Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 1 March 1902, page 491



A thunderstorm visited this district last week, accompanied by a splendid fall of rain, and the country is already looking fresh and green in con-<*> sequence. The hearts of the farmers are once more

beating high with hope, ami n<rw that the weathei has 'broken more rain is anticipated. ■Messrs. Wight and Fitzgerald, with the assist ance of other settlers, put 360 head of cattle through the Samford cattle dip on 'Monday last with most successful results. This is tire record number immersed ?t ore time since fhe dip has been in existence. The -tick peat is in evidence in many parts ot the district, «nd, wfoat with this and the drought, the settlers 'here are having a rough time of it. Fttrmero, however, are a long suffering lot, but, thanks to some rather good seasato, most of them arc in a position to bear re voreee. The woathe*' here at present is close and muggy. Hie nights, however, are fairly cool. ESK, February 20. The election for members of the Esk Divisional Board took place on Monday last. Mr. Walter Francis was elected for Ward No. 3 by a majority of 14 votes over Mr. William Somerset Thorn. For No. 2 Ward, Mr. Patrick Clifford was elected by a majority of 24 votes over Mr. Herbert Gardiner. Mr. Conroy, for No. 1 Ward, was unopposed. The following live stock were railed from here during the week ended 20th instant :—2O bead of cattle, from H. P. fVwnerst t) T. J. Higgins, NewroaTket ; 300 head of cattle from A. Lewis to Bift and 00., Bin's SMing ; IS head of cwttis from «. Maclaay to M'Taggart Bros.. Newmarket ; 218 bullocks from H. M*Ooo:y to the Queensland iMeat Export and Agency Compuny, Macandofa ; 012 head of cattle from J. E. Mcoro to J. H. arOonncl. Birt's Siding ; 160 head of cuttle from Bigge and M'Connell to John Oook and Sons. Birt'B Siding ;. and 83 pigs from Thomas C. PryJ« to J. C. Hutfexn and Co. Zi hn?re. The weather still continues very dry, and unless rain puts in an appearance things must assume a serious aspect. The farmers in the district are going into dairying to a large extent instead of tilling the soil, except for their own wants. MARBURG, February 22. On Sunday last the dry weather spell was broken. About 6 o'clock a nice shower of rain fell over the district. The hot and close days were followed on Thursday night by one of the heaviest storms experienced here. Within an hour, accord ing to the gauge at the local telegraph office, we received 2.56 in. of ndn. The dams and waterholes in the district were getting very low, but this rain has filled them as well as the tanks to overflowing. The grass has been given a start, and the country side again has quite a verdant appearance. During tnis week ihc days have again been hot and close. Thw afternoon about 4 o'clock a very heavy hail storm passed over the district. The hailstones were the largest ever seen in the district, in some in stances weighing between 2oz. and 3oz. Near Wandland's sugar mill some hailstorms were picket! up measuring 6in. and 7in. in circumference. As tar as can be learned the damage done has not been great. Mr. J. G. Rohl lost a cow, but it is not known whether from the force of the hail stones or from lightning. Several windows were broken in private houses, also in the Church of England. The storm was followed by nice shower, which lasted fully half-an-hour. n . . GATTON, Febrtwry 21. On Sunday fast the new Congregational Chiirch was opened. It is stated 4o be the most artistically ftntthad churtft outride our big towns. The cost of buHdrng, with fixfare am} instigation of acetykne gas with which it ts liirhtod. amount*! to <flol 12s. W., and with the exceptkm of «200 lent by the CongTewtional Union, the whol* amount hu been received or promised. ALLORA, February 19. A severe thunderstorm passed over the vicinity of Spring Creek on Sunday week. The gale tore trees oat by the roots, and unroofed sheds. Mr. Pacbolke had the roof of <his shed lifted bodily away, and some eTieeta or galvanised Iron crumpled and lodged in Vhe heads of trees. Qooirfburra Estate is now ready to be thrown open ; the three gang* of surveyors' who have ibeen busily engaged surveying ■the land during the vast few months, struck «amp this, week, and report everything ready (or action. fobnary 22. •■• Or Wednesday knit Colonel Iftitchison, aceoov panlad by Mr. J. H. DeiUwy, prntkScnt ol the Al lon Rifkr Club, visited