Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 24 October 1925, page 35



Athens Stands by Ultimatum.

Acceptance Reported From Sofia.


ATHENS, Oct. 22, 11.20 p.m.

The Greek Prime Minister (General Pan- galos) has refused the Bulgarian proposal to form a commission of inquiry into the frontier incident at Petrich while Bul garian troops remain in Greek territory.

Further fighting is reported owing to the Bulgarians resisting the passage of Greeks advancing to occupy the outpost.

(Australian Press Association)

LONDON Oct. 22 11.50 pm

The Athens correspondent of the "Dally Express ' says that Bulgaria has accepted

the Greek ultimatum

Libe Greek Government is reported from Athens to hu» e sent an ultimatum to Bulgana m connect ion with the frontici incident gi» ing a time limit of 48 hours, and demanding au indemnity of .' 000 000 lrench francs (Jt-0 000) an expression of regret, and tho punishment of those re

sponsiblc ]


ATH1.NS Oct 23 1.20 am

If is officially announced Unit the Bul garians have leccivcd reinforcements from Dcmirkapou J he Greek command is making un encircling movement around Pctntcli 'with a vieiv to compelling the Bulgarians lo a»acuatc Greek territory " The fall of Pctntcli is considered imminent Hie Bulgarian« are stubbornly resisting

ATHENS Oct 23 4 in

The Pángalos Government lias stopped the advance of Greek forces in consequence of the leport that the Bulga! ians have evacuated Greek lomtoiy Hie Greeks will retain the positions at present occupied until Bulgana replies to the Greek Note

It is stated that Greece libidos bv the demands embodied in the Note and is not disposed to negotiate on any other


Bulgars' Version.

Greeks Were the Aggressors

SOPIA, Oct 22 150 p m

A scmi-O-cial Bulganan statement sa) s that o, detachment of Grteks with artillcr)

entered Bulgana terntorj and attacked Bulganan sentinels live of whom wore killed Hie other Bulganan soldicis ic tired and the Greeks occupied three posts

League Intervenes.

Invitations to Parties

(Iteutcr )

LONDON, Oct 23

lhe Council of the League of Nations will meet at Geneva on Monday to deni with the Gtcco Bulgarian di-pute Kopre sontatives of Greece and Bulgaria aro in vited to attend and meanwhile to direct a cessation of hostilities

Bulgaria's Protest

(Beuter )

SOFIA, Oct 23

A semi official statement says thal Bul cana has protested to the secretariat of the League of Nations requesting the immediate summoning of the count ii of the League to investigate the G raero Bulgar dispute, and has also ordered the frontier guards to withdrew in order to avoid any further coinplitation