Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 19 June 1925, page 7


The League.

The League programme for to-morrow has no

match of very outstanding possibilities. The de-feat of Fitzroy by Melbourne has robbed their match with Geelong of much of its zest, but still there is sure to be a large crowd. Geelong has never had such a prospect of premiership since the davp when Dave Higinhotham led them. Carlton will be keen to show that their improve-ment in permanent mid hope to extend Colling-wood, and M. Kilda ure anxious to show tJiey nrc ila good nbroud as nt home, und will face North Melbourne with confidence. .Melbourne and Sou tli Melbourne, the'oldest of - rival», will fight their lmtttes over apata al Kmerald Hill. Haw-thorn will entertain Kb. end on in the hope of an other surprise, while Itichinond will be ut home to Footscray.

The matches for to-morrow are:— FITZROY v. GEELONG, at Fitzroy.





HAWTHORN v. ESSENDON, at Glenferrie.

GEELONG realises that the match at Fitzroy to-morrow f« ntl important, und nothing Ir bein»; left to chance. It is realised that the very strongest sido will br required, and thal « ntiirli belter rilsplav thnn was provided last Satutday will be nectfuur\ tu maintain the run of victories. In ntl diparlmcnts or the Held, except the back linen, the (Jet-long display against Ifauthoru un« disappointing. 'I lu* centre line, generally (ice* long's strong section, was,v-.e«keneri bv the absence or Hall, nnd Humph Ureeves and l_eah> played well, their opponent*, alno did well. Thin waa particular!) ho with McCashney, even though Leahy shared with Fe wiwin tho honour of being (»eelong's bent men. This pair are Wcslralfans, and they provided their beat display with the chili. Ferguson, on the half-back line, whs wonder-fully consistent, und it is likely that he will Dru re out from goal in futute match,... Ile dis-likes being bet»ern Hie jp.»**»», ii h IiIh operations are Mimewlmt restricted. While out from « he, however, did not fall back when It wa« necessary for Joh in. to move awa.v. Met ween the pair there wa« perfect understanding, und other tmck meit could well pretil b\ their display. Sharland figured in a now rule in thegume through the bereavement sustained in the 'lodd family. Ile pluycd centre half'forwaid, and after Iiíh disappointing rilsplav al Footscray, again

¡ade good, and will pla.v lu that position to orrow, Todd going half-buck. Todd, by reason of his high marking and splendid lout; Kicks, in look id upon UK (he ideal crntre helf forward, bul he will be pla. eil balf-baek to-morrow. Kltr

iiirlce, after his hollria., ,at Davlcsfnrd, han made Rood recovery, and baa been doing good work training, J'tnk nnd Stevrmon have commenced light (raining, and should be lit for seb-rtiori for the first match after the Inlcrbta.e engagements. Haydon, who Injured hi« shoulder nt, had It iiguiti injured on Siilurriu.., and during the week li» hon g|\en him trouble, aiiil he will not be playing to-morrow. Hall, who injmed Hi« ankle In the name maleh, has been (raining, and will be on the »entre wing at Flt-roy. Illa re appearance »tho.ild strengthen the side." Cliainlwis and .tohns's performances were .rrv pleasing on Sulurdnv, showing that both haw regained form. 'Hie committee ts hoping to have the (.civlcf. of at least two other good men before the ¡ime for clearances clone on June .io. Some amuHemeiit hu« been created locally by the announcement that Bomn of the platers in order to Keep tit, an making a dally visit to the Küstern baths cae) mornig for u plunge. They then indulge In punch ball exercise, and n eommitteeman has been challenged lo join the select few. The club will tun three special trains to Kitzro«., leaving Gee-long nt 10.-ÍO a.m., 12.1 p.m., and 1.6 p.m. laist night the playera nnd committee were culer tuttifd hy the club to dinner at Tom Fitzmaurice',. hotel, anil subsequently the players discussed to morrow's mutch. The change« in Hie team are that Itii. rod, Williams, Patterson, and Murrell nie replaced by Todd, Hall, Fitzmaurice, and


