Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Thursday 30 December 1824, page 2


It may be thought by some of our Readers that now the combat has commenced, we have an ar-dent desire to carry it on ; nothing is more foreign to our views, our only aim being PEACE, JUSTICE, and TRUTH ;— against the invaders of either of these bulwarks to happiness we shall ever continue fearlessly to wave the standard of defiance :— with all our humble might and main they may depend, not "on the chastisement of a ruffian," but upon the sober dictates of reason and prudence, to be op-

posed. We may be looked upon as ignoble, the de-signation of "public scavenger" might be even as happily applied to us as that of the "dustman," or the "cats-paw," but we shall never be prevailed upon to lose sight of TRUTH, so far as to permit its sacred path to suffer invasion from the unhal-lowed impulses that may perchance arise from the "spur of the moment,"— a newly coined defence

for all the foul calumnies that obsolete Statesmen may feel at liberty to promulge to the world, under those apparently candid but specious declarations, "We are ready to prove—we are ready to prove! "Proof, then, is what we request, what in fact we demand, in behalf of the Public as one of its earliest organs of intelligence, as to the as-sertions that appeared in our contemporary of last week, in reference to the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR of Van Diemen's Land, and the alleged criminal detention of letters and parcels directed for this Colony. Really we begin to apprehend, if our contemporary continue his present impetuous, over-bearing, and injudicious line of conduct, that WE shall be "restored," not " to all the rights of free subjects," but to all the little inconvenien-cies arising from the duties necessarily in connec-tion with the exercise of the Censorship. The "hairs" must be split with great nicety, we think, to avoid the justly roused ire of His Honor Colonel ARTHUR, whom we shall shew has been most unjus-tifiably calumniated. But we would submissively enquire, is there no vindictive spirit, no party feeling, mixed up "with all this avowal disinterested policy ? Is not disappointed pride somewhat con-nected with all this mighty hubbub ? These inter-rogatories we know are unpalatable, but they are put, with the view if possible, to repress calumny, and to encourage truth. We do not urge them as facts, neither do we mean to say they are not, but merely introduce them for public consideration. Innumer-able attacks, teeming with illiberality, and scurri-lity of the "coarsest" kind, have of lately sys-tematically and unblushingly issued forth from the colonial press, upon character of respectability in these Colonies, which are too glaring to escape the proper animadversion of the sincere lover of his country, as well the honest indignation of every loyal subject. As far as our judgment carries us, the attacks, though altogether impotent, have ne-vertheless been wanton and unmanly. We well know what it is to be attacked in the dark ; and it was from that experience principally, that we were prompted to aberrate from the usual Editorial track, and make the avowal we did last week, in the hope of wiping away the unmerited epithet of "secret assailant." We have no ambition to wound indivi-duals at every turn, and the man that will uplift a

weapon against another, of which his unsuspecting opponent is destitute, may consistently be retorted upon as the "secret assailant !" From the "wool growing" exposition of our contemporary of last week, we cannot any longer profess ignorance of the existence of that "party" with whom the Aus-tralian honours us to be connected as the "cats-paw." We must confess the situation of those Gen-tlemen to be unenviable, who are forced to submit to weekly assassination. Were we their "cats-paw," with certain information of which we are possessed, we should so confoundedly "scratch" as to leave marks of that "chastisement" which none save "ruffians" are accustomed to receive, and none but "ruffians" accustomed to inflict ! —

