Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 26 February 1927, page 22


Captain Trank Hurley's second big dramatic production will be screened at the Wintergarden on Alonday next There is an atmosphere of the unusual in ' The Hound of the Deep " Alade in Torres Straits bj Captain Hurlcv, it oepicts the odventurous lives of the pearlers their in trigues and romances Complying with strange conditions of his uncles will, John Strong finds himselt at Ihursdaj Maud intent on finding a pearl that can match the world famous Strong Im-perial, a ta6k he must achieve in two j ears, or the Reuben Strong pearling sta tion and ins great wealth will revert to Black Dal lev, the unscrupulous manager There is a dc'ighttul twist to the finish oc this story ot adventure romance A thrilling melodrama of the Mexican bor-der, "The lighting Edge" will be the supporting feature Five talented artists, comprising Hanej'6 Dancing Revue, are booked to appear at the Wintergarden on Mondav next High class step and eccentric dancing fashion, and novelty steps of all vaiieties are featured "The Danger Girl," starring Priscilla Dean ano\ Tohn Bowers will be presented on Thursdav next The two stars 01 'Behind the Front," AVallace Beery and Raj mond Hat-ton, will be seen m another comedj

'We're in the Navj Now," at the AVintergard"en on Alonday, Alarcb 7