ST. KII,1> . believe that it Ir a wise policv to leave well alone, and thev u||| p|u> ,|ie ¿llim. team ns vanquished Collingwood. Hepburn, who hutt his hip, and Mut thews, who broke Mk none, were \ei\ sore after last Saturdav's game, hut (hey soon recovered. M. Kilda ir full of en-thusiastic supporters and the rush for member-ship tickets, though late, has been unprecedented. Deegan, one of the emergencies last week, has had the bad luck lu break his finger. The team was en-tertained it a dance and Nocial at the Mnlson de Luxe, St. Kilda, on Wednesday evening, and it was a huge success. Victory is the panacea of all evils, and there was not a heavy heart among the players. The new stand at Ht. Kilda is a line adjunct to the ground. When Mr. Inskip waa a iked when it it, (o be opened, lie replied, "The ten ni did that by beating Ksscudon on King's lilrthdav, and If they gi» P" winning they'll go a long way towards paying for it.*** I have not seen a foot-ball stand with such artistic architectural lints. The St. Kilda Cricket Club la to be congratulated on the new stand ub well as on the general ap-pearance of the ground. It was a line sight on Saturday to see the splendid bunks thtongeri with people, und to sec so many tennis-courts in full swing. Next to the Melbourne Cricket Club no ground Is so well equipped.

SOUTH MKLl-OyKJ-iK supporters were rejoiced


fctuv did 1 latin to h douli Carll fillet] Clov

ra bud

bent! frust cecdf powe porte talk


hIi on Gibb

They Subli


half i Warri replat

to learn from ** Argus ' on Wcri.ictit.ay that Mark Tandy would lw able to play again to-morrow. He has been luid up, und they thought that he had quite recovered. ile was keen to play, and wa« uctuallj selected, but, acting under doctor's order« will wait another week. He has the brains and he has the experience, and is in valuable' to the -«ide. W. Condon 'is also 'not vet fit, »nd he will wait for another week. Paddy

..»rdcri Watt

Mung) i

Foi Ion.


S ha na li win. Ci fnruard

ham, HI


Tr eh I lui Dunn.

_".."., ^._ dt for another week _"

fenalan, the «captain, is still out of action, and i¡ñí'ñ"\c »ill be,for another fortnight, ami bo is Ailinn. Til(Chelii he clever little ro«r. Anderson, ploying lila .fitriarty,


been Lions, d, so



« are

.li.].!, rised

is a' i Hie

any hinl:

last nond is at

cray, with

St. ong,

UiJIISU Mclliol

flint gnuie cm Saturday, jaricd lil« hand, and he will »lund clown lo-inorrnn. \V. Ilrovvne »"'

Waterhouse, wini, .in .. Ie.lli.ttcr, lull I» try "nn All, ii/lot'cr's plan., »Ill Ik- l.imnrrow. In (heir place-»HI appear Harlow i.r Mahoney, ( . .Wrilniialel, ami Harn.'«. The last-named lind a great «lay en..8ul..r.Iiiv willi Ihr- seeimiiI IS, for, willi 1! »hots, I.r' kicked right goals ami lill U.e p"»' three lime«. A massed lunds performance, ar. ranged for Satiirdav nest, lum lni'ii posl.ionçd until

July 12,

IIR'IIMONII made ..l.dlirr tmsllcerssful applies Mein (or lle.rnnK.ei e... Wc.ln.nJav, hal t Ii ey »"c mci »Hil .iltlmul nml lce.inl.-l c.l.j.« linn». There arc- six change» In the tram. I'. Ilii|.'l,'.iril has returned from (lie (¡nullum. Valley, null «III re-place lluiliilpli in Hil rink. Minogue lia» Leen ni heel since,S'.ilurd.-i.v, «>»lilli Iii an hijurj lo his kure, mid II will lie Minn' time before he lb ailie lo pint. O'llallnrun will luke Mh.iiKUe'i- place In the nitk. M.Ca.klll lu« not gol over Hie knolk he reieltc.l rilzrot, nml he'.will Kite way on .Hie win« I« Valentine. -,?»_»'._»? ?who Iiiiii nu Injun, »III nibil bluml ..ill. Whllcl.v, Iron. Albury,.mid W11...I» ure ulm to I«' lemkcni on hilo the lae'.inelcH tv II! lu pim '.I Valentine lind F. Hnggard, us already slnlcd, Vales, J'ourle, Fraser, lind Marrett. Hayes I» longer li. reeotei' trom lils injury Hum was ex-pected, but Ihi't hope to hate lulu in the tcapi

