Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 15 February 1928, page 25


The Tivoli management must be con i,ratuhted upon presenting to Brisbane audiences such a splendid turn as that provided by Mr Rupert Hazell and Miss Lisie Day The male member of the duo presents some amusing idios}ncrasi<_ in which he is abunantly aided and abet ted by his partner Miss Day ha. a rOTi soprano voice of surprising flexibility and unusual range .he sings with feeling and sympathy, and even in those ballads m which humour is the outstanding feature, she is admirably restrained The prettj frocking is also a feature As a prosp-C tiv comedian looking for an eugigemeiit Rupert Hazell is a sheer delight and he fires off his quips with such gattling gun rapidity that the audience has just time to begin its laugh before the subject has been changed