We are always happy in the opportunity of appeal-ing to that Public whom we have so long sedulously served— it is our hobby horse to court Public fa-vour, and secure Public confidence ; and they will no doubt acknowledge that we have neither waged war with the EMIGRANT, nor insulted the EMAN-CIPIST. Whilst we have thought it our duty to res-pect the character of the one where it was due, we have never failed highly to appreciate the cha-racter of the other, at all times, so as to protect it from unmerited obloquy, and guard it from oppres-sion. We do not act from "the spur of the mo-ment ;" we are influenced by principle.— There are two orders of people in these Colonies, a distinc-tion that may only die away with the present or co-ming generation ; no reasonable man can look for its destruction suddenly ; of necessity it must be gradual ; and he that expects to effect that momen-tarily which will alone yield to the slow hand of time, clearly displays a narrowness of comprehension at which we are somewhat astonished. The day will arrive when the not unfrequent haughtiness and self-importance of the Emigrant, together with the too-common vanity and want of prudence in the Emancipist, will be laid low enough— these jarring distinctions will then be hushed ! Although dif-ferently circumstanced in some points, a fact too obvious to be controverted, yet taken collectively their rights and privileges should be, and are most unquestionably, the same ; but we would observe, that while the Emigrant prides himself on the ad-ventitious circumstances that may have placed him somewhat in the scale of elevation, that, upon the other hand, the upright honest Emancipist is also proudly conscious of his own hard-earned indepen-dence, and though he may wish to be at par with the Emigrant, in point of common right, yet he is not so unreasonable as to insist upon a participation

in those privileges other than in that course recom-mended by English law, and guaranteed by Eng-lish justice. Should any one be disposed after this to enquire which side of the question WE advocate, as we are neither Australian, Emancipist, nor Emigrant— our reply would be, that of the Colo-nists generally ; being perfectly satisfied, that approximations to sedition will not benefit either Australia, or her sons ;— Let such anarchy, there-fore, contentedly dwell in the bosom of the volun-tarily exiled ci-devant Statesman ! We are "no


To return to Colonel ARTHUR, whom it may be supposed we had forgotten.— We feel happy in having entreated our Readers to "suspend their judgment" in the case that was reported in our contemporary of the 16th inst. We had hoped that the learned junto would have rested their offensive weapons on that occasion, and that a little reflection on their injustice, might have elicited some few marks of concern, and implored becoming lenity at our hands, as we feel for the situation of poor brethren who are victims to ungoverned passion, and

too oft express themselves unadvisedly "on the spur of the moment." But, in the place of con-trition, we had to peruse another gross and un-founded attack upon Colonel Arthur, inserted in our contemporary of last week. We have much plea-sure, therefore, in laying before the Public the following document, obligingly handed to us by Captain White, of the ship Phoenix. Captain White had in charge the Post-office Mail from Eng-land for New South Wales. On his arrival at the Derwent, on the 21st of July, he was repeatedly solicited by the Postmaster there to permit him to take on shore the Sydney Mail from England, and select out of it what letters it might contain for Van Diemen's Land. This, Captain White posi-tively refused, and the Mail was not delivered up to the Derwent Postmaster before Captain White had received an official communication from Lieutenant Governor ARTHUR ; and His Honor would not in-terfere in the transaction before he was officially assured, that it was customary to deliver up the Sydney Mails from England at the Derwent, and that an arrangement, to that effect, had taken place between the Sydney and Derwent Postmasters.

"Secretary's Office, Hobart Town, "SIR, 23d July, 1824.

"Mr. Collicott, the Postmaster, having re-presented to the Lieutenant Governor, that, in consequence of an arrangement made between the Postmaster at Sydney, and himself, he has al-ways been permitted to open the Sydney Bag of Letters, and take out such as may be addressed to the Officers and Gentlemen of this Colony ; I am directed, by the Lieutenant Governor, to ac-quaint you, that he approves of the same System

being adopted with the Bag of Letters on board

the Phoenix.

"I have the honor to be,


"Your most obedient humble Servant,

"JOHN MONTAGU, Secretary." "Captain White, Phoenix."

"Post Office, 24th July, 1824. "RECEIVED, from the Ship Phoenix, Four

Mails, marked

1 Mail ..... 6 Letters; 1 do..........9 do. do. 1 do..........6 do. do. 1 do.........20 do. do.

"The Mails are Sydney Mails, to be returned to the Ship Phoenix, if no other Ship sails for the Port of Sydney previous to her.


