Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 20 August 1925, page 14



Tliat Hie respondent bad l»ecn mauled three times was alleged in the Divorce Co art on Wed n en tUy when (Hady**- Frances Ulla» Pickle« nought a nullity of her marriage with George William Frederick Henry Herbert Pickle«, on the ground tliat he was married at tho time the went through the form of marriage with him. Mn>. lïuaanote appeared for the petitioner. The marriage which it was Bought to feet aside waa celebrated in Ballarat In SeptemtwT, 1923, the respondent being the widow of Thomas ityan, who wns killed in I-niuce. Mrs. Pickles stated that Um potlce questioned her when Mrs. Annie Pickles, of Eng lund, wrote asking for the whereabouts of her husband, to whom .sbc had been mat ried in 1915. Liter she receitcd a letter from Mrs. France-t Pickles, who wus it imrfts and who htated that hhe wat married in April, 1Ü22, to Pickten, who killed for Australia eight> Inter. Ile hud told petitioner that he would never return to england. Mr. Jubilee McArthur »aid that evi-dence would be nece-tury to prove the KnglUh marriage, and «No to prate Hint the first wife .us nlite when the* Itatlurat marr laxo took place He adjourned tlie application to Melbourne foi*

further e-ouidderatinn.

Ught hupplici of barallen, were forthcoming in the pij; market on Wcdncfdaj. The market was teiy firm, and îeccnt high prices were well maiuUiued. Choppers came forward in good i lie» und lud fe t ru rig demand. Stores w ci

hhade easier.

After hearing evidence in the case in which Frederick Joseph Hillman sought a dissolution of his marriage with Margaret Hillman on the ground of desertion, Mr. Justice McArthur stated on Wednesday that he was not quite satisfied that dessertion had been proved, and he would require either an affidavit or evidence from respondent. Hillman, who was represented by Mr. F. R. Coldham, said that there had never been any un-

pleasantries between himself and his wife. They had been executors of an estate, and after he re-tired from that position his wife became cool towards him. She had taken a house at Queens-cliff and had failed to reply to his letters. He sent several letters and finally went to Queens-cliff, but found the house closed. He understood that his wife had been back in Ballarat, but had not been able to meet her. Mr. Justice McArthur said that the position seemed to be extraordinary. He adjourned the cafe in order that the wife might be communicated with. If necessary he would have to take action to obtain her atten-

dance in court.

Hlacktrucker-? were despatched to Berringa on Wednesday under the supervision of Senior-con-stable Jones to search for n boy named Perry, ajre-d li year?, who has been missing from hiu home there. It is presumed that he has met with an accident. The counlr.v is well wooded and is of a very rougb character.

"rhii sort of offence must he put II «top to," remarked Mr Justic McArthur in tin* Supreme Court on WediicHÔay üben sentencing Michael Diimu, aged TO tear», far nflencps in regard to two little glrK Hinan was sentenced to six month*' imprisonment on each of two count*, and to 12 month'* nu em h of si\ counts, all the terms to be

ide (oneurrent,

A propo>al has been made tn cd-ahludi u cotton spinning mill in Ral limit. A mpresentatite of the company was in the eitt on Wednei-day to mike

uplines into site* and the prospect* of un hi-res t being taken in the venture by Ballarat


In the I>itorce Court on Wednesday Bessie Talla applied for n dissolution of her marriage with Allan Neave Falla on the ground of desertion. 'A decree nisi was granted Mr. F. It. Coldham ap-peared for petitioner. Walter Gv-orge Quick Fought i dit orce from Zilm i Quick on the ground nf misconduct, Alfred William being joined us co respondent. Mr. JubUee McArthur granted a decree nisi, with co«itn. ami cu<~todv nf the chïl dnii Mr. it. J Gribble appeared /or the pe