Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Wednesday 23 August 1826, page 3



FRIDAY, AUGUST 18- John Darcey, prisoner for 7 yew mid heretofore aionxtibe in tilt Carters Barracks, ippured a,t the bar cb irgul with hiMiig filomouslv stolen i set ol phted harness, and «onie furniture, fiom a clnist belonging to Mr Bigges, whiMnvith a horse, lie hid h t to Mr Andrew Ball, to ptoeetd to .»arraui Uta some \ucl s sim i It ippnrcd that «hen Mr Ball, in company with Chip in in, the « ird«m in, »ho hid ittcndid Mr Hall on «omi is icnal duli

retnrnid to Ins li HISL it 10 o duck in the timing of the'day he had gone fruin ^idne\ he lift tilt horse and ilnisi it his door, and m less Until minute tin elms, md horse HIL horsi lame bonn dirty ind bruin! ibout the legs nrly tin next niornin ?? md the i h lue «is found md suit li mu the next mornin - Nollim"- fur ther transpired f jr some tmiL, inil Mr Hilf pud Mr Bigges tln° ailie of the irtnlos lost rrotn information riniMil, Mr jt,i|, with Ghin man, md mother lonstnbli conceded thimsiliis ina brui bousi it tin bottom of the Brickfield Hill, on Thursday iu0l,t last, md hld nil bl n tlnre long bifon tin prisoner Dimy tmu, with a ha-on his buk into the hie« house, «here he «as sei/id, togitlnr witlUhc big, which mut mud the phtid harness in question Hie luther ipron of a cltw, mid two cushions, «in found tin next mornin * r-irlj, in the > ird through «huh the prisomr had passid to lonn to tin hiew-housc indht.1 bun ohseriul to lu sonmthiu - drop Hie property «is dep .sid to by Mr Bigges, as 1,-iung bclougid to tin h >rsi md ihaisi he Ind lured to Mi li ill -it tin time hi »mt to Pir minitta, ind being now the property of Mr Ball, who li id paid Mr

Bigges the value, it was sworn to by Mr Ball as such 1 lu. chain of ci iden, c « is so strong, ind so lonnictid in nil ,ts points, ami tin pri

s mer h ii nig no ai uhbli difinu to on", i, the Bin. li sintmud lim' to hiicthneiiirsaddid to the term of b,9 original scutum of trans portation, from the period of its expiration

Benjamin James prisoner for life and Elizabeth Garvin, free,

charged with stealing two turkies the property of Joseph Aaron, who had left them in a case in the front part of his house (enclosed). The male prisoner was seen with his head under the frame of the front door of the house, close to when the turkies had been left, about 7 o clock the same night, and the woman was standing some distance from the spot. The turkies were not removed, but as the intention of the prisoner, James, were manifestly to commit some depredation he was therefore sentenced to work in iron- for 3 months, and Elizabeth Garvín, as a reputed rogue and vagabond, and an old offender to the Factory, as the House of Correction, for 3 months.

Norah Keefe, prisoner foi 7 yurs ilurged by her mister George Tate, to whom sin « is issignul, «ith repeitedly getting drunk, and leaung lur siruie without pirnussion, cun it in iaily hour in the morning before tin fuiiily bid risen, who f.und tin house open and exposed to deprc.l itiou, ) months to tin the Factory

AUGUST 19.—James Barnes, prisoner of the crown, remanded from the 17th instant, having been illegally at large since the beginning of January last, at which time he returned from Norfolk Island, whither he had been sent in charge of some bullocks, and who had made no report of himself, but had got into various services, under the pre-tence that he held a ticket-of-leave was this day sentenced by the

Bench, to work in irons for 6 months.

John Hughes, prisoner for life, stood charged with embezzling

23 pieces of cedaer out of 83, which have been delivered into the charge of the prisoner, as watchman on the Government Wharf, adjoining the Market Wharf. The cedar belonged to Mr Lack car penter, who it had given it into the care of the prisoner, and had promised him a renumeration for watching it, and when he went the next morning to satisfy the prisoner for his trouble, he was absent

and the pieces of cedar being counted, were found deficient 23 pieces.


