that ail Pemuns

»» indebted to Her, will discharge the several Sums be-fore the 8tli of Januarj, 1827, «r she will Authorise her Solicitor to enforce Pajment All Claims ngiinst dei beinff piesented at Mr JAMES SMITHBRS , No 84, Pitt-stnet, will be attended to MARY riNNCGlN, AI IAS CRfW. R CHAPMAN, PLUMUEK, PAINTLU. anti GLA7ICR ISo l8,

. Pitt street, returns his 1 hanks to his FriendB and the Public, for the liberal Encouragement he has received, ami respectfully sob. cits . continuance of their Favors -Plumbing, Ghnng, and Paiut îng executed with neatness, durability, and despatch-Il C. has on Sile Paint of various kinds, liktwise an ANortraeut of Ironmonger j.

<$otnmi00artat department.


MEWCASI LE. -Persons, di strous oj Con-

tracting to tiipph/ the Quantities of


whnh mai/ be lequited for the Commissariat at Neiotaith, during the Quai ter ending the 24th Mardi, 1827, are requested to transmit then OJfcrs,m Wilting, to this Ofjiic, scaled and en-dorsed " Tender oí Gr.»n," at liie/ve o'clock, vf Friday, the Gth Day of January next.

WM. WEMYSS, Pep Commismnj General.


.HE Gund Ship, tlie MARQUIS of

HUNT LYjfiOl) Tons Burthen, Cnpt Ascoumi, will leave this positively on the 1st of January, 1827, FOR LONDON DIRECT, she having the greater Part of her Cargo engaged.

Pirsous, therefore, desirous of Shipping Pioducc, or pro-ceeding' to England, will find this i favourable Opportunity and will nnke Application to the Commander on hniiid, or at the Coiintin^-liniist of RAINE AM) li \MS \Y

N B-The Mjiqmsnf Hunt!} luis excellent Accommoda ti on for Passenger-., mid cal ries a Surgeon_


Bug- TAME, and will touch nt Holurt Town, if sufficient Freight nid Pnsscngers ofler U ill be lendy to receive Carpo on the 14lh 111st mt, and will Sail on or about the 2Gth - I nins, Three Pounds per Ton, for any QinntiH undei 10lons, puyuhle on Ship ment, fruin 10 to DO, i wo Pounds Ten Shillings , and, foi ?iO, nml upuirds, Two Pounds, pijnhle on Delivcn - \uv Peisons wishing io insure then Piopertv, ni ly be ncconiuio dited, nt I wo P muds Tell Shilling's per Cent

Cullin Pissingeis --------.- £10 0 0

St<u agi Do - - -. 5 0 0

Applicl on to he imde to Mr S. LORD, Macquarie place. Sdiici, Pic 5, l^fi._


JQP nrHl' Austi »Inn Coni|Mii>'s ShipPORT JëçÊ&> LAND, A I 386Toiis Register, CiiRlSTOFHPii ?x^£$¿¡![ Uoon, Comm-uidcr, hiving ill hei dead VV» ijrlit

on binni, is 11 iw reidy forllu Reception of Wool, .»nil will Sail on or heforetlu 1st of J mimi \

I lie Portl nul is tittid up in 1 superioi Style for Ptssen geis, and cimes an e\piiunced ¿surgeon Fir rin"ht orPassigi. lupli on bond or, at the Aiistnili in Compnn\'s

_cms M seo 1 r FOR the ISLE of FRANCE via BA-

TAVIA -The. Barque LEDA, JOHN NORTH-WOOD, Esq Commander will leave this Port for

Batavia and the Isle of France on or about the 1st of January -For Freigrht or Passage apply to

GEORGE BUNN, Agent, 98, George-street




J£ rpHE New Ship FAITH, 301)Tons Bur fJjHgfesk tin n, VV S DBLOITTE, Coniiinnder

wáyBii This Ship his «xcelknt Accninm dillons for Pas-

sengers, and will Sill early in Fein 11*11 v Appli-cation to be made to Messrs RAINE and RAMSAY,