From the above letter, it is manifest that Colonel ARTHUR, "the valiant"—the "Hobart Town law-giver"— the Hobart Town despot"— is not the criminal in this case; that he has only trod in the footsteps of his applauded Predecessor ; and that, he is as exempt from aspersion, as Edwards was free of his connection with the Commissioner of En-quiry !— It would then appear, that the guilty in all this "Much ado about nothing," if there be any criminality, is attachable to our worthy Postmaster General, who has become the unconscious instru-ment, in the hands of our lately imported cham-pions of independence, of dragging down "ruf-fianly chastisement" upon one of our Governors, who stands impeached with high crimes and misde-meanors, for which there is not the smallest foun-dation, as usual, in truth ! Oh, ye wiseacres ! who come out here with the ostensible motive of giving a direction to "public opinion," how much better would it have been for the repose, and per-haps safe government of these Colonies, had ye remained in your inns at home, and there still contemplated that reform, which neither the "chas-tisement of ruffians, "nor all the oratory of Bil-lingsgate, will ever be able to bring about in our once contented island ! We would venture to give advice gratis, if we thought it of utility, but are apprehensive "our lurking hole antagonist" is too averse to our principles, and we are therefore con-tent to shield ourselves from further "chastise-

ment," as every "ruffian" must have repose in

order to renew his recreation!

There cannot be any question but that the ar-rangement entered into by Mr. Panton, though done from the best of motives, has been injurious to this Colony, and given rise to "very serious in-convenience and losses," and calls for present remedy.— There is not a department under Govern-ment more confidential than that of Postmaster, and none requires greater diligence and attention— so as to afford general satisfaction, which every man in office, high or low, rich or poor, is bound to afford to all— if kindness be an ingredient in his composition. Though Colonel Arthur has been so courteously handled, in the true Australian style, still as regards the Post-offices, we hope abundant good may be educed out of the unexpected evil.

Before we close this article we will totally exonerate the administration of Colonel ARTHUR from all the obloquy that Australian inueudoes, and Australian falshood, have dared to impeach it with. Our contemporary of the 16th says, that the Deveron "cast anchor about six in the evening," and that after a remonstrance upon the part of the Captain and Mr. Edward Lord, "an order was sent off from the shore to allow these two gentlemen to land all the rest of the passengers, amounting in number to about 30, being compelled to remain on board." Now then, at once to dissipate the mighty fabrick built upon these bold assertions, it is only expedient for us to state, that Colonel ARTHUR availed himself of that discretion vested in all Governors, and al-lowed Mr. Lord and Captain Wilson to land, not-withstanding the 8th article of the Port Regulations prohibit any one from landing, "whether passengers or belonging to the ship's company, except per-mitted to accompany the naval officer himself, or his deputy on shore," unless "duly authorised by the Lieutenant Governor, under the penalty of £5, in each and every such case, to be levied upon and paid by the said master or commander ; and of other £5, to be levied upon and paid by each and every person so offending." This "mild and concilia-tory system of government has" NOT "sprung up at the Derwent since the accession of Lieutenant Colonel ARTHUR," but is the sage act of the late Lieutenant Governor (SORELL), and approved of by

departed Governor MACQUARIE ! ! !

We do not borrow puns of our neighbours, upon account ofthe pointedness of the wit, or the elegance of the language, but merely because they are ex-actly adapted to our purpose. They are shot that do not tell well with us ; but, as they will be brush-ing up against our ægis, we think, there can be no great harm in sending them, where every "ruf-

fian" should be sent—to the place from whence they came.

Average rate of Premium obtained on Treasury Bills, drawn on the 17th instant-14 2-5ths per


We cannot do otherwise than call the attention of the cultivated Community to the very extensive sale of books, advertised to take place on Saturday next, at the Rooms of the Australian Company. There are many useful works in the collection,

and it is presumed they will go off cheap.

A cart, belonging to Mr. Blackett, Superinten-dant at Rooty Hill, was stopped by a gang of bush-rangers on Wednesday the 22d instant, almost close to his residence, and robbed of all it contained. The carter was sorely beaten by the felons; of whom there was not the least trace.

