Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 21 October 1926, page 12

The Kaleidoscope.

TOWN planning is a.matter in which1

great jnteiest is .taken nowadays, and many important conclusions should bo reached at the inter-national conference''on the subject, to be !»eld in ,-Vienna. Australia' will be

' worthily renresent

ed on the govern-ing body of., the conference by Sir John Sulman, près! dent of the Nev» douth Wales Town Planning Associa-tion. Sir John is one of the most distinguished of australian archi-tects, 'and during ils career has been ntimatély associ-ated with the erec-

tion of some of the »'mest buildings in Wydney and its suburbs, as well as

[ »ita uuiiuiugs in inner Australian State«. and New Zealand. An Englishman, bom it Greenwich in 1840, he showed an aptitude for architectural work, and at the Royal Institute of British,Architects scoured,a Travelling Scholarship in 1871. He practised in London from 1870 to 1875, and in' Sydney from 1888 to 1908, and since as a consulting architect only. Ho was Russell Lecturer in Architecture at i the, Sydney University from -1887 - to 1912,-:and has been Vernonv Lecturer in -Town Planning 'at ' the -University" since 1917. His name is closely 'associated with the North Shore Tunnel project. ? "He hal-for'many/year» been a atrenuou« advocate of better housing,'and has ren-dered conspicuously able-service'in-cou nection -with1 town planning, being ap-pointed-first president of the New South

Wales Association. From Iftôl to 1924 ? (he was knighted in the latter.year) he was- Chairman of the Federal Capital Advisory ' Committee to the Common-wealth Minis-tor for-Works and.Railways. Sir' John- has been a trustee of * the National'ifrtiGallery/of New South Wale» «ince. 1899J-and president since 1019/

. i . «,


.*? has been' offered the post of chief

(executive officer of the Federal Council

of Science and In duRtnal Research, uujust forty years of agc"* He ha« had a broad train ling m both execu

tne and academic and reseirch field« Educated at Wes ley College, nqd,

Melbourne Uni\ersity, he took lim BSe m chemistry in ''1006, and was elected Rhodes Scholar for the foi lowing j car, ' Ai Oxford his career culminated m hid gaining first-clas*

final honour«, and the M A degree Attei graduating at Oxford he pursued research work under Dr. M V. Sidgwick en the dvnamics of certain chemical reactions, and on his studies of certain sulphides and chlorides woe based a commercial process by which much, of the ammonium chloride used m Austraha in recent years has been produced Upon hi« return to Australia Professor Rivett became . lec-turer in chemistry at Melbourne Uni-versity , Early in the Great War he enlisted,',and«during 1915 and 1016 was registrar of Australian General Hospitals Nos. or and 11 in England. In' 1917 he

' became - procès« manager of the large munitions factory at Sandon, m Win shire. Back-in Australia, he was,in 1920 appointed associate professor in chemistry at Melbourne Univeisity, and on the re-tirement of Sir David Oime Masson suc-ceeded him in the Chair of Chemistiy.

. . . .


been appointed Librarian to the lung, is not the quiet booklover that

one would be . in-clined to think, for during the Great War he served with the Royal Engineers, and on the Staff In France

and on the Italian' Front, being five tlmo6 mentioned in despatches, award-ed the S.S.O., the M.C., ' and the

Italian War Cross, and promoted to a

, brevet majority. 1 Born in 1893, ' he

(¿vas educated at (Marlborough" and

¡Cambridge, and is

a Fellow «nd Librarian of Magdalene College. In his new positionne.will have charge of 150,000 volumes-a library in keeping with the rulci- to whom it be

OIR GEORGE .ROWLAND BLADES ** the new Lord Mayor of 'London, was Senior Sheriff of the City from 101?

to 1018, and became

Aldermon "for the Bassishaw Ward, in 1920. In the House of Commons, also, he has done good

' service for his

country, having re-presented the Epsom division of Surrey since 1918. Fifty-eight 3'ecrs of agc, he Is chair-man of the print-ing firm of Blades, East, and Blades. An ; enthusiastic cricketer,' .he wa« responsible for. th<J revival * .of , Par

liamentary cricket matchee, and aïso Find« timo for an < occasional, round of golf. Knighted, in 1018, , he - was. given , * 'saronetcy in 1922.

i ' i. * *

ÖIR* GEORGE-.CLERK, the new British

Ambassador in Constantinople/is one of the most,distinguished of British diplo

matiste, with a long record . of high achievement. . - ,En.terjng'fche -Diploma-,tie'Service tie'Service in . 1890 a«- a clerk in the Foreign Office, he afterwards / served | in consular agencies

aqd legation« in various places, and in 1910 did especi-ally good work as special delegate of i tho Supreme CounI eil _ of the . Peace I Conference on Misisvions .to 'Bucharestr*nd Budapest. In

tho «Am« v..- h.

w««. «Çpointeijthe first British Minister to the Czecho-Slovak Republic, a,nd in 1021 Coneul-General. Bom in 1874, he wa« edu-cated »t Eton He was created C.M.G. in 1908,,CB. ja, 1914; and RO.M.G. in ^1917.