IpHC Bn? APOLLO (quite New),

JOHN LAUGHTON Coinni mder, is now oflered for Fr< ight or Chaiterto in\ Poit Ap

pliuition to he m nie to_GTORGC BUNN


|pHE Ship WOODi ORD, A 1. cop J*i- peud and copper listened, I DW\.HD ( HAP M\Is, Esq Coinni indi r, will c 1 uni« nee hiding numedi itdv , IIJVII g hir di id W« iB'ln, and gie it part oflnr Wool engaged Ibis Ship will Sill nu tin list Du ot I ebrnnr\, 1827 Alleirly Appliciuou foi Fieight or Piissi.e is r< commended

1 lu Woodford b is very elpgant Accommod liions, and w ill cany au «xpinencid S iii "ton loi Puitiiulirs, ipplv to


Poricp Oi-Fich Livprtroor 27th DBCFMBBR 182G WHERLA>, TWO BU«I1RA\GER> wire apprehended on

Mondi) last uiar Liverpool in«l tin following ARTICLES, suspected to be STOLEN, f und with them, -ire sti 1 unclaimed Any Pirson or Persons liawng lost such Property, ba\e au Oppor-tunity of identify nig the same -

One Pistol

Tiree Cotton Shirts,

,-One Drab Bca\cr Hat, Two knit es. One R-uor,

One Tomahawk, One sun gh*s,

One Small Iron Pot, and

A quantity of El glish Soap




MR. CLARKE Ins the Honor to announce to tin LOVERS of

HARMONY, that Tuesday the 9th of January, 1827, is fixed j

for the next CONCERT, for which a \ery dione Selection of Musi

cal Pieces \ocaI ind instrumental are in Rehearsal In the Course of

tlieE\cning Mr C will introduce by Desire Braham's mucli ad

mind Scottish Ballad, "Let us haste to Kelvin Grove." An Outline

of the Perfirmance in future Adieiti'ements I

1 lekcts ai each may be bid at Mr I ord s Micquarie place, Mr Sippe, Military Barrack; Mr. Edwards, Mr. Foxall's, and Mr. B. Levey's, George-street

G v/ETTE OFFICE, SYDMÎY, DEC 15, J826 ^T^HE untlei signed hereby gives Notice io the

?*- Inhabitants of the I11W no1, and more piriiculirlv to his

uumeious Friends, thit Mr ROBERT CAMPUEII, Polict Ch ik,ntLivupnnl, Mi Wir HAM JOHNSTONE, Pola« Ueik at Windsor, mil Mr OBOUCELULFI, at the G uetti R«

cetving Office, Pirinmitt 1, an constituted his Agents in their ie-p(iti\e Distucls,-All Couuiiniiicitioiis and Cones pondenits, thireloie, togethei with Adverlisenients and Orders foi the Gazette, ire requesti d to be made to thim, and suth Ordcis will bl punctu lily obeyed

_R HOWE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned having Rented the Farm, known by the Name of

BOWMAN'S I'm», situite mar the Toll G ile on the Gient Western Road, foi mi ii} occupied ti\ Mr PIESIKY, cautions all Peisons against titsp issni"' thinoii, whetbirhy Horses or Cattle, or cutting fiiiibci, as thev will be piosecuted according to Law

A Rtwnidol Four Dolíais will be p-nd to wliomsoevei shill gue lnfoinntion ol any Person 01 Peisons so ntl« iiiliug

It is also it quired, that nil Cattle .it piesmt thereon, be 1 taken aw ly by Situidav, the 26th Instant, or III Dif tult

thereof the* will be impounded. I

Parmn itt 1, L ANDREW NASH, N0v_20tI1J8.Ö_i__JOHN JONES

NO1 ICE IS IILRCBY GIVl N that ill Persons whose Gittle

graze at present it the Macquarie Held Lstite, are hereb\ requested to remove the samt before the fifteenth of Janu iry, 1827

\ll Cattle rrmainin0 on the, 1 state, after tin. Time specified m this Notue, will be Impounded for 1 nspass

By Or<ler of the Executors,

_THOMAS MEEHAN MO I ICE, the Subscriber requests all Diafts

drawn on him by the Rev L E Tlnelkild, nt Reid's Mistake, may be presentid foi Payment,tint the Accounts tor tin Aboi iginnl Mission may be closed fir the pieseiu Year

CunpbiU's Wini f, ï ROBERT C-VMPBLLL

Dec 22.1820 *

MTheuntlersifftipd, having adveitisetl 111 tlie llnei

9 Public P->pei«,foi two sticcissive Months, tint all Debts dm me, weie to be p-nd by the 11th Stptenibei, or Ihey would he lunded ovei to Mi. GEORGE ALLBN, Sohiitor, foi Ricovery ,