"*jV<>HT.I*MKl.nOIJHNK may lint win the premier

rlilli, Inn what doe« (lint matter; they have licudcil llielr former .Assoclntioil .-rivals. :. "We heal Footwioy In our last Association match,

said a North suppoilor to me this week; "mid we bent them In our first Ja-ague game. We have- alwavs been Hie heller side, nnd they know 11." There Ima always been a spirit Iibolit Nolth .Mellioiirne fruin lhe old Hollian, ela}« which mude them a lighting force, (lo back to tho tlinea c1 "Tiger'7 Gardiner, Fuhrop, Joe Shaw. Arthur Ley, and on lo doe Tankard, Harry Todd, Mevc Holen!, Charlie llnrtiyi there la alway« the same »tory, to tell-Oood, honest endeavour In a lighting raine I To-day, in »nell plater« a» Lewin the foi lower, and Have Walsh the fullback, they have «till rhiiii.plon», and lhere are other» coming on. No dlfllriet Itaa turned out fo many top-uote-he»

North Melbourne, and now the club I« In the

it should all met it« ottn. lice«, of Port le, w11« 1111 mon j lu Join North Melbourne, bat would not leave without a clearance, Met ealf- lias rccote-red trom IiIh Injury, bill .Shorten'» knee Is troubling him «till. Nolan, a ^half forward from Shepparton, 1« hhowiiig good, form at practice, ami ha« been chosen a« an cmei gclicy. 'I ha only alterations to the leam which beat Footscray on Saturday are, that (Jomen, disqualified last night, 1« replaced b.v* Harper, and .Shorten baa'hoc] to rest, and Grecn.-Smlth 'will laka Iii« place on Hie wing. Metcalf, la-vvls, ami Lynch uro doubtful bUirters on Saturday, au the «sommil tee ha» chosen sut-oral emergoncle«.

MELBOIJRNK bud more' Iban one object in view when .Uley met Fitzroy. They wanted to abotv .that "their loun again«t Kichmoiid was all wrong, aud they were anxious to got the extra polilla. Moro than all, they wunteil their revenge on Fitrroy for many defeats. They at-tained their object handsomely.- To-morrow they meet Kouth Melbourne full of ronflricnc-c. 'lhe new rcrnllt, "will to win," waa In but form on Saturday. Taylor ha» qulle recovered from the blow he got on Saturday, bul they were very anxious for a while. III» finger« were while, but hi« nail« were black," »aid it Melbourne cntlnutiast," and it. waa only the donn attention of I)r. Frank llosa which patched him up. Will-mann waiií, I understand, the vietim of »onie attention after the game. Thomas bruised lils leg oil Saturday, and was not able to train 011 Tucailay or Thursday. Ill» place ha» been taken hy Jorgensen. Cannan I» all right again, and lie vvith Jorgensen, Shelton, and Tulloh, arc training In the hope that their flcrviec«, if required, may he made, the most use of. (liber reserve« »howiifg promlfic are Fergus (the Prahran rover), Forty (a Fairfield wliig-manl, Lluff (from Murrayville (willi a reputation as a forward), Wyatt (a half-back from Ballarat), and- Chrrrr. The enter-tainment committee with Mr. S. Hutton as chair-man and Mr. II. Vivian as secretary, arranged a delightful outing lo Warrandyte on Sundoy. The car» were supplied hy members of the com-mittee, but »onie of the players brought their

own. .

COLLINGWOOD «truck a bad duv on Saturday al Bl. Kilda. They found Hie Kalala al the top of their form, and tho magpies never' really settled donn. They did not seem to ho Hie same sido at all. The pace und force of St- Kilda (.reined lu disconcert Ihcin. Slalnsby must be made of lough material, for be sonn recovered from the shaking lie got when he collided with .Matthews, Monohan, Claydon, mid Beasley have been It'll out of the team for to-morrow, and llaker, who hurt lils foot al FlUroy, Harry, and Collier have been chosen in ilielrr place. If one'

larc a word of ndvi.e lo one of Ile

Isbcd one or two incidents on Saturday

ave thal he- Bhoilld be "wise in time."' An umpire

,|0 might easily lui vc mistaken lils action. .Syd 11,- Coventry nixl le. Murphy were wonderful do "lc fenders on Saturday, and I think F. Murphy I«

going to prove nu acquisition.

