Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 23 March 1932, page 12


Sir Littleton Groom arrived in Too-woomba fiom Canberra on Monday afternoon, and will remain theie until shortly before the House mçets on April 20 During the week-end he at-tended a meeting in Sydney of the I committee appointed by the Primate

of tho church of England (Archbishop Wright) to consider a proposed amend-ment to the draft constitution of the chinch.

The Ministsr for Transpoit (Mi. Godfiey Morgan), who has been visit-ing the Cooktown and other Northefn centies, is expected to leturn to Bris-bane to-monow. While in the noith Mr Moigan opened the road between Damtiee and Port Douglas The Min-ister is accompanied by Mis Moigan and his piivate secretaiy (Mr. W. J


Mr J P Fly ML A foi Kuilpa, icturned to Biisbane by the Kj ogle mail train fiom Sydney yesteraayeven-ing Mi Fry said ttiat whllj l.e v,ar m Melbourne he formed tue opinion that 95 pei cent of the people of Vlctoiia weie opposed to the sugar agieement Melbourne and Svdiuy, he suid, seemed to think that they shoinu be the great manufactuiing centies of Austiaha, while Queensland, co'icentiating on piimaiy pioducts, should

"?iippiy ino maneéis ior ins aouci.cni capitals

Tlie piosidert of the Queensland Taxpayeis' Association Mi Joh.i S Just, paid a visit to the rooms cf the Victorian Ta\mjeiV Association Col-lins House, Melbourne last v<etk, t-1 discuss inter-State activities m con-nection with the movement to s°LUie the abolition of Federal land tax

Membeis of the Geneial Post Office staff assembled in the mail loom of the Biisbane head office jesteidav. afternoon to do honoui to Mi F Ducsbeiy, acting assistant superintendent of mails who has retlied after EO vears' service with the department Mr Charles Fishei superintendent of malls, in expiessing legret at Mi Duesbeiys departure, said that he had spent the whole of his teim of seivitc in the mails blanch which bethought was a recoid foi the Commonwealth Messrs W A Mai tin (supeivisoi of mails), F W Arnold (senior inspectoi), and N Scawiight (clerical stafl), also spoke in appreciation of Mr Dues-beiys attitude as a fellow officei In piesentmg to Mi Duesbcry a handsome oak cabinet oí cutlei ?! and a case of pines Mr A Little Deputv Duector or Posts and Telegiaphs, taid that Mi Duesbeij had given to the public of Queensland his vciy best seivices over a lengthy peuod, and no one could do more In acknowledging the

gifts and the many kind hings said f. him Mi Ducsbci v «aid that aftei so ] long a teim of «¡nice he had maoe many fi lends and he felt parting from them very keenly.

At the Ipswich Town Hall last night the Mayor (Aldeiman O Peiry), who was introduced by the piesident of the Vice-regal Band Association (Mr F

Williams), extended a welcome to Mr I

Flank C Johnston conductor of the Ipswich Vice-iegal Band foi the Austi alian band championships, to be held at Maijboiough at Easter The hall was ciovvded The Vice-regal Band played the contest piece, "Joan

of Aie"

Ensign W J Biit, officer in i-'iaige of the Salvation Army Home Vi Men South Biisbane Prisons Chaplain, aid Police Comt Officei, has been piomoted to the lank of Adjutant

At a meeting of the Maryborough City Council last night 31 applica-tions for the post of Town Clerk weie dealt with, and Mi W M Harris, the piesent accountant, was appointed to the dual position of acting Town Cleik and accountant for six months, as from April 1 At the same meet-ing the Mayor (Aldeiman H Bashfoid) celebialed his 50th biithday by entertaining the aldermen in the Mayors room

Mr Charles Chauvel who produced "The Moth of Moonbi" and "Green hide," in Queensland some year ago, is to produce a series of films for Expeditionary Films Ltd., a Sydney company. Mr Chauvel, accompanied by his wife, and a camera staff, will travel far from the beaten track in search of cinema material. Adventure and romance are to predominate the films to be produced by this company. Besides producing a feature film, Mr

Chauvel will make a series of histori-cal and travel films These will be recorded with German and French dia-logue as well as English Mr Chauvel will commence pioduction next month at the studio of Austialasian Films, Bondi, Sydney.

The following passengeis left Lusbane \esteiday in tne New Englond Airways monoplane, City of Lismore -Mr Challes Smith Brisbane to î,1smoie, and Mi Ellis, Biisbane to Cad-ney Two of the company's «thei machines, Miss Lismoie and City of Sydney arrived in Biisbane pstciaaj, canylng Maloi Toxall Messrs Cum ming, J S Suggais, J 3 Temoso Rocardo W D Feiguson, G \Villlams Missen WiLson Howell, Goubort Drum-mond and Mis Stronach, Svoney to Biisbane and Mr J W Wylie and Mi and Mis Knight-Smith Lismoie to Brisbane

The Qantas airliner Diana, piloted by Mi L J Brain left Brisbane foi the Noi th West yesterday with the following booked passengeis -Mrs R S Sword and infant Messis K Wheeler and H Aduan Biisbane to Longreach, Mi R C Hogaith, Too-woomba to Winton