Now this is to give Notice, that I have ¡yiven my Solicitor 111 struclions to sue nil Defnulteis_B LEVEY ^

1FTY Boxes of English SOAP, of superior qutility, ex Hugh

.Crawford, oa Sale at A B Sl'ABK *



CUMAIN JOHN BEVFRlDGr, respectfully offers his Thinks

to those Pirents, liinrdiiin tint Others, who bite intrusted linn with the C ire mil Lducition of their Children, lind flitters himself tint, from unweiricd Attention to their Instruction and Monis he will continue to merit a Share of that Public Patronige which lie his ilrcady experienced

Hie Christmis \a ition will terminate on Monday the 8th of January, 1827, when the Pupils will ne,-un resume their studies.


1 he School House is situilcd on a healthy and picturesque »pot, ISo 10, Prince street, neirly opposite the Mibtiry Hospital, coin

mandinga View ofthc Town anil Ihrbour, inil affording to the Pupils every Accommodation, with commodious Apartments ,&c


Young Gentlemen arc Boarded md rdueatcd, at the above Establish ment in the ru¿lish Lan¿ui¿e Writing, arithmetic, Meiiftiritinn of So/uls md Superficies, Book kecpinn bv Single mil Double Lutry, GeoDtaphy, Geometry, Navigation md Nautical Astronomy


Boarders instructed in m\ or all of the following Branches, per Annum with Bond md lodging £ s d

Ten \cars of Age, m4 upwirds .35 ° 0 Under Ten "icnrs. .... 30 0 0

Subject to in 1 xtra Clnrge of £5 for M a-lung

Div scholars, instructed in Spelling, Reading, auA

Writing, for Three Cilcndar Months..... X 10 0 The ibove, with the iddition of Lnghsli Grammir and

Arithmetic . .200

The mote, with the addition of Geo^riphy ami Book

keeping. 2 10 0


Mugation, Method of Keeping ajournai at Sei, with

Mcridiinmd Double Altitudes.. .. ....5 5 0 Finding the Longitude by Lunir Observitionsand Time

keepers. .. 3 3 0 As the Money is to be pud at Lnlnnce, Persons who einnot stay to be completed, nny return is often as they please, without any

idditioinl I xpeuce

Hours ofStudj, in the Summer Season, from C to8 o'Clock ju the Morning, and from 9 to 12, md from 2 to S in the Afternoon , Winter ¡season, from 9 to 12, ind from 2 to 5 in the Lvenings


The usual Vacations are i rortmglit it Christmas, a Week at Easter,

.uni the Minc at Whitsuntide

No Lngigcinents entered into for Boarders for a less 1 erm than Six Months, nor for Diy Scholars for less than Three Months Three Mouths Notice m Writing, will be required, prêt ions t J the Re. moni ol any Boirder , md One Mouth pievious to that of any Day


MR EARLE has the Honor to acquaint the Public, es-

pecially the Iovers of the Fine Arts, and the Gentle-men of the Navy and Army, that he has now at his Disposal, a small, yet interesting and valuable Collection of Books, Engravings, and Prints (Proofs), by the most eminent Mas-ter, as various is beautiful. For the Information of those who may be disposed to purchase any of these Productions, which are Uniques in this Colony, he has adopted this Cir-cular which describes the Works on Sale, and the Prices he is instructed to take for them, which he conceives will he deemed reasonable, considering the Rarity of the Selections.

The History of Windsor, and its Neighbourhood, by James Hakewell, Architect, embellished with 33 Plates

A Collection of Engravings, from Paintings and Draw-ings, by the most celebrated Masters, containing a Series of fine Specimens after Vandyke, Annibal Caracci, Murillo, Carlo Dolce, Salvator Rosi, Teniers. Rembrandt, Vander velde, Beouwer, Netcher, Titian, &c. &c. engraved and

etched in the best Manner, by the most eminent Artists-in 2


Archaeologia, or miscellaneous Tracts, relating to An-


Seventeen Sheets of Tapestry, as published by, and under the Direction of, the Council of the Society of Antiquaries, London. This splendid Work will be sold under its intrinsic Value, to secure it a Purchaser who may have the Means of displaying, without the slightest Risk of partimng with it, ai any Time, at more than double the Price now asked, which is £17, that is £1 per Sheet

A series of Views illustrative of the Island of St Helena, by James Wathen, Esq.

