Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 25 April 1903, page 901


(From Our Own Correspondents.) ESK, April 9.

A cricket match was played between Deep Creek and Biarm on the Esk Cricket Ground last Saturday, which resulted in an easy win for Biarra. The scores were : Biarra, 167 runs ; Deep Creek,

61 runs ; majority for Biarra. N lO6 runs ; a good deal of interest w«s manifested in the match. In Electoral Registration and Revision Court four Mines were revised, and eleven registered, for the Esk division of the Stanley electorate. The following live stock were railed away during the week ended 9th :—869 head of cattle from P. Toohey to Baynes Bros., Mooraree ; 83 head of cattle from T. H. Moore to the Australian Estates and Mortgage Company, Limited, Newmarket ; S7 Bead of cattle from Perritt Bros, to the Australian Estate* and Mortgage Company, Limited, Newmarket. The following sundries were also despatched: —144 boxes of condensed milk from the Cressbrook Dairy Company, 10 pine logs, and 46 cans of cream for a total of 425 gallons. IJIGHFIELDS, April 14. The past two nights have been very cold, and Strong westerlies prevailed during the day. Active preparations are in nrogrcn for the sowing of wheat, and the maize fields are being cleared. Much of the malice is in the bam, and a fortnight will see the crop harvested. There is abundance of grass, and the dairy herds are improving in the quantity of milk. A notice has been issued by the local butter factories, requesting the farmers to send their cream three limas a week?. The farmers do not care to waste so much time with supplying three times, and prefer to send only twice in the winter months. OAKEY, April 14. On Saturday last ovor COO bags of Government seed wheat arrived per rail for distribution. To-day farmers are busy taking delivery, and in most instances general satisfaction is expressed at the rllty of the grain purchased by the Government, several instances where only two varieties of wheat have been ordered, the department have sent as many as five, and one farmer very aptly put It that he -would have five harvests if the seed came to anything. There is a sort of system of exchange going on among farmers, so that the difficulty will be got over in a measure in this way. Comparatively speaking, the whsnt is nice and clean, but the Brain is broken and knocked about a good deal, owewr, the Agricultural Department have made a move in the right direction in having the grain cleaned of All rubbish. Quito a change has taken place in the weather, last night being bitterly cold. Corn ia arriving freely from th« various outlying districts, and is beginning to recede in value, the local farmers' price being Bs. 9d. GOONDJWINDI, April 11. The first meeting of tihe Waggamba Shire Council w«« held last Wednesday. Mr. Marshall, of Merrigoran, was) unanimously appointed chairman. The olerk and foreman of works were reappointed at the same salaries as last year. After the foreman's Teport had been read it was decided to call for tenders tor the completion of ttie half-flood bridge over the weir at Giddi Oiddi, the piles of which were put in some time back, and the work then hung up. The foreman was alao instructed to take in hand various jobs of making up and clearing roads and tracks in different directions, rncluding the Tallwood, Qoodar, MinnJmi, and Kondar roads, and a track to run north from the main Warwick road a short distance east of the town boundary. It was also decided to call for fresh tenders 'to complete the drab through MerriwA-lane. The question of ths need of a reserve for travelling stock on the road1 through Mionimi, beyond umberoaldie. was discussed. ThVi road ia an important stock route, and a good reserve upon it is badly wanted. As the Minnimt lease is shortly falling iojit was deoided to apply at once for an •rea of MOO acre* as a stock reserve. The weather remains fairly hot in the middle of the day. Thunder cloud* have been coming and going for some time, but no rain has followed them. GOOMBUNGBE, April 18. Many inquiries have of late been made for dairy farms in this district. There appears to be quite a rush setting in in dalrxlng. At present the scarcity of milking cows, partly due to losses caused by drought, and, in part, due to disincline.tton to sell dairy cattle because of the great abundance of grass, holds the development of the industry in check. The value of property is increasing as the demand for small freehold scrub and forest farms increases. Agriculture as an industry ia disftptwaring in this district, and undivided attention is feeing given to dairying, which 'is considered more certain and more profitable. . Com harvesting is still going on, and the crop Is panning out well. The excellence of the late «rop is in some measure consoling farmers for tbe loss of their early crop, which promised to well. A.8. *j«I?"?l>1,t i ?' th* Pro'Wcll'" o' «rub soil in this district, it may be stated that eighty bushels per acre of corn were gathered two seasons ago. . . .M■. „ ORBMBROOST April I*. A mob of 400 bullocks from Tmabinga will be trucked at Esk on the 17th instant for Baynes JsW T*e Harbour Board to-day decided ft fir. a month's aotioe to the men engaged on tbe dredger tWU«rT ffivi ?nIT *" VOW **'"■«? The weather for the last few dayi hat been very 0001. ** ~?t .x SPWNBVTLLE, April 15. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commeroe to* day it wm decided to iake steps to procure the proclamation of aWurdayTfird Hay, a/ahoHday, T '?.*• *owas?ille if concerned, Instead of Iton«*y, the 88th, owing to the Utter being the prlafiP*lnMild*y. It b intended to endeavour toTget the Federal authorities to recognise the same holiday in Townsville. .* J'L* 1"0 W^ *? ****• t0 th« headquarter! of tbe Menageries Marl times Company, suggesttnc 4hat, in the event of the report 6l theirTSteatieS to ohangt(the rout* of theTr line of steamers to North Australia being proved to be an established fact, Townsville should be made a port of call. __ _ . „ INGHAM, April 18. a Thl,B?dlie7 Belle was to have left Luclnda today with return isUnderv, but wu detaiaedpend-Jng the receipt of advice as to whether she could jreturn. Besides those from other places, seventy*lour were paid off here yesterday, and thVir wiim TAWORKACM. April 15. *Lt2?m*, JT Undld •footing was witnessed at the rifle elub's competition, eight men averaging U> Einte per men. J. Kirby won the first price, with of the rifle. J. MarW with *. w^comf J J. Watson was ihirt Taylor, Searle*, am) Peterson won the range prise*. The weather has taken a turn, being decidedly chilly at olght and in the early morning, and very hot during the day. The sudden change has been •responsible for much sickness, and the fly plague is Very bad. , u TOWNBVILLE. April 10. At a meeting of the Ayr Tramway Board to-day the chairman stated that comparatively a small amount of damage had been done to the line by the recent cyclone and Roods, and very little Inconvenience was suffered, though the staff had a Jarticalarly trying time. The gro«s earning* for the mouth of February amounted to £328 12s Id ?f which 4146 9s. goes to the Railway Commis■loner, and £177 7s. Id. to the board. The construction of a telegraph line to the Cape Cleveland lighthouse will be commenced shortly. The exports of wool from Townsville for the week ending to-day were 314 bales, of which 287 bales were sent to London, and twenty-seven bales to ftraney.