Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 16 August 1926, page 15




Queensland's win on Saturday deprived New South Wales of the Soccer ashes for the first time since 1890. It also marked the first occasion on which a visit of New South Wales had shown a profit to the Queensland controlling hody these facts combined to make the gather-ing at night one ot the most enjoyable on record and the dining room at the Australian Hotel resounded with the strains of "For They are Jolly Good Fellows". The occasion was the enter-

taming or the teams by the Queensland

Football Association.

The Minister for Works (Mr M J Kirwan) in proposing the toast to the visiting team said the New South Wales visit had given the game the necessary stimulus in Queensland and the execu-tive officers controlling the Queensland Association now looked forward to con-tinued success. Each year should see the game increase in popularity. Needless to say Queensland was delighted to have de-feated such a strong New South Wales combination Not onlv had the match been a success worn a football point of view, but also from a financial point oi view lins was the first time on iecoid that the executive had been able to clear all the expenses tint such a tup entailed and still show a credit balance In con-clusion, Mr Kirwan said that the aspect of the game that appealed to Queensland supporters most was the sportsmanlike manner in which it was played.


Mi C P Dixon manager of the New South Wales team íesponded Ihe games he said had been played in the best of sporting spa it A few haid knocks had been given and received but everything hdd been dine in a vei) gentlemanly munner He regretted leavang Queensland foi the) hid had a vvondctful time, uni looked torward with pleasuie to the meet ing of Queensland und New South Wales in Svdne) next veir He was sure the success of Queensland at Brisbane would react on the financial returns in the matches agutist New South Wales in Svdne) We have been soundly trounced " added Mt Dis.on ' You have thoioughlv and deservedly beaten us For this we have no excuses and no regrets

Mr ' Gil ' Stotev the New South Wales eaptun congratulated Queenslind on its nieiitoiious win i ou are the bettei team ' he added

The toast of the Queensland team was submitted bv the Assistant Home Secre t ir) (Mi D A Gledson) who said it was the first time Queenslind had been able to turn the tables since 1890 Man) ot the Queensland pla)ers that won the a»hc3 on tint occasion were piesent qt the match on Saturdav and there were no prouder men than the) when Queensland lame out on top

Mr 7 Peeble , manager of the QueenB land team, in iesponding spoke in uppre cmtive terms of the manner in which New South Wiles had taken then deteat Mr J? 1 ra) nor, Queensland s Mee captain also spoke

Mr Kirwan then handed the medals presented b) Mi Jick Ken lo the winners, Messis G Smith (New South Wales) and J May (Queensland) <Vma teur sport, lie saul, dei ned a fcieat deal

ot encouragement irom men like Mr Kerr who although unable to play themselves weie pierared to give encouragement to those who did pla)


In recognition of the service he has ren dered to Soccer football m Queensland over a peiiod ot )ears \lr Heibert Ashworth was piesented with a life membership badge of the Queensland association The presentation was made b) Mi A Jack son who said it anvbod) was worthy of recognition it was Mr Ashworth For many years past he had been i lo) al and enthusiastic wölket, who bad devoted many hours ot his spare time to the advancement and progiess of the Soccer code of football

Mi Ashwoith m thanking the Queens land association for the honour they had confeired upon him sud the reception of the medal would not mark the severance of his association with Soccer lu Queens

land they had been battling for years and non they had their ¡cet on the bottom of the ladder that led to success the band of woikors that had co-operated so willingly with lum during the lai>t few \ears were going to see that Soccer took it« nghtiul place among sport in Queens lind They had done their host to push the ¡,ame along aided by good piny era and the very best of ?-portsmen If we can teach our men to take a win without boasting and a defeat without squealing that is the game 1 was delighted with the

iay New South Wales took the r defent It was as (,ood as victory and if we can keep the "ame on that plane there Will be nothing to stop it going ahead by leaps and boundo

Hie New South Wales manager (Mr C P Dixon) v\as presented with a framed photogiaph ot the "Seiv South Wales team which he "said would be a luelong icmeinbrance of a happy 10 days he had spent ni Queensland lae team had been one ot the nnct he had ever touted with There had been no giumblers, all had pulled harmoniously totether

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