A Collection of fifty Prints, from antique Gems, engraved by Mr. John Spilsbury.

Swiss Costumes

Views on the Banks of the Thames, by Westall. With other Specimens of the Arts.

WHEAT. - Settlers, in the District of Hun-ter's River, who may be in want of WHEAT, can be sup-plied with any Quantity, from a few Bushels to Three Thousand; and those who may require above One Hundred Bushels, will be accom-modated with Six Months Credit J MUDIE

Castle Forbes, December 15 1826

WANTED immediately, an OVERSEER to

take Charge or a Stock Station, in Argyleshire None need apply but those who can give strong Testimonials of good Character and Security for future good Beha-viour, as liberal Wages will be given. Apply to Mr. Jo-seph UNDERWOOD.

WANTED, a HOUSE‐MAID, who can make herself generally

useful. Apply to Mrs. Jᴏꜱᴇᴘʜ Uɴᴅᴇʀᴡᴏᴏᴅ.

A DISPENSE!, is requued foi Hie Sydney D s *^ pens irj , bewill be requued to keep i Set of Bonks, and must give respect ible Rolen lins as to Clune ter ~Ap pl\ to_Mr K.IITH Hoiiorin v Seen t irv WAN1ED, anexpenencedHANDasOVER

STER, who will be able to undertake the M-iung-e nieiit mid Controul of a lar/e Griztnjr and A^iiLiiltninl Concern As the. Business will be esJensue, and Attention to the Diny included in other multifarious Duties, none bul a clever Man nied ipplj. A mai ried Mau, ind if* mid dli n^itl, would hi pietiried As eieiy Encouragement will be iflorded, Tistiinouiils of Clnriettr will be leqmred Apph at the G*7t-TTB QFFICP, foi Refneuci_ MRS. DILLON, HI lelunmig '1 banks for tfie

distiiig-iiisbed Pationt^e she I is hitheito leceirul, be^s Leave to acqiiant her Fiieud-. ind the Public, that she lins taken the Premises htelv occupied liy Mi I UCAS, No. 74, Georj-e stieet, where she iiitr-nils cniMUJT on Business us usual, in the Millinery line, where nu extensivi and di "Mut Assoitmeut ot the most Fashionable Al tides of I idns' Costume, and evei v desei iptiou of Millmeiy ind Hi lionlnshery, will he submitted for their inspection on New

\ eir's Ü iv

No 20, Pitt-street,_Pec_ 19j;J82fj_ I^HL AUSTRALASIAN ALMAN VCK is no« leidy

foi Deliveiy at tlie GAZFrib OPFICP, Svdntj , the G izetti Ueei mug Ollice, Pan mutti, at Mr Cnmpbi ll's, Liverpool, mid nt ill r Johnstone'*, Windsor Price JOv. (id. toStdntj G ize tie Subscribí rs , md 12s 6d toothers

jVoiu publishing al the Gazette Office, Price Iii 6rf


CIL, GOVLRNMENT ORDERS, and NOTICES, ni the prisent Admiaistiatioii, for the Half-jem

1 his Wuik is printed ou best Fonlscip, Inr^e, elegant, and new lype, and, as it will continue to be published Halt

jcurlj, and will contain ill the Coloutil Ordinances, every respectable Inhabit ml wtil do well to purchase a Copv, ns the Number is oulj limited - -Applicitions to be made, with* out Delny, for the Iew Numbers yet unrequited

A POLACK requests all PERSO SS, who .£ls_© have Claims ap/aiust lum, to send in then respective Accounts for Liquid<tiou , ind all Persons (no Exceptions) indebted to him, are requested to settle the same without Del iv, it being- his luteution to ictura to England, with hw Tauiily, ni Februurv next

Wateiloo House, Georjre street, Dec» mix i 27. 182T


i AINE AND HAMSAY bave received, peí

Faith, and have for SALE, in excellent ASSORT. MENT of the ibove, lo'isistino/ of Kickers to Mists, of 80 Tect, which inav be seen a. Fowler's Saw pits, in Cockle buy - -Tor Particulars, as to Puce, apply at their Couiitng house, in Bli^li-street_



Any Gentleman wishing to imp'ovc his Stock may be accom modated with One to Ten, at Ten Guineas each, not to be surpassed in the Colony either for beauty or fineness of wn«l Apply to Mr H MARR» C»itl«e«£h.*r»ci, Sydney, or R DBiYHHj «t the above


galea tin îîttction.