Timothy Wall, prisoner of the crown md under i colonial sintetice, »ho hid bun rinnndid from tin loth instant, on t clure of binti -with two nun and u »oman unknown attuked md kno.kcd dow"» Patrick Murphy, of Parramatta, on the liar, course, itSidiui on the evening of niihj, the nth instant "id lobbed lum of 1 pur. id

doll irs, one shoe, and i spur tttaclud tlnreto, w.s now brou'lit fur I «ard, md the eudmce of Patrick Kelly being taken as to the faits, ' »huh positn ely went to identify the person of the prisomr Wall, as

m e of the three men that liad «Hacked and robbed lum nn ths Rare co-ursx, the Bim li ordend the prison'r, 1 nnothy Wall, to stunt

committed for ti i ii for the filony,

Joseph Chard, ticket of leave, and John Chard (his son), were, charged bv Mr Oatley, willi having stolen and removed fioin Ins nrehird, uni when the piisnmrs icsnle, a quantity of young flint lin s ulm li lind IHM II lift in Mr Ottley »possession by the la't luiuiit, when hcqiiittid the premises In consequence of i si ireh MIN rant hiving lu cn ohtinlu d, Mr Oillcy, with n constable, and tin len mt in question, pniu i ilul t» tin rcsulinci of the pris mi I, and tin II, round sou» (nul trus, vihu h they brought away with them, and III nig pro dm id he fore Hu Boich, si ven of (lum were positively sworn toby tin teiiiut, who deel mil he lind gi nfti d tin m himself, mid had left them glowing in the orihard, when he gave up the picmi'c* As this case si elm ii to involve lu it a point of I iw, as to tin naturi of the thire,i, in leg lily dlstinL,ulshing it hctuicu II inmdeiiicUIOI and a trespass, ¿ho

furthtr enquiry stood over until Mimili) I


We regret to state, that this lb pint Ins not come to hind, nnd as we luipi no sui h casually liny he li petted, vic must apologue to our Heulers for it« omission lu refm me, however, to Kerton and Kanes nflrmc, in childistlncly selling flints, the insceanie on, but the deei

sion was postpomd from Niturih) last to next Tuesihy, win u ft full Bi nch will illili sptinlly ussciuble Wi undirst uni, there is not i shulovv of doubt us to the guilt of the pirties, hut the Migistntcs, on acioiint of the fornnilible appciruico of Mr Solicitor Howe «ire in tu illy intimidated, is we suppose, from pronouniing judgment, till assisted bj agrcittr number of their Bri thrill We ically respect the Magistmy as much as any one, but vic are at a loss to see the proprMy of shew mir hesitnney in a case willi li is will to ho so ohvi

oils 'Kio Justieis hive been influí need by the purest motive?, hut still, vie think, where the hw is clpir, mil the eise ilsd eleir, the decision should be prompt, sim e, if there be my shew of lnnlship, there is redress open to the pirties aggrieved, whilst, it the same time,

the Mjgistntes aro sure of ligitinnte protection under the hjiiuors



THURSDAY, AUGUST 10- George Seymour, assigned to his wife. The Rev Mr Meares complained, that the prisoner had acted towards him in a very unbecoming manner, that he had made a very dis-respcctful answer to him in the street the other day; and that he had been impertinent. The prisoner expressed contrition, and the com-

plainant was satisfied. It was recalled to his memory, that when he first came to Windsor, he was persecuted by a harsh master, who com-pelled him not only to pay 3s 6d per week to the Government, but other additional sums for the use of the said master, that this Bench had represented such hardship to the late Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane, who ordered the prisoner, in consequence thereof, to be assigned to his wife, and moreover that the chief constable became his surety to the Government on that occasion. That this Bench had subsequently recommended to His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane, a further indulgence, which was acceded to also, viz of being assigned to his wife, without paying 3s 6d per week. Insolence to the Officers of Government was injudicious, however free the person offering the insult might feel himself, such conduct in a prisoner was punishable in a very summary way — but in him an unbecoming deportment was ungrateful in the extreme. The prisoner admonished and discharged

Friday, AUGUST 11- Thomas Butler, confined by order of his master, Michael Nowland, of Wilberforce. The complaint against the man was stealing a horse, saddle, and bridle, The man had been or-dered to go to Windsor from Wilberforce about four miles, and he construed the words make haste Tom! to mean, take the horse Tom, and you'll the sooner return, as he had done times and oft before. The man was in custody one night, and his master, with his accustomed peace and good will towards all men did not appear against him. Dis

charged, and ordered to walk home.