the range. «nd r *«Atr in specting the ar?UJfrttient*, exprased htnvKll mtis fled. . In tihe evening the Colonel inspected the members, and, after ptitttnp thrm throu«h tlheir drtl), compliinciitod ih« men on rtwir snvirt ap pearance. • • vJ CLIFTOX, F.bruary 18. The continued dry wc£th/.r is causing unca-iir.es>. Dairymen are depending «hnost attonethcr upon hay feeds to keep their supply of milk up. \Vh:ut ttnwvhdnfr is drawing near a close, and the Inilk of the wlu-at 'has been delivered as toon as threshed. Mr. F. Kates has placed before tire Government particulars of 7000 acres of Cllft « adj irit>x the town of Clifton, with a rtew to getthtf it re puTdhasad vndor Urn Agricultural Lands Purchase Act. This fct a magnificent block of land, and would be ruahed if thiown cpen. It H sqnroundsd <Mk«ll sides by well-to-dp farmers huagry for laml in proximity to their pr.arnt hurnv on which to settle tibvir sons. This 7000 acres is the very pick of the Oflfton 'Estate, is within half-simile of tto nMn^y, and has King's Creek running through port of it. Both the H*<ttnffton Hit: and Clifton kind resumed by the Oovermneai ami thrown open to selection has been all taken up, and settlers who took up the land have, in npite of Phe bad seasons, made splendid livings, and are in a thoroughly thriving and prosperous roodlUon. The local ProgreM Association «:« to take up th.i matte* of considering the brat neafls of inducing the Oovemnwnt to vm^hmj tt:« 70 0 actej in questton. Mr. P. C. Ckhnes test week lest three tuck* of wheat by fire. UHJHiTEUra, Vthnpry 20. Weather condition* have again become serkus, and Ibe district i? sadly in of ran. Toe pknting of the potato crop has lieeo suspended, and fears are entertalwd that ttfe growth will not be long enough ere fnrat sets H. Grass fe be coming scatve, and milking Rtvns si* knr 4or want of facd. Urn maixe crop win. b* tt? pooscst tor yean. OOOIfiJU.VGEB. rthtmry 22. Ifce sepantor sysUm is spcanhnf. MssriT every other fanner in rhe district has invested Hi oae, sod many wtto have nol already done so are tlhink iag of deios; m. The pten adopted by the farmers is to htk? *e?r cream twice or three trmes t we* to a depot, where • carrier, win is paid sr> modi s cba for delrrariac; the crsam at ttie asanst rsii •mj Statioa, receives his load. The os>? sertoos drawback M tttis system im the old qneation ol wast of deaoUnessL All dairymen are not equally ctefta in handling their cream, and dif?culty is ex* perianced at the butter fact* ries. While the dairying industry is going ahm4 by leaps and bounds in tfite district, the difficulties common to batter-makitxr under the systrm in vogne, by whitAi each dairymaa sepamte? his own cream, are becoming nacre and svire manifest. It is the prevailing opinion that s'eps will have to be taken to remove these drawbacks if the indO?try is to develop to its fall possibilities. The ap pointment seam neocamry of a Ooverninstit in spector, whose duties will be bo see that cleanli ness ts observed in the yards and in the separates; <«f the milk. In spile of the introductKn of dxew fi sepsTatom int> thU 'li?Tict wilbtn ttw pait f>w months, fhe milk supply kcrpe up at th: Goombong^e cliceae factory. The standard of sonpry is higher now than it was this time tut year, before tte advent of tne separator.

General rain ia still nocded in. tho district, Some parts ore so dry that they present the appearance of land undcT vbo influence of a prolong*! dry spell. Other paxta, on the otiin: hand, are well coated with grass, and the star*iii!<j crops ore green and beautiful. \n isolated spots hailstones, which taoampunicd the recent thunder-dhowww, hare done damage in stripping the growing <.orn, and practically removing the possibility at a crop. The earlier corn crops arc suffering *ram the* spoil of dry weal4\ L r., we are now experiencing. Some of Ui* crape just rronjged to cob, otherj were ." nipped in the bud,' and will yield no grain. The late com looks green and strong, an* shows no sign of distress. Rain will probably ooroe in time to save all the lite crops of corn. Plougn mg Is almost at a stunds:ill cwing to the parched condition of the soil, but on farms whore the diso is used ploughing is going on apace. The disc plbugh-^whotha1 a stump-Jump, or fixed—works best while the soil is dry. Bsverul four-furrowed pUughfl of this description are in use on flic large Hcsalte (arms, and the owners, though