THIS DAY, nt Eleven «»'Clock, nt his Rooms, George

street (the Propeity of the lute Commodore Sir Juiucs Brisbane), comprising-,

A FEW ARTICLES of FURNITURE, consisting of a library

table, sofa ditto, a couch, with several «bests of drawers, chairs, wash-stands, &c. beautiful mid rich cut glass decanters, goblets, tum-

blers, claret, and oilier wineglasses, finger ditto, trill« dishes, jugs,-j salts, jelly ditto, &c. elegant breakfast service, painted and gold, a tea service, ditto, handsome debert service, dinner «litto, blue, blue edge MTvice, wash-hand basons und pitchers, ivory lundie knives and forks, dish covers, capital fowling pieces, in mahogany case, with apparatus, l.tclies'and gentlemen's side-saddles, plated cruet frame, toast rack,

and various other effects.

Conditions of Sale-Prompt Payment, Sterling Money.


THIS DAY, at Eleven o'Clock, at |iis Boomi, George


A FEW ARTICLES of EXCELLENT FUR *»* NITURE, beautiful Glass and China Ware, and other Effects the Property of the late Commodore Sir James Brisbane. Ou View previous to the Sale.


The Property of an Oflicer about leaving the Colonv,,


*? PLATE, in useful ARTICLES; excellent House-

hold Furniture and other Effi cts.

The Tiuieiiml further Particular» will he duly announced.


THE SALE of GOODS, saved from the Brig Mariner,

X advertised for Sale THIS DAY, is POSTPONED till

Wednesday next, ¡it 11 o'Clock.

_ _ RAPSEY AND MITCHELL. IflR. DAVID KELLY, BUTCUElt, Pitt k1- street, must respectfully informs his Customers, und the Public in general, tlint he intends reducing the- present Prices of Ins MEAT, with the Quarter commencing the First Day of January next, to the Prices undermentioned:


LAMB, { 7d. per Pound, Sterling. PORK. 3

PRIME BEEF, fid. do. do. COARSE BEEF, 4d. rio. do.

He also trusts thnl, by pnjing strict Attention to Orders given, he will continue to merit that Patronage he has hi-therto so kindly experienced.

Shipping supplied.


A LL those valuable and exle.nsivr PREMISES,

belonging to Mr. CRAWFORD, 'situated in Darling Harbour. The superior advantuges which this Property possess, nre too well known to require any eiilojjiuin; in the rear of the Premises there is already n good Wharf, and the adjoining vacant Giound is well calculated for the Erection of Warehouses on n very Inrge Scale. Further Partiulliars tun} be known by npplying to the Proprietor._ ngilO BE LET, OR SOLD, as may be agreed

iSL on, the FARM OF DENBIGH, the Property of the late ClIARI.FS HOOK, Esq. lying in the District of Cooke, and consist-ing of Eleven Hundred Acres, of which about 400 are cleared aud »tumped, and the Land mostly «iiclosed. There are 60 acresof grow-ing Wheat, and Q3 iu Maize. There is it larg» Dwelling-house and other convenient out-houses on the Farm, which is eligibly situa'ed, and. will prove a valuable Pjoperty to the Proprietors of Estates in the New Country. _I_ _ ALSO,


.«- THY SHEEP; JOHN SUI.UVAI», Overseer, at Den-bigh, will shew the Farm and Sheep, and for further Parti-culars, npplv to the undersigned.

Campbell's Wharf, > ROBERT CAMPBELL.

Nov. 17,1820._*_

TO BE LET, for the Term of five Years, at the yearly Rent of

£40 sterling, a capital VERANDAH HOUSE, containing 10 rooms; there are also the following Out‐houses, &c. a Granary, Store‐ house, and Shed, 5 large Pig‐sheds and Styes, a Barn, 60 feet long and 20 feet wide, with a skilling and large yard attached; a Kitchen, with 2 rooms, a long Shed for fowls, &c.; besides a Cow‐yard and 3 other Yards, together with between 6 and 7 Acres of good Land, all cleared, of which there is one acre and a quarter laid out in a capital garden. The above can be seen by applying to Mr. JOHN LEES, Castlereagh.