ESSENDON are winning, but their supporters are not altogether pleased. Bleaten bv St. Kilda, they were fully extended by South Melbourne, who had a weak team. To-morrow they meet Hawthorn, and their friends hope they will put up a big score. It takes champions some time to get going, and when Essendon are right up against it they will show of their best. To-morrow they will have Campbell in the team. He has re-turned from his honeymoon, and will play half-back. Simpson is doing so well on the wing they do not care to move him. R. C. Watt and Farrell are out of the team to make room for Campbell and Dick, a son of the old Essendon captain. He has been showing excellent form with the second eighteen, and they expect to see him do well. What a leader his father was. My attention has benn drawn in the team Alex. Dick led so capably to victory in the nineties. From 1891 to 1894 Essendon were on top. Some com-ments by me during the past fortnight concern-ing Essendon being the champion team of 1894 have caused some of the old residents of Geelong to think, and to turn up their records. Peter Burns, in çommenting on the matter, holds that Essendon was not the champion side of 1894. In that year Burns, now timekeeper, and a member of the selection committee of the Geelong club, was playing with Geelong, together with Joe and H. McShane, Harold, Wilson, E. Rankin, and H. Young. He has taken the trouble to turn up old files and, he holds that Geelong, which was very low on the list that year, stopped Essendon from being the champion side, by beating them by 6-11 to 4-9. I had certainly overlooked that match, but I know that I was a member of the Essendon team from 1890 lo 1894. and I have in my possession the cap presented by the Victorian Football Association, and it bears the word "champions." I must look up the records. ln the match Essendon v. Hawthorn to-morrow there is to be a novelty, for the Hawthorn Pigeon-Homing Club will release 1,000 pigeons Homing the half-time interval.

CARLTON delighted, their supportera will. Hie' form they showell hist week.. Victory when least oxpccte.1 I« doubly swept. 'The foam work vvus ex-cellent, and willi.P. O'llrlcn restored to health ¡10 defence was full of,vigour. Oulram, an old Wesley Collegian, from Kyabram, was plajlng for Kyabram against Mooroopna on Wcdnesdnv, when he toro the. muscles in- Hie sma'll of his hack, and has been ordered to stay . ¡11 . bed for ' a week. I .wonder did he lene 11 penult to play under the new regu billon regarding country pla. cn, It Is bad luck1 to burt jour back, especially when Hie permit Is doubtful.. Charleston will also be out of Hie Carlton team to-morrow. The vacancies will be «lied by Ide* »ml Credlin. The 'secreurt-, li. Olover.< kim training a few nights ago, more for exerclsu. perhup«, than onvlhliig else.

I'OOTSClm met Ihelr fate last viock.' The» had lamed'te. win the "minor" premiership l.v healing Norfh Melbourne, but their hopes were frustrated. They failed just where Ihev had sue. cecelcd ugalnsl Geelong. They seemed to lack Hie power to tight, and thus disappointed their sup-posera. The players have . had a-hearl-la-lieart lolk during lhe week, and they hope to do belter ^to-morrow at Kichmoiid. After such a record as chumplons of Victoria llielr dounfnll Is the' mole disappearing. Frarer, who put lils fool lu a lutse ' ill hole and then burl Ills ankle, will be out for

nie lime. 'Ihey say It Is the worst ankle Injun icy hove seen. Clissold,, n tall half-back, u. showing good form, mid so mc Itat-llss, Mcliittrc, Gibb, mid Griffiths, who arc all aiallablc nguiu. They .will all be playing to-morrow. Cahill, from Subiaco, with it great reputation ns 11 half back, soejns inclined to play willi the junior leam, Kingsville, lint lie Is wanted willi the seniors. The social committee Is arranging a "jaxwirial" dance night for July li. .o-morrow Mullins, Neil pen. B, Sherman, Frazer, and Muelemaii. will be nut to make room Tor the five nnmed ..bote.

FITZIKIV last .tear went through Hie first

reunid of hume and home games without defeat. | 'Ibis .vein they bael only plated four ginne« the. struck a rock in the shape of Colling

Then Ihev MlrcutnlH-,1 lo Melluurlic after being pushed lit Callion. The lois of Moriarty seemed lo upset the side altogether, and Melbourne bent the maroons handsomer.. Kllrroy seen, to hate

ost some pace, and need sharpening up. Mortal ty ia« al the Fllrroy ground yestertlav, but was nt Iralning. Hovveter, he declared he was II right, and has been picked, lhe committee nd » long silting yesterday evening, nnd II was hall past II lieforc the leam was ai.i.ouuced. Warre... llonellan, X. Collins, an.) Coghlan ure replaced bv Die kens. Smith, lllcket, and Morl mit-. II will he noliied that llate-liclor has been moved lo the hulf-forward line.

The Teams.

MUMU.! It.M-l V. Ht.LTII .MKl.llOI.IINi:.