once prejudiced against, era much in favour of them. February 24. Several splendid Uiunderatoinu nave fallen within the past few days, and seem to have covered ' ft fairly wide area. They were badly needed, and bave done muOh good. Tho beneficial, effects were noticed at once. Fanners here had begun to settle down for * prolonged dry spell. Of course fugitive storms do not constitute genral rain, but tie re cent showers have dispelled locally the brief drought that for some weeks "has interfered with farming operations and porWhed some early corn. One bears from day to day of the arrival' in the district of cream separators. A batch reached heri last week, and Uteere* is not yet. -USSaSQASBAN, tfebttttfy 24. The weather during the past week has beea very dose and muggy, especially since thunder storms during the post Ihree daw. Although toe late to save the maize crop, the rain will tend to *} Tf_ 0>« ««■*• a start, and enable farmers'to so* their winter wrop of potatoes. Several death* have occurred during the past week in the district ; Mr. Egart, an o!d resident of -Plalrtby, Mm Orumwald, of Bergen, and Mm John Hartz, of Douglas, whose deaths took place on Business Ins been very brisk during the past fortnight, and, as previously guted in these note* the want of increased accommodation at the rail way station has been very much felt. Merchants and carriers have been greatlj inconvenienced owing to the scanty accommodation. The goods* shed is too email, and the siding too short to allow ot trucks being loaded and to «nab!e others 4o be drawn alongside the shed for loading. During the week the writer has seen camera and merchants waiting for three ot four hours to unload. The long-promised veranda to the platform and office, which ia almost like a fur nace, Was not yet. been constructed. Oream Mcl other perishable produce \m aflowed to remain c*. posed to ttoe heat, which has often reached a shade temperature of UOdeg. for hours. The dangerous bank, which in some places is tit, deep, running along one side, aad tracing the Rood*. wed, still remains unattended to. the necessity tor increased accommodation will be shown b# the tonnage exported during the fortniftft, which * as under :—MIO bags wheat, 173 tons lSewt • MB bags uaJte, « tons 4cwt.; MS bags poktbe*. «l tone 10ew«.; 401 bags barley, 48 ton* 6ewt.; 119 bates cbaff, 12 ton* ?ewt.; 862 bog* chuff, 82' toM i^ll: " *■*" pl*lrte **"• iMd> 2 *«■ 18c*t.{ 318 bags oarte, S3 tons sewt; 5 bales wool. U ,\* ton> l7cwt «ni*ce«ai?«Oi produce, 481 tons. Merchants and oOt-n doing UnJhrWot the station would b« very pleased to eoe the tot** looked-foT improvements effected at an early date _ GOOXDFW3NIM, February «6. *j£* follotrtn X *'c tho l«tcst stock passings ;-. 4000 mixed sheep from TaUwood to fie>(xnirD, W* J. Hooper owner : 1000 miird sheep from Newstead to Moogoon, W. Ferguson owner ; 3000 rwtt from Nooroondoo to Mooki t*rir«s, A. A. Daagar owner; 00 cattle from Boolarwell t? Olenlyon, V. Uvmm owner ; tSOfJ fat ■wethrre from CMlandooii to Moraeu trustees of Uw kite K. U. Jenkins owners. The weather continues hot «nd dry. ' ROMA, r'fbniaTy V>. There are bciitg tnwkctJ to-day MOO fat sheen omJ efxjy-one fat ciwtle from Mount AbutidUm* for jfesui?. fijynes Uro«. «_ 4 CU.VXAMtJLLA, Fflmnry 22. The ftrebell rung out at noon on Thurwlj/ lust. the outbreak it too bulng noticed at tJie stable* be-" toisftog to ths OnrnmiTrtal Uotel. Strgwnt O«rt liyan ww promptly on the *Xtx>, and heW thtf «re paAly in ahe>.mtre until the brigudo arrived. Tnefr fMted effortrt pievi^itsd Mie fms sprraul: g \a the large bulk Klwds and oil atoms of K. UicU aM Co., in which art? stored rmrnerww <roantitl«? of oils, paints, ,md. tinrf>er. . Had tilwe stores «?«gl?t fll? tjhfy e«Ud harrfy h???.- pf«rtrftoJ the ffarttca. 1 feaHlfftg £H# warrftoti?r artd Jit>?Wl «rf stores. Ifcere a*e papelhfr tod*.* 17,«W ewes from nnn duro to W^tirecean on tJie Thompson lUrtt, dfcty 450" ramw tKxn \Tin?wr?cP«i kr U':t!bn><sMii Aui tralian raatonil C<xnr>any ewners, (lnwl«M Hnk. in charge. Tht? iiruncnw lot ?rf.> now twcnry-otitf weeks en route. Mr. flovrlard re,ort« the tmok U very had from ilu l.ougiil.an, aid frmn the lUrwon, via Leadnoff.^n «:.d" Krgr.tii i, rroa <\1 Bi:r rtngnm and up titc i.«uti???«rr.i vt-fy b.tti, *ml fhfy' strong stock ooulit travel. In ?Uot, the n.a?te are completely <-\or*\. Mr. (Jou!:utl wiH try a:.