A CAPITAL FARM, of Fifty‐nine Acres, the whole of which is

fenced in, through which runs a fine creek of water, well‐ stocked with fish; there is a good House erected on the Farm, with a Barn and Yards for Cattle, &c. This Farm and House will be Let at 25s per Acre, and may be taken either together or separate from the foregoing Premises. Apply as above.

COTTAGE. -TO BE LET, a neat genteel COT

^»-' TAGE, in n pleasant mid airy situation in Darling Harbour; it contains two rooms and a kitchen ; th'Te is also an enclosed Paddock attached. Possession may be had immediately. Forfiiriher Particulars enquire at the Ollice of this Paper. _

N SALE, AT THE WATERLOO WARE-HOUSE, GOOD PORK, pet- the Cask, at Sixpence per Pound.

parramatta £tationm> Wtovtyouat.


EORGE LILLEY begs Leave to inform the ^ Inhabitants «if the above Town, thnt be will have on SALE, in the Course of the Week, ALL KINDS OF STA-TIONERY, which, for their Accommodation, will be Sold as cheap as nt any of the Houses in the Capital.

fejN SALE, at A. B. SPARK'S, about Ten Tons ¡^ of Mauritius Sugar, mid a few quarter chests of the

finest teas, ex Valetta and Sun.

Also, Company's bobea, sugar-candy, coffee, raisins Hodgson's pule nie. Champagne, claret. Burgundy, &c. &c.


^ PORT WINES, at the following reduced Prices :- j


Per Pipe.£21 Sterling. £14 0 Sterling.

Half Pipe.... 12 8 0 _20 Gallon Cask 5_ 3 10

FOR SALE, the Cargo of the Ship Faith,

from New Zealand, as follows, vis.

Spars-From Top-gallant Studding Sail-booms, to 28 inches


Deals.-Frem 1/2 inch to 3 inches, and Fir Scantling of all


Salt Pork.---Superior quality, and a small quantity of

Flax, Resin and Red Ochre.

Applications to he made to the Commander on board, or lo Messrs. RAINE and RAMSAY, and

G. D.BROWN ON SALE, at JOHN PAUL'S New and Extensive Warehouse,

George.streot :-« .Westphalia Hams; Fine Snufl's;

English Boots;

Shag Tobacco, ^_

TO APSEY and MITCHELL have just Opened ISLA» for SALE, at elegant Assortment of the following Wearing Ap-parel :-.Gentlemen's Dress, Surtout, Riding, and other Coats. Chil. dren's Dresses, Ladies' Riding Habits, Servants' Livery Couts, Waist-

coats, Trousers, &c.

Dec. 10,183B. ____

AVID MAZIERE lias now on SALE at his,! Stores, Pitt-street, the following WINES, in Wood

and Bottle :

Port, very superior, vintage 1815, and 1820, London parti-cular Madeira, Caduvul hock, Teneriffe ami Almeriiie, all of which are of the fust quality.


Isle of France sugar, hyson, hysou skin and black tea, West India ruin, Cognac brandy, Hollands Geneva, Brazil

tobacco, yellow snap, slops, best Colonial cheese and butter, ' white clover seed, superior London bats, calicoes, London glue, stationery, nails, agricultural implements, gunpowder and shot, pit and cross-cut saw files, &c. Sec. &c.

Payment in Sterling Honey, or, Dollars at ii, id, Liberal

-Diseouut for Cash, 1

Jue«, 6, ima.


N SALE, for Cash, at B. LEVEY'», No. 72,


Good Cocon-iiiit Oil, at .'Is. per pallon ;

Prime Island Pork, fid. per pound, by the cask ;

Lard, fit for family use, at7id. per lb. by taking 20lln } White Sugar A good chaise 1 chests fine hyson tea Noils mid brads

Hinges, bolts, and gale-hooks

Small iron wire

Window glass, of sizes Paints, of colours

Sheetings, shirtings, prints

Ladies' while and black hose Ditto shaw Is mid scarfs

Slopsof nil descriptions

Snltpetie, powder in kegs Coffee, by the bug- or lb.

