Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 16 May 1927, page 11



Professor Hunzlkcr, B.S.A., M.S.A., 'oi the United States of America, is visiting Australia this year at the invitation' <it Messrs. Jas. Bel] Machinery Pty., Ltd., dalry machinery merchants, of Mel-bourne, and will address the managers' conferences in the different States. The Queensland butter and cheese factory managers hold their annual conference next month, and Professor Hunziker has 'accepted their invitation to be present, and will address the conference on THuisday, June 10. His looked .for-ward to by those iuterested in dairying with very much interest as the professor Is. thcvi'ecognised leading dairy scientist of"itO"dayV"ârtd his text books aro^read abd'. used > by all those engaged in i the manufacture/of dairy, products throughout .'tiiè_"AYorld,'' and^ tho knowledge that he lins"''been ' able 'to' impart has been- re-sponsible forp'inany of the improvements in the quality t of ? those products. It is'his intention'to visit as many o^the dairying" districts as possible before ; ad-dressing "the conference, so as to be 'able to give his impressions of our methods hero as,,compared, with other countries, afid, suggest- any "possible improvements. If is a*matter of'congratulation'thnt^bis visit takes place at a time when practi-cally all theinianagcrs and many directors of companies' will meet in Brisbane, ¡ nilli thus have an,opportunity of hearing 6uch a leadingr light in the dairying world. A good opportunity .will also be afforded the professor of judging the merits of our produce/as1 the competitions in butter and cheese will probably h,0, a record, for Queensland. ' Entries, in butter and

cheese are larger than,.ever before, and come from New Zealand, Victoria, New South > Wales, and Queensland, and much interest will be found in ¡¡..comparison of the products from these different nlaces.