SATLUDAY, AU0UST12-A luiI, BEriCii- Arthur O'Brien wis brought heforc the Court bj a wirr mt, clnrging billi on the oithof Ann McCann, of Caddie, tint be bid stolen i shirt, the prnpcrtj of her hiisluntl he lud been apprehended at Parramatta uni f irwirded to Windsor Although Arthur w is not of the ¡society of Vritnds, it mi,lit lu. saul of him, with some dcgrci of truth, that he belonged to the people tilled Quakers he wak not sfif ned ed, for his held shook upon Ins shoulders , he trembled tint hi!, i h tracter vv u, it st ike, and he dreidcd that he might probibly he deprived of (.he binnet of the ordi r to which he belonged Ile vv is not a i) I) nqr L I I) but Ins true lill? and addition were Arthur O Bradley, V I cordwainer, Caddie. Arthur denied the accusation of theft, and Ann M'Cann was then called and sworn. Ann deposed, that she is the loving wife of John M'Cann, of Pitt-town district, shoemaker, who keeps journey-

men and holds land, that the prisoner worked for her husband, a short time ago, that he had but one shirt, and that was very old and dirty, or you may guess gentlemen , that in a moment of pity, she was induced to go to her husband's box, and give to the said Arthur a shirt a new dungaree shirt, true blue ! that he had not returned the same but had absconded from home, and took it upon his person, leaving the old one in its place, look here, gentlemen, I'll shew you! and was about to expose to the Court the remains of better days, a shoemaker's old shirt-direful picture ' O, never mind, never mind ' and the good wonnu w is excused the painful task Ann, now «onie »hit relenting the severity of her tongue exphineda little further, why, your worships, its not the value of the shirt, but \ou must know that mv buslnnd, although a very quiet m tu when sober, when be gets groaP>) he is apt to call mules, and be a little jealous, although lu Ins no re i in, gentlemen , he may say, some diy or other, tint I give my huslund s shut to my faiiuv min, mil people who dont kn JW an) better such as strangers in Sydney niirket, may think it true no«, is \rthur is no t iney min ni mine, alii want of linn is, to confess before \ou tint I did give lum the shirt O no, replied Al thur, you did not give it to me, )ou sold it to me, and 1 told you to place it to my account, lowcdyou ¿2 12» and tint made ii 17s Arthur bei/ed the hippy moment, and ulled upon his mistress for a character, bli« gave lum a good character, only it was not agreeable for her husband to say so and so The ft lony wis reduced to the ovtrtactof i trustee, and finally to i book debt Arthur wis icry willing to work hut this debt, it wis agreed upon, and Ann took Arthur home to John who wis inxiously aw uting the result of this momentous trial For the credit of Arthur, we are authorised to state, tint the old shirt was not shewn to any body in Windsor, al

though numbers saw it at Pitt town when he absconded Complaint


David Campbell, government servant to Mr Lock, farmer, of Wil-berforce, charged that he had robbed his master of several dollars Mr Lock bad been indulging a little,and returned home in a carts the prisoner was there in and no one else. Mr Lock missed his money but his experience when a constable had taught him, that it was hardly woith while saying too much about it in a hurry The prisoner's motions were watched and was he suddenly taken into custody, at a time, when sereitide aas thrown over the business. A dollar was found on his per0son, for this he could not account. He said one Joseph Williams gave it to him to pay for washing done bv a

neighbouring woman; Williams was sworn; he stated he had never given the man a dollor nor yet had th it woman ever washed for for him. Sentenced twelve months to a penal settlement.

John Ryan, government servant to David Horton, charged that he had entered his master's barn with intent to steal wheat. An entry was made and a ladder was placed against a rafter, so that access might be had into the wheat loft through the usual trap door, howbeit, the ladder fell, and down came John Ryan. As proverbs are sometimes applicable, let us say, he that is born to be, &c. Ryan was very much injured, and carried to the hospital. Ryan is a bad character; his master said he did not know much against him [The fact is, the man is an excellent ploughman)- The prisoner pleaded he heard a noise, he arose and went to the barn, when he was knocked down , he did not tell this story when first apprehended, it was evidently made up when

under the sobe dietetic regimen of bread and milk Sentence, 25


Thomas Hodges issaulting Thomas Lewis Committed for trial at


George Lawford, suspected of stealing pork. Could not be proved

The prisoner diselnrged

James McKone complained of James Kelly, the younger, of Port land head, that he had committed a violent assault on his person, with out cause or provocation. Committed tor trial at Sessions