A man, with whose name we are yet unacquainted, was drowned on Sunday last, off the King's Wharf, at the Flats, in the Parramatta River.—We have not obtained the particulars, but some conjectures are afloat that the deceased destroyed himself.

On Wednesday se'nnight a man of the name of Harcourt, a stockman to Mr. McARTHUR, was beat to death by a bludgeon. From a Coroner's Inquest assembled on the occasion, at the Cowpastures, on Friday evening last, it appeared that the deceased and one Abraham Hearn were drunk and quarrel-some, and the latter despatched his companion as

described. Verdict— Manslaughter.

Edmund Bates, an inhabitant of Kissing Point, was committed by the Coroner's Inquest on Tues-

day last, for the wilful murder of his wife, Julia Bates. We understand, that Bates, Mrs. Bates, and one Cochrane, became dreadfully intoxicated

on Christmas-day ; Cochrane fell asleep ; and Bates turned to, and beat his wife to death. When the horrid event was discovered, and the alarm given in the neighbourhood, Cochrane was so overpowered with the quantity of liquor he had drank, as to render every effort to awake him impossible. Such are some of the awful effects of drunkenness !

The superiority which our contemporary so un disguisedly arrogates will, no doubt, be exemplified in his Journal of to-day ;-we mean ttie superior candour-and courtesy with which he will acknow-ledge the egregious error he has committed in alleging that " our own is not our own." Be that as it may, we confess that we care as little for his " condescension" as for his " advice." " His triumph," we rather think, has no existence except in his own imagination. His " pun," which he accuses us of stealing, we reflect upon our having adopted only with regret as a discredit to our columns, because it is not necessary that we should have enjoyed the advantages of an English education to discriminate in matters of this nature, and to know, that in a polite circle (for we imagine our contemporary would be shocked if we supposed he not constantly moved in such) a pim, upon the per-sonal infirmity, natural or acquired, of any man, is accounted a vulgtirism, and becoming only " the

ruffian" and " the dustman."

It is becoming painful and even tedious to us, as it must be to the Public, to find week after week that our contemporary, so far from establishing any defence-much less confuting our facts-is, on the other hand, in each successive number, adding to entanglements that obviously go to des-troy public confidence and good opinion, which has already been forfeited to a large extent, from the readiness with which that Paper has unnecesa rily lent itself to misrepresentation and calumny thus demonstrating that great talents and acquire-ments avail but little when misdirected.

We are not called upon, let it be known, to justify the expediency of any measure recommended by the Commissioner of Enquiry; but we shall be glad, if the experience of a few ensuing years may show, that the liberality of the British House of Commons, in rejecting a measure said to be pro-posed by Mr. Bigge, and sanctioned by the Minister, is duly appreciated in the moderation with which all classes conduct themselves. The adviser of such a step no doubt thought that it would be safer to trust to the discretion of one, in an exalted sta-tion (whose public conduct would always, at least, be before the tribunal of public opinion), than to the forgetfulness of the multitude ; and although that we are aware that we hazard offending a high Per-sonage by any laudatory allusion, we cannot restrain our impulse in enquiring, who is there amongst us that would feel the smallest apprehen-sion if the "terrible power" in question, had been actually confided to the present Executive ;-but, be it understood, that we are much better pleased with the present liberal and safe system in opera-tion-whether Britons or Australians we shall never cease to admire and venerate English liberty. We put forth these remarks, not because we feel our-selves bounden to the justification of the Commis-sioner, but rather that our silence may not be con-strued into a submission to the dictum of our con-temporary, and in order that, as far as our example can induce, others may be on their guard even when appearances are most specious. Another error or misrepresention of our contemporary we are, however, in addition to that which has gone before in our columns of to-day, bound to expose. It is somewhat a pity, that having so much com-passion for the want of capacity in others, and especially for one in a high official situation, he should himself shew so little real acquaintance with the subjects he meddles with. In order to deprive the late Commissioner of Enquiry of all merit in inducing the recent repeal of the prospective wool duty, he tells us, that " every one knows that this " repeal was recommended before Mr. Commis " sioner was even dubbed Commissioner at all." Will our Readers believe, that in January 1819 (when it has been seen the Commissioner was in possession of his final Instructions), the duty on wool levied in England was only 7s, 11d. per cent, or about 3-4ths of the present reduced rate ? that it was in the ensuing Session of Parliament that the late Chancellor of the Exchequer first brought in a Bill which fixed the duty on wool from New South Wales, for three years, at 1d. and afterwards raised it prospectively to 3d. per lb. (a rate of duty which never was actually levied ?) Yet we find, according to The Australian, that prior to 1819. it was recommended (we ask, by whom ?) to repeal enhanced duties, which we may confidently assert