MHI.l'.II'll.M-:.- Ila.l.«: (.'ollhis. Ceo, Sins 1er. Half harks: Warne .Sn.ilh. chadwick. I'nrliclt. tWltrrs: liniioelt}. Tailor, .Sullivan. Half re.rwareU: IVlltmall. Mnlllsnn.reen*... Fomiilelt. Ilutlil -oii llsrle. Mc.).s. I nll.mcis: Iluiibttt, Henne. Cnilrrs. Jiac-, I.aml, lions. Half fmwnrels Harlow or Mahen«.), M. Itrovvn. llnrnt-i. Forward*: O'Meara. Jolm-on. IliTille. Follmicrs: Ahunnel.r. l-'lelter. Kout: F. I'niiilnn. Ilmcr geneiea. liar].,.., Mnhniiey. Freyci. It. Mcllonald.


KKSK.S'IHIN. Ila,ks: Hoiia-hlson, Hn-itcr, llreiiorj Hall-I.a. Its- Campbell. Harrison, Ulm Mali

arden. Ms.. Klnip-e>n. HnlMorvtards: Itowlcj .- Forward«: Hick, Jenkin»,

.ekto... Ilitniin.'ti.l. ltoter: _. .1. C Watt, l-arrell

HAWTIK.UN-Hacks Half-backs: MiKc Calwell, Finch, (

Keilars, (lltlcrr. Forwards: Woodford, I'll.

Fiillnweis: llurke. Ilcielric. llover- Yrouians. ct-re-ieva: llrown. Lcthlcini.


lYlDTSCBAY.-Hae'k»' J. Sher.nii... Ililllllh«,

Jli'Intvra Nsw. .I""


11.1. . 1. Forwards-,

1. Mullens, Neil

r"ii|CHMciMI - link«: llarlev. Tl.n.p. Valea

",.IM'-el,s: Hiii'lh. Ilei.l. M, 1 à.'mack. Ceiilre«: Vnle-ntine. Morris, lleel.le«. Half-forward«: Uunn, llninke is'mi.p.i. I' 1'ra.sei. Ilu.Kard Hal nclt. I'clleiwersi'O'llalloran. F. Iluiurar.l. llover:


;<t Kii.i.A v. MiitTii .Miii.iii.ijiixi:.

ST. K11,U.V.-Hack«: llrphum. linnnjnn, Krherls.

lint. Carr. On (ians, lliilf.fnrwardr' Mn«on, Ann «lona, Cubhlns Font...da: Dence, shelton. Scull). Followers:, Mnv. itnu-r James. lhncntni eie-,- .Morden. I'hilliiH. Ilerltani.

NOUTn MlÍMlOnirÑK. - llacks: Heal)-. Walsh, Gllc«. ,. Hair-baeks: Harper, Kleke. Smitli. Centna: Grronsmlth. Karn, I.mku. Ilalf.forvranls: Lln.Lsa)', .Metcalf, l.vneli Vont anís: Untie), Wood. Tretas

"s. l'-ollo»cr«: Lewis. Melntosh, Itérer: John

in. Kniriiîeiii'lea: Nolan, Goonan, Melrille, Clap 111, Shcrli-n Iiol.erty.


t'Dl.LlNUWOllI). - Hacks: Dllil.s, Ssunder», Shanahan. l|alf-lneks: I'millcr. S.>, W11 - Centres: Milhun., Cheswass. Walcott. Hstf

nrds: llaker, F. Murpliy, 11. I.lhhla. l-'orwanls: .er, ii. Coientry. Kinfnshy. Followers: L. Murphy, Harry, Ilore-r: Webb, Kincrye-ntles: Makc

chanii Turin Kellei from

(Hil Sa turi amolli of Ha posit! side.

Hie fl

1-irk«: Ilrevvlni, Ollrirn. Iii

I'icliltcO, Leitch, ilàlf-rorwa.on, -,,v,i"um,. u>c""", Uium. Forwards: Itumney, Ulackninre, Kick. Fol * wers: lleasy, Toole. "Hover: Carter.


FITZnOY.-Uacks: Alklnaoli, Jenkin, Cliatllclcl. liC-im Ilalf-backi: ..darna. Hickey, Elliott. Centres: "Vound Hckens. Williams. nalf-forw-arils: RT"!1"' Ifllchelor, Coekntm. O'nourkc. Forward«: Bmltli. I»_¡>t . fi'rlarty. Chaiitnart. Vollowcn; Mccracken, Wl- HA«

of gb


*"*<> ( lleiitr -Ullin Kmertcjiclcs Cnst'san. Var

"",!," PSI- n"rk" I't-nson Jcilms Tliomts,

llslf 1 tries Teni 1 I IM-naimce. Itrsisliflsld l-cntro,

Hall Half fnrn.relj Imlth Sliar I orwsnls R-nJcin llaeçcer Hil lil