«l g* thrwigii via OSarl^Ute, ard will push t/n if |*?i --b?e vki Adavalp, as his sheep nre \rMty strong. The ftve civil cases Mi down for liruring *p*e settled or withdrawn, ami rite appeal &ec was" •heard by Judge l\iul at (SwrfevHle. \v4w riscres) Iris decision, h*nc« hta ffofwur dhl not \ isii Cure nomalla. - • ■ The woaMwr is still Mte iun* old <Ugg«d lirat and dmught. Another >ix wn<ks will, it m nntl I rarted, atkidhllistc the majority of the settlers hi-re, aiml entadl fearful loan*, «c immrtnc numbers of sheep aad cattle wihk4i were Mtx kM \rctt, and rented every available paddock, are unable to gn out of (he district. Bvety " C^nrrinr" a.< it af rive« to rathed W see Ilx. Wraggei latest fore cast, aad bis otterunci* are rontinually in«eufl*ed. 90VTIIPOBT, February 20. The weather is again very \rarm, and r.?ia il •till iM?tcd. the owtlook berng glootny. The election of a member for Mo. ? S^bdlrliton of the Nerang Divistoral Boanl, resulted In a rlc iog of the board was <iek? on ?orurL'ay. and Mr. D. Vas« «m usaimoisriy re-etccted ciMirimin. LOGAN. February H. On Saturday aright we had some nice rain, the beat fee moatta ; still the ory i? for more. Oraat is rery scarce, and the crop* of corn and potatoes in «wst eases are ruined. KILKTYAN, Pebruary 21. There are befa? tracked here to-day 120 cows from llanfclands to Messn. Bayms Bros. QYytVTK., Ketmiary ?. At ? enaeiiag of ladies held this afumooa, U was decided to eatablieh a l>ins;4n Hospital MABYBOBOrJim. February t3. In a cricket mutch on ftitunfry, play fog foe Tengarie against AlJiwliut. Jw Hatioaey soada 182 nw, and L. Cran 185 not out. The previous senkv' crab record we* Ml. The two lutsmra p.. on 340 for the tMrd wicket. GUILDERS, January 18. The present is a very eerious time in the Ista. We bad scarcely aa nctk of rain ia Koveisttjr «n4 Deeenbet. and only LflOin. during Jarraary. flinc* february began we have had all tmtm of changes^ and vttry fMMtrfbte indication that toe rain wm coming, but no rain. This is testing the drought* resisting capabilities of the cane plant to th# utmost. The other day I walked through one o* our beat plantations, and its appearance waa disheartening. The Bappo.? or fto«e bamboo cane stands the drought far and away the best. There were some ten acres of Moor's tmrpie cane, a variety which received great attention a few yran ago, but the drought toa completely nritwd it Another arra of Malabar cane is also badly affected by drought. The rery brtt areas to be seen an those in whio"u the scarifier ia being kept goior. I? laad wbku k ia spleadU tilth, b«t uutfex*!.

the cane is languishing, whilst where the soil U being continually stirred the crop is kctping green and growing. DBGILBO, February 22. On Thursday and -Friday thunderstorms were experienced, but no rain fell. Yesterday was a vrry hot and stifling day, the thermometer going up to considerably over lOOdeg. The outlook co far ie v very bad one for the farnurf, an there is very littic hope now for the * young mai«e crop. Ticks do not seem quite so mudi in evidence, and wo <k> -not heji- of no irany «-at'tle dj-ing. ■ Of coimje a very large number of olil cattle have died off, and only jroung stock are left. Only two farmers are sending cream- away from Dpgilbo now. Two trains of oa'itlc for the Brisbane market from the L'ppw Burnett left 'hero this week, and the cattle, a mixed lot, were in prime condition. LONCREACH, February 21. The following ore the latest stock passings :— 10,000 Retro sheep from Jundah to Strathdavr, executors of the late A. S. Chirnsidc owners, Kred. M'^ueen in charge ; these will be drafted to Strathdurr, and a portion trucked down to I'upella, the rest remaining at Strathdarr ; 10,001; J^angton ewes, from Lovatt Park to Cleeve, A. ID. Menzies owner, John Bradley in charge ; 2000 «'we« and lambs from Bimbah to Talleyrand, J. g. Kowan owner, Charles JJoffatt in charge. Mr. Francis C'oxon is shifting 10,000 wethers from Sprimrvalc, which are travelling to Isisford, Stamp in charge. Uarr River Downs is sending a laTge number of sheep to Buckingham Uowiw Htation, on the Wills River, sixty miles from Jiouiia. Three thousand six hundred and sixty flvc Locau Downs sheep, including .380 rams, wliich have been agisting out liore, liave been trucked for Clermont. One thousand seven hundred and niuety iieven wethers from s Kvesham have been trucked lor Rocklmmpton, Macfarlanc ond Co. owners, Ueorge Medill in charge. Saltern Creek sheep are being