were not even thought of, at that time, by the

Minister !

So much again for the veracity of The Austra-lian. It is not worth while to confute his allegations in other parts of the same paragraph. The Public, by this time, will be on their guard, and will take the liberty of judging for themselves, not from mere assertions indeed, but from veritable facts,

such as we feel, with honest pride, that our columns


THE ABORIGINES.—Pursuant to the customary public invitation of Government, the annual assem-blage of natives took place in the Market-place, Parramatta, on Tuesday last. That Town never presented a scene more interesting to philanthropy since the institution of the conference, than was displayed on this occasion. There appeared to be 7 or 8 different tribes that flocked in from various quarters of the Colony; .viz. Jarvis's-bay, Five Islands, Broken-bay, Shoal-haven, Lower Branch, Bathurst, &c. &c. The distance that some of them had to come, we were informed, was no less than

200 miles, and that it would take them seven days

to return home.

His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR, attended by His Staff, honoured the aboriginal groupe with His presence about noon; at which time there were nearly 260 men and women in a circle, exclusive of numbers of fine children. Between one and two o'clock, a reinforcement of the Bathurst tribe ar-rived, which was supposed to have increased the number to near upon 400 - by far the greatest number ever known to have assembled on any simi-lar occasion. This was the first conference, we believe, in which any of the New-country tribes deigned to visit the feast; but, upon occasion of the amicable intercourse lately re-established between them and the Bathurst settlers, they were induced to break through all fear, and behold those won-ders, with the mere relation of which they had been astonished. What contributed to give peculiar in-terest to the scene was the circumstance of the noted Saturday, the Bathurst chief, being at the head of his tribe. He is one of the finest looking natives we have seen in this part of the country. He is not particularly tall, but is much stouter and more proportionably limbed than the majority of his countrymen; which, combined with a noble looking countenance, and piercing eye, are calcu-

lated to impress the beholder with other than dis-agreeable feelings towards a character who has been so much dreaded by the Bathurst settler. Sa-turday is, without doubt, the most manly black native we have ever beheld -- a fact pretty generally acknowledged by the numbers that saw him. He is supposed to have suffered severely from unusual agitation, in consequence of the efforts that were resorted to for his apprehension, owing to which he is said to have decreased so considerably in size as not to be above half the man he was previous to the commencement of the recent sanguinary con-tests. Indeed, he seemed far from being altogether calm on Tuesday - though every possible attention was afforded to remove the least cause for alarm.

About two the feast was served up. The various tribes, as already noticed, formed an extensive circle. Each chief was distinguished by the honour of a chair. The entertainment comprised 400 loaves, 22 monstrous large dishes of inviting roast beef, 13 massy plumb cakes, a huge cask of soup, several tubs of potatoes, and, to sum up the whole, a hogshead of three-watered grog! They partook of this abundance for about an hour, after which the fair sex providently filled their nets, and stowed away as much as it was possible to stagger under.

We should have remarked that Saturday wore a straw hat, on which was affixed a label, with the word "PEACE" inserted, besides a little branch representing the olive, which rather increased the interest as regarded him.