Two excellent English,built]

A eliesiiui horse, G yean old,

stands 17£ bunds'high RnuiT, 4s. per lb,

Pnper, per ream, 10s. Playing curds

Large iron pots, from 12 to 49


Duck irowser«, white shirts Duck, by the piece Chintz, assoiioil

A few lurg-c black Ince scarfs Cloths, of colours /

Plaid, bombazines, assorted


cnriinges, with or wi'houljlnudkerchiefs, &c.


The' above Articles are now selling extremely low, for readyMonpy.

_GOQD MA.'ZE, 3s. Cd. per Bushel._ CHEAP GOODS to b« SDL», at S. LYONS*,

N»f 75, George-sireet, Sydney, viz. :

English Soap, in packages of 28 and 40lbs. at 7d. per lb.

Prime Irish Pork.£0 10 0 percuslr.

Ten, per john Buli. 5 5 0 per chest. Ryson Ten . 3 15 0 per bos.

English Prints, in 28 yard pieces. I 1 Oper piece.

Calicoes. 0 12 6 per piece. Floor Cat petina. 0 5 0 per.jnrd.

Superior striped Cotton Whirls. 2 14 0 per "dozen.

Dinner Service and Crockery of nil Descriptions, with at variety of other Articles, loo numerous to mention.

0\V on SALE, at MAU it's Warehouse, Castle

reagh-strcet, a few BASKETS of PRIME BRAZIL TOBACCO, a few pounds of lump colton, cotton cold, best blue cloth at 20s. per yard, drub eliminiere at 15s. per yard, dress jeans and Mnrseillus-, genth men's best hats, frirls* benver bonnels, Indies and gentlemen's saddles, four horse and jockey whips, colon red silks, silks mid empe, ladies* shawls, from 10s. t0 £10 10s. bl.iek crapes, boinbize.-ns and shift's, black veil», pasteboards, English cold wedding- rings', spectacles, pattens «nil clog», in nu wiie, flour sieves, win-dow (rluss ol' sizes, (¡usecd oil, best Dui'h.iiii miistuid at 2.Gil. per bottle, handsome wax dolls, a few boxes of Euglish'sonp, Burugan ftistjnii, rich bordered, table covers, best plums,

Is. 6d. per pound.

G. D. BROWN, No. 98, GEORGE STREETT WAMA1CA RUM, Cognac Brandy, Hollands Q-t* Geneva, Vidonia and Port Wines, Corks, Tobacco, Gunpowder, Shot, Muskets, English and Swedish Iron, Soap, Caudles, Cuidage, Tar, Pitch, and a few Cuses of Chumpuigue._

-BUST RECEIVED, BY THE~BRIG FAIR. <afe> FIELD, and now on SALE, tit JOSEPH INCH'S, No. 14, Pitt-street, Sydney, the following GOODS, or'til« newest fashion ; viz. ladjes' elegant flounced robe dresses, rieb bobbin luce, of various patterns, ditto shawls, scarfs, handkerchiefs, collins, veih, and tippets, ditto culls, caps, and cup crowns, 9-8 cambric nnd jaconet muslin, 6-4 «Into, plain and check ditto, ditto striped, book and japan ditto, lena, snrteg'etl and plain uett, handsome superb silk shawls, 8-4, imitation and damask ditto, Cashmere ditto, sprigged book muslins, worked in coloured worsted, frilling ami pleating uett, looting, silk trimming, buttons, tassais, cord«, braids, Sec. Fancy ribbands, printed muslins,' black and whito hyured s"tiu and gituzi', furniture chintz, English and ludiuii prints, lonj>clut|)s, steam loom sheeting 7-4, Biitish cottons, ditto linen, brown ILdluud, furniture lining 9-8, block linen, ladies' fine white cotton hose, gentlemen s half ditto, chil-dren's boots und shoes, sewing- cotton, ditto thread, tapes and hobbins, cottou shirts, duck trovvser» ; with various otnei* Ameles too numerous to mention._

THOMAS ASHTON begs to acquaint the Pub-

lic, that he has removed from his late residence in Cla-rence-street, to No. 2, York-street, formerly occupied by the late Mr. Matthew Bacon, where he proposes to entertain Set-tlers from the country ; he has excellent Stabling, Storage, &c. and trusts he will be able to merit their support by every possible attention to their convenience.

A small Chandlery, with Apparatus complete, to be Let.