brought up here to rented country on Fiddlcwortb, near Forest Grove. Six thousand t'ollaroy ewes, Sam Sutton in charge, are on the way up for Wowondilla, A. C. Cooper owner. The Lonfcreach Divisional Board prosecuted Wil liam Mitchell, a selector, for trespassing with 2000 sheep on the stock route at Ernestina, Mit chell, and the defendant was fined 10s., and £2 JOs. Od. cost*. This is the first prosecution of the kind instituted by the board. The election of a member for No. 3 Subdivision, which is Hie town of Longreach, rtsuited in the return of Mr. Forrest. During the week the following wool has been despatched :—Logan Downs, 07 bales ; Winchester, a bales. February 24. . The weather continues intensely hot. The number of sheep from Darr River Downs 'which are being shifted to Buckingham Down* is 80,000. February 22. At the annual meeting of governors of the Long reach Hospital last night, Mr. Her.ry Ellis was re-elected president, and Messrs. R. H. Edkins and R, J. N. Burrowea vice-presidents. The old com mittee was re-elected. Including the Government MbaWy now due, the institution has a credit bal ance of £625. During the yrer 222 in-patient* were treated, and 1420 out-patient*. Th# cost of Maintenance averaged £130 p.r month, as against .JtHW per month foe the previous year. 'February 25. Mr. J. B. Oramsic, -who has been general manager of the West Longreach Works for six years paat, lias resigned that position owing to h's having the district. He was very papular here. BOWEN, February 23. Mr. Kcane, proprietor of the " Ayr Chronicle," arrived on Saturday. He expects a newspaper plant by Tuesday's steamer, and will issue a new paper, the " Bowen Record," on Saturday next. CMARTtiRS TOWERS, February 24. The contest for the «eat for No. 1 Subdivision on the Dalrymple Divisional Board resulted as Joftows '.— Sayers, 1381 ; Bradshaw, 012. TOWNSVILLE, February 18. The TownsviMc Turf Club Committee decided to day to hold • race meeting on the 17th April, tht programme to consist of seven events, the value not exceeding £230. 1 February 24. The weather is stiH unseasonably fine, and very Hot during the day, but cool at nights. HCGHENDEN, February 23. The price of cattle is going up, and several lot* at £6 are being inspected. Horace Williams, who left with 10,000 Cambridge sheep Jor Uranada, has returned with the sheep to the station, but they will have to be shifted agate unless more rain cornea. February 24. During the paat week the maximum register of ihc thermometer has not beta lew than 105**., and the minimum last night waa 86deg., this being a record. A slight storm occurred here this afternoon, tut It was heavier outside. Cameron Downs advises a fall of l.ftOin., of rain. The •form wat apparently heavy ?lso along the Richmond-read. MUTTABURRA, February ltt. • Hood rain fell on the Laadsborough River re cently, causing a light flood. I may mention that this in the first time in the last four years that this river has run. RAVENSWOOD, February 21. Mr. Joseph Malpacs has been returned unopposed for the extraordinary* vacancy on the Divisional Board. GEORGETOWN, February 21. The Divisional Board elections resulted in Messrs. Candlidh, Towns, and Hodge being elected as mem-bers of the board, and Messrs. Cramb and Doubleday aa auditors. „ THURSDAY ISLAND, February 25. The steamer Eurimbla today brought two Japanese from the Piper Island Lightship. They re-ported that on Sunday last they were sailing the higher Hiroshima about four miles off the island, going up to the island to anchor. There were seven Binghies on board, and after supper they attacked the two Japanese, who saved their lives by jumping overboard, one of them receiving a knock on the head with a tomahawk, and the other a blow with a piece of firewood. Both reached Piper Inland. The Binghies then sailed toward the mainland. The steamer Merrie England, with Mr. Le Hunie Lieutenant-Governor of New Guinea, leaves here for Port Moresby to-morrow. The Hon. John Douglas, Government Resident at Thursday Island, will leave for England by the steamer Vawata Maru, via Hongkong, on the 14th March.

o When ladies go to buy a dress in Japan, they tell the shopkeeper their age, and if Ihey are married or not, because there are special designs for the alngl? and double of life, as well as for ages. The Sandwich Island* resemble Ireland in itaelr freedom from' snakes. One species <only is known, and that is not common.