When HIS EXCELLENCY retired from the scene, after having gone repeatedly to each tribe, and at-tentively conversing with the various chiefs, the whole of the black throng arose, as well us they were able, and cheered the Donor of the feast. We observed the Bathurst forces were so intent upon paying becoming respect to the repast, that they considered one cheer quite enough.

The number of visitors was particularly large as well as respectable; many of the first Officers in the Colony, Merchants, and other Gentlemen being pre-sent. It was quite a "fairday," though we beheld few of the FAIR giving their attendance, for reasons too obvious to need explanation.

This sight was no doubt very interesting. It was calculated to excite feelings of respect for the me-mory of that good MAN who first planned such a meeting, but who is now no more! And who is there we would ask, that can fail to respect and love that GOVERNOR, who is happily bringing to maturity those plans founded as they were, and paternally cherished as they have been, on principles of the

most exalted beneficence?

Gratifying as the spectacle was, we presume to look forward to a brighter prospect; viz. when 400 aboriginal Australians become congregated as converts to the Christian Religion!

From a recently published work in our possession, we ex-tract the following faithful account of the Birmah empire, which may be considered interesting, from its being, at pre-

sent, the seat of commotion in Hindostan:

"Birmah, is an extensive empire in Asia, to the south of the bay of Bengal; containing the kingdoms of Birmah, Cassay, Aracan, and Pegu, and all the west coast of Siam. The kingdom of Birmah, frequently called Ava, from the name of its ancient capital, has Pegu on the south, and occupies both sides of the river Irrawaddy to the frontiers of Assam on the north; on the west it has Aracan and Cassay, and on the east China and Upper Siam. This kingdom was conquered in 1752, by the king of Pegu, who carried the Birman monarch prisoner to Pegu, and caused him to be murdered there in 1754. But Alompra, a Birman of low distinction, who was continued by the conqueror as chief at Monchabon, a small place to the north of Ava, revolted against the Peguese, got possession of Ava in 1753, and after continued battles, with various success, became the conqueror of Pegu, 1757. This deliverer of his country continued in a state of warfare to his death, in 1760; and his successors have since added the other countries, which now form the Birmah empire. The climate of Birmah is very salubrious; the seasons being regular, and the extremes of heat and cold seldom experienced. The soil is remarkably fertile, producing rice, sugar-canes, tobacco, indigo, cotton, and all the tropical fruits in perfection; and on the banks of the Irrawaddy, which runs south through the whole country, is produced pure timber, and the finest teak timber in the world. The kingdom of Bimah abounds in minerals; it has mines of gold, silver, rubies, and sapphires; and affords amethysts, garnets, chrysolites, jasper, load-stone, and marble. The general disposition of the Birmans is stri-kingly contrasted with that of the natives of Hindoostun, though separated only by a narrow ridge of mountains, in several places admitting of an easy intercourse. The Birmans are a lively, inquisitive race, active, irascible, and impatient; but the character of their Bengal neighbours is known to be the reverse. The passion of jealousy, which prompts most eastern nations to immure their women, and surround them with guards, seems to have little influence on the minds of the Bir-mans; for their wives and daughters have as free intercourse with the other sex as the rulers of European society will ad-mit. The Birmans are extremely fond both of poetry and music. Their religion is, in fact, that of the Hindoos, though they are not votaries of Brama, but sectaries of Boudh. Their system of jurisprudence is distinguished above any other Hindoo commentary for perspicuity and good sense. The emperor of Birmah is a despotic monarch; and, like the sovereign of China, acknowledges no equal. The prevailing characteristic of the Court is pride. There are no hereditary dignities or employments in the government; for all honours and offices, on the demise of the possessor, revert to the crown. The capital of the kingdom, and metropolis of the

empire, is Ummerapoora.

On Christmas night four desperadoes from the penal dependency of Port Macquarie, confined in the county gaol, effected their escape; one of whom we hear has since been re-taken, and lodged in Parramatta gaol.