OR SALE, by Mr. THOMAS HOWE, at Glenlee, Airds, a coosi.

ilerabîe Quantity of excellent TOBACCO, in Leaf, and put up in the Manner of Negrohead, remarkably well cured ; this Tobacco was grown on Glenlee Farm, 2 Years ago, at (he 'Time when the Grow in j of Tobacco in the Colony received its death-blow, by the Reduction of the Duty and consequent Importation of immense Uuautities of Foreign manufactured Tobacco, and has been unsaleable until now.

N. 11.-- Stems for making Tobacco Water, Sixpence per poUtti Grass Seeds gi own op the Farm, (viz.) warranted to grow i Clover Seeds,at Is. Sterling per pound; Rib Grass, at 3s. ditto i Burnett, 3s. Gd. ditto;

Rye Grass, meadow fescue, clover, rib grass, and burnett properly '

mixed fur sowing, at 15s. per bushel ;

A considerable quautity of Flax ready for the beckles, the producw

of the Farm ;

One hundred tons of Hay, equal to the best in England, iu quantities

to suit Purchasers __^____

E~~ mVAAD SPARKE, Butcher, King-stceet. Sydney, in returning

Thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public, for the liberal Encouragement he has experienced since his Commencement in Busi-ness, and begs to inform them, that on the 1st of January, 1827, be will rtduce his Prices as follows, viz i

PRIME BEEF .6d. per pound 5

COARSE BEEF .1. 4d. ditto fö< ..

MOTTON, PORK & LAMB 7d. ditto ( »««imf.

VEAL. Bd.ditto J

N. B. Shippiag-supplied on the most reasonable Terms, and on til« shortest Notice._ A" SMALL GENTEEL FAMILY can he accommodated with.

LODGINGS, ready furnished, comprising two Parlours ou this first, and two Sleeping-rooms on the second Floor,'of a House very pleasantly situated in Sydney. Togsther with the Lodging will ba Let, a Coach House and Stabling for three Horses. Application'to

be made at the Gazette OIKce._\


WHEREAS, 011 Wednesday Night, the 27th lust, some evil-dis-

posed Person or Persons, did wilfully, maliciously, and feloniously SET FIRE to a STACK of WHEAT, on the Farm and Premises of Mr. HOCH KELLEY, situate at Pitt Town, whereby the said Stack, supposed to contain about 300 Bushels of Wheat, was totally con-sumed, and the Dwellingou the Farm raiich endangered. Being con-fident that this serious Mischief has been committed with a malicious lnt«nt¡ I Hie undersigned, do hereby oller a Re wai d 'of One Hundred and Thirty Spanish Dollars, to any Persou who will give suclj Infor-mation, as will bring the Perpetrators of this attrocious Deed to Conviction._HUGH KELLEY. WHEREAS, on the Evening of Christmas Day last, I, the Un-

dersigned, (being in a state of intoxication) made a most violent and unprovoked Attack, first in King-street, and afterwords in Pitt-street, on the UNDER SULRIFF, to his great Personal Injury, but in consequence of my expressing Contrition for such a gross Assault, ho bos beeu pleased to forego a Prosecution against me, on my making a Public Apology in the Newspaper, and entering into Sureties to Keep the Peace for 12 Mouths, (considered by the Acting Superintendent of Police absolutely necessary, not only as a warning; to others, but for the greater fcecurity of ludiv ¡duals, wlio may be exposed to the Outrage 01° Persous alike insensible to Justice and Humanity,) lhereby'acknowledge my sincere Sorrow for such Offence, and agree to pay all Expences, on the Prosecution being withdrawn,

EDWARD MUNRO, late of Parramatta.

Witness, J. WILLIAMS. '_ {Sydney; Dec. 28. 1620'.


-*? ZETTE.-Silt, -You will have the goodness to sute, in your next Paper, tlint in delivei ing my Police Report to Ide Editor of the MONITOR, early this week, 1 meutioned

the mime of Pashjield, us having been committed to luke bis , triul for a felony, in the published Report ibis day ; .the name of Pashle¿ has been, by the error of the compositor, substituted. Tue uunie of tue accused, 1 find, i* Pasjittdj as originating wholly in unintentional mistake on the part of the compositor. An Apology is by him offered to Mr. Pashley, for the liberty taken with his Name.

I am Sir, your obedient Servant,

M. W. HALE. Reporter to the Monitor Sydney, PH. », 1638. Weekly J«urifj;